Internet Marketing VS Starting A Business?

56 replies
Hi Everyone,

Fellow entrepreneur here...I work a full-time job but have a lot of flexibility - home by 2pm. I'm in a very unique position. I'm a young guy and was fortunate enough to get a "pensionable" gig. I'm looking to build something to set me up when I retire in a few years. I don't plan on retiring from work but rather leaving my job, collecting my pension and starting a new path. I don't mind working 5 hours a day on a new project either.

I've always been passionate about business. I guess I just love the hustle! Getting home early allows me to do projects and get a taste of entrepreneurship. I was in the nightlife business for a few years coordinating events and putting together creative marketing campaigns. Than I got into a relationship and had to shut that down lol. My last company I launched was in the sports nutrition niche but I shut that down early this year. It was an ecommerce subscription box business and we had problems getting product. I built my list to about 1400 people over 4 months and broke even. These were some of businesses I got into.

Anyway, I am looking to start something new. I would like to at least start the business from home. I have always liked the idea of focusing on 1 particular long term business vs jumping all over at different concepts to earn a buck like a lot of IMs do. I looked around at getting into IM but I'm not sure if it is right for me. It seems like most people build out PBNs to rank or have to run a 100+ niche sites to make a decent living. Maybe I am wrong but thats why I'm here. I have also read the big blogs out there (every article) - smart passive income, cloud living, income diary, niche pursuits, ect. I learned a little bit but I'm still undecided.

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. I am a fan of ecommerce and was thinking about possibly building an authority site. I have a few grand I would invest if I can gain a little traction. What do you guys think?
#business #internet #marketing #starting
  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    I looked around at getting into IM but I'm not sure if it is right for me. It seems like most people build out PBNs to rank or have to run a 100+ niche sites to make a decent living.
    That would be people who depend solely on Google for their traffic. The only problem with that is Google can take it away in an instant, without warning.

    I'm not saying you should completely disregard search traffic, but you should diversify your traffic sources so no one thing can have much negative effect.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author Caitlinz
    I have seen people making five figures from just one website. It depends on the niche you choose and your creativity.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      Right now everything is in front of you. Before you dive in, I would check a few things.

      What do you like to do? There are businesses you could get into and quickly find that they don't suite your personality, your desires, your temperament.

      What skills do you already have? If you already have certain skills and talents, why not take advantage of those in your business? So maybe you like to write, or create graphics, or you're a programmer - those are all skills that can lead you to a profitable business.

      How would you spend your time if you weren't working? Surprisingly, a good number of people have turned their passions into a business. Sometimes it works, other times it backfires . . . but right now you have the ability to steer the subject of your business in any direction you like so take advantage of your many, many choices.

      Finally, every business should begin with market research. You need to understand what potential there is for profit, where that potential lies, who will be your competitors, who (and where) is your audience, what are the problems and opportunities in the market, etc. Find out as much as you can about the environment you'll be working in so that you can maximize and focus your effort and resources on things that will give you a good return for your time and money invested.

      The very best to you,


      P.S. Save your money for later when you have a working business idea and a proven business model. You will have time to scale and ramp up your business later and the cash will come in handy at that point.

      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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      • Profile picture of the author SFNY
        Thank you Steve. That's the kind of advice I need. I really ave to ask myself those questions and truly know figure out want direction I want to go in. I already know that I don't want to waist time fooling around with money makers that could be here today and gone tomorrow. Concepts like using tee spring to make money and black hat tricks aren't really what I'm looking for. I'm looking for something viable that I can build and grow for a long time. Appreciate the advice.
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      • Profile picture of the author tyronne78
        Hey Steve,I agree with you 100%. Playing to your strengths makes complete sense.
        Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

        Right now everything is in front of you. Before you dive in, I would check a few things.

        What do you like to do? There are businesses you could get into and quickly find that they don't suite your personality, your desires, your temperament.

        What skills do you already have? If you already have certain skills and talents, why not take advantage of those in your business? So maybe you like to write, or create graphics, or you're a programmer - those are all skills that can lead you to a profitable business.

        How would you spend your time if you weren't working? Surprisingly, a good number of people have turned their passions into a business. Sometimes it works, other times it backfires . . . but right now you have the ability to steer the subject of your business in any direction you like so take advantage of your many, many choices.

