Advice with domain name choice

10 replies

I am relatively new with domain selling. In relation with the double lettering, can anyone tell me if is better than ? Or is it the opposite? or is it better to stay away from these names?
#advice #choice #domain
  • Profile picture of the author neckrub
    Domain selling isn't my game.
    But, like everyone, I have an opinion.
    I avoid names that can generate confusion. When someone needs to write a domain name down, the likelihood of error and lost visitors seems great. (Not all situations allow for copying and pasting URLs.)
    This, of course, doesn't answer your question of going with a double "L" or a single "L" in the names you've shown to us.
    Wouldn't know how to answer that other than a coin flip.
    Hope this helps at least a bit.
    Just a guy supplementing his retirement,
    calling 'em like I see 'em and chewing
    gum at the same time:
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    • Profile picture of the author CurtisSWN
      Like neckrub I have an opinion to. I'm not an expert but I pretend I am one in my mind....

      Domain names. You can go for the exact domain match, good luck with that, trying to get that 12.37 percent seo boost.

      Or, you can just go with a catchy domain name such as "Infinite Internet" You would think people would click on your link just because of the name.

      Does Amazon have an exact domain match? No, but they're pretty successful anyway.
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  • Profile picture of the author butters
    In my opinion regarding double lettering, if the words are spelt with double letters, i.e., the one you quoted above, it doesn't make sense to me to cut out a letter. I say this because if I read it some where and told some one it, I would consciously put in the double letters in my mind because I would assume its stupid to put medicaleaders over medicalleaders.
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  • Profile picture of the author fpforum
    It's usually better to be grammatically correct if you can. If it has double letters, you have better chances of selling it with the double letters in there. That being said, I personally try to stay away from those types myself just because you have the potential of cutting yourself short.
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  • Profile picture of the author hinadeane
    Thank you all for you inputs. I'm still in the learning process but can't help myself checking available domains. I picked up Don't know if that can be monetized... any opinions?

    Also are there any website that will sell the domain name for you in exchange for a percentage fee? Have you already used one?
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  • Profile picture of the author Gene Pimentel
    Use the correct spelling. Which would you prefer visit your website, the few who don't spell correctly, or the masses who do? If this was a site of any importance to my business, I'd register both. Redirect the misspelling to the correct one.
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  • Profile picture of the author TeKn1qu3z
    having perfect domains for your website is very important, well it's not bad to have double letters in the domain as long as it's necessary. And you don't have to get rid of that domain names, you just put a domain wich is very easy to apply with.
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by hinadeane View Post


    I am relatively new with domain selling. In relation with the double lettering, can anyone tell me if is better than ? Or is it the opposite? or is it better to stay away from these names?
    Definitely need to have the full, correct spelling. You could use hyphen to make it more discernable
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  • Profile picture of the author hinadeane
    Thanks everyone. And congratulation to new owner, you just proved I can find domains that has value for someone
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  • Profile picture of the author Kamaal
    You should go for the one which is spelled correctly even if it has two letter simultaneously.
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