50 replies
Hi all, I have invested some money in buying resource from mentor and nothing has helped so far. I am basically given up at this point on IM. I am down to my last penny and I can't even get a job at local Target. Pretty much hopeless at this point.
#broke #hopeless
  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

    Not sure what you're hoping to accomplish with this thread but I'd recommend getting a job doing something, somewhere and generating some sort of cash flow. Come back to IM if/when you can afford to and not need the money to make ends meet.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Hit the pavement and stay focused on finding a job (anything) that will take care of your current needs. You should be able to sell a pint of blood for around $50 if you're starving.

    Here's a thread that might help: What to do if You're Desperate

    Really, if your situation is that bleak, you shouldn't be thinking about IM until you are stabilized and can take care of your needs.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      I am basically given up at this point on IM.
      I think you should stop for now. You have posted you are a full time student. You have started dozens of threads in the past 3 months on all sort of topics - from how to find a niche to ebay, amazon, adsense, adult content, affiliate sites, Fiverr, elance and on and on.

      In those threads where you have asked questions you've received almost 500 ANSWERS from people here. True, some answers are probably not worth reading - but many are. People TRIED to help you but you move on to something else. You don't seem to understand or act on any of the suggestions that have been made.

      The overriding theme in your requests is something that costs nothing and takes little time to do. You've posted you only need $300 a month - that's not much money. ANY part time job could earn that easily.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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      • Profile picture of the author Knightsofusa
        Yea you're right. I should just lay off Internet marketing.

        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        I think you should stop for now. You have posted you are a full time student. You have started dozens of threads in the past 3 months on all sort of topics - from how to find a niche to ebay, amazon, adsense, adult content, affiliate sites, Fiverr, elance and on and on.

        In those threads where you have asked questions you've received almost 500 ANSWERS from people here. True, some answers are probably not worth reading - but many are. People TRIED to help you but you move on to something else. You don't seem to understand or act on any of the suggestions that have been made.

        The overriding theme in your requests is something that costs nothing and takes little time to do. You've posted you only need $300 a month - that's not much money. ANY part time job could earn that easily.
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        • Profile picture of the author agmccall
          Originally Posted by Knightsofusa View Post

          Yea you're right. I should just lay off Internet marketing.
          Yes you should, it is not for everyone.

          Good luck to you


          "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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        • Profile picture of the author AntonioSeegars1
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          • Profile picture of the author Cali16
            Originally Posted by AntonioSeegars1 View Post

            If you start this now, you can have money in a paypal account by Friday...
            Seriously? When's the last time you've seen an EzineArticles link anywhere near, let alone on, the first page of Google? This approach would have worked a few years ago, but I'd never recommend it now - certainly not to a student who has very limited time. Not to mention, based on his/her post, questionable writing skills that will likely result in EA rejecting his articles.

            Honestly, when are people going to stop telling everyone to write as a quick way to make money, when the vast majority of people can't write their way out of a paper bag??

            Also, as Kay pointed out, the OP apparently doesn't use the advice that's been given. He's on a futile search for the bright shiny object. He has never tried sticking with one thing long enough to make it work...

            Not trying to be harsh, but I think getting a part-time job to earn $300 a month (not that hard) is far better advice than doing anything IM related. He can always revisit IM down the road.
            If you don't face your fears, the only thing you'll ever see is what's in your comfort zone. ~Anne McClain, astronaut
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            • Profile picture of the author AntonioSeegars1
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              • Profile picture of the author Kay King
                The reason a lot of people tell people to write to earn income online, is because it works
                Several years ago the first month I started writing for others (part time) I earned $2500...so I know about writing for income.

                That has been suggested to the OP in a Fiverr thread he started and in an elance thread - the response was "not a good writer" and the OP moved to a new thread/new questions. Like I said - I took the time to look at the history and at what has been done and suggested.