        Finally, every business should begin with market research. You need to understand what potential there is for profit, where that potential lies, who will be your competitors, who (and where) is your audience, what are the problems and opportunities in the market, etc. Find out as much as you can about the environment you'll be working in so that you can maximize and focus your effort and resources on things that will give you a good return for your time and money invested.

        The very best to you,


        P.S. Save your money for later when you have a working business idea and a proven business model. You will have time to scale and ramp up your business later and the cash will come in handy at that point.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eagle07
    It is good to know that you have plans for your future as young as you are. That is great!
    Diving into ecommerce has a huge potential when it comes to creating additional income and even full time income source. There are a lot of ways to go into online business. The first one I would recommend to you is affiliate marketing. It is the easiest way to enter into ecommerce. Once you learn the fundamentals of internet marketing, online income is fully scalable through marketing your own products or other peoples' products just the same.
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    • Profile picture of the author SFNY
      Thank you Eagle07...Means a lot!
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      • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
        You said you built your list to 1400 in the sports nutrition market. So, what did you do, toss your list too - along with the business? Or do you plan to use them to spring board into your next project?

        You said you shut it down because you couldn't get product. But surely, they're other products or services your 1400 mailing list would love along similar lines.

        It's a shame to have to start from scratch when you have the bones of a money-maker in you hands - that just may only need a little meat (fresh idea, different angle, a unique twist) added to it.
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        "201 Ways To Live Better On Less Money".
        "Because The Easiest Way To Make Money is ... ... By Saving Some First!"
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        • Profile picture of the author SFNY
          Thank you The Niche Man,

          You're probably right about using my list. I still have it btw. The fitness business really wasn't scallable. The concept was cool - we sold duffle bags loaded with nutritional samples, supplements, and gear. I would have to beg companies to get in on our program and include us in their marketing budget (forking over free product to us). In exchange we would convert those trials into sales for them. Eventually they gave up supplying proudct. Shipping rates were through the roof and margins were minuscule. Our brand was awesome though and we really connected with our clients.

          I didn't think it was the right thing to do to use their emails for other business. I've learned how to build a list quickly though so I'm not too worried about that. I think I can replicate that process if I needed to. Still have the list though.
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  • Profile picture of the author NeedBucksNow
    You could always get a website designer and build a great looking niche website but the truth is that it is going to take some time and I would see this as more of a long term investment. If you already have a few grand to play with, I would also recommend using CPA'S and PPC. You can find tons of threads about this using the search button and it sounds like alot of people have had really good results using them. Once you are making money, the possibilites are endless


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    • Profile picture of the author SFNY
      Hey Need Bucks Now,

      I'm pretty familiar with building sites. I've used thesis 1 and 2 for a number of projects. Basicially have tought myself a little code. I'm not really sure what CPAs or PPCs are.

      I feel like I'm half way their in the skill dept. Need to apply it somehow. Time is on my side . I guess I have to figure out what direction to go into.
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  • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
    Find out who the most successful people are in all the different ways of money making you are interested in, study what they do, and pick one of them you like the most to emulate/model your business after.

    "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

    Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

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    • Profile picture of the author SFNY

      100%. I think that's a great idea. Find someone to model off of. Never thought of doing that but now that I think of it that's kind of how I got into doing events. I saw friends partying for and making lots of money doing it. I modeled that business off of them and tweaked it my way.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim Franklin
    Great thoughts, I believe the greatest issue affecting the average joe or jane to make money online is likely a lack of creative skill, you can learn the ropes of Internet Marketing over time, but that does not usually result in success.

    I would think the first thing that you would want to do is to define success.

    What is success to you?

    Is it a dollar amount? Is it in the ability to bring a concept to the marketplace?

    IF success is defined as more money than you can spend, (a hard thing to do by any account)

    Can you really run a multi million dollar business, by yourself?


    I remain inclined to create instead of follow, its not for everyone but it is rewarding and that is success to me, moving beyond the traps, pitfalls and quick sand.

    For most people Internet Marketing is a mine field one wrong step and well you know...

