Start from scratch... today

16 replies
What if .. you would have to start from zero today knowing what you know, with all experience you achieved, and lets say 100$

How would you start your empire ? What areas are dead-end today ?
#scratch #start #today
  • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
    Originally Posted by marcinluc View Post

    What if .. you would have to start from zero today knowing what you know, with all experience you achieved, and lets say 100$

    How would you start your empire ? What areas are dead-end today ?
    Well, with $100 i wouldn't start anything. But with a bit more, I would now start by selling physical products. I only came to this conclusion after years of selling internet marketing products and blogging.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adrianhenry
    Originally Posted by marcinluc View Post

    What if .. you would have to start from zero today knowing what you know, with all experience you achieved, and lets say 100$

    How would you start your empire ? What areas are dead-end today ?
    Im not sure if any niche is a dead end unless literally not a single person wants that info any more, which I think is highly unlikely. The issue is that many niches are becoming more saturated and hard and harder to monetise as the competition has higher budgets and customers are becoming more savvy to the tricks used in the IM world.

    If you pick a niche and really focus on providing your users with a great experience, lots of value and quality service then you will almost certainly make money. Just do not try cutting corners.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B

      Just three ideas for your thread:

      1. What someone else would do to start from scratch today has no bearing on what you could or should do. We are all different and bring a unique set of skills and a one-of-a-kind background to IM.

      2. Two people serious about IM start from the exact same point and create a business in the exact same niche. One might be successful and the other fail miserably. Both might be successful. Both might fail miserably. It's not how or where you start that's important. It's what you do with your business over the next XX years that will determine success or failure.

      3. There are no dead ends for marketers that learn to adapt and be flexible. If you work hard and are willing to learn from your mistakes, you will find a profitable path. IM is not about reaching a destination (or being stopped at a dead end). IM is a journey and the ride is all that matters.

      The best to all of you,


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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      • Profile picture of the author plxiZnoGouD
        Originally Posted by Steve B View Post


        Just three ideas for your thread:

        1. What someone else would do to start from scratch today has no bearing on what you could or should do. We are all different and bring a unique set of skills and a one-of-a-kind background to IM.

        2. Two people serious about IM start from the exact same point and create a business in the exact same niche. One might be successful and the other fail miserably. Both might be successful. Both might fail miserably. It's not how or where you start that's important. It's what you do with your business over the next XX years that will determine success or failure.

        3. There are no dead ends for marketers that learn to adapt and be flexible. If you work hard and are willing to learn from your mistakes, you will find a profitable path. IM is not about reaching a destination (or being stopped at a dead end). IM is a journey and the ride is all that matters.

        The best to all of you,

        Great post. Is also applies to many things in life.
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    • Profile picture of the author sparrow
      Originally Posted by Adrianhenry View Post

      The issue is that many niches are becoming more saturated and hard and harder to monetise as the competition has higher budgets and customers are becoming more savvy to the tricks used in the IM world.
      spot on

      all you need to do is look at the players for any search term in search

      the opportunities are narrowing

      so you need to think out of the box and run away from what everyone else is doing

      money can still be made but you can't use in most cases what worked years ago
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  • Profile picture of the author mikefashen
    I'd do it the exact way that I did it

    I detail it out (lots of detail, kind of a long post) here:

    I was explaining to someone else how to get started ... so if you have $100 then that's what I'd do if I were you. Start doing what I talk about in that post.

    Stop trying and start DOING

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    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      Step 1. I'd keep the $100 in my pocket, and make use of the vast knowlege of the Warrior Forum - while kept working at my steady job.

      Step 2. While I saved more money to invest I'd arm myself with the fundamental knowledge of online marketing, such as niche market research, email marketing, list buuilding, copywriting, traffic building and conversion.

      Step 3. Next I'd join a reccurring income Affiliate program. When I had that under control. I'd look to create my own product or service -- then ride off into the sunset with my fantasy crush. Note: Last thought optional.
      Download "Free 80 Page E-Book"
      "201 Ways To Live Better On Less Money".
      "Because The Easiest Way To Make Money is ... ... By Saving Some First!"
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    • Profile picture of the author l1one
      I pick up an Aweber count and go straight to list building.

      Build a squeeze page. There are lots of good free templates out there.

      Then start driving traffic with all the free traffic methods out there.

      Next, I would start sending offers but ONLY with CONTINUITY.

      Finally, I would just keep on scaling up. Reinvesting a portion of the profits into some paid sources.

      It's really that simple, but a lot of folks get caught up in details and making everything perfect that they never end up spending time on the most important thing which is driving traffic to the list!
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      • Profile picture of the author gabelumagui
        Originally Posted by l1one View Post

        I pick up an Aweber count and go straight to list building.

        Build a squeeze page. There are lots of good free templates out there.

        Then start driving traffic with all the free traffic methods out there.

        Next, I would start sending offers but ONLY with CONTINUITY.

        Finally, I would just keep on scaling up. Reinvesting a portion of the profits into some paid sources.

        It's really that simple, but a lot of folks get caught up in details and making everything perfect that they never end up spending time on the most important thing which is driving traffic to the list!
        That last paragraph is very important, I know this, because it used to be me!
        It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."
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      • Profile picture of the author copywriterco
        Originally Posted by l1one View Post

        I pick up an Aweber count and go straight to list building.

        Build a squeeze page. There are lots of good free templates out there.

        Then start driving traffic with all the free traffic methods out there.

        Next, I would start sending offers but ONLY with CONTINUITY.

        Finally, I would just keep on scaling up. Reinvesting a portion of the profits into some paid sources.

        It's really that simple, but a lot of folks get caught up in details and making everything perfect that they never end up spending time on the most important thing which is driving traffic to the list!
        I'll say the same thing!

        Get Your Free Copywriting Guide at

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  • Profile picture of the author internetmarketer1
    The only thing I'll add to this thread is that I wouldn't use that $100 at all. In fact, I really didn't put in much money, or any at all, when is finally started in the IM world. I made sure to avoid wasting money on wasted campaigns.

    Investing all of that money without any proper knowledge on what you're actually doing is a waste.

    I do recommend for all of the people on here who are reading this that are confused and are dealing with information overload........ Start from scratch again....... In other words, throw away all of that unnecessary jargon that is keeping you from taking action.
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    What if.... you did some checking? You would see this debate which is probably 90% theory and 10% practice comes up all the time....

    Was going to add more but i see Jeff beat me to it...
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author garyt
    Starting from scratch with $100 is definitely doable. But you need to put in the time. Many here had already said umpteen times - invest in building a list first, the rest will follow.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author winnermarketing
    You could open a blog connected with your AdSense Account and start post articles every day.
    of course connect your blog with a facebook/Twitter page!

    you could also open a site/blog, try to get targetted traffic throught PPC and you could sell your affiliate products! Of course you could optimize this system adding a squeeze page + autoresponder
    you could also try to get some free traffic throught social netwoks, blog, forums....

    Free Guide to Make Money Online [Now!]
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Lenney
    Oh common. Again?

    Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at

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