                Sometimes the smartest thing to do is walk away for now and try again later. Sometimes the best advice isn't what others want to hear.
                Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
                One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
                what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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                • Profile picture of the author heavysm
                  Considering that this online stuff is a business you'll have to roll with the punches, especially when starting out (ie. when you haven't made much yet).

                  Just take a break and focus on school/your life for a while. If there's any motivation in you to get back into IM after your break, give it another go.

                  Who knows, you might even find a career that suits you better via school than IM could ever offer you.
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          • Profile picture of the author salegurus
            You keep on posting this BS pie in the sky "advice" of yours. Please stop feeding people false hope you are messing with their lives.

            The OP says he is down to his last cent and here you are talking about writing articles and getting paid by friday.
            OP needs to put aside his dreams of becoming an IM millionaire for now, find a job to stabilize his situation and then maybe start again in his part time...

            Originally Posted by AntonioSeegars1 View Post

            Don't listen to her.

            Here's what you need to do. First you need to fix your immediate income needs. So look up paid article writing sites and start working. Avoid iwriter.

            When you're not writing for paid article sites, promote clickbank products by writing articles for ezinearticles that are longtail keyword targeted. Don't slack in this regard. Try to write 10 articles a day, and if you can't, write a bare minimum of 3 a day. But remember, this tactic will work best if you write 10.

            At a bare minimum, here is how your schedule should look.

            2 hours - Paid Article Writing
            2 hours - Clickbank Product Promotion Writing

            If you start this now, you can have money in a paypal account by Friday, and in a bank account by Monday. And you will be building up your passive income stream so you will eventually be able to stop writing for paid article sites and focus strictly on IM activities.
            Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

            ― George Carlin
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          • Profile picture of the author discrat
            Originally Posted by AntonioSeegars1 View Post

            Don't listen to her.
            Although Kay and I on occasion see things differently, I must say this is really bad advice.

            There is lots of wisdom in that woman

            Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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        • Profile picture of the author ChrisWrok
          Originally Posted by Knightsofusa View Post

          Yea you're right. I should just lay off Internet marketing.
          I suggest doing it part time until you make more money at it than your job, assuming you can get one.

          I am not sure of your desired niche, but perhaps competing against the IM crowd itself is not smart as a newbie. Pick any other niche (health and nutrition, cats, square dancing...doesn't matter), but it's hard to break into a highly competitive market...and you'll prob have more success if you focus on one obscure niche that has little to no real competition.
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        • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
          Originally Posted by Knightsofusa View Post

          Yea you're right. I should just lay off Internet marketing.
          But you won't. You'll be back. I have seen guys like you come and go for about 10 years now. You have got an itch here but for some reason you keep sabotaging your own success.

          This is a 'mindset' issue.

          Others here can see this and are trying to 'save' you.

          But we don't know what things you have to go through and what's best for you. Yes it does appear that you really do have an issue. And it does appear that you are going to struggle for a while (due to things going on inside your own head).

          I don't know what's best for you either but what I do know is that you are pissing off the regular members here by asking the same questions over and over (and not following their advice).

          They say that you are a full time student.

          Either you focus over there or drop out and focus over here. You can't chase BOTH Rabbits.

          People are telling you to quit IM.

          Maybe they are right. Maybe not.

          Make a decision. No one will ever give you IM success. You have to 'earn' it just like you would have to earn that education of yours and then find a job and then earn your income and success by climbing the ladder over there.

          Nothing will give you success on or off line without you doing the 'work' for it.


          Please don't click on my link below. The same rules of success apply in what I have to offer. There are no short cuts to success.
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          • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
            Originally Posted by Rory Singh View Post

            Please don't click on my link below. The same rules of success apply in what I have to offer. There are no short cuts to success.
            Should have just clicked to not show your sig under post options ?
            | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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      • Profile picture of the author ksmusselman
        Suggestion (from a once broke college student raising two kids alone):

        What do you know how to do that your fellow classmates do not know how to do, don't want to know how to do or simply don't want to do?

        Offer to do it for them for a small cash fee.

