Does money make you happy?

100 replies
You always hear about how "money can't buy happiness". I disagree with this statement. Why?

Money gets you a roof over your head which makes you happy.
It lets you buy anything you want i.e. luxury cars, watches, clothes.
It also allows you to spend more time with your family which makes you happy.

I want to know whether or not money would make you happy. I'm talking about income of $250k a year.
#happy #make #money
  • Profile picture of the author blueclcl
    Originally Posted by TheProductReviewGuy View Post

    You always hear about how "money can't buy happiness". I disagree with this statement. Why?

    Money gets you a roof over your head which makes you happy.
    It lets you buy anything you want i.e. luxury cars, watches, clothes.
    It also allows you to spend more time with your family which makes you happy.

    I want to know whether or not money would make you happy. I'm talking about income of $250k a year.

    Money would make me really happy as long as my health and my family's health was also good!

    Family and health first..
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  • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
    On the surface most people would say yes of course. But I wouldn't say money itself ... but what money can buy or relieve you from has the "potential" to make you happy temporarily. But then you need another money fix to stay happy. Because the joy of whatever you purchased will fade.

    Truth is most people don't "really" like money in my opinion. Here's why I say it.

    • Most people don't save it
    • Most people don't invest it so it grows
    • Most people don't even study ways to preserve it for the most part.

    What do most people do when they get money? They find ways to get rid of it (spend it).

    In fact, many people look for ways to get rid of money even before they get it (called credit).
    Download "Free 80 Page E-Book"
    "201 Ways To Live Better On Less Money".
    "Because The Easiest Way To Make Money is ... ... By Saving Some First!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Can money buy you happiness? Heck yeah. Money can buy you a lot of things:

    - Security
    - Free time to chill and do whatever
    - Go out to eat on any night
    - Women
    - Vacations
    - Medicine
    - Enhanced spirituality (due to the fact that you would be almost self-sufficient)

    I love money. I wouldn't kill for it though.
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  • Profile picture of the author Doug
    Originally Posted by TheProductReviewGuy View Post

    I want to know whether or not money would make you happy. I'm talking about income of $250k a year.
    As someone who lived the self induced stress of not having a lot of money coupled with a lot of debt, and that not being the case today, no money doesn't make me happy.

    Funny thing, once my wife and I turned the corner, and actually started seeing money remain in the bank, I thought the stress would be gone. It was, but to a degree there is still stress with money, managing it.

    No, money itself doesn't make me happy. Giving it to worthy causes makes me happy!
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    • Profile picture of the author satrap
      Originally Posted by Doug View Post

      As someone who lived the self induced stress of not having a lot of money coupled with a lot of debt, and that not being the case today, no money doesn't make me happy.

      Funny thing, once my wife and I turned the corner, and actually started seeing money remain in the bank, I thought the stress would be gone. It was, but to a degree there is still stress with money, managing it.

      No, money itself doesn't make me happy. Giving it to worthy causes makes me happy!
      Agreed 100%!

      I have been batteling with depression for a long time. And before I started making decent money online, I thought if I didn't have the stress of worrying about bills and not having any emergency fund and whatever else most people have to deal with financially, that I would feel better at least.

      Well, I have been making more than I could have ever imagined with my online business for the past few years, but my depression is getting even worst.

      I am not rich by any means, but now I get it when people say money doesn't bring happiness.

      Though it has a lot of benefits and I am thankful for it.

      One of them, as Doug mentioned above, is being able to financially help people, organizations and causes that you care about. I am not saying it to look cool, but in all honestly, this is the best part of for me. I am an animal lover and having the extra money to once in a while take some stuff to my favorite rescue center brings me joy like no other.

      Sure, money can be a good tool to help you do things that will make you happy. But I personally don't believe money itself can make you happy.
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    • Profile picture of the author ColossusMedia
      There was this study that revealed that 100% of the people making 500 000$ or more a year said they were very happy while only 35% of those making 35 000$ or less said they were very happy

      Money Does Buy Happiness, Says New Study - Forbes

      Also, I believe that Tony Robbins in an interview with Eben Pagan pointed that money can make you happy for three reason. Here's the first one:

      Originally Posted by Doug View Post

      No, money itself doesn't make me happy. Giving it to worthy causes makes me happy!
      (or helping the people you love)

      The two others were that
      2. When you are rich you get more time doing what you enjoy
      3. Money can buy you experience. For instance, living abroad, in several different countries, for a year.

