Who Are The Biggest Names in Internet Marketing

26 replies
Hey Everyone ,

Im hoping I wont take any of your valuable time by asking this question but I am relatively new to IM.

So the question is who are the top Internet Marketers in any niche ?

Like those who are making anywhere past 100,000 dollars a year maybe even millions a year.

I've also taken the time to do some research on my own but im not 100% sure of the results i came up with. So I came to everyone here.

Any answers would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance
#biggest #internet #marketing #names
  • Profile picture of the author edyang
    Hmm, I'd say Frank Kern for sure, Ryan Deiss, Jeff Walker?
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  • Profile picture of the author positivenegative
    Originally Posted by juliusC View Post

    So the question is who are the top Internet Marketers in any niche ?

    Like those who are making anywhere past 100,000 dollars a year maybe even millions a year.
    So why do you need to know?

    Having a bunch of names won't help you. You're just wasting your time and the answers won't benefit your IM world in any way.

    Far better to channel your energies into what you can feasibly do and are capable of, and not try to copy what others have done in their inimitable way . . which you have little chance of replicating.
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    • Profile picture of the author juliusC
      Originally Posted by positivenegative View Post

      So why do you need to know?

      Having a bunch of names won't help you. You're just wasting your time and the answers won't benefit your IM world in any way.

      Far better to channel your energies into what you can feasibly do and are capable of, and not try to copy what others have done in their inimitable way . . which you have little chance of replicating.
      I completely agree with your reasoning and i greatly appreciate your advice. The reason i ask if because with any luck I am looking to make one these great people my personal mentor to help further my education on IM in any way possible.

      Also there is a rule know as the 10% rule. Where if you copy anyones method of success or copy a business you will make around 10% of what they made. So why not aim straight for the top wouldnt you agree?
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      • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
        Most of their mentorship type things, if they offer them at all, costs thousands of dollars so be prepared. Just so you know.


        Originally Posted by juliusC View Post

        I completely agree with your reasoning and i greatly appreciate your advice. The reason i ask if because with any luck I am looking to make one these great people my personal mentor to help further my education on IM in any way possible.

        Also there is a rule know as the 10% rule. Where if you copy anyones method of success or copy a business you will make around 10% of what they made. So why not aim straight for the top wouldnt you agree?
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  • Profile picture of the author quadagon
    Apple and the late Steve Jobs
    I've got 99 problems but a niche ain't one
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Have to say I cant see the relevance either...
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author wheelstb
    This question is simply about being interested in and passionate about Internet marketing. It's not always about the money.
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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    Well that depends on what category you are looking to emulate.

    - Copywriting
    - Lead Generation
    - Direct Mail
    - E-Commerce
    - Email Marketing
    - Self-Publications
    - Kindle
    - Product Creation
    - Coaching
    - PPC
    - CPV
    - SEO
    - Drop Shipping
    - Forum Marketing
    - Press Releases
    - Social Media Marketing
    - Bum Marketing
    - Article Marketing
    - Video Marketing
    - PLR - Master Resell Rights
    - Ad Copy
    - Ezines
    - Solo Ads
    - Content Syndication
    - Advertising Space
    - Digital Information Products
    - Webinars/Go To Meetings
    - Public Speaking
    - Web Design
    - Graphics
    - Software Creation
    - Programming
    - Television
    - Radio
    - Media
    - Analytics/Data Processing
    - A/B Split Testing
    - Affiliate Networks
    - Domaining
    - Hosting
    - Membership Sites
    - MLM
    - Blogging
    - Niche Marketing
    - Amazon
    - Affiliate Marketing
    - Flipping Websites
    - Ebay
    - and, many, many more...

    There are so many facets to Internet Marketing that there is no RIGHT answer here. YOU need to figure out what YOU want to do with your IMing efforts.

    I could list 250 people relative to the list above that I have personally admired, and even observed through their email lists, launches, product creations, writings, and dedication to the area of IM that allowed them to reach a massive audience, and deliver an in-demand product or service.

    Even still, for me to choose 1 person whom I'd like to emulate, would be more along the lines of old school philosophers, philanthropists, and pioneers who have impacted, influenced, and revolutionized humanity to arrive at this era.

    One of my biggest influence (outside some omniscience-like considerations) would be Napoleon Hill, as he was privileged to interview some of the greatest influences to sales, business, development, and modern achievements leading to our current day.

    So IMHO apply Hill's philosophy to almost any area of life, IMing included, and pay close attention to the powerful influences revealed within his teachings, and YOU have your mentor... PLus, most of Hill's work can be found for free... after that it's just a matter of assembling the tech aspects to reach the target audience you're aiming to influence or provide guidance to.
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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    • Profile picture of the author juliusC
      Originally Posted by art72 View Post

      Well that depends on what category you are looking to emulate.

