In search of good autoresponder

by Savi04
8 replies
Hey folks,
Need some suggestion for a good autoresponder, where I can import my list without confirmation email?
Anyone have any good suggestions? Thanks
#autoresponder #good #search
  • Profile picture of the author BernardR
    Is your question which service to use that does not insist on double opt-in?

    Personally I would challenge that as although double opt-in does slow the rate of list growth in my experience the quality of subscribers is better.

    Therefore I use Aweber

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  • Profile picture of the author katty5005
    Aweber, mailchimp are some of the autoresponder that I use.
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  • Profile picture of the author Savi04
    Thanks guys, is is there any autoresponder, that I can import my list without double opt-in?
    My subs already opted to my list i just want to change autoresponder, at the moment I'm using Getresponse, but there bounce rate is to high and there is more issues why I want to change it
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus

    Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

    We get waaaay too many threads started here on the question: "Which is the best autoresponder/list host?" Having those littered all over the forum, with some thoughts expressed in one thread and not another, is pointless. Not to mention irritating to those who've seen the same things argued endlessly for the past 10+ years.

    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author ninosem
    Hi @Savi04, you can import into Get response without sending confirmation email to your subscribers. However I recommend Aweber, but they allow importing only with sending confirmation emails.
    Other auto responders who alows importing without confirmations are are behind Get response....
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  • Profile picture of the author Fonzan
    Like so many good Internet Marketers, GetResponse is a very good choice.
    When I uploaded my list, it was without a confirmation email.
    And btw, you'll get a free email marketing training as well!
    You can choose the 3 months version with 3 hours study a day.
    Or the 6 months version with 2 hours study a day.
    Both are with 20% learning and 80% action taking.
    Try this if other courses failed,
    Like, "How to sell affiliate products"
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Originally Posted by Savi04 View Post

    Hey folks,
    Need some suggestion for a good autoresponder, where I can import my list without confirmation email?
    Anyone have any good suggestions? Thanks
    Get Response is one of the best softwares out there in the market place today. I don't use them but Aweber instead.

    I don't think Aweber will allow you to import your whole list without them re subscribing.

    Aweber and Get Repsonse are very closely rated for best delivery rates among a few others.

    There are some auto repsonders out there that will let you import lists and even leads that you bought but they don't compare to delivery rates of GR and Aweber.

    With Aweber, we have a spam filter (spam meter) to see how your message rates on the spam scale.

    I am not sure about GR but most likely they do.

    Check your account and see. Then change your messages around a little to bring down your spam score.

    Something else to think of:

    1- Some popular links from affiliate products are now being labeled as spam right from the get go. This is because so many other affiliates may have been already sending these links out to their lists.

    I believe Aweber cloaks the links within their aweber redirect links but not too sure if some spam filters may still catch the hidden links.

    2- Some or many of your subscribers may have opted in to your list and many may have still clicked on spam after reading too many of your emails.

    Even double opted in leads can do this stupid thing instead of just opting 'out'.

    But people are people.

    You may want to just keep your GR account and try to make a few changes. You can even consider using a different sending email.

    Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Savi04
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    • Profile picture of the author AnniePot
      I have recently been trying out a new auto-responder service: and so far I'm impressed. They allow single and/or double optin AND you have the ability to import existing lists.

      There is no charge until you exceed 2,000 contacts and 20,000 emails.

      I've been building up a brand new list with them for approximately three months and so far I've had no complaints at all. I'm still hanging on to my long-standing Aweber account for the time being.
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