How To Get Paid Courses Free Without Being A Black Hat Pirate
My first thought, I was like "WTF? People will pay for this?"
Why not just do a Google search?
Is it really that hard for folks to fathom that they could simply search for this stuff?
Although I did not buy this person's course, I figured I'd share my methods I've used but not charge folks here for it....
The basic premise is to do try the following:
1. Google search for "Udemy [or whatever the platform] coupon..."
Notice that if you're auto suggestion tool is turned on that there will be a number of suggestions that come up.
Note: the first rabbit hole that leads to other solutions which I'll recommend below should show you a facebook group.
Which leads to my next method
2. Search out facebook groups and pages for "udemy [or whatever the platform] coupons"
Again...note the results...join those groups, like those pages.
3. Repeat the above on Linkedin
4. Repeat the above on Google+
5. Do twitter searches for Udemy free coupons, etc.
6. Setup Google Alerts for the same thing.
There are more things you can do, however, this will typically keep you busy enough with free coupons for mondo expensive courses that you'll be busy learning for the next 50 years.
I hope this helps you, and by the way, in case you're unaware, I've also taught you a very special lesson regarding paid Udemy courses that you might not have known....
See if you can guess what the meta lesson is here by leaving a comment below.
Also, was this helpful, yes or no?

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