      - Copywriting
      - Lead Generation
      - Direct Mail
      - E-Commerce
      - Email Marketing
      - Self-Publications
      - Kindle
      - Product Creation
      - Coaching
      - PPC
      - CPV
      - SEO
      - Drop Shipping
      - Forum Marketing
      - Press Releases
      - Social Media Marketing
      - Bum Marketing
      - Article Marketing
      - Video Marketing
      - PLR - Master Resell Rights
      - Ad Copy
      - Ezines
      - Solo Ads
      - Content Syndication
      - Advertising Space
      - Digital Information Products
      - Webinars/Go To Meetings
      - Public Speaking
      - Web Design
      - Graphics
      - Software Creation
      - Programming
      - Television
      - Radio
      - Media
      - Analytics/Data Processing
      - A/B Split Testing
      - Affiliate Networks
      - Domaining
      - Hosting
      - Membership Sites
      - MLM
      - Blogging
      - Niche Marketing
      - Amazon
      - Affiliate Marketing
      - Flipping Websites
      - Ebay
      - and, many, many more...

      There are so many facets to Internet Marketing that there is no RIGHT answer here. YOU need to figure out what YOU want to do with your IMing efforts.

      I could list 250 people relative to the list above that I have personally admired, and even observed through their email lists, launches, product creations, writings, and dedication to the area of IM that allowed them to reach a massive audience, and deliver an in-demand product.

      Even still, for me to choose 1 person whom I'd like to emulate, would be more along the lines of old school philosophers, philanthropists, and pioneers who have impacted, influenced, and revolutionized humanity to arrive at this era.

      One of my biggest influence (outside some omniscience-like considerations) would be Napoleon Hill, as he was privileged to interview some of the greatest influences to sales, business, development, and modern achievements leading to our current day.

      So IMHO apply Hill's philosophy to almost any area of life, IMing included, and pay close attention to the powerful influences revealed within his teachings, and YOU have your mentor... PLus, most of Hill's work can be found for free... after that it's just a matter of assembling the tech aspects to reach the target audience you're aiming to influence or provide guidance to.
      I greatly appreciate your hardy response and will be working hard to engrave Hill's teachings into my head as i do with many other great teachers.

      Much Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author karlstech
    Well it depends on what kind of topic your talking about. IM is a big market and everybody is good at their own thing.

    For example:

    Brian Dean knows backlinking.
    Neil Patel knows SEO.
    Pat Flynn knows passive income and podcasting.
    John Lee Dumas know podcasting.
    Matt Cutts knows SEO as well.
    Matthew Woodard knows SEO.
    Stuart Walker knows niche markets.
    Spencer Haws knows niche markets.

    And so on and a so on...

    I could literally go on and on, their will always come more, new internet marketers who'll be considered as big names.

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  • Profile picture of the author FreedomBlogger
    why are you even asking this question! lol

    There are SOOOO MANY!! ...

    Some people will give you the top earners they have found, and others will give you totally different names of top earners. Because there is no one list here. There are listsss! lol

    I think there are better questions than this one lol .. once you get some answers of who are some top IM earners .. then what? .... what is that going to do and contribute to your own success online? ... now that is my real question!! haha


    I wish you the best....

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  • Profile picture of the author honey5
    Any big names of Indian online marketers? Anbody can help me ?

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    Moderator's Notes: Affiliate links in signatures are not allowed.

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  • Profile picture of the author online only
    To be honest, I think most successful internet marketers stay anonymous unless they are in make money online niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author KristinaChung
    i like ryan stuff, people come and go, so when you are looking for a stable name then i will vote for ryan and mike
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  • Profile picture of the author mirsoni
    George Brown...the Only one
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  • Profile picture of the author andorod77
    I would say Frank Kern is one of the top presences in the online marketing niche. Chris Farrell is also a very known and a great internet marketer.
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  • Apparently this guy seems to be a pretty big deal in his niche .

    Or so he's been told, including by some of the biggest names in marketing.

    But seriously, to be coined a big name marketer, or guru, what does one have to achieve?

    The question was asked in this thread by yours truly.


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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    The number 1 Biggest Names in Internet Marketing is Brent Stangel, without a doubt!

    The guy is freakin AWESOME!
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9914441].message }}
  • People like..

    Frank Kern
    Ryan Deiss
    Anik Singal
    Paul Lynch
    Jeff Walker

    It depends..

    There are hundreds..

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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Puddy
    ME.. just buy everything I promote and worship me at least once a day and everything will work out fine hahahahahahaha
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  • Profile picture of the author robertrock
    Andre Chaperon
    Chris Rempel
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  • Profile picture of the author Sandra Harris
    I think this is rather a personal thing, you need to find someone you can relate to in order for them to become your mentor.. I see a name mentioned on this thread and I personally didn't like him or his style at all. (I won't name him!)

    I like Peter Garety for SEO, I like his style, he shoots straight to the point. He had to learn English before he could attain success in the IM world so he is a fighter. I like his no fluff, no BS style.

    Another favorite is Kenster.
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  • Profile picture of the author TakenAction
    My top 4:
    -Frank Kern
    -Gary Halbert
    -Dan Kennedy
    -Ryan Deiss

    The best thing you can do is put yourself out there.

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