FREE traffic experiment: my results

28 replies
I just wanted to share something I've been playing with, and unlike a lot of stuff you read, it seems to really work, so worth sharing - maybe it'll help someone.

The goal is to get people to visit my link, so I've been doing it this way, using Twitter:

  • Create a Tweet with your message and link.
  • Include a hashtag that is related to your niche - check out for suitable ones. Don't use more than a couple, but make sure the hashtags you're using get loads of traffic.
  • The challenge now is to get the Tweet to rank. I've tried buying retweets and favorites but they have to happen at the same time. Or, for free traffic...
  • You can use a traffic exchange like AddMeFast where you can build up credits by clicking on other people's tweets, or viewing YouTube videos etc. Once you have enough credits, go for a big surge of views and favorites - several hundred of each.
  • If this works, then your tweet starts to get views and you'll be getting traffic really quickly.
  • This isn't great for sustained traffic, but it really does seem to bring a big spike, which can be helpful, depending on what you're doing.
  • VARIATION: you could use a really popular hastag that's trending, and then you will get loads more traffic - potentially site-busting, but the issue is probably that it won't convert as well, so while it's great for clicks, it's not so great for sales.
Here's what happened with one experiment: 500 retweets and 500 favorites produced over 1300 views in just a few hours and as a result I made a sale.

This isn't going to be for everyone, and it's not the answer to every traffic problem but I think it works and has its place as a way of getting reasonably targeted traffic.

Anyone else care to share their cool traffic tricks?
#experiment #free #free traffic #hashtags #results #traffic #twitter
  • Profile picture of the author mysteryleaves
    seems a good a free way to drive some traffic will try this out should work as l have 18K followers so plenty will see thanks for tip
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  • Wow! Great stuff, thanks for sharing

    Service like AddMeFast are great, but can be time-consuming!


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  • How many website clicks did you get from 500 retweets and 500 favourites?

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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Roberts
      The metrics show 1309 clicks to my site - maybe a third of those were new visitors.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pkjobs
    great tips .But will it work ,because there are many hashtags relevant to same niche ?
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  • Profile picture of the author awledd
    Nice tip. But have you guys heard about FollowLiker - Best Twitter Marketing Software - Instagram Bot - Pinterest Bot - Tumblr Bot - Follow Liker ? it seems to be a fantastic social marketing tool.
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  • Profile picture of the author SteveSRS
    Note that this method is about 60% bot traffic and don't directly send this traffic to opt-in page or sales page.. the few hundred clicks you get send it to real content.

    I've done this a few times and every time around 60% is bot traffic thats following a sudden trending topic or something (not yet completely sure where the bots come from or why they follow the link).
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Roberts
      Thanks - I don't know if they're bots or not (how would we know?) but maybe some were. Even so, I was pleased to get a sale out of it.
      FREE TOOLS AND DOWNLOADS for Low Content and KDP Publishers
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Roberts
    Sorry, one thing I should have mentioned is that the items I was selling were niche topic t-shirts and hoodies - so not MMO stuff, which makes me think it could work for most things.
    FREE TOOLS AND DOWNLOADS for Low Content and KDP Publishers
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  • Profile picture of the author im0001
    The best converting free traffic is SEO - if you have a half decent website, then use SEO as the traffic is highly targeted and with as few as 20 UV's per day, you would make a few sales per month.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by im0001 View Post

      The best converting free traffic is SEO - if you have a half decent website, then use SEO as the traffic is highly targeted and with as few as 20 UV's per day, you would make a few sales per month.
      I do think it is worth noting that 'free' can be interpreted in multiple ways.

      Doing SEO for many years myself in some instances it may not cost monetarily but does have a time and effort cost attached to it

      - Robert Andrew
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      • Profile picture of the author im0001
        Originally Posted by discrat View Post

        I do think it is worth noting that 'free' can be interpreted in multiple ways.

