Which PPC Traffic Convert Better In 2015

16 replies
Hello, whichPPC traffic convert better?

Google Adword

Facebook Ads

Bing Ad

I am interested in building list of health niche to promote affiliate product but in my own few it seem as if Facebook is more expensive when targeting countries like USA,UK,CANADA etc

Any help?
#2015 #convert #ppc #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author solarwarrior
    Bing ads are great if you are just starting out in PPC and you are seeking a cheaper CPC compared to other platforms.

    Offers 1-1 Coaching for Bing/CPA/Clickbank.
    1,248 students have benefited so far!
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Imo all three are awesome, they just serve different purposes.

    Imo Google adwords is the best ppc traffic source out there, with that being said, they can be "difficult" to work with.

    Bing is much more friendly and although they don't have as much traffic as Google, they are still great to work with.

    Facebook ads is a little bit different. Being able to target by interests, age, etc gives them an edge in certain areas.
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  • Profile picture of the author l1one
    All three are great if you know what your doing! But each of them have their own intricacies.So you must test, test and do more testing to make them work well.

    Right now I am using all 3 myself for different projects,
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    we are killing it with BING and FB at the moment, and with reddit ads too.

    taking in $900 USD profit per day, with these.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    Originally Posted by Tony4real View Post

    Hello, whichPPC traffic convert better?

    Google Adword

    Facebook Ads

    Bing Ad

    I am interested in building list of health niche to promote affiliate product but in my own few it seem as if Facebook is more expensive when targeting countries like USA,UK,CANADA etc

    Any help?
    no incorrect, if you are WILLING to work, here and test your nuts off, then you can target and I mean Laser target people, down to what they read while sitting on the toilet. LOL.

    But once you spend a bit of money targeting, and testing stuff, you will find what works, and what doesnt. Remember Facebook, is awesome, and you have to get inside their head, and research their wants, needs, and desire. But again I do not agree, its expensive, if you know how to target, and test. Infact, right now FB is very cheap, in terms of what you can do, and how you can do it.

    But again, 99% of marketers, whinge about FB, as they are not targeting and doing custom ads, properly.

    For someone who knows what they are doing, and up to speed with the social traffic space, facebook, can be very lucrative investment and for you overall ROI.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Originally Posted by Tony4real View Post

    Hello, whichPPC traffic convert better?

    Google Adword

    Facebook Ads

    Bing Ad
    I think that they all convert really well.

    The ones that don't are the very small pay per click companies. Only work with the BIG dogs which are Google, Bing, Yahoo, Facebook PPC, Twitter PPC, and YouTube PPC,
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  • Profile picture of the author imi1233
    My favourite is BING
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  • Profile picture of the author hbeladiya
    Google is the King of all time. They having good traffic.

    E-mail: hardik@adattract.com
    Skype: adattract
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  • Profile picture of the author copywriterco
    Those 3 that you mentioned on your post are all great places for traffic. But the results depends on how you utilize them and on how effective your strategies are in using them.

    Get Your Free Copywriting Guide at Copy-Writer.co

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  • Profile picture of the author thisguycan
    my first ppc is bing ads
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  • Profile picture of the author Lewisdeniel
    Goggle Adwords is always the best as this is the largest search engine and carries a lot of traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author richa vaish
    All the three which you've shared here are good, but its on up to you that how you convert the traffic into the leads.
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  • Profile picture of the author zdebx
    You have to understand that Facebook traffic is NOT search engine traffic, so it doesn't make sense to compare it with Bing and Adwords.

    The type of the visitor is completely different, keep that in mind.

    Adwords has changed a lot in the past few years, so you'll most likely get banned within a few weeks, if you don't know what you're doing...

    Otherwise, BingAds is the best, because the traffic quality is decent and they are very flexible with that you can advertise.
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  • Bing Ads are hot at the moment..

    People are realising the potential of Bing

    I recommend Bing Ads, great service, great conversion and..

    Cheap compared to Adwords & Facebook

    Test other PPC networks too..

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  • Profile picture of the author Tony4real
    Thanks to you all for your advise but what is the minimum start for Bing Ads?
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  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    They are all good but my top pick is adword.

    Moreover, don't expect it to be handed over to you on a platter of gold, you have to run a test and see for yourself.

    Bing and Facebook may just be okay for certain niche but adword is broader.
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