Rule #18 Forced email opt ins

10 replies
Rule #18: Forced email opt ins

Sellers are not to force email opt ins from customers to gain access to their product. While you are allowed to request the customer to subscribe to your mailing list, this should not be the only way the customer may gain access to your product or service.

Where/How would you request customers to subscribe to your mailing list...

How do you gain the opt ins from the buyers of your WSO?

Is there a way to get opt ins if you offered a product through classified ads?

Does anyone have tutorials on how to put a product on the classified section?
##18 #email #email opt ins #forced #ins #opt #rule #subscribe
  • Profile picture of the author internetmarketer1
    I'll agree with what you're saying.

    I haven't added somebody to my list without them knowing ever. I probably made people instantly sign up to my list years ago in by old WSOs, but now, people get my products without having to input their email.

    In regards to getting the opt ins, I will say that many people get people on their list using the WarriorPlus processor and their instant opt in feature, but I haven't tried adding people to my list in awhile, so I don't know exactly how to properly connect your autoresponder to your WarriorPlus account.
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    • Profile picture of the author gjhabs8
      What opt in process does Warrior Plus have? Any tutorials or links to go to for seeing hop the opt in process goes?
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  • Profile picture of the author RealCasher
    You can put a free but quality wso to gather emails.. lots of people are doing it here!
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    • Profile picture of the author mikefashen
      Originally Posted by RealCasher View Post

      You can put a free but quality wso to gather emails.. lots of people are doing it here!
      No you can't. Warrior Forum - The #1 Internet Marketing Forum & Marketplace - Announcements in Forum : Warrior Special Offers

      Rule #3:
      If your offer is free, then this is to be posted in the Warrior Forum Classified Ads sub-forum.

      It's actually an entirely different board now.

      Stop trying and start DOING

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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        Here's what a "forced optin" is (as applies to the forum rules).

        1. You advertise your report or product for sale (as a WSO, for example)

        2. Someone reads the sales copy and clicks the "buy" button

        3. That "someone" pays for the product

        4. THEN THE BUYER IS TOLD THEY MUST OPT IN BEFORE GETTING THE PRODUCT THEY JUST PAID FOR - though there was nothing about that in the sales page. Not good - and against the rules.

        Anyone taking freebies offered by marketers should expect to give an email address and join a list - that's not the same thing as the process above.
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        • Profile picture of the author Teravel
          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          4. THEN THE BUYER IS TOLD THEY MUST OPT IN BEFORE GETTING THE PRODUCT THEY JUST PAID FOR - though there was nothing about that in the sales page. Not good - and against the rules.
          So, basically...

          If I use the warriorforum's own payment service I can tie the payment to my autoresponder and require an email address on the order page. Therefore I am "forcing" the opt in. I could write a pretty simple script to get that information out of paypal following the order and autosubscribe the person, thus "forcing" the opt in as well.
          Except, what this describes is not "Forcing the Opt-In" according to the rules. The WF wants this automated, instead of making more work for the buyers?

          "Failure is feedback. Feedback is the breakfast of champions." -Fortune Cookie

          PLR Packages - WSO

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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    You are not forcing someone to enter their name & email if they volunteer their info in the exchange of a product, free download, squeeze page, etc...

    I think it would be a bit difficult to force someone to give their information, and even if you demanded they do so in order to see your offer... I'm not exactly sure what could possibly constitute 'forcing' unless someone wants to buy your product and refuses to optin after purchase, maybe?

    To keep it simple, it's much easier to just lay it out therein an optin form or squeeze page and require subscribers to 'confirm their request' ( aka double-optin) as this protects you against spam complaints...if a subscriber forgets when/where/how they got on your list, or if the subscriber used a 'fake' email to access content, and the fake names turns out to be someone elses real email address...who then could acuse you of sending them spam.
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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  • Profile picture of the author regulardan
    What is being forced??? If the tables were aligned differently and this email optin instead was a telephone follow up call, would you tell them everything before you attempted to get their phone number???

    What if you don't close them and they say "NOT INTERESTED?" You have missed your chance for a future follow up. What if you ran an ad and that was how your paid campaign ended?

    I will say this. If you have a product distributed at retail then of course what you say makes sense in that area of sales. For example: If I go to amazon to buy your product, I simply buy. There is no opting in to YOUR list before seeing your product. The same is true if I go to an actual store offline like Walmart.

    But in direct sales the follow up is everything. One exposure is not going to do it for most people though. However that area can be approved to up the conversion rate of the close......
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    • Profile picture of the author gjhabs8
      The Force is just the rule that Warrior Forum has in place.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikefashen
    Originally Posted by gjhabs8 View Post

    Rule #18: Forced email opt ins
    I'll agree that this rule makes zero sense especially given that the warrior forum allows it to be violated.

    If I use the warriorforum's own payment service I can tie the payment to my autoresponder and require an email address on the order page. Therefore I am "forcing" the opt in. I could write a pretty simple script to get that information out of paypal following the order and autosubscribe the person, thus "forcing" the opt in as well.

    The rule seems to ONLY apply to people who have a payment page for the product, and after the payment page someone is taken to an email list sign up form which they have to enter their email before the product is delivered.

    In other words, what the WF seems like they are ACTUALLY opposed to is a two step sales process, not the forcing of the email.

    And for crying out loud people, I have seen probably a dozen times in just the last month someone yapping about "run a free WSO." You can't run a free WSO anymore. Read Rule 3 in the stickies for the WSO board. Free offers go into the classified section now.

    Is there a way to get opt ins if you offered a product through classified ads?
    After checking the rules via the stickies for that section you can run a free offer that takes someone to a landing page where they have to enter their email to get what you are offering. That's how you do it in that section.

    Does anyone have tutorials on how to put a product on the classified section?
    The stickies in the classified section explain give the "tutorial" on how to do it. Specifically the "how to pay for and bump a thread" sticky.

    Stop trying and start DOING

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