how can i start my online business?

58 replies
hello everyone!

i do not want to be a drama man. i just need help and guidance from you as you're online marketing PRO.i lost my job since last year and could not find any other jobs.i lost money in forex and few online scams.i know it s not easy to make money online especially for someone like me .who doesn't know anything about Affiliate Program Database ,Marketing..
i would like to build my online business.i am a hard worker and eager to learn.thanks a lot
#business #online #start
  • Hi

    there are a lot of ways to make money online. 3 ideas

    1) Go to odesk and become personal assistant
    2) Go on fiverr and propose some usefull service that others will buy
    3) Start a blog about your passion, develop an audience, sell information products, or affiliate products.

    The 2 first ideas can generate money now. The last one requires more time.

    You will find tons of great articles explaining how to be a professional blogger.
    This one is cool: Make Money Blogging: 20 Lessons Going to $100K per Month
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  • Profile picture of the author QueenMelanie
    Originally Posted by hbelami View Post

    hello everyone!

    i do not want to be a drama man. i just need help and guidance from you as you're online marketing PRO.i lost my job since last year and could not find any other jobs.i lost money in forex and few online scams.i know it s not easy to make money online especially for someone like me .who doesn't know anything about Affiliate Program Database ,Marketing..
    i would like to build my online business.i am a hard worker and eager to learn.thanks a lot


    well you made a good decision coming to this forum.. Stick around for a while, read as many threads as you can, if you are completely new to IM don't go and rush into anything as this can be too overwhelming.. If possible learn as much as you can first, ideally have at least a part time offline job while learning, because online businesses take time and fail & error to succeed and earn healthily.. The community here are great and will help you out where you can, but don't expect to be spoon fed exact methods that will make you rich..
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Lumbergh
    If you are eager to learn it might be a good idea to invest a few bucks into a good teaching course where you know you will get good information and are not beeing mislead. Clickbank University and the likes come to mind.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Hey hbelami,

      Just some basics that you will need to start out with... ( at least imo)

      1. Autoresponder service- $20 month
      2. Domain - $10 yr.
      3. Hosting - $10 month
      4. Free Gift for giveaway- Free or pay for

      Not real expensive to start your own business. Of course, the learning process will take some time.

      - Robert Andrew

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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    • Profile picture of the author SandraGenJobs
      Originally Posted by Joe Lumbergh View Post

      If you are eager to learn it might be a good idea to invest a few bucks into a good teaching course where you know you will get good information and are not beeing mislead. Clickbank University and the likes come to mind.
      Great tip. Expanding your knowledge and skills is something that is always necessary, especially in today's market when trends are changing fast, almost daily. Udemy has some great courses, some of them are really expensive, but there are some of them equality good that you can get for free.
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  • Profile picture of the author hbelami
    This forum is an infinite encyclopedia of information .I like the community here very helpful. I just need to be more focus to understand the mechanisms and the strategies to build a strong long term online business . thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author Affiliatebuddy
    Read this forum for 2 hours a day. and try to apply what you learn. Dont just try to work with more than 2 ideas at a time.

    You will be making money SOON.

    Web Design Leads Exclusive/Daily/100+ . Free Test. PM or Skype: premiumwebdesignleads
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Harris
      Another way that might help you is to find a someone who can coach you.

      Just be aware.

      Like everything else online there are good ones and bad ones.

      So, before you spend any money on one, make sure you ask them for all the details upfront about how they can/will help you.

      Because usually with coaching arrangements there are no money back guarantees.
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      • Profile picture of the author hbelami
        Originally Posted by Michael Harris View Post

        Another way that might help you is to find a someone who can coach you.

        Just be aware.

        Like everything else online there are good ones and bad ones.

        So, before you spend any money on one, make sure you ask them for all the details upfront about how they can/will help you.

        Because usually with coaching arrangements there are no money back guarantees.
        yeah you are right i need to be aware of the online scam. i did already waste a lot of was my mistake i was fooling myself to get money fast.thanks
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        • Profile picture of the author Steve B
          This thread has a lot of "what do I do to get started?" type of ideas . . . lots of suggestions and tips for the complete beginner.

          What to do if you're desperate

          The best to you,


          Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author hbelami
      Originally Posted by Affiliatebuddy View Post

      Read this forum for 2 hours a day. and try to apply what you learn. Dont just try to work with more than 2 ideas at a time.

      You will be making money SOON.