      I don't exactly recall, but these things makes the brain secrete something that make you feel joy and I believe even long after it happens.

      On the contrary, buying goods does not make you happy, as it only provide ephemeral pleasure.
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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    I think money can provide 'things' that contribute to ones happiness...but, some of my most memorable (happiest) moments in life...had absolutely nothing to do with money.

    Whilst I've yet to attain money at the financially set for life level, I imagine it would bring happiness to some aspects... And create new unforeseen nightmares in other areas.

    Overall, my focus isn't on the money, it's the thrill of the chase, over-coming challenges, and being recognized or appreciated for a job well done... So to speak.

    Unfortunately, a ton of people work everyday, barely getting by or able to afford the simple luxuries, of the badic costs of living...because they do not get paid enough for what they do. It's becoming more and more common in my opinion.

    As such, people misconcieve money as a measure of their own self-worth, feeling underappreciated, or downright used & abused... And subconsciously, this mindset works against them...just like many who think there's a get rich quick button online somewhere, and they exhaust themselves trying to find it.

    I used to make (on average) $500 per day as a swimming pool builder. Was I happy, not really. Was I of the mind to feel respected, appreciated, and incentivized to work 70-90 hours per're damn right I did.

    More recently, I took a job making $500 per week, doing similar work as my prior experience is of a tradesman...and it made me feel: belittled, used, and sh!t, I didn't even want to get out of bed!

    What's important is you pursue what makes you happy... Hopefully, you can sustain a living at it ot even do very well for yourself. But if you're doing it just for the's all mental prostitution, selling your time, skills, and freedom in exchange for money. Doing so, will likely never make you happy!

    Helping free others, and making that is priceless!!! The key to success, in my opinion.
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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  • Profile picture of the author DavidAllenNeron
    I remember hearing a clever answer to this in the past.

    Money doesn't make me happy, but it sure makes the people I owe it to happy.
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  • Profile picture of the author dana67
    Money makes me worry less about paying bills. It can help take the stress out of life.
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  • Profile picture of the author HDRider
    My favorite -

    While money can't buy happiness, it certainly lets you choose your own form of misery.

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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Frei
    This thread belongs in the "Mind Warriors" section.

    There was a survey done(in Germany, I think) that measured the level of happiness and matched it with the income levels of the participants.

    It turned out that the happiest people make around 5,000 Euro per month. Less than that and more than that lowered the happiness.

    So, there's your answer. There's a "money comfort zone" where money does make you happier.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrdeflation
    money buys freedom

    freedom = happiness

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  • Profile picture of the author NeedBucksNow
    Winning is better


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  • Profile picture of the author OmarNegron
    MONEY gives you options.

    And ultimately having options to do what you want with your life/family/friends is going to MAKE YOU happy. Happiness is something that is generated within the self. It's true, someone who is extremely poor on the outside with finances can still be VERY happy within. To be honest, that is HOW it should be.

    Not saying anyone wants to be dirt poor. That sucks too. But money can add on to your life and help you GIVE things to the people you love the most and contribute to other important causes in your life.

    "Money isn't the most important thing in life but it ranks right up there with oxygen" - Zig Ziglar
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  • Profile picture of the author bizoppmaster
    Never having to worry or think about money again has been a dream come true. Build out positive cashflow investments (websites, real estate, etc) and keep stacking them every few months. Outsourcing the day to day operations is really to key to scaling business and becoming a real success.
    (4) Spots Left For Private Coaching | | Skype: jon.mac303
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi TPRG,

    FREEDOM makes you happy.

    Money is 1 such vehicle that affords you freedom, I like it for sure

    As for 250 K, not into the arbitrary numbers bit here.


    I am house sitting in Jimbaran, Bali for 4 months.

    It cost me nothing to do this, save a plane ticket. I crave freedom above all else and sure money is one such vehicle through which you feel free but there are so many more channels out there that can inspire happiness within you.

    Again, this place is a resort villa style spot and I am not spending a dime on rent, bills, etc. All expenses paid. We just watch chickens, dogs and cats, which is a joy, we live by one of the most stunning beaches on earth - Pandawa - and I'd reckon they could chare $1,000 a night on up for a stay here, if they decided to do the resort bit when they build the main house, as is their plan.