        Example: I wrote and typed up one of my friend's weekly essays for him for two semesters because he just didn't want to do it, and would rather pay someone else to do it.

        I used his personal notes on the subjects though.

        That was my gas money to get back and forth to school, and a weekly "date night" with my kids to the local second-run cheapie theater to maintain my sanity.

        So ask around, listen to your classmates. What do they complain about having to do for school that you can charge them to do for them?
        Do You Vape? Submit a Guest Post! SmokersLogicEcigs.com
        Info Blog about Ecigs & Personal Vaporizers
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        • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
          Originally Posted by ksmusselman View Post

          Suggestion (from a once broke college student raising two kids alone):

          What do you know how to do that your fellow classmates do not know how to do, don't want to know how to do or simply don't want to do?

          Offer to do it for them for a small cash fee.

          Example: I wrote and typed up one of my friend's weekly essays for him for two semesters because he just didn't want to do it, and would rather pay someone else to do it.

          I used his personal notes on the subjects though.

          That was my gas money to get back and forth to school, and a weekly "date night" with my kids to the local second-run cheapie theater to maintain my sanity.

          So ask around, listen to your classmates. What do they complain about having to do for school that you can charge them to do for them?
          hey Knightsofusa, I thought this idea of Karen's was pretty good -
          there are so many ways to make money - but it's not going to handed to you on a silver platter - you have to work at it -

          don't get discouraged - find a job, get stable, continue with your studies, and then when you're stable, tackle this IM thing again -
          then again this might not be your thing - it isn't for everyone -
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  • Profile picture of the author seanquail
    Yes I know how frustrated you are feeling right now . All those bods out there.When they are trying to sell you something make it sound so easy just to get your bucks and deliver SFA.

    At this point you need to follow you instincts .

    My advice at this point would be for you to get a job ( if possible) and whilst you are doing that find time in the evenings or whenever you can and aim to learn as much as you can within one niche., Then apply it to start making money from it.

    Once you've mastered how to make money that way. Move on to your next project and do the same.

    In the meantime try to find a job to support yourself , until you have learned and are earning enough money online to be able to support yourself

    Here's hoping it all works out for you as I know what it is like to be skint

    Sean Quail
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  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Originally Posted by Knightsofusa View Post

    Hi all, I have invested some money in buying resource from mentor and nothing has helped so far. I am basically given up at this point on IM. I am down to my last penny and I can't even get a job at local Target. Pretty much hopeless at this point.
    Perhaps you should start doing some ghostwriting on some websites like Iwriter or a similar site. The last time I checked, there was a payment threshold, but it was only $20.00. I think they pay out once a week once you reach the treshold amount. Once you've got some money in doing that, you might want to check out ghostwritingcash.com. Providing a service is the fastest way to get some money coming in because you're able to get paid via Paypal.

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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      At a bare minimum, here is how your schedule should look.

      6 hours - Paid Article Writing
      2 hours - Clickbank Product Promotion Writing
      Don't listen to her
      Carry a grudge much? Silly.

      The OP is a STUDENT - he has limited time and $0 dollars - even in a thread with many detailed answers he could not understand how to choose a niche and proceed to monetize it.

      Not everyone is ready to work online - not everyone has the basic skills or the time and focus. In previous threads both freelance sites and Fiverr have been suggested - tried - rejected.

      I've known several students - high school and college - who tried IM and were totally confused and frustrated - who stopped trying - came back a year or so later and were killing it. They needed some real world experience to be able to apply the advice they were given. They needed the structure of completing studies, having to work for a bit - understanding how things work in the real world.

      The OP's goal is $300 a month - 8 hrs a day? Advice given to strike out at one person should at least take into account the information the OP has already provided in recent months.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
    Listen to Kay!

    There is no shame in recognizing one's limitations. That is called modesty. In threads like this there will always be members telling you not to give up. Some of them mean well but some of them just want to sell more products to newbies.

