Sell Online Course on Udemy (and/or other Marketplace) or Host it Yourself?

by kidino
9 replies
Let say you created an online course. And now you are ready to sell.

On one hand, there are marketplaces like Udemy, EduPow and You upload your course there and you share the revenue with company. But then again, if you create the right course, apart from your own marketing, you also have the eyeballs of existing members on that platform.

On another hand, it may be a bit technical, and may require some upfront investment, but you could host it yourself on your own website (or some cloud servers). You get to keep all the payment to yourself. But you need to do all the marketing yourself.

If these two options are available to you, which do you prefer?
#and or or #host #marketplace #online #online course #sell #udemy
  • Profile picture of the author Ghoster
    Always, always always host yourself if you can. If your product is good, and you know your way around social media, the customers will come.

    IDK about the newer sites, but last I checked, Udemy had some really annoying practices. They would discount courses without consulting the authors. IDK if they still do that.

    On the whole, you get what you pay for.

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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Lee
      Originally Posted by Ghoster View Post

      Always, always always host yourself if you can. If your product is good, and you know your way around social media, the customers will come.
      Although I normally agree with hosting your own content for full control and ownership, it's not "always" the case.

      The customers don't always come. There's a reason marketplaces are so popular. You get a lot of free exposure and customers come to you. You're launching your product to a giant group of interested buyers... important if you don't already have your own group of interested buyers.
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  • Profile picture of the author kidino
    Thanks for your view @Ghoster

    DIPPEC - PHP Script for Selling Digital Products with Paypal. No more monthly SaaS fees. No more commission fees. Keep it all for yourself (except for Paypal fees).

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  • Profile picture of the author Scott Ames
    Why not both? Make a Udemy version and your own version. If Udemy locks it, kills it, etc. , you won't have to scramble.

    Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill

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    • Profile picture of the author kidino
      Originally Posted by Scott Ames View Post

      Why not both? Make a Udemy version and your own version. If Udemy locks it, kills it, etc. , you won't have to scramble.
      Hmmm... yeah, I guess it's alright when there's no exclusive clause or anything.

      DIPPEC - PHP Script for Selling Digital Products with Paypal. No more monthly SaaS fees. No more commission fees. Keep it all for yourself (except for Paypal fees).

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  • Profile picture of the author paulie123
    Put your course on any and all platforms. In formal business, this is known as distribution. Your online target market is everywhere on the Internet. Case in point, if I wanted to buy a coke, within one mile of my residence I have seven different stores that all sell the same can of coke. Many IMer's are looking for that one magic platform where the majority of their sales will come from without thinking there is no need to expand. My two sense!
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    • Profile picture of the author benjamenjuan
      Originally Posted by paulie123 View Post

      Put your course on any and all platforms. In formal business, this is known as distribution. Your online target market is everywhere on the Internet. Case in point, if I wanted to buy a coke, within one mile of my residence I have seven different stores that all sell the same can of coke. Many IMer's are looking for that one magic platform where the majority of their sales will come from without thinking there is no need to expand. My two sense!
      I ran out of thanks but this is the key right here do this
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    • Profile picture of the author kidino
      Originally Posted by paulie123 View Post

      Put your course on any and all platforms. In formal business, this is known as distribution. Your online target market is everywhere on the Internet. Case in point, if I wanted to buy a coke, within one mile of my residence I have seven different stores that all sell the same can of coke. Many IMer's are looking for that one magic platform where the majority of their sales will come from without thinking there is no need to expand. My two sense!
      good point... I guess it's the same when an online store uses multiple affiliate marketing networks. So they could reach more and more affiliates in all the different platforms...

      DIPPEC - PHP Script for Selling Digital Products with Paypal. No more monthly SaaS fees. No more commission fees. Keep it all for yourself (except for Paypal fees).

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