    That means I'll have attracted about $120,000 worth of accomodations for free, and that makes me happy too

    Good question dude, thanks for sharing!

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author katty5005
    Those who don't have money they think that money can buy everything even happiness but those who have lot of money and can get whatever they want they go in search of happiness so what you think?
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    • Profile picture of the author geoscash1
      Look at it this way, in your current situation would you rather NOT have money?

      Anyone that says money doesn't make happiness, especially in this day and age has lost their minds..

      You can't do anything without it, except maybe grow some dreads and grab a stick and pillow case and travel lightly....

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    • Profile picture of the author AYCE
      Well no. Money cannot buy you happiness obviously. There is no where in the world where you can trade in a dollar bill in exchange for 10 bits of happy. But the things that you can acquire with money can most definitely make you happy.

      Going to bed at night with zero worry of finances is a blissful feeling.

      Money makes the world go round and a lot of people don't like to hear that but it's the truth so no wonder.

      Having a lot of money will indeed boost my happiness.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Ahhh.. The age old question

    IMO, money doesn't buy happiness but it takes away many of the struggles caused by not having money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ankit Pradhan
    Yes not the money that makes you happy its self satisfaction.
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    I think you can't buy everything with money. You can only buy the physical things or happiness like Home, cars, mobile phones etc.. which is of course not permanent. You can't buy Mental peace and Happiness, relationships, reputation, moral, etc. from money.
    Signature Blogging, Technology, and Digital Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author doshort
    Yeah Old Question, Yes not the money that makes you happy its self satisfaction. Money is enough to fulfill the desired of human life but not happiness.
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  • Profile picture of the author PriyaN12
    Yes obvs
    Everyone love money here ....!!!
    don't you??
    you should ask does money make you sad ??? : p

    Money Making Without Investment

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  • This guy I met the other day at liberty station told me. Money doesn't make you happy but it makes you happier.

    I would have invented Google and Microsoft if I was born earlier.

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  • Profile picture of the author oghenk
    "If you want to enjoy life, focus on relationships and health once you make more than $75,000 a year," - Edward Diener, Ph.D., a University of Illinois psychology professor -
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat

      But personally money itself does not buy me happiness.

      What it does do is provide me with Freedom to do things that I cherish most and gives me happiness.

      Like spending time with family, traveling, enjoying dining out etc..etc..

      Iam not a 'things' person. If you are in for Money to buy that Rolls Royce and that 5 million dollar mansion then (imo) Money will NOT make you happy

      You will just want more and more and more !

      - Robert Andrew

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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  • Profile picture of the author rosario1990
    I think money is everything! "Without money life is honey" Money can bring lot's of happiness from my faith.
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  • Profile picture of the author QueenMelanie
    I truly beleive that money makes me happy!

    Now I don't mean actually having physical money beside me, that wouldn't make me happy, but I could buy things that make me very happy: Travel, Nice food, Nice accommodation, entry to cool places, etc..

    I'm not trying to be mean, but I have observed that the people who are against money are the ones who don't have any.. I know its not nice for them to not have any but they spread the delusion that money won't make you happy.. Of course it will, our whole damn society revolves around money, and money only
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  • Profile picture of the author paopaomboni
    yes it makes me happy, money cant buy happiness but it can buy you a jetski. have you ever seen anyone sad on a jetski?
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  • Profile picture of the author capriliz
    Originally Posted by TheProductReviewGuy View Post

    You always hear about how "money can't buy happiness."
    Right now, that money would buy a lot of "happiness".

    My daughter has been ill with CFS/ME for 3 years. She is too sick/exhausted to leave the house. Her sleep rhythm constantly changes by floating forward a few hours each week. She cannot plan anything because of her health and sleep.

    That $250k would allow her so many more options:
    - Getting care from one of the few facilities in this country that specialize in CFS/ME.
    - More options for college
    (She became ill in her first semester of her junior year in high school, and is just now finishing her required classes. She is still a member of the National Honor Society)
    - She could turn the furnace to a higher setting!
    - and many, many more things that would provide her with more comfort.

    Meanwhile, prayers are appreciated.

    Does money buy happiness - assuming your family is in good health - yes. If we have our basic needs met (remember Maslow's heirarchy?) then we can make the choice to move on to activities that allow us to become better people.

    It does matter how we choose to use that $250k.

