Has anyone dabbled in Self Improvement successfully?

5 replies
I've been spending the last couple of months researching internet marketing and trying to dive into a niche. I want to choose a topic I'm experienced with and passionate about, but one that also has the potential to earn money if I dedicate myself enough. Self improvement is something I've been practicing for years now and I've solved a ton of my anxiety and social phobia issues without much therapy (I went to two sessions and quit because of the cost).

This last week (and yesterday in particular), I went through the ringer. I was delivered blow after blow in many different aspects of my life, but I've maintained a very happy and optimistic outlook nonetheless. This gave me the inspiration to write a book about how life can deal us a bad hand and what we can do about it to stay happy. I've always felt I could help people with their anxiety, depression, motivation and general life outlook, but I wanted to prove it to myself first. I feel like I've reached that point and can make myself an authority in this realm, so I was thinking about making a website for blog posts and articles, as well as making Youtube videos about some of these topics to drive traffic (among other methods).

This is a niche I'm personally passionate about, and I think I can make that shine through without coming off as just another salesman. My only inhibition is, most of the self improvement niches I've seen target relationships and dating. I want to help people with their issues, but I also want to make it a business so I can get some hands on experience.

Has anyone had success in self-improvement outside of dating and relationships? I'm looking to make people feel good about themselves and see they can improve their life like I have. I don't want to sell gimmicky courses or products that don't work. That just isn't my style.

Thanks in advance, guys!
#dabbled #improvement #successfully
  • Profile picture of the author Alexandre Valois
    Self development is a very profitable market but you have to understand it to be able to make a profit. It`s definitely not a quick-cash niche. The market is very educated and has a lot of options so you`ll need a solid brand and angle to make it. No generic PLR based content marketing is going to cut it.
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  • Profile picture of the author NeedBucksNow
    Good luck and it may do well if you are able to add alot of posts and work on writing a kindle book or something


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    • Profile picture of the author Boonqueesha
      Originally Posted by Alexandre Valois View Post

      Self development is a very profitable market but you have to understand it to be able to make a profit. It`s definitely not a quick-cash niche. The market is very educated and has a lot of options so you`ll need a solid brand and angle to make it. No generic PLR based content marketing is going to cut it.
      Thanks for your response. One of the biggest reasons I haven't started a niche blog is because I haven't found a market I can get behind. I'm not the type of person who can sell golf clubs since I have no interest in the subject. With that said, I really enjoy self improvement, and I think I have a lot I can offer anyone suffering from life problems. I'll start here and hope for the best. At the very least, I can get some much needed hands on experience.

      Originally Posted by NeedBucksNow View Post

      Good luck and it may do well if you are able to add alot of posts and work on writing a kindle book or something
      See, I've suffered with social phobia my whole life, but two years ago I started working on ways to get rid of it. I've come so far since then, and I think I can come up with a lot of different articles and videos for my readers / viewers. I developed inspiration yesterday to write a Kindle book when I went through two negative life experiences. I even started writing it on paper, which is how excited I was.

      I'm going to see where this takes me! Thanks, guys!
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  • Profile picture of the author Marco Moeschter
    It's a good niche with a lot of potenzial and if you passionated about then go for it! Making Youtube videos is a good way to start. Just learn the ropes from video marketing while you do it.

    I also would recommend to have a look at what Tony Robbins is doing because he is one of the best marketers out there (if you ask me) and his niche if you still can call it a niche because it's more like a market it's very profitable. He is almost the same doing like you want to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ajchappy3209
    One great way to begin in self development is to first consider what type or types of problems you would like to help people with--maybe something you've experienced or overcame in the past. Look to see how you can add value for those people...digital information, special programs, blogs, etc, then begin to giveaway quality free content that will begin to draw your subscribers in. Everyone loves free stuff. Build rapport, then occassionally throw in some harmless offers without being too overbearing...especially in the self help niche Best of luck!
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