      I started already reading this forum but as you mentioned to focus on specific ideas .thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author kcbowman

    In that I go over creating a product and selling it. If you find it helpful feel free to comment in the thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author Affiliatebuddy
    if you have some money to invest.. find a reputable coach over this forum.
    Web Design Leads Exclusive/Daily/100+ . Free Test. PM or Skype: premiumwebdesignleads
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Originally Posted by hbelami View Post

    hello everyone!

    i do not want to be a drama man. i just need help and guidance from you as you're online marketing PRO.i lost my job since last year and could not find any other jobs.i lost money in forex and few online scams.i know it s not easy to make money online especially for someone like me .who doesn't know anything about Affiliate Program Database ,Marketing..
    i would like to build my online business.i am a hard worker and eager to learn.thanks a lot
    I recommend doing the (4) Following things:

    1- Find another job. IM is a real business and it takes money period to make money. Yes there are FREE Ways to Market a business but that takes time and if you don't have an income coming in right now, then you will be only putting out 'desperate' energy and that will work against you.

    2- Pursue IM in your part time while you 'leverage' your job.

    3- In your part time, after you have set aside some income to get started in IM, get started with something. Anything just as long as it's Internet Based.

    4- Take Action: Don't just come here on WF everyday and read. Do what the majority are not doing....

    Taking action.

    Reading is knowledge if you understand what you are reading but it's only 'potential' power without 'action'.

    Otherwise, you won't get anywhere and then you will 'perceive' IM in general as a SCAM.
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  • Profile picture of the author skyro
    If you any good at writing you can start off earning some money by writing articles. As of building an online business there is a good wso by Lee Murray called " from the top". I would suggest you check it out. It gives you a step by step lay out of what can do to build a online business from scratch and last time I checked it was only about 5 bucks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    Originally Posted by hbelami View Post

    hello everyone!

    i do not want to be a drama man. i just need help and guidance from you as you're online marketing PRO.i lost my job since last year and could not find any other jobs.i lost money in forex and few online scams.i know it s not easy to make money online especially for someone like me .who doesn't know anything about Affiliate Program Database ,Marketing..
    i would like to build my online business.i am a hard worker and eager to learn.thanks a lot

    Get a mentor.

    Figure out what you want to do and then find somebody who is doing it successfully and ask him/her to be your mentor.
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  • Profile picture of the author IMGem
    There are quite a few ways to earn online. Here are my two cents,

    Do your due research and then pick one method and stick to it until you see results. The biggest reason for failing online is information overload and shiny object syndrome.

    List building is one of the best asset and most reliable income source you can have as a marketer. If possible, get a mentor for list building.

    Whatever you chose, be consistent and ignore everything else until you get results.
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  • Profile picture of the author TrumpiaTim
    I'd recommend a quick and easy way to get started online is by white labeling a software that you think can be resellable. If you go with a reputable company you'll receive plenty of training with your white label service and you'll have a great building block to grow your business with.

    Trumpia: The Most Completed SMS Text Messaging Software & API Solution.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    The OP has already quit apparently - hasn't been on the forum for almost 3 months. So much for
    i would like to build my online business.i am a hard worker and eager to learn.
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  • Profile picture of the author cherrytom
    It's quite simple, really!
    All you have to do is find a mentor.
    There are mentors in all niches and some of them cover a wide range of different niches.
    They all charge fees for their coaching, but whatever you pay will be peanuts compared to what you could make through following their advice.
    I wish I had done this myself when I started, instead of struggling on my own until I finally realized I wasn't going to get anywhere without a mentor --- someone to tell me what to do, and show me how to do it. Good luck in all your online ventures.
    Keep smiling!
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  • Profile picture of the author MarcoYandun
    Originally Posted by hbelami View Post

    hello everyone!

    i do not want to be a drama man. i just need help and guidance from you as you're online marketing PRO.i lost my job since last year and could not find any other jobs.i lost money in forex and few online scams.i know it s not easy to make money online especially for someone like me .who doesn't know anything about Affiliate Program Database ,Marketing..
    i would like to build my online business.i am a hard worker and eager to learn.thanks a lot
    Hello hbelami,

    Sorry to hear about your loss of money!
    Congratulations you are not a quitter. The first secret to get success is never give up, but that does not mean you would go around from one program after another ... that is the only way to waste your money. I also have been in those situations and know exactly how it is. I also have lost a lot of money trying to follow some "gurus" that only wanted to take my money. Stay away from those as soon as you get bad feelings.