    A plan is likely the greatest overlooked modality that most people just fail to properly consider.
    Bitcoin | Crypto | Blockchain Secrets |
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    • Profile picture of the author SFNY
      Hey Tim,
      Thank you for your reply.

      I agree with you, IM is kind of a mine field. 1 Wrong step and you can say goodbye to profits.

      My take on success is that nothing screams success more to me than building something from scratch and seeing the end result - Saying wow I did this! Seeing people benefit from what we build is what I consider success. Whether they enjoy the product or service, it helps them in some way, hearing them talk about what we are doing - knowing that I built something from nothing that will benefit the life's of others is what success is to me. I also would like to earn enough money that taking my family on vacations and putting my kids in good schools isn't an issue. I don't have to be rich, I just want to be comfortable. Considering I will get a pension, I think I have a good shot at this.
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  • Profile picture of the author Debra Austin
    Internet Marketing is always a good idea. Today there are much possibilities for developing it. Just to what you are doing
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  • Profile picture of the author seekdefo
    Have you ever thought about spending some time and building an authority site? Being an authority site it'd get quality links with a blogger outreach and there's no question of PBNs.

    Brevity is the soul of wit

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    • Profile picture of the author SFNY
      Hey SeekDefo

      Never really considered spending some time building an authority site. An authority site is something that I believe may be suitable for myself but it could take me a few years to build a solid site without giving up and making zero. I guess it wouldn't hurt to work at 1 site considering I do have a job. I read somewhere that sometimes no matter how good your content is, your domain may just flow right with google and you may never rank. To create the ultimate resource is probably key.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Authority site is an very good idea.

    You already have 1400 subscribers in a specific niche. Yes the nutrition niche is very competitive but you are already ahead of competition if you are already knowledgeable and experienced in this niche.

    But then there is the question about passion. Would you enjoy writing about nutrition everyday long enough to make money with it?

    It's a good idea to get into niches that you love but more importantly...Knowledgeable already. Write about what you know.
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    • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
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      • Profile picture of the author hometutor
        The way most people define internet marketing is it is a business. The primary difference most of your work is done online and it's easier to automate it. Don't forget about the value of face to face and phone conversations with potential big clients. That would separate you from most IMers. Just follow the same basic ideas for an offline business. People are people.

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      • Profile picture of the author hometutor
        Originally Posted by DubDubDubDot View Post

        Do yourself a favor and stop reading that trash. Anything produced from within the "internet marketing" bubble should be avoided.
        In case you're wondering if that's just one person's opinion it's not. Join the War room. The people in there are usually successful and very willing to share.

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      • Profile picture of the author SFNY
        Thanks DubDubDubDot,

        I kind of felt like they were all pushing the same affiliates and process. Nothing original and all basically run the same operation. To me, I felt like those blogs did everything they could to suck you in. JAB JAB JAB than they sell you with the Right Hook.

        So far, this forum has been very informative and it seems like the people that have dropped me comments are pretty down to earth people. I'm new here but something tells me I will be here a while. Possibly, I'll be able to provide some help one day also.

        Thanks again.
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  • Internet Marketing is great, and has huge potential for anyone.

    I recommend you start with affiliate marketing, then move onto product launches etc.

    That's what I would do if I was you..

    However, if your strength lie elsewhere, then follow that
    And follow you passion

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  • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
    Originally Posted by SFNY View Post

    Hi Everyone,

    Fellow entrepreneur here...I work a full-time job but have a lot of flexibility - home by 2pm. I'm in a very unique position. I'm a young guy and was fortunate enough to get a "pensionable" gig. I'm looking to build something to set me up when I retire in a few years. I don't plan on retiring from work but rather leaving my job, collecting my pension and starting a new path. I don't mind working 5 hours a day on a new project either.

    I've always been passionate about business. I guess I just love the hustle! Getting home early allows me to do projects and get a taste of entrepreneurship. I was in the nightlife business for a few years coordinating events and putting together creative marketing campaigns. Than I got into a relationship and had to shut that down lol. My last company I launched was in the sports nutrition niche but I shut that down early this year. It was an ecommerce subscription box business and we had problems getting product. I built my list to about 1400 people over 4 months and broke even. These were some of businesses I got into.

