Do you know of a way to serve banners according to Geolocation?

1 replies
My site gets traffic from various countries and languages.
I have access to banners in 18 different languages
Isn't there some online service where you can upload your banners, then it gives you a code to put on your site so the banners are displayed according to geolocation?

Thanks for your help
#banners #geolocation #serve
  • Profile picture of the author Nicole Sakoman
    Originally Posted by daweller View Post

    My site gets traffic from various countries and languages.
    I have access to banners in 18 different languages
    Isn't there some online service where you can upload your banners, then it gives you a code to put on your site so the banners are displayed according to geolocation?

    Thanks for your help
    There's plenty of that on Wp...
    "rotate banners based on geo location" - this is what I wrote in google, and I found many options... just find the best one!

    Good luck,
    Nicole (:

    site will be soon live...

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