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    • Profile picture of the author QueenMelanie
      Originally Posted by capriliz View Post

      Right now, that money would buy a lot of "happiness".

      My daughter has been ill with CFS/ME for 3 years. She is too sick/exhausted to leave the house. Her sleep rhythm constantly changes by floating forward a few hours each week. She cannot plan anything because of her health and sleep.

      That $250k would allow her so many more options:
      - Getting care from one of the few facilities in this country that specialize in CFS/ME.
      - More options for college
      (She became ill in her first semester of her junior year in high school, and is just now finishing her required classes. She is still a member of the National Honor Society)
      - She could turn the furnace to a higher setting!
      - and many, many more things that would provide her with more comfort.

      Meanwhile, prayers are appreciated.

      Does money buy happiness - assuming your family is in good health - yes. If we have our basic needs met (remember Maslow's heirarchy?) then we can make the choice to move on to activities that allow us to become better people.

      It does matter how we choose to use that $250k.

      Hope you can figure something out.. have you considered starting a crowdfunding campaign or a social media campaign to raise awareness for your daughter? .. The internet as a whole does have a kind heart, i think it might help your situation..
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    • Profile picture of the author TheProductReviewGuy
      Originally Posted by capriliz View Post

      Right now, that money would buy a lot of "happiness".

      My daughter has been ill with CFS/ME for 3 years. She is too sick/exhausted to leave the house. Her sleep rhythm constantly changes by floating forward a few hours each week. She cannot plan anything because of her health and sleep.

      That $250k would allow her so many more options:
      - Getting care from one of the few facilities in this country that specialize in CFS/ME.
      - More options for college
      (She became ill in her first semester of her junior year in high school, and is just now finishing her required classes. She is still a member of the National Honor Society)
      - She could turn the furnace to a higher setting!
      - and many, many more things that would provide her with more comfort.

      Meanwhile, prayers are appreciated.

      Does money buy happiness - assuming your family is in good health - yes. If we have our basic needs met (remember Maslow's heirarchy?) then we can make the choice to move on to activities that allow us to become better people.

      It does matter how we choose to use that $250k.

      I would start a crowdfunding project if I was in your shoes. Join IndieGogo or Kickstarter and just promote it. There are tonnes of people who would happily pay a lot of money. Also, I would personally help raise awareness for the project using paid promotion etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author skyro
    I think money can increase your happiness if you are already happy eg if your in good health and happy with the one you with money can increase your happiness cause you can do alot more but if your not in good health or not happy in the situation you are money won't help.
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  • Profile picture of the author BrentSkillHD
    Money doesn't make me "happy" but it gives me freedom.

    With money I can bring my ideas to reailty. Money is a tool, so treat it like one.
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  • Profile picture of the author gluckspilz
    "Does making money make you happy?"

    The answer to that question is to answer this question...

    "Does NOT making money make you happy?"
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by TeKn1qu3z View Post

      Money is my God
      Whoa !! Now that might be an indication where someone is taking Money to heart in a way that could be NOT beneficial

      - Robert Andrew

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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    • Profile picture of the author hometutor
      Originally Posted by TeKn1qu3z View Post

      Money is my God
      Then I'll pray for you.

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      • Profile picture of the author glennshep
        In a word, no. Money is a tool, a means to an end. What money can do for me can lead to situations that can make me happy, but does the simple possession of money in itself make me happy? Nope. Money and happiness are not mutually necessary.

        My happiness is not dependent on the mere possession of money. Rather, I can find myself experiencing happiness as a result of what opportunities money can bring. I
        f I had money but couldn't do anything with it then it would be useless and immaterial. After all, it's possible to have happiness through the experiences, feelings and circumstances that money can bring without actually possessing money, but simply having money doesn't guarantee you'll have happiness.
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  • Profile picture of the author ronyoung
    yes i belive it does, you can do more things , have a stable life, and worry less
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  • Profile picture of the author greenowl123
    Money brings me happiness in 2 major ways.

    1. Allows me to travel and see/explore interesting places.
    2. Allows me to choose which people I choose to be in my presence or not be in my presence.

    Other things that are important : my health, a caring partner (of the female variety), my loyal dog, going to the beach and having fun in the waves with my boogie board, and having a cold beer or 5 with friends on my patio on the weekends and playing poker.
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  • Profile picture of the author AcuityLabs
    money is just a piece of paper with value equated to it.
    what money can get you is what makes you happy.
    freedom, power, experience, high quality food
    I believe it is possible to be happy without money, just a very different style of living
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
      Money is great for buying the things that money can buy. But not so good at buying things that it can't.