    How can you suspect one of those are scams? I normally go away from people who are desperate for selling me their programs, services or tuition. That is definitely a bad sign. There are others that want to teach you from theory, repeating something they heard somewhere. If they cannot make money by themselves, does not make sense to follow them, right?

    And yes, making money online is not an easy task, that's why 99% of online marketers make less than $100/month or are losing money at all. Those 98% of people are doing exactly what other not successful marketers are doing. So you should not follow the "herd", AND start doing what the 1% of successful marketers do. So, to ease the process, I recommend you to find a GOOD, GENUINE MENTOR and stick with him, do whatever he tells you to do. I personally love guys who teaches me like a child

    There are different ways to make money online. Here are some:
    1. Sell your own products or services (the most difficult)
    2. Sell physical products
    3. Sell other people's products, i.e. be an affiliate. This will be the one to pint to, because you are just can make a lot of money with it too

    Hope this helps. By the way, you may want to try this, it won't hurt:
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    • Profile picture of the author Mr nice guy
      Everyone is highly suggesting finding a Mentor in the IM field. HOW? How do you find a genuine Mentor who wants to help you out? They certainly aren’t in the phone book. And most good IM people making money don’t tell anyone...they keep quite.
      So please please please tell me where do these amazing helpful people hang out so I can properly introduce myself and strike up a bond that will make me and maybe both of us money?

      Michael DeVolder
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Ever tried ebay? I'm sure you have alot of old/unwanted stuff in the house that you don't need. List them on ebay and get some selling experience - before you start on "full-fledged" internet marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author tuhinbd1976
    Originally Posted by hbelami View Post

    hello everyone!

    i do not want to be a drama man. i just need help and guidance from you as you're online marketing PRO.i lost my job since last year and could not find any other jobs.i lost money in forex and few online scams.i know it s not easy to make money online especially for someone like me .who doesn't know anything about Affiliate Program Database ,Marketing..
    i would like to build my online business.i am a hard worker and eager to learn.thanks a lot
    Before doing anything, you must have to learn that. In the Forex there are many people who are earning a lot. May be you did not do the DEMO. Anyway, If you want to do any work, you need to have skill. Do you know to Write content, Graphics Design, SEO or some other skill? if yes, you can buy a domain & hosting, then start to writing the content. Then you will be able to do Adsense or Affiliate marketing. If you do not know the above mentioned skill, you can hire Freelancer from any freelancing market place to do your work. Then you will be profitable. Best of luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author braincandy7
    The majority of you business can be built for free using strategies and resources found on Warrior forum, Youtube and via the many many ebooks/guides you can get fro free.

    You do however really need hosting and a domain in order to be able to practice those methods freely. Using free domains usually brings a whole set of rules and restrictions. That being said you can get the hosting for as little as $3-4 per month and a domain for around the same price fora year so not too bad.

    Good luck with your journey
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  • Profile picture of the author aspire7
    There are a huge amount of advice on here and other forums. Be carful of people selling you anything or spending any of your money until you have read a good amount of material, there is a lot to learn however you can learn quick by simply doing a ton of research.

    That's the advice I would give myself If I started again. Do more reading and research.
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  • Profile picture of the author anynewsbd
    Freelancing, Affiliate, cpm program is the way to earn money.
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  • Profile picture of the author shmeeko69
    Originally Posted by hbelami View Post

    hello everyone!

    i do not want to be a drama man. i just need help and guidance from you as you're online marketing PRO.i lost my job since last year and could not find any other jobs.i lost money in forex and few online scams.i know it s not easy to make money online especially for someone like me .who doesn't know anything about Affiliate Program Database ,Marketing..
    i would like to build my online business.i am a hard worker and eager to learn.thanks a lot
    It is a great business to be involved with, but it's highly competitive and
    only the strongest survive and make a decent living.

    When you think of the hassles and costs of running a bricks and mortar
    business compared with a home business, it really is a no brainer, but I'm still
    amazed and how folk can't or don't want to do basic research on their chosen

    Google and You Tube and two of the best sites you will ever need in making money
    in the online business, so what's stopping you?
    The Rock n Roll of Marketing Reviews
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  • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
    Originally Posted by hbelami View Post

    i would like to build my online business.i am a hard worker and eager to learn.thanks a lot
    In terms of tools and or services to help get you going...