    Anyway, I am looking to start something new. I would like to at least start the business from home. I have always liked the idea of focusing on 1 particular long term business vs jumping all over at different concepts to earn a buck like a lot of IMs do. I looked around at getting into IM but I'm not sure if it is right for me. It seems like most people build out PBNs to rank or have to run a 100+ niche sites to make a decent living. Maybe I am wrong but thats why I'm here. I have also read the big blogs out there (every article) - smart passive income, cloud living, income diary, niche pursuits, ect. I learned a little bit but I'm still undecided.

    Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. I am a fan of ecommerce and was thinking about possibly building an authority site. I have a few grand I would invest if I can gain a little traction. What do you guys think?
    I have been round and round on internet businesses for a number of years now... without a shadow of a doubt ecommerce of physical products, done in a way that gains 5 and 6 figure incomes - a month - is the way to go. I've done it and i've coached many, from the inside of ASM, how to do it too. Absolutely ecommerce, done well, just about dwarfs any other type of online business i've ever seen and been party too.
    Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:
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    • Profile picture of the author SFNY
      Thanks ZanyZebra.

      I like that!!! =). Looking into that.
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    • Profile picture of the author SFNY
      Thanks ZanyZebra,

      When you say physical products; you mean building a brand, find manufactures for whatever product you're looking to sell, and go full throttle Ecomm small business? Basicially use IM as a skill to grow the business. I think this direction is right for me as I like to have customers and relationships and I've done an ecommerce business with shopify. Finding niche products that people want and need as-well-as overhead and manufacturing costs seem to be the biggest hurdle (very expensive) which is why I'm looking into possibly doing a service first.

      I don't have Facebook so I can't really get in on your fb page but any other tips on how to find the right niche product, market research, guidence would be greatly appreciated.

      Thanks again for sharing your thoughts.

      Originally Posted by ZanyZebra View Post

      I have been round and round on internet businesses for a number of years now... without a shadow of a doubt ecommerce of physical products, done in a way that gains 5 and 6 figure incomes - a month - is the way to go. I've done it and i've coached many, from the inside of ASM, how to do it too. Absolutely ecommerce, done well, just about dwarfs any other type of online business i've ever seen and been party too.
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      • Profile picture of the author hometutor
        Originally Posted by SFNY View Post

        I don't have Facebook so I can't really get in on your fb page but any other tips on how to find the right niche product, market research, guidence would be greatly appreciated.

        Thanks again for sharing your thoughts.
        When you see multi-million or billion dollar companies send their prospects to their Facebook page instead of their own website in expensive television commercials, it might be time for a Facebook account.

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        • Profile picture of the author SFNY
          lol @ Rick.

          I would use Facebook just not for personal use. I had it and it took up a lot of my time. For business, I would use it - without a doubt.

          Originally Posted by hometutor View Post

          When you see multi-million or billion dollar companies send their prospects to their Facebook page instead of their own website in expensive television commercials, it might be time for a Facebook account.

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          • Profile picture of the author Charles E. White
            Internet marketing takes some time for research. Researching a niche, a product, your prospects in the niche and etc. If you're not willing to spend that time then you're better off doing something else.

            If you are willing to spend the time, get Dr. Mani's eBook here

            The book will take you from creating a product to selling the product and everything in-between. That's not an affiliate link, I don't make a penny but think it's a great eBook. This eBook will tell you what you need to know.

            Charles E. White
            Internet Money Making Programs
            ^Find out the programs and products we have found to be worth the money^
            Join our FREE newsletter and get up-to-date details.

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            • Profile picture of the author wedreamseo
              With a few thousand to invest I would go for one website and utilize content marketing to promote it. This should drive both traffic and rankings and it's a long term strategy.

              PBN's are risky, and it takes long to rank these days, I know a guy with 30+ Amazon affiliate sites and depsite him setting it up somewhat reasonable Google deindexed all his money site and 50% of his PBN. That joke costs him about $20k on money sites and another $20k or so on private blog network sites. All gone over night, but that's not all, all his sites (I only tracked down 30 of them, well actually a friend of mine did that) all had top 3 rankings so he made an average of $1k-$2k/month PER site. So that's a lost income of say $40k/month as well in addition to his lost assets and he won't be able to easily replace that as Google deindexed all of his sites.