        Doing SEO for many years myself in some instances it may not cost monetarily but does have a time and effort cost attached to it

        - Robert Andrew
        In that case the same can be said about when you repair your own car or when you do your own cooking - also, some people waste huge amount of time on watching 11 geezers chasing a silly ball for 90 mins. Why not spend that time on SEO instead and for years to come get the rewards free of charge

        And don't forget the element of learning something extremely useful - I would call it an ever lasting asset.
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  • Profile picture of the author linathinfotech
    Its good but instead of this, we can use group message to tell our followers to re tweet and favorite our tweet.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeMiller
    Hi Steven,

    Did you get any purchases, subscribers or other types of conversions from this traffic surge?
    A while ago I gave this method a quick try and was able to generate a similar traffic surge, but I found that it was really low-quality traffic w/ high bounce rate, bots, etc, and no conversion at all.

    Originally Posted by Steven Roberts View Post

    I just wanted to share something I've been playing with, and unlike a lot of stuff you read, it seems to really work, so worth sharing - maybe it'll help someone.

    The goal is to get people to visit my link, so I've been doing it this way, using Twitter:

    • Create a Tweet with your message and link.
    • Include a hashtag that is related to your niche - check out for suitable ones. Don't use more than a couple, but make sure the hashtags you're using get loads of traffic.
    • The challenge now is to get the Tweet to rank. I've tried buying retweets and favorites but they have to happen at the same time. Or, for free traffic...
    • You can use a traffic exchange like AddMeFast where you can build up credits by clicking on other people's tweets, or viewing YouTube videos etc. Once you have enough credits, go for a big surge of views and favorites - several hundred of each.
    • If this works, then your tweet starts to get views and you'll be getting traffic really quickly.
    • This isn't great for sustained traffic, but it really does seem to bring a big spike, which can be helpful, depending on what you're doing.
    • VARIATION: you could use a really popular hastag that's trending, and then you will get loads more traffic - potentially site-busting, but the issue is probably that it won't convert as well, so while it's great for clicks, it's not so great for sales.
    Here's what happened with one experiment: 500 retweets and 500 favorites produced over 1300 views in just a few hours and as a result I made a sale.

    This isn't going to be for everyone, and it's not the answer to every traffic problem but I think it works and has its place as a way of getting reasonably targeted traffic.

    Anyone else care to share their cool traffic tricks?
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9988085].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steven Roberts
      Originally Posted by MikeMiller View Post

      Hi Steven,

      Did you get any purchases, subscribers or other types of conversions from this traffic surge?
      A while ago I gave this method a quick try and was able to generate a similar traffic surge, but I found that it was really low-quality traffic w/ high bounce rate, bots, etc, and no conversion at all.

      Thanks Mike

      I've tried it with two types of site: a niche t-shirt site (that's the data I showed) and a financial services landing page with giveaway, and I got several sign-ups as a result per "boost". I think you have a point though: it can be low grade traffic, especially if you use generic trending high volume hashtags. Better to use lower traffic targeted hashtags, but I think it needs more data to be absolutely conclusive. Hopefully other people will share their experience and we can all learn!
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  • Profile picture of the author maxsi
    YES we use a method similar to this, and we got nice traffic from twitter
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  • Profile picture of the author web lover
    Nice Share Brother , Really Twitter Goldmine , Thank you so much
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Not sure if this is going to be a waste of time if you try it out. Everyone's results will be different from others.

    I prefer to to paid ads cause I know that it works.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Roberts
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      Not sure if this is going to be a waste of time if you try it out. Everyone's results will be different from others.

      I prefer to to paid ads cause I know that it works.
      Well, as they say, you will never find out if it is or it isn't unless you try it. I admit I tend to think the same way - am skeptical until it's proven. But it's "free" to try if you think time is free. If you don't try it, maybe you'll never really know...?
      FREE TOOLS AND DOWNLOADS for Low Content and KDP Publishers
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  • Profile picture of the author powerofschool
    Hi Mate,

    You did a Good Try and it might be Good for some of the websites, if it is relevant to them. They may get good traffic to there website.