    I would recommend:

    1) Clickfunnels
    2) Aweber (or whichever autoresponder)
    3) Improvely (for tracking)

    Those are 3 tools which I have found to be imperative.

    And in terms of info, you're at the right place for that
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  • Profile picture of the author Slade556
    Starting an online thing is really a very broad area to cover! You could start freelancing on websites (elance, odesk, ecc.), you can literally open up a business (like open up a webdesign company, for instance..), you can open up an ebay business or set up your own shop on your own website and so on and so forth!! So many possibilities!
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  • Profile picture of the author professorrosado
    Originally Posted by hbelami View Post

    ...for someone like me who doesn't know anything about Affiliate Program Database, Marketing.. I would like to build my online business. I am a hard worker and eager to learn. Thanks a lot
    You need to learn to find quality traffic for a specific product - this is essential.

    I would first look for a platform with lots of traffic and then find a product that would make an exact fit to that traffic (what they need, want, etc.)

    Then I would reach out to that traffic.

    There are quite a number of high traffic platforms that you can post up something for FREE and earn money. I wouldn't bother with anything else until I could do this simple process.
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  • Profile picture of the author jordantyj
    We all been there, it's an everyday struggle for some people. affiliate marketing takes time and determination. The first thing I would do is get a mentor.. There is a lot of great marketers on warrior forum, but research carefully
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  • Profile picture of the author PresidentialHype
    Tell us more about yourself. It's hard to help when we don't know much about you.
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  • Profile picture of the author fatimah
    Hi hbelami,

    I am sorry for what you have gone through. Yes I have lost lots of money in forex, not forgetting the course that I took and life time membership that I am still subscribing. I am always attracted back to online business even though I haven't made any money yet. I started in 2008, spent more on courses and soft wares than making money. I have tried clickbank, adsense and amazon affiliates.. did get cheques and money into my paypal account but nothing to be proud of. I was forced to quit when my hubby had to pay off my credit card. Then I moved on to have my own physical products, doing very well, we have our own product ambassadors and soon will be on local TV. Having said that I am still attracted to online business..

    Now I am learning from Anthony La Rocca
    June I am going for a course by Patric Chan, a clickbank super clickbank.

    For you as what the experience marketers advised should choose wisely what you want to get into first and DON'T buy everything that you think will help you.

    Good luck to you
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  • Profile picture of the author frankie_flores
    Originally Posted by hbelami View Post

    hello everyone!

    i do not want to be a drama man. i just need help and guidance from you as you're online marketing PRO.i lost my job since last year and could not find any other jobs.i lost money in forex and few online scams.i know it s not easy to make money online especially for someone like me .who doesn't know anything about Affiliate Program Database ,Marketing..
    i would like to build my online business.i am a hard worker and eager to learn.thanks a lot

    Here's how I first started making some quick money to get cash coming in.

    01. Buy at garage sales for pennies on the dollar and resell to a larger market on eBay
    (I found items for $2-$15 that sold for $30-$500. 98% risk free since you use an eBay app on your phone to research while you buy)

    02. Use Amazon to dropship on eBay. I did this for a while and starting out made $600 monthly. Very part time (Google DS Domination)

    03. After making some cash with those, if you WANT to do online marketing, I started with an easy program that made me $100 instant commissions to my PayPal. Copy and paste stuff....and my first month made $400 the first 2 weeks.

    Of course, results vary with the third option. But if you apply yourself and make it's easier to deliver a downloadable digital product for $100 than it is to buy, resell, ship, etc.

    Sorry to hear about the job loss and hope you'll at least try out the first two and get some money flowing in. Those are almost impossible to not make money with.

    Moderator's Note: Affiliate Links Not Allowed

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  • Profile picture of the author liovinci
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  • Profile picture of the author Maurolisi
    We can do everything in the web world we know how to do and what to do, I suggest the next step, to create for you an income for your future, for you and your family. Today the web is the future.
    Make the next step. Do not waste any more time. I wait for you !!!
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  • My best guidance would be to find a complete system for earning money as an affiliate or licencee.

    Some great ones:

    Inner Circle Riches
    Empower Network

    [CENTER][B]==> Do you want to make money online? [/B]
    Free video: How regular people are making 6-figures per month on the internet! [URL=""][B]Watch this free video now![/B][/URL] <==[/CENTER]

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    • Profile picture of the author jeronamo
      Have a good one for you to check out already built, hosted, maintained and updated all you have to do is sell keep %100 of what you sell. Full white label re-sell rights, instant portfolio Buy today look like a Pro with an online business tomorrow.