              I'm luckily in the position to see such thing as a calculated risk so I do use PBN to rank my money sites, but if you set a budget of a few K for yourself it would be real sad to see your hard efforts vanish over night as the risk is always there, undeniable.

              In short content marketing works like this:

              1) Produce great content that people are willing to share of course, to do so you head over to a site like BuzzSumo to find out which content is popular in your niche. If it's a top 10 or top 25 list or something that gets shared a lot then go completely overboard and make a top 100 list, nicely designed, perhaps with filters to navigate more easily through it and such.

              2) Promote your content, contact the authorities in your niche, connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, start a Youtube channel, get yourself out there.

              3) Contact the website owners that link to the current popular top 10 / top 25 lists, make them aware of your top 100 list, in other words beg for links

              4) Offer money for links for the smaller often unresponsive bloggers in your niche, or come up with gifts or whatever incentive you can think of to achieve these links

              5) Participate on forums, comment on their blogs, contribute, offer guest posts, do whatever what's neccessary to be known in the niche, a comment might not be a great link but if it drives traffic why not?

              Establishing yourself as an authority obvious ain't easy but it doesn't have to cost a lot of money, most of your money will be spend on content for your website (unless you write it yourself). For the rest it's mostly time spend on connecting with people. If that's what you like go for it! It might not be a fast process but it will provide you with long term results and the more you put into it the more it pays off.

              Have a look at SEO Training and Link Building Strategies - Backlinko for more information about whitehat strategies, I wouldn't recommend buying his temporarily out-sold guide as I heard from people that most of the guide content is also covered on his blog for free but it gives you a more detailed view of how or what. He's the living proof himself that it works, his blog ranks for competitive keywords in only 1 year time and he's getting tons of traffic from other sources where he's often featured as guest author.

              A complete different way is to import products, same like you did in the past with your sports nutrition, ship it to Amazon and sell through their FBA program.
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      • Profile picture of the author ZanyZebra
        Originally Posted by SFNY View Post

        Thanks ZanyZebra,

        When you say physical products; you mean building a brand, find manufactures for whatever product you're looking to sell, and go full throttle Ecomm small business? Basicially use IM as a skill to grow the business. I think this direction is right for me as I like to have customers and relationships and I've done an ecommerce business with shopify. Finding niche products that people want and need as-well-as overhead and manufacturing costs seem to be the biggest hurdle (very expensive) which is why I'm looking into possibly doing a service first.

        I don't have Facebook so I can't really get in on your fb page but any other tips on how to find the right niche product, market research, guidence would be greatly appreciated.

        Thanks again for sharing your thoughts.
        SFNY yes.

        The basics would be to private label products (to help differentiate) build a branded business around a collection of these, use amazon to warehouse them for you (using FBA) and sell using ecommerce search engines and social sites that are proven to work with ads.

        If you message me directly on here I can go into more detail for you.
        Want Straight Answers About ASM? (Amazing Selling Machine). Go To:
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  • Profile picture of the author davidfrankk
    Though most people are going to tend towards Internet Marketing, I am going to go with starting your own business. Internet Marketing is a very dynamic industry that requires constant updating of information to keep afloat. At the end it doesn't really pay as much. Except for a few who have been at it for years and are now reaping the benefits.

    They say this is the Start-Up age. Use it !
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    • Profile picture of the author SFNY
      Thanks Dave,

      I Agree with you. I think creating a business is generally more fulfilling and may pay more. Whether that business is online or offline...

      With IM, I feel like there is money to be made but it's a hustlers game and there seems to be a lot of hopping around. As a person who feeds on building something awesome and making money from it, I'm thinking about focusing more on business.

      So far I'm tossing around ideas for Ecommerce, Authority Sites, and Consumer Services that I can run online but also from home or on the go. I would like to start from my home.

