Clickbank product promoting in 2015

19 replies
I am working with Clickbank for last 6 months. But unfortunately, I got only a few sales. At this time I am broke.

Can you please tell what methods can be implemented in 2015.

And I think, my problem is to working only on facebook in free ways. Now what can I do?
#2015 #clickbank #product #promoting
  • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
    i also encounter

    actually the problem I feel for me is finding a good niche !
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    • Profile picture of the author Andre Slater
      Did you buy any of the programs you promoted? Are you using them?

      Whatever topic you picked to promote problems how much do you know about that topic?

      Are you providing value to the people looking at the offers or are you just pitching?

      Its not about the product your promoting as it is the problems your market has?

      If you focus on providing value and solving peoples problems using the Affiliate product that you recommend will help them, because you know it will because you have tried it for yourself...

      This may change what your going through.
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      • Profile picture of the author badassmarketer
        Start building that list. The list is the most important part of any marketing campaign. I have about 5000 likes on my Facebook page, and only have about 120 email subscribers, and its slowly growing daily.

        Write a post on Facebook that's intriguing, and have them read the rest of it on your blog. Have a pop up on your website for them to sign on to your email list. Free = slower, but it definitely works.
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        • Profile picture of the author l1one
          BUILD A LIST! That is the #1 way to make money in Internet Marketing today. Do you have an JV/Affiliates page on these products? Make sure to get them on a list as well so you can mail them when you create another product.
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          • Profile picture of the author arif456
            Originally Posted by l1one View Post

            BUILD A LIST! That is the #1 way to make money in Internet Marketing today. Do you have an JV/Affiliates page on these products? Make sure to get them on a list as well so you can mail them when you create another product.
            I think there I go. I will give it a try.

            But can you tell me please, how much subscribers do I need to start promoting? And what auto email sender is recommended?
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            • Originally Posted by arif456 View Post

              I think there I go. I will give it a try.

              But can you tell me please, how much subscribers do I need to start promoting? And what auto email sender is recommended?
              Hi Arif

              To answer your question, you should be promoting from subscriber one. Every subscriber you get should start getting a series of emails that both build a relationship and at the same time offer products that you believe will interest/help them.

              I would set a number of mails set up to be sent automatically for the first week or so. This will ensure that at least some of your business runs on autopilot and allows you to spend time building your business.

              As for the autoresponder I use, I am completely happy with GetResponse, but that is just my opinion. I'm sure you will have fans of all the major providers. I would suggest it doesn't matter which of the major players you go with, all their products have plus and minus points, but all will get your mails out to your growing list of subscribers.

              I hope this helps and I wish you all the best with your online efforts
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              • Profile picture of the author crowsnest7
                Hi Arif,

                YouTube, guest blogging, and definitely (as everyone else mentioned) an email list.

                Finding a good niche or product shouldn't be too difficult.

                You should have the follow-up emails in your autoresponder ready to go before you start getting subscriptions to your list.
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          • Profile picture of the author copywriterco
            Originally Posted by l1one View Post

            BUILD A LIST! That is the #1 way to make money in Internet Marketing today. Do you have an JV/Affiliates page on these products? Make sure to get them on a list as well so you can mail them when you create another product.
            I definitely agree with this! Building a list should be your #1 priority now.

            Get Your Free Copywriting Guide at

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            • Profile picture of the author arif456
              Originally Posted by copywriterco View Post

              I definitely agree with this! Building a list should be your #1 priority now.
              looks great! can you respond me on #6 q?
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        • Profile picture of the author healthreview
          Originally Posted by badassmarketer View Post

          Start building that list. The list is the most important part of any marketing campaign. I have about 5000 likes on my Facebook page, and only have about 120 email subscribers, and its slowly growing daily.

          Write a post on Facebook that's intriguing, and have them read the rest of it on your blog. Have a pop up on your website for them to sign on to your email list. Free = slower, but it definitely works.
          I agree with the gentleman who commented the above.

          Without a solid list it is difficult to survive in this industry. And also plan to make and sale your own product through a funnel.
          Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author web lover
    My Friend I Will Tell You Something

    Clickbank lose it strength and it power in 2015,

    Because there is no high product's value and there is no update for the product's

    Ex: when I enter on Landing Page Product , I Feel that the page very very Old

    ShareaSale And Amazon more easy and More powerful than clickbank On 2015

    this is a real truth

    I think other brothers and sisters Agree with me

    I wish You The Best
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9981534].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author IMwithJoe

    like some people already said, I would focus on building an E-Mail list in your niche. You will have better results and also a consistent income.

    Good luck for you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Clickbank lose it strength and it power in 2015
    It actually lost it in 2014.

    For too long they took affiliates for granted and now they are paying for it.

    It seems to be a trend online - Get people to build something for you, treat them like shit, lose your corner on the market to said peoples' better ways which you forced them to create.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9981558].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by arif456 View Post

    I am working with Clickbank for last 6 months. But unfortunately, I got only a few sales. At this time I am broke.

    Can you please tell what methods can be implemented in 2015.

    And I think, my problem is to working only on facebook in free ways. Now what can I do?
    I'm assuming you are looking for free methods and not paid? What have you tried already?
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    • Profile picture of the author Eagle07
      Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

      I'm assuming you are looking for free methods and not paid? What have you tried already?
      This is what I think. If this is the case, I would suggest you focus on creating affiliate sites that are optimized for the search engines most specially on Google. Just use blogger. It is free. Some people here say clickbank lost its strength but I cannot feel that. Maybe because my earnings are not really that big and I cannot see the difference as others may be experiencing. When I checked my clickbank account, it says my commission for previous period ending march 25 was already set to paid which means my check is on its way to me.

      My affiliate commissions are from free traffic and my affiliate sites are on blogger so I do not actually spend for domain and hosting on these sites and I would like to maintain that.
      (I do have my own domain and hosting but it is for other purposes such as for selling my own info products and for php redirects promoting cpa offers)

      I actually enjoy receiving commissions from my free affiliate sites. How I wished I could make more but I have a limited time because I am dedicated with my job. I must assume that not many people are full time affiliate marketers so if you are one who has a lot of time then you can be making more than the rest of us here so long as you choose a high converting offer and present your affiliate offer in front of those people who most need it.
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  • Profile picture of the author xrobot
    Hello, Use Facebook ads to promote your products...
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  • Profile picture of the author Jouvan Johnson
    build a highly targeted list that you care about and let them know about products that will help them solve a problem they have.

    Help them get from point A to point B do not just try to siphon money from them actually help them solve a problem

    I help the overworked & underpaid wage slave break free from the shackles of their 9 - 5 using just the internet and email. Find out how at ==>

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  • Profile picture of the author shaniaa6969
    What ever you affiliate network, traffic is the key, better if you get targetted traffics
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  • What got you those few sales?

    What traffic source converted into sales?

    Do a lot of things, and keep what works

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