Online Business Tip for Newbies

5 replies
I'm running a very successful Internet Marketing Reseller program and I've had much success with it.

I've found that one of the secrets to success with Internet Marketing is to purchase a small online businesses (maybe for a few hundred dollars) and try many different marketing techniques. The latest technique I've used is video marketing. Sales have doubled.

Once, you've found a good marketing strategy which generates one or two sales a day or more, purchase a few more online businesses and apply the same techniques. Purchasing websites is sometimes like purchasing real estate. You may be able to get a business that doesn't look to appealing from the outside, but with a few strokes of the brush and a little TLC on the inside, you start to make the business successful.

If you have 5 or 10 (or more) businesses generating $100 per week per business, that's a $1000 per week! Find the right marketing strategies and you'll have success again and again.

I just wanted to share this with the Warrior Members especially those that are just starting out with their online adventures. Hopefully this tip will save them a bit of time and prevent the trials and tribulations I had to endure.

Does anyone else have any suggestions for online business success? Please share your #1 tip that has helped you with your online success.


Mark -
#business #newbies #online #tip
  • Profile picture of the author Phil Essex
    Well I know when I started I had a little site that had a forum on it where I would answer peoples questions - this was in the health field not IM - and I wasn't even interested in making money at that time. But I was active in other forums about the same topic and soon I was getting a lot of people talking in my forum.

    They kept asking me for a course so I made one and charged $400 for it (it spread over a year and gave me a chance to write it lol) Within a month I was making $4000 per month..

    I had not expected this at all.

    Bottom line is if there is something you are an expert in you can generally make money from it - problem is most people are too reluctant to step up. But there is a good book (by who I forget sorry) and the title is Feel the Fear and then do it anyway....
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  • Profile picture of the author RealCasher
    I agree with both of you guys, people underestimate themselves, but overestimate others!

    On topic, do you say we have to buy websites and market them efficiently?

    If you do it alone It will be overwhelming when you start running +3 businesses
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  • Profile picture of the author moneymarket247
    Yes, it can get quite busy but if you have a few good marketing techniques, and you have affiliates marketing your site for you, it can be pretty hands free. If the product is a digital product, it will take less time to manage versus a online business in which you stock inventory and need to ship, etc.

    Go digital if possible :-) IMO
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