What should beginners study for success?

19 replies
Hey guys Im new to the forum as this will be my first post. I am not completely new to internet marketing and have been able to find my ground with free resources. I was wondering what are some of the best free resources including youtube videos, pdf files, websites anything that has helped you guys get off your feet would be highly appreciated. I have watched and learned from guys like Brendon Burchard, Brain Tracy, Derek Halpern, Investors underground, Tim Sykes, Stephan Pilarinos, Vishen Lakhiani, and Tony Robins. I guess now I'm looking for a solid base of information to help solidify what I do and do not know. Thanks again and let me know if you have any questions
#beginners #mentors #questions #study #success
  • Profile picture of the author mikefashen
    Listbuilding and traffic generation. Those are the two most important pieces.

    I have a post that gives some fairly significant details here:

    Stop trying and start DOING

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  • Profile picture of the author mikefashen
    Oh ... and as a free resource, one of the best you'll find anywhere is right here:

    Stop trying and start DOING

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  • Profile picture of the author AntonioSeegars1
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    • Profile picture of the author AverageBro
      Copywriting is definitely something I need to study, any tips? I like Derek Halpern he has practical advice, also how do you like being in the War room?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jimilof
    Here is a list of 300 Awesome free resources that will help you in your business.
    The list includes free resources for logo creation, website hosting, content ideas, image optimizers and editors, email autoresponders and much more. Enjoy
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  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    Nice answers but... hands down... the MOST important thing
    for a newbie to study is... HIMSELF.

    How you think will have a far greater impact on your chances
    for success than all the mechanical skills you can master.

    The quality of your success is directly related to the quality of your thinking.
    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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  • Profile picture of the author heruma
    Choose something you really like or know about.
    Blog about it with passion.
    Join forums related to it, be active in the forums.
    Drive traffic to your blog.
    Review and sell clickbank products in your blog.
    Put adsense on your blog.
    And do not forget to start building your list.
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  • Profile picture of the author maemusa
    Hi Tsnyder,

    Would you mind elaborating on this "The quality of your success is directly related to the quality of your thinking. "

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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Trujillo
    Beginners should figure out exactly what it is that they want to accomplish and stay laser focused on there goals without any distractions or shiny objects. If you are completely brand new my recommendation would be to follow somebody that does what you want to do and learn from them. Don't get caught in information overload, take steps each day toward you goal, and work on personal development and your mindset. If you are willing to put in the work you will achieve results, but it's not going to get handed to you! You're going to fail but don't ever get discouraged, get back up every single time you fall and don't quit. If you stick with it you will achieve your goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Lee
    Looks like you've read enough to know what you should be doing. Instead of looking for more study resources, start building.

    Once you start, you'll run into problems you'll never fully understand by just reading. Then you can actively find solutions to those specific problems. Sounds like that's the best next step for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dizi23
    The quickest way is to start building your list. With a list you can practically print your own money on demand. Your list will be the foundation for your success online.

    To build your list, create a squeeze page and offer a free ebook or something in exchange for email addresses. You can either use free traffic sources or paid if you have money for that.

    Once you create your squeeze page, signup for a free email autoresponder software that will allow you to keep in touch with your subscribers on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.

    MyListr.com (Free Email Marketing Software & Autoresponder | MyListr.com) offers a free email autoresponder software that allows you to add 2,000 free email addresses and send up to 12,000 free emails per month. This is the best way to go since you are saving alot of money on email autoresponder softwares.

    Hope this helps.

    Professor D.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi AB,

    As you dive into the awesome resources above, be a super active member on this forum. Thank people. Chat folks up. Since you have some background in IM you can answer basic questions. Helping people and sharing of your knowledge are 2 things all of the guys on that awesome list did, many before they thought they could help folks. I know I was in that boat, for a while, but even during my greener days, I engaged on forums, and through blog comments, and through social channels to build up my blog and brand.

    So, keep study and using the knowledge you picked up from those fab resources, and from the fab mentors you have noted and be active here on Warrior every single day, to both learn, and to offer your help, whatever it may be. Simply being social will open so many doors for you, said doors leading to your success and more importantly, your freedom.

    Onward and upward!