      I wish I could take credit for that thought - paraphrase that it is, but I heard form Mike Dooley the first time, and it made a lot of sense to me.

      I think a great life includes both kind of things.

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  • Profile picture of the author NoNeed
    Money buys me movie ticket to Hangover and it buys me ticket to Titanic too.

    It buys me quality jeans and buys me drugs. Thing is u don't get lost while choosing. Choose better.
    Money do good things, it's necessary and it brings happiness only if you buy only happiness.
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  • Profile picture of the author navyvai
    Here I would like to say sometimes the MONEY can make you happy. some people said Money is the second god in the world. To lead a luxurious life, you must have money. Without money you will not be able to be happy in this sense. On the other hand the money will not be able to give you Mental Satisfaction. In this case Money will not be able to make you happy.
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  • Profile picture of the author winsoar
    It's what money buys that can improve our lives. Happiness is a feeling which is within. We are always in control of how we feel. Feeling happier and focusing on the things we want can attract more money into our lives, because when you feel good you make better decisions.

    Visit my official blog: James Winsoar and learn how to generate 30+ new FREE leads a day on auto-pilot!

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  • Profile picture of the author spearce000
    Money can't buy happiness, but it can make you awfully comfortable while you're being miserable.
    Clare Boothe Luce

    I couldn't have put it better myself .
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  • Profile picture of the author hometutor
    Originally Posted by TheProductReviewGuy View Post

    You always hear about how "money can't buy happiness". I disagree with this statement. Why?

    Money gets you a roof over your head which makes you happy.
    It lets you buy anything you want i.e. luxury cars, watches, clothes.
    It also allows you to spend more time with your family which makes you happy.

    I want to know whether or not money would make you happy. I'm talking about income of $250k a year.
    So you're using it as a tool to get what you wish for. Just having a pile of money is not what's making you happy it's what you're doing with it.

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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Not NEEDING more money makes me relaxed and content. There's some "happy" in that.

      It's not the piles of money that most want - it's the freedom from dealing with money, worrying about money, trying to get money that is the basic goal.

      I also liked:

      Money can't buy you happiness, but you can buy a yacht and sail damned close to it.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      Meditation bring me happiness lol

      Not being funny either, because it's 100% true.

      I like the things that money can bring me, like luxurious items, housing, food etc

      But I think of happiness as something you can feel when you really want it, rather than a thing or substance that "makes" you happy.

      Example, after a long day of work (long ago) i was super hungry not having eaten for the entire day and I ate a pear i was given earlier in the day.

      Eating the pear was bliss for the few minutes i had it, and it had nothing to do with money. My hunger amplified my appreciation for it, it was probably the best fruit I had ever tasted at the time (it was a damned good pear) and none of my problems exists for those few minutes while i ate.

      Something transcendent happened there. Money can't touch the happiness i had at that moment.
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      • Profile picture of the author Cosmo458
        Yep, money makes me very happy. Without it I'd be stressed out to the max. Money gives me choices and the freedom to do what, when and where I wish.
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    • Profile picture of the author TheProductReviewGuy
      Originally Posted by hometutor View Post

      So you're using it as a tool to get what you wish for. Just having a pile of money is not what's making you happy it's what you're doing with it.

      Exactly Rick, if you have a pile of money lying around, it's not going to make me happy just seeing it there. It's what I do with the money that defines the happiness I get from it. I can either buy materialistic objects which make me happy i.e. watches, cars, yachts etc or I can spend it on my family.

      The reason for this thread is that I want to know what peoples motives are when it comes to internet marketing and why they started it in the first place.
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  • Profile picture of the author Affiliatebuddy
    It is essential component of life.
    Web Design Leads Exclusive/Daily/100+ . Free Test. PM or Skype: premiumwebdesignleads
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  • Profile picture of the author Webkingseo
    Most of the time it does
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  • Profile picture of the author SandowJ
    I think there's a step missing. I don't think money makes people happy, I believe money provides the means for you to make yourself happy. As an example, you could have all the money in the world, but say you were the only remaining human on the planet. Probably wouldn't be too happy.

