Where to post a Prelaunch

by niles
8 replies
I want to post a prelaunch tread, but I am not sure of the best place to post it.

Also, can the prelaunch be set up through Warrior plus. I thought that I saw something, but I have not been able to find it.

Any tips would be appreciated!

Niles Miller
#post #prelaunch
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I think Classified Ads is the place to post it.

    A pre-launch cannot be a WSO because there is no payment involved. You can do a Classified Ad for the pre-launch/list building phase and then do a WSO for the launch itself.
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  • Profile picture of the author RealCasher
    Originally Posted by niles View Post

    Also, can the prelaunch be set up through Warrior plus. I thought that I saw something, but I have not been able to find it.

    Niles Miller

    I think they have a prelaunch management system, yes
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B

      IMO, the platform is not the issue.

      You should be doing the prelaunch at the venues where your prospects will see it. So if your prospects hang out at an authority blog, you should be advertising the prelaunch on that blog.

      If they hang out at a forum, you should be advertising at the forum.

      What's critical is that you target the right audience. How you get in front of that audience, the platform you use, will depend upon where those folks are found.

      I hope this helps.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author niles
    Kay, I love your signature. We got our first rescue Boston 3 years ago.

    Thanks for your help!

    Niles Miller

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  • Profile picture of the author MuhamadEdisonA

    WSO is the big way for your pre launch before your BIG launch. in WSO you can research your product, if your product have a good review in WSO tread, your product will be good to promoting by affiliate marketer...

    Introduction your product in WSO, is important things to attract new affiliate marketer to promote your product, then increase your sales in your BIG LAUNCH...
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  • Profile picture of the author niles
    Muhamad, are you saying that if your WSO does well to expand on it and do another similar launch?

    Thank You,
    Niles Miller

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    • Profile picture of the author Jack Hunter
      Originally Posted by niles View Post

      Muhamad, are you saying that if your WSO does well to expand on it and do another similar launch?

      Thank You,
      Niles Miller
      He is saying that WSO should be a long copy for your actual product which would be an upsell to that WSO.
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    • Profile picture of the author MuhamadEdisonA
      Originally Posted by niles View Post

      Muhamad, are you saying that if your WSO does well to expand on it and do another similar launch?

      Thank You,
      Niles Miller
      Yes, like this one before you launch your product on JVZoo (big launch), you can tested your product in WSO and attract many affiliate marketer to join your JV partner..

      In time, you can post your JV page in FB group, mundheye, jvnotifypro, and something like that (Remember it's your JVZoo launch not WSO launch)

      It means, that when you launch your product on WSO you can attract affiliate marketer to increase your JV Partner on JVZoo later (it is Big Launch)

      Good luck bro..
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