      Thanks for your help.
      - Steve
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    • Profile picture of the author SFNY
      Thanks Rick,

      Maybe I will join the war room. Has anybody had any success with it? Is it worth it? '

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      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Originally Posted by SFNY View Post

        Thanks Rick,

        Maybe I will join the war room. Has anybody had any success with it? Is it worth it? '

        When it was $37 5 years ago for 20 year membership it was totally worth it.
        Now at $95 a year ...well it is not worth it IMO

        - Robert Andrew

        Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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    • Profile picture of the author hometutor
      Originally Posted by davidfrankk View Post

      Though most people are going to tend towards Internet Marketing, I am going to go with starting your own business. Internet Marketing is a very dynamic industry that requires constant updating of information to keep afloat. At the end it doesn't really pay as much. Except for a few who have been at it for years and are now reaping the benefits.
      Internet marketing is marketing on the internet. It is not a business in and of itself. It's a way to advertise your business and should be considered a means to an end.

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  • Profile picture of the author miamiupballer
    Affiliate marketing can be one of the best ways to make money online. It is brilliant really-you get to reap all the rewards of having a business without having to make, warehouse, or ship any of the products yourself. Of all the tips that I could give you about affiliate marketing, there is only one affiliate internet marketing tip that is not talked about enough-the reasons and ability to start an affiliate business.

    Too many people read about affiliate marketing and think that a gold mine has just fallen into their laps. The think that they have a plan in front of them all laid out in free articles showing them how to make millions. Then they are disappointed when they don't make any money.
    Affiliate marketing can be an automated process, but you won't make any money at it that way. Here is the best affiliate internet marketing tip you'll ever get-treat your affiliate sites for what they are, a business. You are starting a business, and therefore you have to have a certain level of commitment and time to put into that business. And yes, you will have to put some money into it too.
    When you have your niche market chosen, your affiliate programs set up, and your autoresponder ready to go, you may think you are finished and can now sit back and wait for your money to start rolling in. It doesn't work that way. You will have to constantly drive traffic to your site with article marketing and other internet marketing tactics. You will also have to follow up with your hottest prospects and try to convince them to buy from you.
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  • Profile picture of the author SFNY
    Everyone has been very helpful. If there is anyone else that may be able to contribute I'm all ears. One of the things I'm realizing that I'm poor at is market research. I've come up with some great ideas and I have ideas on how to test the market but I've never been good at market research. What's always worked for me is how people respond to what I'm working on.

    Anyhow, I'm considering joining the war room. Any members out there part of it? Is it worth it?

    Thanks guys.
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  • Profile picture of the author AuthorityBuilder
    Originally Posted by SFNY View Post

    Hi Everyone,

    Fellow entrepreneur here...I work a full-time job but have a lot of flexibility - home by 2pm. I'm in a very unique position. I'm a young guy and was fortunate enough to get a "pensionable" gig. I'm looking to build something to set me up when I retire in a few years. I don't plan on retiring from work but rather leaving my job, collecting my pension and starting a new path. I don't mind working 5 hours a day on a new project either.

    I've always been passionate about business. I guess I just love the hustle! Getting home early allows me to do projects and get a taste of entrepreneurship. I was in the nightlife business for a few years coordinating events and putting together creative marketing campaigns. Than I got into a relationship and had to shut that down lol. My last company I launched was in the sports nutrition niche but I shut that down early this year. It was an ecommerce subscription box business and we had problems getting product. I built my list to about 1400 people over 4 months and broke even. These were some of businesses I got into.

    Anyway, I am looking to start something new. I would like to at least start the business from home. I have always liked the idea of focusing on 1 particular long term business vs jumping all over at different concepts to earn a buck like a lot of IMs do. I looked around at getting into IM but I'm not sure if it is right for me. It seems like most people build out PBNs to rank or have to run a 100+ niche sites to make a decent living. Maybe I am wrong but thats why I'm here. I have also read the big blogs out there (every article) - smart passive income, cloud living, income diary, niche pursuits, ect. I learned a little bit but I'm still undecided.

    Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. I am a fan of ecommerce and was thinking about possibly building an authority site. I have a few grand I would invest if I can gain a little traction. What do you guys think?
    You can even make six figures a month just from one website. The key to success is to get the business plan right.

    Yes, focus on building an authority site. Start a site on a niche you're passionate about and is also profitable. Passion will help you turn the site into an authority. First monetize with CPA offers and affiliate products. Later, as you turn into an authority with time, offers your own products and services.

    If you offer products during initial launch, they won't sell, because people has to trust you to make a purchase. So, build the trust first, bring traffic to your site and then create a product of your own.