    In the brick-and-mortar world the most failed business is starting a restaurant. There can be lots of circumstances that cause failure but one of them is that not everyone is cut out to start a restaurant. There are lots of occupations, businesses and trades that I would never succeed at, especially short term.

    Find some work and start earning some money. You can always keep IM in the back of your mind for a future attempt when circumstances are better. You might be able to find a job that helps you gain some skills and experience that will transfer later to an online business. Sales, customer service, bookkeeping, etc., etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author astral walker
    Originally Posted by Knightsofusa View Post

    Hi all, I have invested some money in buying resource from mentor and nothing has helped so far. I am basically given up at this point on IM. I am down to my last penny and I can't even get a job at local Target. Pretty much hopeless at this point.

    Just some general tips. (May help you)
    • Cut down your expenses.
    • Try to get a job in a call center/customer care/front desk (whatever, just try to get a job)
    • Work overtime for a few months
    • Save as much as you can
    • Stop eating outside ( another way to cut down expenses)
    • Offer services on Fiverr
    • Try to start a niche blog after a few months (with whatever money you saved)
    • Focus on writing high-quality articles (1500+ words) - Target long tail keywords
    • Build email list using opt-in forms (free option sumome.com)
    • Promote your affiliate links via blog posts, email and newsletters
    • Don't lose hope
    • Work hard, Dream Big
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  • Profile picture of the author MeelisM
    Get a job.

    Earn money.

    Push money aside after expenses.

    When you $1k have money left over, do IM and invest this money.

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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Fuentes
      Focus on getting a job that can cover your day to day expenses, leave a bit of savings for you, and allow you to do whatever you're doing (like your studies and a bit of time with your peers) ...

      When you have sufficient savings and a bit of free time from whatever your doing, you can try to learn and experience skills that are very helpful for a sales and marketing venture, offline or online. Here are some example ways to learn and experience these things:

      • Listen closer to what your peers are talking about, what they're interested in, what's cool for them, what they want to buy and so on;

      • Find good deals for whatever they want to buy, what they're interested in, what's cool for them and so on. You can search for these items in bargain stores, shops that offer good discounts and so on;

      • Try to sell those items to them at marked-up prices that'd still be reasonable for them. Try to sell it to their peers or the peers of their peers and so on;

      • Improve your sales venture by adding value-added services, for example, or by selling new items, or by adjusting your sales pitch, your prices, your target peer group and so on;

      • Expand your reach by posting whatever your selling in eBay and announce whatever you're selling to your Facebook friends, Twitter followers and so on; and

      • Improve your sales approach by adding value-added services, for example, or by selling new items, or by adjusting your sales pitch, your prices, your target peer group and so on ...

      And, by the time that you feel confident of your skills and experience in identifying niche needs of specific peer groups, finding what they really want to buy, giving them what they really need in the way that they like the most, providing value-added services that they really want, widening your reach across your target peer groups, expanding to other peer groups and improving your overall campaigns, then:

      • You'd also by that time most likely have sufficient money for setting up a site and dedicating more time in generating traffic and sales for your site, while you're still doing your job and your studies and your offline sales ventures ...

      Contact Me HERE...

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  • Profile picture of the author whatjut
    Check your PMs
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  • Profile picture of the author copywriterco
    You should overcome the feeling of being hopeless and broke. The first step is to become positive and trust me, great ideas on how to start all over again will flow!

    Get Your Free Copywriting Guide at Copy-Writer.co

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    • Profile picture of the author SteveSki
      It doesn't matter how many times you stumble and fall. It's how many times you get back up that counts. Read the inspirational thread at:

      Then consider investing .10/cents in the WSO at:

      If a homeless guy could make $20,000 selling on eBay, Why not you to?

      Buying low and selling high always works if you do the work.

