how NOT to drive traffic to your site

and in part to share my mistakes with newbies so they wont make the same mistakes.
So I've been reading a lot and when someone asks for "Hey how can I get traffic"? the typical answer is the following:
- Blog Commenting
- Videos
- Social Bookmarking
- Guest posts
- Q&A sites
- Froum posting
Ok... one by one
SEO What I've found is... SEO is worthless if your content is not of great quality and unique, is worthless if your product doesn't drive attention, and is worthless if it lies about what really is describing. To me SEO is a bunch of metadata in the header of your page, and keyword/content radio... doesn't matter how much time I spend tweaking IT WILL NOT GET TRAFFIC... and of course backlinking is not part of SEO to me... all the other strategies listed involves backlinking... but I will talk about backlinks later on this post.
Facebook This is my most recent and frustrating failure!!! over the past 4 months I've joined hundreds of facebook groups, in several approaches to my niche... posted my offer there but its so overflowed by spam, that I think no one pays attention anymore

Blog Commenting ah this is golden! you spend a shitload of time commenting on blogs, once I spent two 10 hour days scrapping the web like a bot searching for stuff where to leave my comment, and I was tracking the posts with an excel sheet, when the sheet reached the 250 comments I stopped to see how it worked.... turns out that after one month only 4 comments where approved... the rest... maybe on someones spambox, and the ones approved where because blog was unmoderated, and of course full of "out of context comments" so... 4 abosolutely worthless backlinks there. what do you say warriors... waste of time?
Videos You certainly need a lot of videos, and if your niche is competitive you are must likely going to get 0 visits from a video... unless you feel desperate and pay (like me) for ads... after that I got a few visits, but again 0 sales T_T
Social Bookmarking This one was golden!! I went to microworkers.com and founded an account with like $120 and kicked a few projects, 400 fb shares, retweets, yahoo answers, stumble upon, digg, reddis, loads and loads of sri-lanka, india and philipinas guys bookmarking and sharing for a penny!!! even I did it... hmmm worthless... again 0 sales.
Guest posts So this is showing some results even by today!!! I made one guest post and 1 press release on fiverr, and that is getting me 3 (three) visitors a day xD so doing some math... to get 300 visitors a day I would need 100 guest posts... and 100 press releases and of course about $2,000 (worthy guest posts will cost you one eye out of your face!) so if by 3 months a consistent rate of "targeted" visitors of 3 a day (thats about 300 visitors) I won't get not even one sale... I'm not sure if 300 in one month will do it.
Q&A Sites this is crap, is absolutely difficult to find a related question, and even more difficult that the asking person pays attention to your answer when he is overwhelmed by 35 more answers... not even readers reading the answers and question, the chances are very low and even more low to get a click from a Q&A
Forum Posting Same as facebook groups... YOU WILL GET BANNED, again and again... no one is going to let you post about your business without paying... trust me NO ONE with a relevant forum....
So in conclusion, I feel like backlinks are worthless if they are not in great context with the content where they are shown... you cant expect for people to click on a link about cars in a makeup blog... and so, there are tons of gigs offering backlinks, this is easy money out, 0 ROI
I also tried to give a go to this famous "solo ads" but guess what, solo ads are niche restricted, and what niches can work with solo ads... yes you guessed it: MMO, IM
I feel that the only people making money online are the ones that get "products" launched which consists on a pdf explaining how are they billionares, by doing stuff in my list... and selling it to people like me, with a 9-5 job which pays a salary to feed my online dreams...
Is not that my offers are bad, usually I pick offers so the user will actually save money! I've even offered my services as a web developer (Im a software engineer) FOR FREE!!! in exchange of someone purchasing something they need... but nope... they keep buying PDFs

So well, Im going to keep trying, and swear when I finally get my success will share it here, for free... no expensive ass PDF... everyone seems to know the secrets this days, yet they are not sharing any knowledge for free, which I think is the sense of a community right? share knowledge with others... for free?
So... that's my story jejeje I know there will be troll/egotistical comments... go ahead Im here for some constructive criticism

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