Getting traffic to a site or url

36 replies
What are some ways to get traffic to a url other than SEO and paid traffic.

I would like some easily implementable methods.

Edit: I'm in the beauty/skin care niche.
#site #traffic #url
  • Profile picture of the author onkelkeith
    Depends on the niche , i'm in the adult niche and i use cl , bp and they do much better.
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    • Profile picture of the author IMstarter
      I'm in the beauty/skin care niche.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Henson
        These work very well:

        1. Social networking on Facebook and Twitter.

        2. YouTube video marketing with a call-to-action at the beginning and end of video, plus a link at the beginning of the video description.

        3. Forum marketing. Put your link in your signature and be very helpful and consistent with your forum posting.
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      • Profile picture of the author ksmusselman
        Originally Posted by IMstarter View Post

        I'm in the beauty/skin care niche.
        This niche is IDEAL for video tutorials! Make each video specific to a targeted area of skin care and you should never be out of topics to create videos about!

        Be sure to embed each of your videos into your blog for maximum effect and exposure.

        Here's an idea that could work super well with your niche: Beauty and skin care tips for brides!

        One of my blogs is generally in the wedding niche and this is a topic that comes up A LOT in the wedding niche. Every bride wants to look beautiful on their special day. So think Brides and create a category on your blog that targets them specifically, as well as the bridesmaids, mothers of the bride and groom, wedding guests, etc.

        Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Saiah Davis
    Haven't used it in a few months but answering questions on yahoo answers and linking the source to my website worked for me (I would write a blog post related to the question being asked so when the user visits the site theres great content related to exactly what they were looking for and more).

    Ive also used youtube to drive lots of traffic by creating videos. Create contet filled videos on the topic.. add the website link to the video and in the description.
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    • Profile picture of the author IMstarter
      I created a youtube video but it got very little views. I think I would need more.

      However, if I created youtube videos then should I be dividing my time on promoting the youtube videos and the blog?
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      • Profile picture of the author ksmusselman
        Originally Posted by IMstarter View Post

        I created a youtube video but it got very little views. I think I would need more.

        However, if I created youtube videos then should I be dividing my time on promoting the youtube videos and the blog?
        Here's what I do with each of my videos. Optimize the video for YouTube and Google search. As soon as you publish your video, share it across the main social media platforms before you embed it into your blog.

        Treat it as a separate entity, not as part of your blog.

        After you embed the video into your blog post, share the post itself across social media too.

        And don't forget Pinterest!
        Do You Vape? Submit a Guest Post!
        Info Blog about Ecigs & Personal Vaporizers
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      • Profile picture of the author NeedBucksNow
        YouTube and social media are great places to start but you will need to build a following and it may take hundreds of videos or posts in order to do this. Simply make some good titles for the videos, interesting cover pictures to get clicks and add the link to your website or blog plus add them inside of your posts as well. Just keep it up and you will have more success over time. These are all free but when you start to make a profit from your blog, which will probably take 6-7 months due to the age of the domain, I would also recommend using Facebook ads as there is probably no better way to reach a ton of people. You will need to have something that people will share 1st and this will give you the best chance of getting a good ROI from them
        Originally Posted by IMstarter View Post

        I created a youtube video but it got very little views. I think I would need more.

        However, if I created youtube videos then should I be dividing my time on promoting the youtube videos and the blog?


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  • Profile picture of the author Saiah Davis
    If you are going to use the youtube video route.. You will need to prepare to create many videos... search for related videos and check the amount of views that videos related to your topics are currently getting and you will know if people are searching for them.

    If the views of these other videos are attractive, then start creating videos using keywords in the title and description that people are searching for.
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    • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
      Social media would be the best way to go in that niche, but you can give it a boost if you put a little money into it. Even $50 on Facebook ads can go a long way to get some fans to your page. If nobody sees your posts, social media is pretty worthless.
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  • Profile picture of the author fatcitygirl
    I have to agree with the other posts above, social media. Provide helpful, entertaining information to people in your niche without blatantly selling anything and you will get a ton of traffic. It doesn't happen overnight but consistently posting in the different popular networks (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) will get you the results you're looking for.

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  • Profile picture of the author AngelaWest85
    forum marketing,facebook,twitter,instagram,reddit,blog commenting,youtube,site submission sites,article marketing,
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  • Profile picture of the author jeffs89
    Submit articles, Craigslist (some affiliate offers don't allow Craigslist traffic)
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Trujillo
    Study your niche and get active in communities such as forums within your niche. Look at starting a facebook fan page, guest blogging as well as video marketing . The trick to getting free traffic is consistency as it takes time.
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  • Profile picture of the author hilear
    I think forum posting/commenting is so easy and yes it still works. #1 You are contributing to the niche community. #2 You establish yourself as a bit of an authority just because you comment. #3 Just take a look at just about everyone that has commented in your thread. Almost everyone has a signature that redirects someone somewhere. You contribute and you get free advertising. If you make solid sensible contributions a certain number of people will check out your links.
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  • Profile picture of the author affiliolabs
    Forum posting and commenting is a given, try and get people to do reviews or testimonials on your product. Design a quick creative video on someone either saying how much your product helped them or how much they use the poduct on a daily. You can also do all this in a article format as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author TrafficMystic
    really depends how fast you want traffic.. if you need it very quickly then you need to be using paid traffic..
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  • Profile picture of the author l1one
    Use article marketing, forum marketing, social and drive the traffic to a squeeze page directly targeted at your niche. Then drive that list traffic to your site, over and over again.
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  • Profile picture of the author ethanalvin
    1. Build a Community
    It can be done via Facebook groups or even networking events. Don't limit the potential to just digital methods. You could even organize a meetup session for your target groups, which allows you to understand them deeper.