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      • Profile picture of the author salegurus
        Originally Posted by SteveSki View Post

        Read the inspirational thread at:

        That's a very dodgy "Story"... Website registered a month ago, looks like it was designed by a kid and address info on Whois does not even exist.... Another homeless to millionaire in a month scam as far as i'm concerned...
        Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

        ― George Carlin
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9974733].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author lgibbon
          Originally Posted by salegurus View Post

          That's a very dodgy "Story"... Website registered a month ago, looks like it was designed by a kid and address info on Whois does not even exist.... Another homeless to millionaire in a month scam as far as i'm concerned...
          Looks like he's using the same photo as another
          dreamer that lurks here.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9974752].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author SteveSki
          Originally Posted by salegurus View Post

          That's a very dodgy "Story"... Website registered a month ago, looks like it was designed by a kid and address info on Whois does not even exist.... Another homeless to millionaire in a month scam as far as i'm concerned...
          I don't see your logic... what does a website have to do with advertising and selling on Facebook and eBay? You don't believe someone can go from homeless to making $20,000 a year by selling on eBay?

          He didn't claim to be a millionaire. He just claimed to have made $20,000.00

          He didn't claim he did it in a month. He said it took a while. First started on Facebook then moved to selling on ebay.

          But selling on ebay is to much work for the many who listen to IM Guru's who are always flogging off the newest, greatest how to course. Just get off your A** and go sell something on ebay instead of buying phony promises from other Internet Marketers.

          Are they making their money doing what they advise in their courses or do they make their money by selling courses to the clueless masses?

          Buying low and selling high on eBay works.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    3 step process:
    1. Stop falling for scams ($).
    2. It's Spring, get your yard mowing pants on & go mow a yard for $30. Repeat as needed...
    3. Think for yourself & create your own legit product targeting an evergreen niche (How to make $30 an hour. lol).

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  • Profile picture of the author DoubleOhDave
    What do you consider to be "IM" ?

    If there's one thing that IM "gurus" annoy me with, it's the propogation of this IM Lifestyle myth.

    IM stands for Internet Marketing = marketing something online.

    What product or service do you plan to market? Have you created a product? Do you offer a service? Is there one that you think so highly of that you would like to promote as an affiliate? (think real world - there are plenty of big fish promoting MMO stuff and that's not gonna work if you lack money and are desperate.

    Have you a skill with writing or graphics that you can trade on - or use to create products and put up on JVZoo? (it's free, unlike WSOs).

    It's free to publish on Kindle too - can you write a short Kindle book? (You only get paid every 2 months from Amazon, so I am only offering this idea to balance out my suggestions).

    The biggest thing you need to do is decide on what exactly you offer and how you are going to market it. Look at what's popular on Fiverr if you want to see what makes money - successful people on there really have their finger on the pulse.

    Hope that helps get you a bit more focused on what exactly you want to do in "IM" to make money.
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  • Profile picture of the author RhondaG
    I must say as a writer I get a little angry sometimes the way people say "if you can't do anything else, be a writer". Being a good writer takes skills and if you want the big bucks it is a skill that is constantly honed. People don't pay me $20 to $50 per page just because I "decided" to write because there was nothing else to do.

    Yes, maybe you can write for textbroker or fiverr for $5 and make some money, but as a career you need to know what you are doing.

    Having said that I would like to say that starting a service business like writing, or other virtual tasks is sometimes easier than starting out with affiliate sales. I don't think anyone should be doing this full-time in the beginning and I find it hard to believe you can't get some kind of job.

    There is MacDonald, mowing lawns, handy man stuff, grocery carry out and much more. It doesn't have to be a huge job to make some money while you are building your business. Good luck.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9974760].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author internetmarketer1
      Originally Posted by RhondaG View Post

      I must say as a writer I get a little angry sometimes the way people say "if you can't do anything else, be a writer". Being a good writer takes skills and if you want the big bucks it is a skill that is constantly honed. People don't pay me $20 to $50 per page just because I "decided" to write because there was nothing else to do.

      Yes, maybe you can write for textbroker or fiverr for $5 and make some money, but as a career you need to know what you are doing.