    On the flip side, I think a lot more goes in to it. If you attained that money in a shady or unethical way, I'm sure you won't be happy. If you got the money in a fulfilling way, then that's the means to make you happy. A lot goes in to it
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  • Profile picture of the author XponentSYS
    "Those Who Say Money Doesn't Buy Happiness..... Don't Have Any"

    All joking aside.... I believe that money itself doesn't buy happiness but the security and freedom it buys creates happiness.

    Some may disagree with me but the reality is, we live in a "money centric" world. Having been on "both sides of the fence (poor than wealthy), that's my experience.

    Interestingly, investigation of those who preach idealism such as "money doesn't buy happiness" or "money isn't of much concern"....... usually reveals some kind of trust or other financial instrument providing them with their own financial security

    There are a TON of authors and other "advisors" in the "new-age" self help space who are guilty of this. It's almost as criminally misleading as are the false income claims in the MMO space.
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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    You work 50 hours... Friday arrives (finally), you have Saturday off, and your employer informs you he/she won't have the money he/she owes you until Monday.

    Now, in this example... Most people would be highly pissed, upset, or even ready to unload a verbal or physical assult.


    Because we rely on money as a measurement of affording a means of survival, and the little bits of happiness beyond that (most often) cost money. If not, all the crappy jobs would pay more...cause people wouldn't line up to do a bunch of crap they would never do... If they weren't being paid to do them.

    Also, when I met my wife 23 years ago...God forbid I couldn't afford to wine her and dine her... Or I would've never had the privilege to truly understand what love costs... 3 kids, pets, a business, mortgage, etc... (Money may not make anyone happy... But not having it, sure can create some meaningful disasters!)

    Overall, I am rarely happy if I am running on empty... So I like to try and keep the tank half full, whenever possible.
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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  • Profile picture of the author smoor2012
    I like the Zig Ziglar quote "Money isn't everything, but it ranks right up there with oxygen."

    Money is a tool....simple as that. Money will magnify the type of person you are...that is also a fact.

    Money buys the necessities you need and the things you want if you have enough of it.

    Money should also be used to serve other people. If you use money wisely you would get out of debt first and then learn to invest it in things to make the money work for you.

    Money is simply a tool that can be used in the right way or the wrong way, and that is an individual decision.

    PM me and I will respond as soon as possible

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  • I have been in both ends of the spectrum: flat out broke (crashing at a friend's couch for months) and cash millionaire. I will say this much: Money, while it might not necessarily bring happiness per se, it sure brings freedom and possibilities Whatever you do with such freedom and possibilities, it is up to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    Ever seen a sad person on a wave runner?
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  • Profile picture of the author FreedomBlogger
    I totally agree with you!!

    I have never met a person with back pains or stressed out, truly happy. Even if they say that money is not happiness. That is bs for real!~

    Money is not what is really important - WHAT money gets you and the feelings it provides you with, IS what is truly important. You are not really after the money, ever, you are always after what the money gets you.

    Thats it!

    Great topic!
    At the beginning, I thought making money online with a blog was super super hard. Not anymore. Learn the art of making money online blogging - step by step - HERE.
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  • Profile picture of the author Justin1
    As I say to my mum, would rather be unhappy on a million dollar yaucht fishing off the whitsundays then unhappy in a bad area with a horrible house! Money does by happiness, but of course family and health is more important and a lot of people lose family with the money for one reason or another. Money gets you the best doctors and specialists in the world as well. The phrase "money dpesn't buy happiness" is complete bullshit really, Ive never agreed with it lol. If it doesnt BUY happiness, it BUYS a much NICER, MORE EXTRAVAGANT level of unhappiness hey! LOL

    Looking for sites for sale, especially survival/prepper sites if anyone has any available, please pm me, thanks.

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  • Profile picture of the author Joelmc
    I'm not sure how to answer someone give me some money and I'll try it out to see it makes me happy lol
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  • Profile picture of the author regulardan
    Maybe you're question could have been: Does making money make you happy?

    And yes making money does make me happy but spending it does not unless it is an investment that makes me more money or keeps me alive.
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  • Profile picture of the author Evan H
    Materialistic things that money buys does not make me happy, but more the security it provides makes me happy
    Powerful Blogging & SEO related content published weekly...Follow the journey here:
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    • People who do NOT have money think that the point of money is about buying material things.