    That's the road to making six figures a month.
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  • Profile picture of the author SFNY
    I've been giving this some thought. The hardest part for me is the decision on what particular direction I want to go in to - what market to tap into. I know I have the smarts and the work ethic to build something awesome, I'm just not sure which way to go. I am leaning towards two particular concepts.

    I like the idea of building an authority site that I can eventually sell products/services from. To me, I think this sort of concept can be treated like a business. I'm just not sure which market to go into because I am a bit indecisive.

    I also like Ecommerce. One story that inspires me is dolls kill and how they started from home and built their business over 4 years. They Met, They Danced, They Built an Edgy $8 Million Fashion Business | The problem with Ecommerce is getting product.

    What route would you take to help make the decision if it were you? I started to jot down a few ideas for each - products that I can sell and markets that I have interest in.
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  • Profile picture of the author dhiraj192
    One starting place is to take a look at topics or product types that you enjoy and feel enthusiastic or even passionate about.It's no fun to market in niches you have no juice for.It's much easier and more rewarding to do business in a sector that excites you. Having said that you'll next want to check out that there's money in your passion. Is there the proverbial swarm of hungry buyers in your are of interest? Is there a ton of competition?If so, then good, 'cos there's probably money there too. You'll find that Ecommerce has considerably higher start up costs that IM in most cases.
    Moderator's Notes: Please be reminded that affiliate links in signatures is not allowed.
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Today there are so many different markets and niches that people can easily start a home based business around. One way is to leverage the tool of the Internet to supply the demand. Nice thing about that is we can get access to the whole world from where ever we want.

    Again business whether its online or offline is for one purpose and that is for "supply and demand"

    I've been online for a little over five years now and the biggest difference I see is what you are selling. Is it physical or digital? Hopefully you will build a list around a market that you can promote both to but here is my point I am trying to make...

    In order to sell digital goods based on my experience is you will need a lot more people to get the conversions versus a physical product. Something physical somebody can relate easier to putting an emotion on something physical much easier than something you can't see, feel and touch.

    The difference is commissions! As it makes sense you will get a lot less commission for a physical product as there is a lot more overhead cost involved. For example at 8% at $675 this around $54 dollars. 50% commission on a digital product that cost $200 is one hundred bucks so you can see the difference but like I said it is so much easier and faster to make sales with physical products when you are sending the same quality, targeted traffic to the offers.

    Hope I helped bring a little insight...
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author SaanviRao
    I have a solution for your problem. You can start with an Ecommerce store as that will help you a lot in gaining huge customers attention towards your business. Today, ecommerce is giving huge convenience to the people to get their desired product from the comfort of their home only. Ecommerce stores are getting huge customers attention just because of their convenient platform and huge discounts in their products.

    If you do internet marketing for your website and for others as well then it will be helpful for your only to connect with different people all around the world. Doing internet marketing for any business is very essential to present yourself in front of your targeted audiences. Its beneficial and it could help you to earn a lot within few weeks only.
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  • Profile picture of the author ContentPro22
    I'm a little confused. Are you saying you gave up on your list of 1400 email subscribers?

    ....that's MONEY IN THE BANK.

    Give them to me if you don't want them

    In all seriousness, keep building your list and sell affiliate products to those already subscribed. It's the most efficient way to make money based on your circumstances. Good luck.
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    • Profile picture of the author kkummerer

      What do you like about internet marketing?
      Can you see yourself being a full-time internet marketer?
      As an internet marketer what is going to be your business?

      Also, this may help provide some clarity for you. Go look at these blogs.

      John Chow, Michelle Pescosolido, Ryan Biddulph

      Answer these questions.

      What is their business?
      What do they do?
      How do they help people?
      Do you have a skill set to offer an audience?
      How would you be different?

      I hope this helps.

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    • Profile picture of the author SFNY
      Haha Building a list wasn't too bad. It takes time but if you watch every lap you run, it will feel like a lifetime to hit a mile.

      I have a method that I used to build my list and I'm realizing how valuable that method is now. Glad I figured it out and should have no problem developing it for this new project.

      Anyway, I appreciate the advice bud. Enjoy your weekend!