      Having said that I would like to say that starting a service business like writing, or other virtual tasks is sometimes easier than starting out with affiliate sales. I don't think anyone should be doing this full-time in the beginning and I find it hard to believe you can't get some kind of job.

      There is MacDonald, mowing lawns, handy man stuff, grocery carry out and much more. It doesn't have to be a huge job to make some money while you are building your business. Good luck.
      I agree with you in terms of the writing aspect because I have told people to get into writing if they are desperate.... My goal when telling people that is to let them know that writing on sites like Textbroker is fairly instant, as opposed to creating a business that may involve making money long term. In this guy's place, yes, writing for Fiverr or textbroker may be his only option, aside from a traditional job.

      But I get your point in terms of making money from writing as a career. I made good money when I started out as a writer making money from all kinds of sources. It does take work, skill, and plenty of knowledge about providing clients with seriously good content. Writing isn't easy.
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    • Profile picture of the author DoubleOhDave
      Originally Posted by RhondaG View Post

      I must say as a writer I get a little angry sometimes the way people say "if you can't do anything else, be a writer". Being a good writer takes skills and if you want the big bucks it is a skill that is constantly honed. People don't pay me $20 to $50 per page just because I "decided" to write because there was nothing else to do.

      Yes, maybe you can write for textbroker or fiverr for $5 and make some money, but as a career you need to know what you are doing.

      Having said that I would like to say that starting a service business like writing, or other virtual tasks is sometimes easier than starting out with affiliate sales. I don't think anyone should be doing this full-time in the beginning and I find it hard to believe you can't get some kind of job.

      There is MacDonald, mowing lawns, handy man stuff, grocery carry out and much more. It doesn't have to be a huge job to make some money while you are building your business. Good luck.
      Hey Rhonda,

      I get you - not sure if you interpreted my post to be such a statement. All I meant was, if you lack money but have the time to invest, there's less of a financial barrier to entry than there is elsewhere. For example, there are free document handlers, text editors, timer apps, freelance accounting software, social media platforms, etc. etc., so if you really have the drive you shouldn't feel you can't make a go of it for lack of cash.

      All the best,
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  • Profile picture of the author SouthSpawn
    I suggest what some people are suggesting. Find some stable money first my friend. I was in your shoes in college. Ran a start-up business for 4 years. From the age of 21 to 25. We chased shinny objects as well. That's because we only focused or cared about getting money.

    I strongly feel that you have to go into business because you want to "help" people solve their problems. Money is just a side effect of this.

    If you are in it for the sole purpose of cash. You will chase anything to looks good at the moment.

    You can do this!!! Message me if you need to talk about this more.

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    • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
      Focus on generating an income and then take it from there.. Can you write? create websites etc?

      When i started i had nothing , my and my family were screwed so i worked for 16 hours a day 8 hours building sites for people at $10 a site and then 8 hours working on my own sites after 4 months I had my first $4000 month from my own sites....

      Then i stopped working for other people and just worked for myself.

      The other point i'd like to make is that... (not particularly aimed at you BTW)

      When i hear people say.. I gave my money to a mentor but got nothing back..the fault is usually with the student not the mentor, I've been on both sides of the fence..

      Even this week I was dealing with someone who was saying what you taught isn't working while at the same time someone doing the same stuff had a $300+ day on day 3

      We have people who have been through the exact same training one is doing $1000+ a day others are sat struggling to make $100 a day.. the only difference is the amount of action taken!

      Look at what the mentor has given you and told you to do and JUST DO IT.. don't reinvent the wheel or think that you can change something!

      If you are serious about online marketing come and Join our free community The Foundation
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  • Profile picture of the author emmerson
    Very interesting post we have quite a bit happening here. Reverse psychology to click links, to contrasted blatant sales pitching, pie in the sky and down in the pits. I think we know what knightsofusa is looking for. He wrote this thread in the hopes that IM can STILL save him here even at his last and despite his previous failures. Here is what I would suggest for us all, if any of you really want to help this guy, he obviously only wants IM related assistance even in this situation.

