Best way to monetize a video site

5 replies
Hi, i started a video site in August. The traffic is growing, I just wanted to know what would be the best way to monetize it? I tried some free download offers, but nobody is even clicking on them. i would like to know everyone's opinion...thanks
#monetize #site #video
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  • Profile picture of the author Forhad
    There are several different ways to display online ads, distinguished by when they appear relative to the video content that visitors are looking to consume. The best way explained bellow:
    Pre-roll video ads are the most common type of video ad unit; they appear before the video begins playing.
    Post-roll ads come up once the video has finished playing. This type of video ad is a lot less common, in part because advertisers will generally be willing to pay less for it since most viewers won’t stick around to see an advertisement that’s playing after they have consumed the desired content.
    Mid-roll video ads are exactly what they sounds like — video that appears in the middle of a piece of content. This type of video ad is far less common than other types of video ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author positivegirl
    hey i am wondering what kind of videos you are doing.. if you send not targeted traffic to your site, is normal that people don't opt in of get your free offers..... maybe choose one niche (a profitable one) and master it, then set free/paid offers that are highly related with your videos, so your conversions will be higher... maybe you will get less traffic but better conversions

    Hope that helps
    Jany Luz Posada
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  • Profile picture of the author OliviasDad
    Well I have created some niche specific video sites which I populate with auto curation plugins

    Pick a good niche with a good theme which has people who may buy related products

    Honestly, if you can get them on the site to watch videos, they may stay long enough to click on a money link

    If you are using WordPress, there are many plugins that will help monetize clickbank products, amazon products, and even do cpa offers

    You must have a plan in to track your results, so at least some analytics to know where people are coming from, where they are clicking...

    Some sites for me have done well if the offers get the viewers interest

    Other ones, I'm still working on...
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  • Profile picture of the author Slade556
    Forhad summed it up just about right. I would go with the pre-roll ads, even if they're pretty much annoying for the visitors, but they get the most views and they are paid better. And since I mentioned annoying... better go with the pre-rolls, because mid-roll is a lot more annoying, and the commercials at the end of the video are usually not seen.
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