      People who DO have money realize that the point of money is about gaining freedom and possibilities... and THAT helps bringing happiness.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheProductReviewGuy
    Overall it depends on the person. If someone spends a lot of time with family, money wouldn't really be the key to their happiness. I've seen families live on low income but are always happy and smiling. I've also seen high six figure earners who live miserable lives. They have the woman of their dreams, a flashy sports car but whenever I see them, their facial expressions are always like they've just been told they lost all their money.
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  • Profile picture of the author butters
    Money brings happiness, I'm sure it brings unhappiness to but lets look at it like this. My parents finished there mortgage this year, she said to me, I got an extra £12,000 a year to do what ever I want to do with. Ok £12,000 isn't an overwhelming amount of money but that still equates to an extra 1k a month. If they wanted to go out and buy a new car, they could without having to worry about other bills. If they wanted to go on holiday, they could. I think the happiness comes from being able to pay everything off and still having the ability to have fun.
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  • Profile picture of the author sunray
    Why should it? Money is not made to bring happiness. Happiness is an inside job, and has nothing to do with having or not having money. But having money gives you more freedom, and allows to amplify everything you decide to do.


    Use these laws and make the Law of Attraction work
    QuantumMindSuccess Learn how to live a happy, healthy and abundant life.
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  • Profile picture of the author kencalhn
    having happy Customers makes me happy. the money follows.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    You seem to be viewing money as a tool that can buy you things and allow you to spend more time with people important to you.

    That is a perfectly valid justification, it's just important to keep in mind that money by itself won't make you happy -- it's what you do with it that does. It can also make you very unhappy if you misuse it and do destructive or non-beneficial things with it.

    Originally Posted by TheProductReviewGuy View Post

    You always hear about how "money can't buy happiness". I disagree with this statement. Why?

    Money gets you a roof over your head which makes you happy.
    It lets you buy anything you want i.e. luxury cars, watches, clothes.
    It also allows you to spend more time with your family which makes you happy.

    I want to know whether or not money would make you happy. I'm talking about income of $250k a year.
    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author itunesguy
    Until money can buy a 100 percent effective and safe cure for hair loss, it will not make me much happier than I already am.

    However, I need the money in case the cure does come out.
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  • Profile picture of the author Yassine Labouch
    Money it's good, but money don't buy Happyness, because the real happyness in this world is worshiping God, and being a good person and giving something to the community
    Online Marketing Presence in Arabic World Arabs Engine
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  • Profile picture of the author wordsuwant09
    I would be happy making $300 a week, let alone $250K a year. i am a content writer and trying to make money online at home. I have an ad placed but want to learn more and have read and watched videos but still struggling. I would give anything to make more than the $100 a week online that I manage to make now writing for Elance and other content mill sites that pay pennies per 100 words.
    Unique Content and Fast Turnaround Time! Check me out and let me know what you need!
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  • Profile picture of the author RecessionPROOF
    For me, money isn't everything, but it is everything else.

    Success to all,
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Batt
    Money doesn't buy you happiness, money buys you comfort and security. Realistically, you couldn't be happy without it - but having it won't make you happy.
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  • Profile picture of the author marketingmaster15
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      1. God
      2. Family and Health
      3. Friends
      4. Money

      In that Order

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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  • Profile picture of the author James Howard
    It makes my wife happy
    = I get an easy life = HAPPINESS :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Sokute
    As somebody once told me: money wont solve your problems but having no money will create tons!
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  • Hmmm....

    ... Depends on what you mean.

    I like making money.

    I like spending money.

    I'm not sure that I like having money in itself though. I'm not one of those people who likes having a huge bank account just for the sake of it. I would much rather own property than simply have cash (supposing I had to choose between the two).
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  • Profile picture of the author CurtisSWN
    If there were no money, would you be happy?
    Simple Two Step Formula
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  • Profile picture of the author lunaBEAM
    Money just takes away the pressure and stress which means you're free to be happy.
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    • Profile picture of the author bobsstuff
      Money may not buy happiness, but it sure buys a lot more happiness than poverty.
      Bob Hale
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  • Profile picture of the author danaziz
    "Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a boat big enough to pull up right alongside it." - a quote I saw on this forum years ago in someones signature, it always stood out to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author rafsco
    Yes, the bigger the number the happier i feel. I always had a special attachment to it sjnce i was a child.