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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    • Profile picture of the author Nahawee A
      Originally Posted by ryanbiddulph View Post

      Hi AB,

      As you dive into the awesome resources above, be a super active member on this forum. Thank people. Chat folks up. Since you have some background in IM you can answer basic questions. Helping people and sharing of your knowledge are 2 things all of the guys on that awesome list did, many before they thought they could help folks. I know I was in that boat, for a while, but even during my greener days, I engaged on forums, and through blog comments, and through social channels to build up my blog and brand.

      So, keep study and using the knowledge you picked up from those fab resources, and from the fab mentors you have noted and be active here on Warrior every single day, to both learn, and to offer your help, whatever it may be. Simply being social will open so many doors for you, said doors leading to your success and more importantly, your freedom.

      Onward and upward!

      I think if you follow what this guy says,you can be where he is.......where is he?? Somewhere in the tropics I think. I am going to follow him myself....cuz I wanna be in the tropics too! It is good advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eagle07
    I established some of my profitable affiliate sites with blogger. It is free and does not require a lot of maintenance. Once the site is in the top ten of the Search Engine Results Pages for the optimized keyword. It can make money on its own. I love blogger.com. I am using it for affiliate marketing and even earn some from adsense commissions on blogs that I even did not touch for about 3 years now.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by Eagle07 View Post

      I established some of my profitable affiliate sites with blogger. It is free and does not require a lot of maintenance. Once the site is in the top ten of the Search Engine Results Pages for the optimized keyword. It can make money on its own. I love blogger.com. I am using it for affiliate marketing and even earn some from adsense commissions on blogs that I even did not touch for about 3 years now.
      I would strongly discourage the use of a blogspot at blogger.

      You have no control over it and Google can without warning delete your blog.

      It happened to me years ago and I never regretted moving over to Wordpress

      - Robert Andrew
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      • Profile picture of the author Eagle07
        Originally Posted by discrat View Post

        I would strongly discourage the use of a blogspot at blogger.

        You have no control over it and Google can without warning delete your blog.

        It happened to me years ago and I never regretted moving over to Wordpress

        - Robert Andrew
        I beg to disagree but you actually have control with your blogger blogs when it comes to managing it. As long as you stay with Google's Terms, you blogs are fine.

        Yes, I have read some issues of having blogger blogs being deleted without warning but that was before when other competitors are the one's deleting other people's blogs when one can access an admin page in google in order to delete other peoples' blogs. I have my blogger blogs still running until today and make earnings from affiliate sales and adsense.

        This is the reason why I can recommend using blogger blogs because I can testify to it that it works with the right strategies. The best thing here is it is free. No need to spend on hosting fees especially if you are bootstrapping with your affiliate marketing campaigns.

        In fairness to your point, having your own blog in your own hosting would give you full control and I totally agree with that.
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  • Profile picture of the author cherrytom
    Want to save time?
    Want to save money?
    Study with a mentor!
    There are mentors in all niches.
    Sure, they all charge fees for their coaching.
    But what you pay is peanuts compared to what you could make by following their advice.
    When I started I thought it would be easy to make money online, and that i could do it on my own.
    I was wrong.
    After years of struggle, and thousands of dollars wasted, I finally realized I wasn't going to get anywhere without a mentor --- someone to tell me what to do, and show me how to do it.
    Now Life is a lot easier, and I'm saving time and money, letting my mentor take all the strain.
    Good luck in all your ventures online.
    Keep smiling!

    Is this the easiest way to make money online?



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    • Profile picture of the author Nahawee A
      Originally Posted by cherrytom View Post

      Want to save time?
      Want to save money?
      Study with a mentor!
      There are mentors in all niches.
      Sure, they all charge fees for their coaching.
      But what you pay is peanuts compared to what you could make by following their advice.
      When I started I thought it would be easy to make money online, and that i could do it on my own.
      I was wrong.
      After years of struggle, and thousands of dollars wasted, I finally realized I wasn't going to get anywhere without a mentor --- someone to tell me what to do, and show me how to do it.
      Now Life is a lot easier, and I'm saving time and money, letting my mentor take all the strain.
      Good luck in all your ventures online.
      Keep smiling!
      Looking back over some of my posts, this is exactly what I have said. Get a mentor. Save time and money.Save anguish.I cannot tell you the many benefits of a mentor.They are countless. I haven't heard of anyone(maybe there is someone) that got it right away. And lots got it sooner than me. But to follow in the footsteps of someone that makes money means, if you do the work, you will too!!
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