    What can you do (write, research, edit, spellcheck, web build, photoshop, design, sell, cold call anything) tell us? And one of the nice warriors on this forum will give you a job to assist them even if its meagre.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    This is another post of a person asking for help, without giving any info about their assets etc. How can any good advice be given without us getting a little info?

    Do you have a car?

    Why aren't you taking a computer class or two in school that would give you a marketable skill and will also give you credits towards your degree, killing two birds with one stone? You want to make money? Learn how to program. You can create your own programs to sell, get a job as a programmer or be a freelancer. Programming is probably the one single skill that has the best "education needed to earning potential" there is.

    One problem with most of the advice given on this thread is cash flow. Most jobs don't pay for 2-3 weeks AFTER you get hired. But if you have a car, can you deliver pizza and at least make some tips right away?

    Same with IM...Most affiliate programs don't pay for at least 30 days. So you either need to have a skill or a product you can sell right away. If you don't have either, then forget about it.

    You can make a few bucks on sites like mTurk.

    Do you have a pickup or know someone that does? If not, put up an ad on your school's bulletin board requesting a partner with a pick up. You can do things like Craig's List arbitrage where you find things people are giving away that you can sell for a few dollars later. I had a cousin do this and made some decent money while looking for a job.

    With a pickup you can post ads for dog poo removal service, junk removal, etc. Advertise your services on Craig's List and on every super market bulletin board you can find. Don't just promote one service, promote multiple services.

    You do the marketing and your partner brings the pickup (if you don't have one). If you really work at it, in a year you'll be hiring other college students to do the manual work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Doug
    Also, jobs as it were... if you have a drivers license and clear background, Taxi companies always need drivers, always. When I drove myself never a day went by I didn't go home with cash (tips) in my pocket, never. Yes it might take a few days to get 'cleared' and you might have to invest in a taxi license, cab company will have the details locally.

    Check it out. You probably will be able to pick the hours you're available to drive, and there will be a training period as well but it is worth it. You will have fun, meet many people and develop amazing relationships with some folks!

    And, again, cash in your pocket every day.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kurt
      Originally Posted by Doug View Post

      Also, jobs as it were... if you have a drivers license and clear background, Taxi companies always need drivers, always. When I drove myself never a day went by I didn't go home with cash (tips) in my pocket, never. Yes it might take a few days to get 'cleared' and you might have to invest in a taxi license, cab company will have the details locally.

      Check it out. You probably will be able to pick the hours you're available to drive, and there will be a training period as well but it is worth it. You will have fun, meet many people and develop amazing relationships with some folks!

      And, again, cash in your pocket every day.
      I'm not sure he's old enough. If he is, Uber may be an option too, if he has a decent car. There's a good chance he will also need to pay for a physical.

      Uber has really impacted the taxi industry in many markets. I used to drive a cab and have a few friends that still do. Things aren't the same as they used to be because of Uber.

      Cell phones have also really impacted the cab industry, as locking up good personals may be more important than using dispatch. Many of the regular good trips are personals through mobile phone calls rather than through dispatch.

      Uber may be a good idea for someone with a decent car, in need of some quick cash and flexible hours, that lives where Uber is available. You can even get some studying in while waiting for trips.
      Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
      Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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      • Profile picture of the author Doug
        Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

        I'm not sure he's old enough. If he is, Uber may be an option too, if he has a decent car. There's a good chance he will also need to pay for a physical.

        Uber has really impacted the taxi industry in many markets. I used to drive a cab and have a few friends that still do. Things aren't the same as they used to be because of Uber.

        Cell phones have also really impacted the cab industry, as locking up good personals may be more important than using dispatch. Many of the regular good trips are personals through mobile phone calls rather than through dispatch.

        Uber may be a good idea for someone with a decent car, in need of some quick cash and flexible hours, that lives where Uber is available. You can even get some studying in while waiting for trips.
        What I didn't tell is that the hours can be quite grueling after about a year or so, and surprisingly many people have really, really bad hygiene - still a great gig though.