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  • Profile picture of the author Eagle07
    That's great! As you can see, generating a lot of traffic to an offer can convert and it is way better to be generating targeted traffic to an offer for higher conversions. I think you can do that again. Just make sure your offer is aligned to the interest of the traffic you generate.
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  • Profile picture of the author WormT
    Thanks for sharing, I have only one follower Will that work for you me?
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Roberts
      Originally Posted by WormT View Post

      Thanks for sharing, I have only one follower Will that work for you me?
      Will it work for you? Well if you're able to get lots of retweets and favorites using the methods I mentioned, then I can't see why it wouldn't, because the number of followers is not relevant to this method. Why not give it a try and see? Worst case it's gonna cost you $5 to try. Then share the results on here for others to learn from!
      FREE TOOLS AND DOWNLOADS for Low Content and KDP Publishers
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  • Profile picture of the author Slade556
    Thanks for sharing that, it's definitely something worth trying. Of course, using popular hash tags is nothing new but it's a good thing that you took the time to explain how it worked for you! And you made a sale, congrats!
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  • Profile picture of the author skyro
    Tried addmefast before. It can work really well especially with popular tweets. The thing is you have to sit there for a while things like retweets or likes to build up your credit count. This can be tedious task but you can outsouce it.
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  • Profile picture of the author hardworker2013
    That is one of the oldest trick in the book, you can also type in niche specific keywords in the search bar on twitter and you will get lots of leads. For example those persons tweeting that they are too fat etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author imi1233
    Free ads to start with and then you must graduate to using paid ads
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  • Profile picture of the author stealthtargeting
    Originally Posted by Steven Roberts View Post

    I just wanted to share something I've been playing with, and unlike a lot of stuff you read, it seems to really work, so worth sharing - maybe it'll help someone.

    The goal is to get people to visit my link, so I've been doing it this way, using Twitter:

    • Create a Tweet with your message and link.
    • Include a hashtag that is related to your niche - check out for suitable ones. Don't use more than a couple, but make sure the hashtags you're using get loads of traffic.
    • The challenge now is to get the Tweet to rank. I've tried buying retweets and favorites but they have to happen at the same time. Or, for free traffic...
    • You can use a traffic exchange like AddMeFast where you can build up credits by clicking on other people's tweets, or viewing YouTube videos etc. Once you have enough credits, go for a big surge of views and favorites - several hundred of each.
    • If this works, then your tweet starts to get views and you'll be getting traffic really quickly.
    • This isn't great for sustained traffic, but it really does seem to bring a big spike, which can be helpful, depending on what you're doing.
    • VARIATION: you could use a really popular hastag that's trending, and then you will get loads more traffic - potentially site-busting, but the issue is probably that it won't convert as well, so while it's great for clicks, it's not so great for sales.
    Here's what happened with one experiment: 500 retweets and 500 favorites produced over 1300 views in just a few hours and as a result I made a sale.

    This isn't going to be for everyone, and it's not the answer to every traffic problem but I think it works and has its place as a way of getting reasonably targeted traffic.

    Anyone else care to share their cool traffic tricks?
    hi! cool idea here! i would suggest u start using since there you can truly help people by answering their questions ! i started using it and it is the best online source for questions/answeres like yahoo answer eccept it really works and it is very active, for example i created an online marketing related account there and i started answering their questions by creating a simple youtube video answering their question. i then copy&pasted its link as an answer and until now i did not got banned! with that being said, yes, i can see getting more views and clicks to my website that way without risking to get banned from there...

    so u may start creating videos about your traffic method and start posting answeres to people that are interested in your system, u then get annotations to your video with a related website you own and there u can start gathering leads/subscribers at least this is how i do it too...

    very interesting read all the best and good luck to everybody!

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