High quality PLR info products?

31 replies
I'm in search of high quality PLR products. I see so many sites out there but I really want to make sure I'm spending my energy on the really legit and best quality info products out there. Anyone with experience who can speak to any particular programs?

#high #info #plr #products #quality
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  • Profile picture of the author AlexanderBeloev
    I personally like this one - Special Offers | Grab these special offers...
    You can also check this one - PLR Articles By Tiffany Lambert:

    There are a lot, but my advice is to look for products that are directly offered by the author, not some membership website with 1000+ products.
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    • Profile picture of the author John Westbrook
      Originally Posted by AlexanderBeloev View Post

      I personally like this one - Special Offers | Grab these special offers...
      You can also check this one - PLR Articles By Tiffany Lambert:

      There are a lot, but my advice is to look for products that are directly offered by the author, not some membership website with 1000+ products.
      Yes, I'm really interested in finding these direct offers, seems all my searches come up with the mass product sites, ugh. But thanks for the links!

      John Westbrook ~ Poet/Author & Consultant

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  • Profile picture of the author nizamkhan
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    • Profile picture of the author salondemaria
      Originally Posted by nizamkhan View Post

      You can also check out surefirewealth.com

      - Nizam
      I've been a member of SurefireWealth and have found some nuggets there. There are some junk too, though.

      I've been writing and blogging for a long time now so I figured it was time to start creating my own PLR products. My signature has a link to an exclusive offer if you're interested.

      What are the 7 things you should know before starting an online business? Visit my blog: onlinebizresources.biz

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  • Profile picture of the author jeanniegiordano
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    • Profile picture of the author wolff33
      PD Laughlin's products. 90% of the work is done for you. website, email swipes, optin, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Yes, I'm really interested in finding these direct offers
    Check the launches at JVZ and WSOs on a daily basis. You can sometimes get in early on some high quality stuff.

    Also remember, just because there have been hundreds of copies sold doesn't mean all those are out there, except on the buyer's desktop.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author wfletch24
    I have found it hard to find good products with PLR rights. However, quite of few good products with resale rights. If you are not worried about being able to edit the product you might consider looking at resale rights as well. The WSO section has had some good complete ones, full funnels, sales copy, swipes, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author stevet563
    Hi John,

    I'm doing the video script and copy writing for a Wholesale PLR Membership site that's coming out in the near future. It's going to include the following:

    Resell Rights to the following membership sites:


    Article Wholesaler - monthly PLR articles

    iBook Wholesaler - monthly PLR ebooks

    Ezine Wholesaler - monthly PLR ezines

    App Wholesaler - monthly MRR software

    Graphic Wholesaler - monthly graphics for personal use


    Facebook Secrets - facebook marketing strategies

    Twitter Secrets - twitter marketing strategies

    Instagram Secrets - instagram marketing strategies

    Pinterest Secrets - pinterest marketing strategies

    YouTube Secrets - youtube marketing strategies

    Let me know Warriors if you're interested in having a look at the site when it goes live and I'll let you all know.

    Take Care,


    Highly skilled, professional, passionate and experienced web designer For Hire.

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  • Profile picture of the author stevet563
    Hi John,

    Here's another site I recommend for you.

    Highly skilled, professional, passionate and experienced web designer For Hire.

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  • Profile picture of the author onlinebizgiant
    Usually in life, you get what you pay for, right?

    So when you get a $2 burger- it might be okay, but it’s not going to just blow your mind.

    That $5 or $6 is probably hit or miss. Some of them will be amazing- others will be “okay”, and others will really suck.

    Finally, the more expensive, $10 burgers are the most likely to be higher quality, better tasting and fresher. Plus, you actually have a choice of how you want the meat cooked- but with McDonalds its either Cardboard or Cardboard.

    PLR is kind of the same way.

    Why do I brag all these things?

