JVZoo Removing Hosted Landing Pages

3 replies
JVZoo is making some changes and that includes removing the internal sales pages.

That was a reason I was making more use of the service. It was akin to having another website on which to market a product and attract customers.

But now, JVZ is telling sellers they need to get their own hosting or use the Warrior Forum.

#hosted #jvzoo #landing #pages #removing
  • Profile picture of the author David Keith
    i am not really in any markets to use jvzoo. but i assume you have some insight into this Brian.

    is it due to liability issues. it would almost have to be. I mean the hosting can't be costing them that much.

    or maybe something to do with blacklisting of their server or something due to spam sent with links that land on their page?

    just curious at to why.
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    • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
      No insider scoop here. Went to add a product and noticed there was no hosted page option - so I asked - and was told the service is making some changes and removing the hosted pages was one, and I should use my own site or the WF.

      There was also this statement:
      This is to bring a better experience to all vendors, affiliates, and customers.
      Uh, right. Type of response I'd expect from Google. I was not getting a better experience.

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  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    It's a hard decision to remove a feature, but one we felt we had to make. Less than one percent of the weekly sales originated from the instant pages, but over 30% of our support queries were from those listing on the instant pages. We thought long and hard and decided that it would be better for our members as a whole if we directed those support resources elsewhere. It is unfortunate whenever a feature is removed, but we are working on a much better type of instant page and hope to release it soon. The community continues to grow. Members now already generated over $110 million in revenue. We don't see that slowing down any time soon.

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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