What is the best landing page creator?

6 replies
Hey Guys,

I am looking for a recommendation from you if possible?

I am looking for a WordPress plugin that easily create landing pages. I know there are a lot of these so I thought I would ask the Warrior Forum.

What do you use to create landing pages / squeeze pages? (even if it is not a WP plugin)

Thank-You very much for ANY replies!
#creator #landing #landing page #page #plugin #squeeze page #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author ninjaking
    I like unbounce and leadpages. They are very easy to use. They also give you templates so you can create landing page very quickly.
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  • Profile picture of the author salondemaria
    I just started playing around with Instapage. They have alot of nice templates and pretty easy to use.

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    • Profile picture of the author mikfoxx
      Originally Posted by salondemaria View Post

      I just started playing around with Instapage. They have alot of nice templates and pretty easy to use.
      Tried instapage too! It's no bad..
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  • Profile picture of the author BudiT
    Instabuilder 2.0. I'm using it for my own funnel.

    Leadpages is great, but very pricy monthly fees. Haven't tried OptimizePress yet.

    Some people are comparing Sean Donahoe's Profit Builder and Instabuilder 2.0. And I think Instabuilder 2.0 receives a much better reception.

    ~ Budi T

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  • Profile picture of the author promarketer15
    I'm uaing landing page pro and lead pages this two tools are very easy to use i'm suggesting them to newbies..because you dont need any experience and there is no html
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  • Profile picture of the author MrErickson
    I tried Instapage recently and its pretty neat. They have good templates to choose from.
    I've used Leadpages as well in the past. Its also very easy to use and they have pretty good templates to choose from.
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