Tricky Article Marketing Questions!

9 replies
I have some questions for you serious article marketers.

1) I had tried to promote some health related e-books, but unfortunately it was not worth of the time spent. Is it really difficult to sell e-books in a health niche or something is wrong in my marketing?
2) How many articles you pump to test a niche?
3) What role does the Article title plays when it comes to CTR.
4) Some of my articles pull solid 90% of click thru ratio and some of them fail to get 10% either. Is every niche perform differently according to audience profile?
#article #marketing #questions #tricky
  • Profile picture of the author Raiel Schwartz
    1) You are probably promoting keywords that are too competitive. You can rank high for keywords that are semi-competitive with your articles (500,000 - 1,000,000 competing webpages) but that's assuming you are building backlinks to your articles. If you are simply creating articles but not building backlinks to them - you will not rank as high for the keywords you are targetting
    2) I go for as many "good" keywords as I can. There is no set amount per niche, if I feel I can dominate a keyword phrase I will create an article for it.
    3) A decent one. Having your result as #1 on google's SERP will get you the most click-throughs regardless of your title, but having a good title that is catchy and inviting will get you a few dozen more visitors
    4) It could be the niche, keywords, your article quality, the approach, etc. Too many variables to give you a solid answer.

    Hope that helps

    Just a tip: When you are sending backlinks to your article, for the anchor text, use the same keyword as you are trying to rank for in the SERPs.
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    • Profile picture of the author mrdomains
      Click-through is less important than conversions to me.

      Check where your traffic is coming from - are the articles being distributed or is traffic from google indexing of article on the article site. If you mainly get from the later check before if your article directory already has a high serped article - if so I would move to another keyword.

      I always include keywords in title. Seems to work better in all ways

      Free action plan : Think less. Do more.

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  • Profile picture of the author Igor Kheifets
    1) Article Marketing is all about keywords. You play your keywords right, you got market
    2) 25-50 articles would be enough
    3) Enormous! Article Title is what drives the user to read your article.
    4) Niche doesn't matter. It depends on your content and calls to action

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  • Hi Robert,

    Originally Posted by robert25 View Post

    I have some questions for you serious article marketers.
    1) Is it really difficult to sell e-books in a health niche or something is wrong in my marketing?
    The health market is huge...HUGE. Just like in any market, the more specialized you are, the better your chance of standing out.

    Think about it for a moment: the "health" market covers everything from hardcore bodybuilding to grandmothers wanting relief from arthritis. And you won't have to look very hard to find dozens of large companies catering to - and making millions from - each of those niches and even sub-niches of those niches.

    Specialize in a particular area, determine what the demographics want to buy, and sell it to them.

    It really is as easy as that.

    Originally Posted by robert25 View Post

    2) How many articles you pump to test a niche?
    Personally, I don't use article marketing much when testing a niche, but when I do, I go for QUALITY over QUANTITY ever time. It's worth it.

    Here's a great article marketing strategy that I've used in several markets with success:

    Determine your target keywords for your niche and (~10 or so that get good traffic with reasonable competition) and write a very good article for each that links to a squeeze page offering a freebie of some sort. Farm those articles out everywhere imaginable.

    Repeat this for several days in a row (5 to 10) and assess your traffic data on the squeeze page. Which articles are bringing in the most traffic? Which are bringing in the least?

    Assess the winners and dump the losers. Grab some more keywords, rinse and repeat.

    Once you have your list being built, that's the time you can start to market your sales letter for your ebook. But get them on a list first.

    Originally Posted by robert25 View Post

    3) What role does the Article title plays when it comes to CTR.
    It's HUGE! But you've got a fine line to walk: SEO vs. the "Curiosity Factor"

    SEO - make sure the keyword you're targeting is in your title, preferably at the beginning.

    Curiosity - If your title isn't compelling enough to instill curiosity, nobody's going to read it.

    Here's a quick example off the top of my head:

    Keyword: Blue Underarm Deodorant

    Sample title: "Blue Underarm Deodorant Sexy? 1,000 Women Polled with Shocking Results!"

    (ok, ok kind of hokey title but you get the gist )

    Originally Posted by robert25 View Post

    4) Some of my articles pull solid 90% of click thru ratio and some of them fail to get 10% either. Is every niche perform differently according to audience profile?
    This goes back to my answer to your 2nd question - no matter what niche you're in, you simply cannot separate the $$$ money keywords from the loser keywords until you do some testing. It's really not that much work and will pay you back for as long as you're in that niche - seriously. Think about it, if you find a winning keyword today and work to dominate it in the SERPs, then who's to say that keyword won't still be profitable 6 months from now? A year? 5 years?

    A little work can pay back big time.

    Hope this helps,

    DareDevil Marketing
    Fearless Marketing Strategies
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  • Profile picture of the author Joshua.E1
    For question 1, I would rather you capture lead instead of driving them to the website straight.

    Question 2, I would check if there are really mass searches, but for your niche is a good place to go into, what you need to do is to go deep instead.

    Question 3, the title is not the reason why your CTR will increase, I have an article that has a lot views per day, but the problem is that the CTR is very low in percentage. I have another article that is in the same niche, not a lot of views each day, but the CTR is high. I guess is the resource box that is where you have to sell and get them to take action.

    Question 4, yes and no. It will highly depend on what interest them most in your niche. It really luck and some research done.

    Hope it helps
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  • Profile picture of the author Zack Lim
    You would want to take note of the the resource box in your articles too as it plays a very important role in getting the readers to take action to come to your website.

    You might want to read Chris Knight's article on the resource box below:

    => Article Marketing 101: The Perfect Author Resource Box

    Hope my humble contribution helps


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  • Profile picture of the author robert25
    Thanks guys for giving such a valuable information, What I have learn here is
    1) While writing "The Approach" is very important.
    2) The better you understand the niche the better you stand. So a deep keyword research is the part of it.
    3) CTR varies from niche to niche, but important is the conversion.
    4) Article title is the most vital element of the article and it should inspire reader to read more.
    5) In IM Quality and Quantity goes hand in hand.

    I am exploring some niches and will update soon on this post.

    Thanks Again!
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  • Profile picture of the author kendra j
    I use the Micro Niche Finder software to help me find my keywords. This is probably the most important tool I use in article marketing. It will help you find niche keywords that don't have a lot of competition. This is important if you want to try to get on the front pages of google. Also it is important to try and put the keyword in your title twice; for example if your keyword was "article marketing" then I would do something like this for my title: "Article Marketing-Is Article Marketing an Effetive Way to Advertise?". Then try to include the keyword at least 3-4 times again in the body of your article.
    These are just some tips that help me get on the front pages on Google everytime!
    If you want to know more about the Micro Niche Finder, send me a message and I would be glad to send you some more information about it!
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  • Profile picture of the author robert25
    I visited Micro Niche Finder and found its very useful tool, I think it will be soon in my tool list. Thanks for the info kendra.
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