        I reckon Uber has taken a bite out of traditional cab companies ... smart owners could easily move to a similar local model for themselves. And smaller markets Uber has yet to move in to, yet. At least in these parts as I checked.
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        • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
          I think this kid needs to sit down alone or with one person in his life he trusts implicitly and figure out what he wants to do with his life. Everyone needs money and this is the time of year that students get hired - there are more student jobs available right now in my area than anything - So I'm guessing it's similar in most areas.

          He needs to know that the IM dream does not magically happen over-night - I have been online since 1997 and I think I have seen every single tempting offer there is out there. None of them are as easy as they appear to be. If I could give this kid one bit of advice that is to not believe most of what he reads online - including the advice to stick to IM that some people in this thread are telling him.

          So he should think about what he is good at and capitalize on that if he can. Getting a part-time job in a fast food joint, a grocery store, shouldn't be hard. At least that takes the pressure off of needing money.

          If he wants to be entrepreneurial - then he should go around and start offering yard work services to folks in his area. This is the season for that - I'm sure he could easily make at least $50 per day doing that.

          But he needs to know that everything takes effort. The sky is the limit if you put in even a small amount of effort into something.
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  • Profile picture of the author whatjut
    Good luck!
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  • Jesus man, you're probably doing everything wrong. You're not gonna get rich so get over yourself. STOP DREAMING AND START WORKING. If you cant follow this just quit.


    I would have invented Google and Microsoft if I was born earlier.

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  • Profile picture of the author Winning34
    I agree with Kay.

    I am all for positive thinking and encouraging people to follow their dreams but sometimes people just aren't cut out for working for themselves, whether it be online or bricks and mortar. Since February, OP has started 12 different threads asking how to make money with various niches and systems so seems to have a serious problem focusing. Even putting that aside, the types of questions were just way too general and vague. Nothing wrong with asking questions when you don't understand something but these were essentially asking people to do his research and spoon feed him. Here's his question about Amazon:

    "How do I get started with Amazon affliate? Where do I sign up? What are the process?"

    That is not a question by someone who doesn't understand something. That's a question by someone who hasn't even attempted to find something out by himself. That's either laziness or a total lack of initiative and common sense. Either way, internet marketing is not for OP.
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  • Profile picture of the author megamind22
    Almost everyone seem to be saying the same thing which is the gospel truth cause if youve spent money on coaching and yet cant build a profitable online business which comprises of a good sales funnel, list building, traffic and conversion then this may not be for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author NeedBucksNow
    Sounds like you have some good ideas from your previous posts but the main thing to realize is that IM is hard work and you are going to have to be willing to dedicate alot of your time or money in order to start making a profit. If you are in school right now, you should stick with it until you are able to get a job that will help you with the initial costs of starting up or use eBay to sell some stuff you don't use and get at least $100 to start the website and find a website designer to help you out. This is what I did in order to get my site up and running but I'm currently at almost 5 months since starting the site and I'm still working on getting higher rankings in the search engines. I have read that it takes 6-7 months to really start seeing any kind of progress with this and the best thing you can do is either start writing content as much as possible or pay somebody to help you do it. Just keep this up until you begin to get at least 1K visitors a day


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  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    Keep applying for jobs, save up some money, and try internet marketing again. Don't give up.
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  • Profile picture of the author martinmarketing
    do not give up at the first difficulty in this work, to build credibility and reputation, you have to work hard and think about what you really want to direct your own business in this field do not use the magic wand ... but perseverance and work
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  • Profile picture of the author J50
    The only hopeless thing about you is probably your attitude. How many calls have you pounded out to local companies seeing if they have any jobs going? How many businesses have you visited today seeing if they can take you on? How many emails have you send today to businesses to see if there's any freelance work you can do?
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  • Profile picture of the author alanmaliska
    I think you can do it
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