    2. Content Marketing
    Educate and position yourself as an authority. the beauty about CM is that it brings about numerous benefits - from SEO to Viral traffic

    3. Work with Influencers
    Tap on popular authority figures related to your niche to leverage on their network.
    Marketing with Alvin
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  • Profile picture of the author Nirali
    Use forums, Pinterest, Facebook, YouTube and many other free channels to get targeted traffic.
    Skype: nirali.adattract
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  • Profile picture of the author eman2011
    Post on forum and link to your site in the signature, comment on blogs. Also Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and similar sites are major traffic source for some webmasters. Write articles and submit them to directories. Social book marking websites.
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  • Profile picture of the author NilimaSarasvati
    Social networking sites might be the good option for getting traffic to a site i.e. Facebook, twitter etc. Just you need to create a business page and starting posting on that page share that page with your friends.
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  • Profile picture of the author wickedmaster
    Hello IMstarter,

    Want more visitors on your website rather than SEO ?

    Only SMM (Social Media Marketing) can help you. Use Google+, Pinterest, Facebook, Youtube, Tumblr and other social media sites.

    Create interesting post and share on all these platforms to generate traffic. Don't use any black hat techniques.
    Black hat techniques will only spoil your website they never help you in getting real traffic and permanent results.

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  • Profile picture of the author curicida
    Getting quick free traffic that converts will take time, skill and consistency. Pick one or two that you feel is a match for your personality type.

    I use tumblr and reddit to get traffic. These are the best social media sites to get huge traffic and get ranked easily.

    My conclusion -Master one or two:
    Don't go chasing too many rabbits because you will just get overwhelmed and end up quitting.
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  • Profile picture of the author LindaMiller35
    1. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit and so on...
    2. Youtube, Vimeo
    3. Blog aggregators

    Social media traffic from my experience isn't the best one. Most people are just looking for free stuff, images and so on. Even though, there's always someone who will buy. Besides, it always a good way to get some eye balls for the first few months until you SEO efforts start kicking in.
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  • Profile picture of the author boSEO
    Building strong offsite SEO is one of the best ways of improving traffic over time. Consider backlink strategies. More often than not you get what you pay for.
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  • You can create your own television show giving people make overs displaying your talent. Then mention your url link at the end of your show and have it on the screen.

    It's very easy to create your own local television show and dominate your niche having a loyal following of paying clients
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    • Profile picture of the author Adamw
      How about good old fashioned printed marketing. You could create a flyer advert, newspaper advert, window stickers, business cards etc with your URL on there.
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  • Profile picture of the author jay29mcr
    If you have a video to provide information on your Beauty product then YouTube can be a very powerful promotion tool.

    Upload the video and choose your title carefully then add some tags and share it on FB
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by IMstarter View Post

    What are some ways to get traffic to a url other than SEO and paid traffic.

    I would like some easily implementable methods.

    Edit: I'm in the beauty/skin care niche.
    I think you need to be the consummate Authority in the Skin Care niche.

    If you are not already, grab as much info. as you can and research it.

    Then try to seek out some Forums that pertain to this Niche and really make a concerted effort to help people who have some skin conditions they are trying to address or they are looking at ways to make their skin more attractive.

    And just offer great advice and recommendations and stick to it

    - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author megamind22
    You can use social networking sites like facebook, twitter, instagram etc. Yet again you will have to think about conversion..
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael J Anthony
    Create more videos. Use different keywords related to your niche in the titles, descriptions, keywords fields. Don't just create 1 or 2. You are going to need a lot of videos. Try to make one daily. Also create a youtube channel based on your main keyword before you even start making these videos..
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  • Profile picture of the author Yasin Rishad
    I think you can make infographics, video which you will share on there related sites. Also be regular on social sites. I hope it will help you to get traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Roberts
    I just posted something HERE that I've been playing with using Twitter that has worked for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Lee
    If you don't want to do SEO, YouTube is probably going to be your most effective channel for a niche like that.
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  • Here are some ways..

    Social Media
    Social Bookmarketing
    Video Marketing
    Article Marketing
    Forum Participation
    Solo Ads
    Blog Commenting
    Link Dropping
    Ad Swaps

    Etc. Hope this helps

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