      Search "launch VMT Pro Seller" in google should come up

      It is just in the launch stage grabbing affiliates. opens for sales on May 18 But would make a great buy when is comes up for sale. It is brand new so no competion own the market first lol.

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    • Profile picture of the author iafazio
      I would like to make all people aware about MOBE/MTTB. It is a big scam. Please do not fall into their trap as many of us did!!! I am working now with my lawyer to get them out of my state and as long as they have a trial against them they will be banned form here and then other states can follow. There are other legal and legit ways of making money online. Just do you due diligence and stay away from businesses that are paying commissions on "enrolling" or selling the business itself.
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      • Profile picture of the author shoregirl68
        Originally Posted by iafazio View Post

        I would like to make all people aware about MOBE/MTTB. It is a big scam. Please do not fall into their trap as many of us did!!! I am working now with my lawyer to get them out of my state and as long as they have a trial against them they will be banned form here and then other states can follow. There are other legal and legit ways of making money online. Just do you due diligence and stay away from businesses that are paying commissions on "enrolling" or selling the business itself.
        I agree MOBE is nothing but a pyramid scheme whose time is limited in at least the US. I know of at least 10 persons filing legal actions against the company. Probably why the owner moved to Malaysia. "Can't touch this"....looooool
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      • Profile picture of the author Michael J Anthony
        Originally Posted by iafazio View Post

        I would like to make all people aware about MOBE/MTTB. It is a big scam. Please do not fall into their trap as many of us did!!! I am working now with my lawyer to get them out of my state and as long as they have a trial against them they will be banned form here and then other states can follow. There are other legal and legit ways of making money online. Just do you due diligence and stay away from businesses that are paying commissions on "enrolling" or selling the business itself.
        I DISAGREE. This suddenly coming from someone who had to make this their big "numero uno" post - lol. Not about to get into a debate about this but most people in this forum are looking for programs, quick-fixes, and strategies that are anywhere from free - $100. (Actually, I think even $100 is a stretch). That rules out businesses like MOBE, Empower, etc. Most in here don't even know the difference between a genuine pyramid scheme and a legitimate online franchise. McDonalds, etc, does the same thing that this person considers a scam. If you buy a franchise from McDonalds and could not make it work, are you going to start legal action against them? Go ahead, but be prepared to lose and spend your money on a frivolous lawsuit. McDonalds wont even think about talking to you unless you have $250K free and clear in the bank bar-none! MOBE and the like, has to deal with people like this all the time because broke non-business people are too scared to spend a measly and refundable $49. I think MOBE et al should take a page out of McDonalds' play book and start charging $25k just to talk about it. That will put an end to that real quick.

        The one thing I do agree on though is that those types of higher ticket programs should not be listed as options here in this forum (or maybe just in this thread) as most in here are not business people who would understand them in the first place. To the average WF visitor looking for a $50 "business in a box", these programs will most certainly look like scams to them, whether they really are or not! Its ironic, but its actually these very same cheesy, cheap $50 and below "biz in a box" programs that somehow don't look like scams at all to the average WF visitor, yet everything else is.

        I also agree with what someone else said which was to keep looking for a job and work IM part time while you learn. That way you wont be pushed into dishing out "desperate" energy in everything you try to do online.
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    • Profile picture of the author shoregirl68
      Originally Posted by selfdisciplineacademy View Post

      My best guidance would be to find a complete system for earning money as an affiliate or licencee.

      Some great ones:

      Inner Circle Riches
      Empower Network
      Forgive me for intruding but MOBE/MTTB, Empower Network and Inner Circles Riches are not only tapped out but have no up to date training for newbies. Stay away from these costly pyramid schemes until you find a mentor coach, or at least have the knowledge, branding, influence necessary to promote high ticket items whose only goal is to recruit.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Vodini
    well i think you already made the first step to become online successful which is join the biggest IM forum. read as many post you can and learn as much as you can while you starting long the road.
    it takes long time but it definitely worth it, good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    You might want to start in the War Room and download some free courses that will show you the ropes. Everything that everybody knows here (who are making money) would take them about 2-4 weeks to guide you and get you off your feet. Instead of asking for the blueprint, you may have to invest some money because alot of people actually do place a "quality value" on things that they sell... free or not.
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  • Profile picture of the author batoulemohd
    Originally Posted by hbelami View Post

    hello everyone!

