Do people make a living from WSOs?

by cap360
11 replies
I have received mixed reviews on if people make living off WSOs
Can you make a living from them or they are just good for a short term gig?

share your experience please
#living #make #people #wsos
  • Profile picture of the author vickybabe
    Originally Posted by cap360 View Post

    I have received mixed reviews on if people make living off WSOs
    Can you make a living from them or they are just good for a short term gig?

    share your experience please
    Hi mate,

    As someone that has sold wso's for quite some time now, i can tell you that there is plenty of money to be made with that model

    The thing that new people to the market do not understand though is that the money is not really in the selling of the wsos as such (although you will make money)

    It is mostly used as a lead generation tool, and the the majority of your income will be on your back-end from affiliate marketing and selling higher priced products to your new buyers list

    So the short answer is yes, if you set them up correctly and have a strong back end in place

    It is hard to make a living selling $7 products, it is very easy to make a living selling 500 - 1000 dollar products

    Hope that helps
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by cap360 View Post

    Can you make a living from them or they are just good for a short term gig?
    Two or three years ago (and before that) there were certainly people making a living either mostly or entirely from WSO's. (There may still be a very, very few, now - who knows, for sure?)

    It was always short-sighted and ill-advised.

    First, it's not a very sensible long-term plan to be so dependent on one place to advertise and on one traffic-source when it belongs to someone else and the rules can suddenly change overnight (as we all saw, very recently).

    Secondly, given the way that the WSO-sellers have, collectively, devalued their own marketplace over recent years, and trained the buyers to expect lower and lower prices, it must be becoming increasingly difficult to do: in potential income terms, it's clearly a diminishing market rather than an expanding one. That's not exactly the most advisable business plan, is it?

    Thirdly, this forum's traffic is currently at an all-time low.

    It's a case of res ipsa loquitur: the facts speak for themselves, in my opinion.

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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    You can make a living off them if you know the right promoters. There are big name promoters with QUALITY LISTS. These are the players that make or break WSOs. Breaking out organically is still possible but it takes a lot more effort. Why do you think LAUNCHES are such a big deal?
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    • Profile picture of the author Valuable Solos
      Originally Posted by writeaway View Post

      You can make a living off them if you know the right promoters. There are big name promoters with QUALITY LISTS. These are the players that make or break WSOs. Breaking out organically is still possible but it takes a lot more effort. Why do you think LAUNCHES are such a big deal?
      Who are the big name promoters that I must know?
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        For years, there have been marketers who earned the majority of their income through WSOs...for a while.

        Usually they built up their lists and their products over time. The WSOs change from being a main source of income to a side income and eventually the IMers move away from WSOs altogether as their business grows in other directions.

        The problem with trying to "make a living" long term with WSOs is you are on someone else's platform. The mgmt can change the rules, the site could be hacked (it was down once several years ago for ten days or so), etc.

        The forum might not change but YOU might be discredited by an unhappy buyer or by people who expected more - or who have nothing better to do than complain. It's not easy to build and maintain a forum reputation when you are selling to people here.

        Look at the fuss at Pinterest this week. Bloggers and fashion affiliates build their business on affiliates links on Pinterest. Rules change and they lose their entire income base.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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  • Profile picture of the author lunaBEAM
    I think you should think about creating a REAL business on your own website, not on WF
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  • Profile picture of the author cap360
    Thank you. Where do I find these big time marketers?
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
      I agree with Kay. In my opinion a better approach would be to buy quality WSO's, or join the War Room, and find quality free information there. Then apply what you learn to build a long term business using some of the ideas you learned.
      Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheProductReviewGuy
    3 years ago, there was quite a few internet marketers who started a six figure empire with their WSO. Nowadays, every guy and his dog are starting their own WSO making peanuts. If a person has the connections i.e. JVs and affiliates, the chances of a product going viral and making a lot of money is quite high.

    Also, most product creators goals isn't to make money from the product being sold but by adding the buyer to an email list where they can promote even more products and make commissions from there.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      The answer is no not anymore not by itself. Even successful WSOs now generally need some promotion beyond just putting up an ad

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    • Profile picture of the author cap360
      Originally Posted by TheProductReviewGuy View Post

      3 years ago, there was quite a few internet marketers who started a six figure empire with their WSO. Nowadays, every guy and his dog are starting their own WSO making peanuts. If a person has the connections i.e. JVs and affiliates, the chances of a product going viral and making a lot of money is quite high.

      Also, most product creators goals isn't to make money from the product being sold but by adding the buyer to an email list where they can promote even more products and make commissions from there.
      haha every guy and their dog that cracked me up lol
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