Any Way to Reverse Lookup Link/Redirect Traffic?
I've been trying out a new Amazon campaign, which involves redirecting my domain links to an Amazon product through my affiliate ID.
I've been using these redirected affiliate links on a newer link-sharing site.
The site is set up like Facebook in the regard that when you drop a link into the submission box, a thumbnail is generated with the site information before you post.
When I drop my link in, it automatically says it's an Amazon link, even though it's my own website link that just has a redirect on it.
So, I've been unsure this whole time whether or not my link was truly redirecting or if this site has something in place that's bypassing the redirect and updating it straight to my Amazon link when I post.
Because this campaign was just a test run, I wasn't too concerned with whether or not it was getting redirected properly.
I was getting a steady conversion of 1-2 sales per day, but today I got over 50 orders in a few hours and I'm worried that my account will get banned if the redirect is broken because third party links are against Amazon's ToS.
My question is, is there any guaranteed way to test if the site is redirecting my link or updating it straight to the affiliate link? Like a reverse lookup for a link to see where it originally came from?
I just need to find out what Amazon is seeing when they look at where my traffic is coming from.
You'll have to excuse me if this sounds dumb – I'm not super technical lol.
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