What should I use? Paydotcom or Pay-Pal

13 replies
I am selling a medium size digital product (20mb+ .zip), and I am wondering if it better to use Pay-Pal or PayDotCom, I am worried about the problems Pay-Pal customers have when redirecting them to the download page..

If I use PayDotCom how does my customers get my product? Is there any other merchant accounts that are free to setup and good for digital product?

I will really appreciate some opinions and good advice

Thanks WF
#paydotcom #paypal
  • Profile picture of the author grumpyjacksa
    at paydotcom you still handle the payment - they just handle the affiliate management

    what you also have to think about is buyer trust...

    not everybody is willing to whip out a credit card if the processor seems unfamiliar...

    that's why i would recommend going for CB, 2CO or Google checkout if you can afford it.

    if not, you can look at setups like setcom.com, and iportis.com

    just keep in mind that setcom pays out weekly, and iportis pays out a month in arrears - to compensate for returns.

    hope this helps
    Ex-ghostwriter now writing exclusive PLR ebooks - Limited PLR Club
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  • If you're worried about secure downloads, I highly recommend E-Junkie. You can use it in conjunction with Paypal and Google Checkout so your customers have a wide variety of ways to pay (including all major credit cards). You can get a 67 day free trial with the code "EASYE-JUNKIE". I got that code from RetailMeNot.com so it's not my affiliate code or anything like that. I used it a while back and it works fine.

    DareDevil Marketing
    Fearless Marketing Strategies
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr.Otto
    Thanks guys, I agree that the customers trust is very important, I think I should definitely go for a popular and trusted name.
    I will have a look at some of the options you guys provided.
    And thanks for the E-junkie trial code, I will check it out.

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  • Profile picture of the author dsmpublishing
    If you want to get away from paypal you can always place the product on clickbank as they are often thought of as a lot more trusted than paypal and it is easier for customers when downloading orders.

    kind regards

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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Paypal IMO.. more people use and trust it
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr.Otto
    Thank you all!

    I have signed up at PayDotCom and it looks pretty cool, I have also heard about Pay-Pal shutting down account in the Money making niche, but I think I am save since I am selling PLR stuff ect. I guess I will stick with Pay-Pal for now and try different options on the side.

    Anybody know if Regnow is any good? It looks like they over an All-In-One free vendor account: Selling, Affiliate tools, ect. But it looks like it really outdated and unpopular?

    Anyways Thank you All

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  • Profile picture of the author andrewt0691
    I have Paydotcom/Paypal for my first Web Site as it is simple to set up and paydotcom integrates well and handles the affiliate management. The 'buy now' button is paydotcom and when clicked goes straight through to paypal. Paypal can be fussy but they are an ok place to start.

    For my future Web Sites I plan to use 1shoppingcart professional package which offers loads of features - ebook delivery, affiliate management, autoresponders, links to numerous payment processors (including paypal, 2heckout etc) + other things.
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  • Profile picture of the author ediddy02
    If you ask me i think you should try both for a trial period of say 30 days and ascertain which is more effective in attracting costumer confidence and actual sales.You didn't mention CB, they're good too in ensuring your links are downloaded safely.
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  • Profile picture of the author aikay77
    Otto, i wanted to tell you to use PayDotCom but noticed you've been well advised here.

    Go for success man and God bless you.

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  • Profile picture of the author gemahmood
    You can use 2checkout ,plimus and alertpay and also clickbank
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