    Joe Falcade
    Make Money with

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  • Profile picture of the author Tabish khan
    ya money makes me happy when i earn it myself.
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  • Profile picture of the author Slade556
    Originally Posted by TheProductReviewGuy View Post

    You always hear about how "money can't buy happiness". I disagree with this statement.

    I want to know whether or not money would make you happy. I'm talking about income of $250k a year.
    I totally agree with you!
    I think whoever invented that statement must have been poor and wanted to feel better about their own situation... I do agree that material things don't always bring happiness (honestly now, you can be happy even without a car, for instance), but without money, I can't imagine myself feeling happy!
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      Originally Posted by Slade556 View Post

      I totally agree with you!
      I think whoever invented that statement must have been poor and wanted to feel better about their own situation... I do agree that material things don't always bring happiness (honestly now, you can be happy even without a car, for instance), but without money, I can't imagine myself feeling happy!
      Perhaps those people are sound spiritually.

      If that's the case and you aren't spiritually sound yourself you naturally wouldn't relate.

      There are communities in the world that don't consider themselves 'poor' and they are at a great distance from being unhappy without money having even entered into their way of life.
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  • Profile picture of the author alambd1963
    I think money can not buy the happiness, but most of the time the money can give you happy. There is no doubt about it. Sometimes the money fails to give happiness. according to me, it is an exception. while the exception is not an example. So finally I can say the money is the second God in the world.
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  • Profile picture of the author Howard Oreile
    It is not greedy to enjoy money. If you think about it , if everyone had enough money to buy what they needed and were also able to buy things they wanted , we would all be a lot happier.I'm not saying you need money to be happy , but if everyone had it we would be at least a little happier and less stressed. With the hard economy and all . So yeah , it makes sense that money makes you happy. Although , if you look at it closer , you realize that it is not money that makes you happy , money is just sheets of paper , but the things you buy make your life better , funner , easier , etc, so knowing that . You then know it is the objects not the money.
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  • Profile picture of the author jessicawang
    If I have no money, it definitely does make me happy. But, if I have a lot of money, I think it does give me peace in mind is more important than just happy.!

    Do you want to make money online? But you're sick of getting nowhere? Finally, here is a blueprint that is proven to work:

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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    They say money can't buy you love...but it can rent some first-class accommodations.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author Fullofsurprises
    I will be blunt, the term "Money can't buy you happiness" was only bought in to make losers feel they aren't losing out so that the rich didn't have to worry about being judged.

    In reality while you can't be happy just because you have money, it does pave the way towards happiness.

    Ask those who don't have money and they will tell you how difficult it is to get up in the morning and think of how they are going to buy food/clothing/shelter for themselves.

    But one thing for sure, if you have money you can make others happy by giving to charity, help the one less fortunate. A smile in their face is worth living for. And that itself is happiness bought by money
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  • Profile picture of the author Nicole Sakoman
    Originally Posted by TheProductReviewGuy View Post

    You always hear about how "money can't buy happiness". I disagree with this statement. Why?

    Money gets you a roof over your head which makes you happy.
    It lets you buy anything you want i.e. luxury cars, watches, clothes.
    It also allows you to spend more time with your family which makes you happy.

    I want to know whether or not money would make you happy. I'm talking about income of $250k a year.
    first time when you`ll be crying on floor, totally desperate... then you`ll know if money=happiness
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  • Profile picture of the author karlstech
    Money makes me happy, yes, there's no point denying it. The thing is I am lucky enough have someone with me with whom I can share my happiness!
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  • Profile picture of the author BIBI15
    problem is that you can't buy everything for example real love but when you have $250k bitch please
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  • Profile picture of the author finnsta
    Attitude is what you decide each day for yourself. From attitude, happiness can derive.

    Money does not bring happiness to you. It can bring proud, a sense of certainty and security to you.

    Money can do great things for you, but you can be happy with or without money either way.

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  • Profile picture of the author Cant Tell
    I believe that money can give you freedom and maybe ease the stress in life. However happiness is a whole different thing that in my opinion got nothing to do with money. It doesn't matter you are rich or poor you have ups and downs in your life sometimes you are happy sometimes you're not. It's simple life consists of ups and downs so I think that is the wrong question. However we can all agree that money is necessary to have a better life.
    'A happy life is impossible; the best that man can attain is a 'heroic life', - Arthur Schopenhauer
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