    i do not want to be a drama man. i just need help and guidance from you as you're online marketing PRO.i lost my job since last year and could not find any other jobs.i lost money in forex and few online scams.i know it s not easy to make money online especially for someone like me .who doesn't know anything about Affiliate Program Database ,Marketing..
    i would like to build my online business.i am a hard worker and eager to learn.thanks a lot
    There are many works in online. You have to know first. here I found, you mentioned that you lost money on FOREX. Do you know there are many people who earning a good amount of money from the forex. anyway, you have to learn anything, before doing the work. If you really want to do anything, you have to learn first. After learning, you will be able to earning. You can learn Graphics Design, Web design, SEO or some other works. Carry on & thanks .
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  • Profile picture of the author David Marketer
    Hello, you should follow this forum where you'll find many useful information. One step at a time and with the passage of time will find what can make for you. Identifies what more you enjoy doing, what are the areas that most interest you. An open-minded you will be very useful to find your target
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  • Profile picture of the author danimorte
    You can choose :

    Build blog
    Play PTC
    and the other
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  • Profile picture of the author rcbrown99
    Best thing that worked for me was to find a friend or associate who needed some online help and learn by helping someone else.

    Do a good job and they will pay you. They will also refer you. You'll have a business before you know it.
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    • Profile picture of the author johngreenishere

      1. pick a niche
      2. make sure that niche have hungry buyer (market)
      3. create or find product/service
      4. write sales letter (message)
      5. drive traffic (medium)

      If you want fast money, sell the services rather than sell the products

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  • Profile picture of the author AKhann
    Like some people have already said -- provide a service. Learn how to do copywriting/writing articles/whatever because there will always be demand for these services.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dhairaz
    Originally Posted by hbelami View Post

    hello everyone!

    i do not want to be a drama man. i just need help and guidance from you as you're online marketing PRO.i lost my job since last year and could not find any other jobs.i lost money in forex and few online scams.i know it s not easy to make money online especially for someone like me .who doesn't know anything about Affiliate Program Database ,Marketing..
    i would like to build my online business.i am a hard worker and eager to learn.thanks a lot
    Before begin:

    1. Identify your niche, picking wrong niche will make you suffer in future.
    2 .Looking niche that other people already success
    3. Can you market the niche online with profitable way?
    4. Do you like the niche?
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert999
    Originally Posted by hbelami View Post

    hello everyone!

    i do not want to be a drama man. i just need help and guidance from you as you're online marketing PRO.i lost my job since last year and could not find any other jobs.i lost money in forex and few online scams.i know it s not easy to make money online especially for someone like me .who doesn't know anything about Affiliate Program Database ,Marketing..
    i would like to build my online business.i am a hard worker and eager to learn.thanks a lot
    Why don't you try earning money by promoting Clickbank products. It is very simple for people who are new to IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author martinmarketing
    the basic steps to start your own business .... you should buy a domain, and hostig autosponder (I recommend getresponder) ... but if you have a trusted friend who does this job you can count on , at least to start,, .it would be takes time..,but if you are at the good ideas.. .the results will come.. good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author fxstay
    forex trading business is good and has high return but you should know how to invest and trade
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  • Profile picture of the author jeronamo
    Get into video marketing. It is a untapped market it will blow up like Facebook did social media in the next few years. I was broke with no income and need money fast to keep the lights on lol so I got into video marketing in my local community and in my first month I made $1350 in memberships and thats residual now 3 months later I am bring in just shy of $8000 in residual memberships.
    So I was trying to find a market that wasn't tapped out and this worked for me.

    Hope you find something that works for you...
    Good luck in whatever venture you undertake but I feel your pain from rock bottom comes the greatest success stories the world has ever known, everyone was there just before they are ready to throw in the towel so don't ever give up. you will make it if you want it bad enough.

    Cheers Jeremy
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  • Profile picture of the author cindynorwood
    Am sure that by now you would have seen the value of being in a super duper forum like this one, i started my internet marketing career by hanging out here a lot and by applying what i learnt here, affiliate marketing and freelance sites will work for you if you are starting out with zero cost methods, you can branch out to paid stuff later when you make some money. The most important step is what you have taken by coming here for help.
    best of fortune.
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