by IM
8 replies
Hi everyone,

I just launched my website, hoping to earn a dollar or two from it , and I would very much like to hear some feedback from you guys.

Here's the link:

Thanks in advance
  • Profile picture of the author IM
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  • Profile picture of the author LindaC
    Hi IM,

    LindaC here.

    As for your website...I found it very hard to read due to the different text colors.

    However, I did like the website idea.

    Keep at it.

    My Best 2 U,


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  • Profile picture of the author IM
    It looks like a got a bit too excited with the colours being a child related website. I'll try and eliminate that.

    Thanks for the feedback Linda.

    Keep it coming guys I really need your help.
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  • Profile picture of the author goldog
    You asked for it, so here goes.
    It looks like you you're targeting baby food. With the domain name you might want to include older kids. I would think fun healthy meals for school age kids would be a good addition.

    The design is a little chaotic to my eye. It looks like your amazon widget is too wide for the column it's in. Along with all the different google ads it adds up to confusion. I'd also get rid of the Yahoo group sign up and add your own contact form. It's off center and if someone's willing to enter their email it should go to you.

    I suggest you also go to website grader for some feedback. You need to target just what you are hoping to attract. 168 un-targeted keywords and a description that's over 500 characters will not wow google either. Work on an effective title and description. A handful of targeted keywords.

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  • Profile picture of the author IM
    Now that I haven't been looking at the website for over 24 hours and when I went back and had a look, I know exactly what you been by "chaotic" and "hard to read".

    I also had second thoughts about the yahoo sign and it'll be going soon.

    Thank you very much, your feedback it is truly valiable especially to a newbie like me.
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    • Profile picture of the author luckystepho
      Like others have said, good idea but that text is very 'busy', I agree with goldog about the yahoo optin form, it looks quite messy and distracting- an Aweber or Getresponse opt in box would look cleaner.

      I personally feel that it would be better to show a little text with each blog post rather than just the title, this would give a bit more info on the article and break up those coloured titles a bit- hope this helps!
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  • I'll mirror what others have said - you need a more concise layout; something that makes more sense for the reader.

    This will also help you fit more information above the fold, which helps tremendously in steering your readers to the most relevant information that you offer.

    DareDevil Marketing
    Fearless Marketing Strategies
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  • Profile picture of the author IM
    I think I know what to do now, I'll still keep it a little bit colourful though for the good looks but will clear up the messy look.

    Thanks heaps to everyone!
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