    Good question, my signature link will explain it well
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Dean
    Wealthy PLR comes out with imho a high quality plr package about once a month or so like this one >not an affiliate link< wealthyplr dot com/p/wpft/ Seems a lot of value for the price.
    Rush PBN - PRO PBN SETUP - 10 PAGE SITE !!! Premium Theme
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  • Profile picture of the author waken
    You can easily Google them out and take some time to review their credibility. Time is the best proof.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by John Westbrook View Post

    I'm in search of high quality PLR products . . . . Anyone with experience who can speak to any particular programs?


    You have to be careful, even with testimonials and recommendations from other marketers.

    To be very honest, "quality" is a very subjective term.

    I have had a number of experiences over the past 20 years or so with people recommending online products telling me they were the best high quality whatever that money could buy. But after purchasing some of these things, it was apparent to me that these folks that had given their recommendations wouldn't know quality if it bit them in the face!

    Most people don't have good command of the English language, can't spell, and their grammar is not flawless. In addition, most people aren't in a position to judge whether a very niched product is really professional and up-to-date in its information and expertise or not.

    So while I applaud your effort to get recommendations - I would just warn you that "quality" is in the eyes of the beholder and many marketers don't see very well.

    I think the best approach is to buy one or two articles, test them for style, grammar, and accuracy, etc before you spend a lot of money on big purchases of PLR.

    The very best to you,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author mysterrio
    Originally Posted by John Westbrook View Post

    I'm in search of high quality PLR products. I see so many sites out there but I really want to make sure I'm spending my energy on the really legit and best quality info products out there. Anyone with experience who can speak to any particular programs?

    Most of the PLR out there is good quality. Having said that, there are some sites that are just okay and some bad. Keep in mind that in most cases you are going to rewrite the PLR or use it in another way and to be honest, if the price is right and you can get some use from it, it is worth it.

    Look for PLR that is cost effective and easy to use.

    The Gurus Have Lied To You: Learn Internet Marketing For FREE. Don't Spend Another Penny Before You Read My FREE REPORT. Go here: http://internetmarketingdude.xyz

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  • Profile picture of the author Charles Harper
    This is an old thread. But I would say it depends on what you're looking to do.

    Video PLR tend to have a different thrust than written PLR.

    Some marketers create nothing but Audio PLR.

    If you're looking for bonus content, then graphics are as important as the content.

    But if you're looking to create your own product and resell them, then good written content is important.

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  • Profile picture of the author pudinperlaking
    surefirewealth.com is also a good choice
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  • Profile picture of the author fredbeals
    I have read a lot of the threads that talk about PLR sites, I am a member of a couple of the sites that are mentioned regularly. I am looking for a site that offers business related PLR products, I am a business consultant and I would like to offer some of the books(I would modify them) to my customers. I am looking for a site that has a higher monthly membership (which will limit the members) but has high quality content you will not find on the mass distributed PLR sites. Do any of those sites exist? None of the links in this thread fits that description.
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  • Profile picture of the author SilenceMedia
    Master-Resale-Rights is good place to buy your content.
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  • Profile picture of the author bushidosurfer
    Was pointed to master-resale-rights.com as well.

    It has tons of expert marketer/creator on it. But I can't find any updated ones at least in 2015/16 from them on traffic.

    Anyone can help?

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  • Profile picture of the author chooseyourself
    Hey there, I wanted to put in my 2 cents worth.

    Download PLR Products by Kevin Fahey is pretty awesome
    because it's updated regularly and has good, high-quality PLR.

    Not to bad on the wallet too, it's like $15/month.

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  • Profile picture of the author fredbeals
    I have checked all of the above sites which are basically the same. Open to basically anyone who can spend $5 per item or $15 per month are there any high quality plr sites that limit there membership that anyone is aware of?
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Wilson
    HI, does any one produce or know where I can get photography related PLR - not simply how to sell stock photos. Looking for articles, ebook, videos?
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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Wilson
      Is this the one niche no one does good quality fresh PLR for. I'm surprised. Unless of course your keeping your sources to yourselves...


      Originally Posted by Paul Wilson View Post

      HI, does any one produce or know where I can get photography related PLR - not simply how to sell stock photos. Looking for articles, ebook, videos?
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