      Originally Posted by ContentPro22 View Post

      I'm a little confused. Are you saying you gave up on your list of 1400 email subscribers?

      ....that's MONEY IN THE BANK.

      Give them to me if you don't want them

      In all seriousness, keep building your list and sell affiliate products to those already subscribed. It's the most efficient way to make money based on your circumstances. Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author SFNY
    Here is where I am...

    I guess I'm looking for a little direction. I honestly appreciate all the feedback I have gotten so far. Everyone has been very helpful - Thank you!!! I really mean that.

    I think it may help readers direct me a little better if I provided more information about what I have narrowed down to. Also, if there is anything I can help YOU with, please reach out to me via PM.

    I definitely want real customers. I like having business relationships with customers and building something that isn't spammy but rather genuine. That's why I let my email go. I'm not the spammy type and I have pretty good ethics. I'm not sure that I like the idea of building a business with Adsense or Affiliates, although I do like using a newsletter. I'm probably looking for some kind of online service or products that I can sell.

    I know I have to focus on 1 project. I don't want to jump around - 1 project until it's earning. I also like the idea of being able to sell it one day as a business if I had to but do expect to maintain it long term as my side business.

    A little more about me - I am very business savvy and have started 2 businesses prior to this "in between" phase. My best skills are probably my creative marketing skills and sense of filling a need in the market. My writing skills are good and I know Wordpress as well and worked with thesis.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi S,

    What really makes you feel alive? Follow that niche because that energy will carry you. You have the enthusiasm and some experience, and you're also super smart I can see All down pat, a;; great. Now it's time to narrow things down to 1 niche.

    My story: I have traveled the world for 4 years and also love blogging. I am passionate about both activities. Blogging from Paradise was born I'd also say that deciding - not rushing to do so, but doing it within days - will help you get super clear on your direction to take, so you can take action, and so you can begin to set up the foundation to open up this awesome, fun income stream, and so you can help the folks you're selling to as well

    Hey, you're doing great! Just zero in on 1 niche, you enjoy, and that energy will inspire you through up times, through down times,

    Onward and upward!

    Tweeting from Bali.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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    • Profile picture of the author SFNY
      Hey Ryan,

      That really means a lot to me. Thank you! I think you're right, not rushing into something but deciding on a particular market within days is probably what I should do. I have been driving myself nuts for 2 months now about what business to get in to. I keep telling myself I want it to be right and I never settle in.

      BTW - I was checking out your site. I love to travel myself. I do some traveling to the islands but my two wildest trips were the past two years. I went to South Africa last year and headed to Gansbaai to cage dive with Great Whites. That was my honey moon. In Nov I did Machu Picchu...Both were trips that my crazy wife wanted to do. haha Also, your menu links weren't working well. Just a heads up.

      Thanks again...

      - Steve

      Originally Posted by ryanbiddulph View Post

      Hi S,

      What really makes you feel alive? Follow that niche because that energy will carry you. You have the enthusiasm and some experience, and you're also super smart I can see All down pat, a;; great. Now it's time to narrow things down to 1 niche.

      My story: I have traveled the world for 4 years and also love blogging. I am passionate about both activities. Blogging from Paradise was born I'd also say that deciding - not rushing to do so, but doing it within days - will help you get super clear on your direction to take, so you can take action, and so you can begin to set up the foundation to open up this awesome, fun income stream, and so you can help the folks you're selling to as well

      Hey, you're doing great! Just zero in on 1 niche, you enjoy, and that energy will inspire you through up times, through down times,

      Onward and upward!

      Tweeting from Bali.

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    • Profile picture of the author tyronne78
      I agree with Mr. Biddulph. Starting a business around a topic/niche that you're passionate about is absolutely crucial.
      Originally Posted by ryanbiddulph View Post

      Hi S,

      What really makes you feel alive? Follow that niche because that energy will carry you. You have the enthusiasm and some experience, and you're also super smart I can see All down pat, a;; great. Now it's time to narrow things down to 1 niche.

      My story: I have traveled the world for 4 years and also love blogging. I am passionate about both activities. Blogging from Paradise was born I'd also say that deciding - not rushing to do so, but doing it within days - will help you get super clear on your direction to take, so you can take action, and so you can begin to set up the foundation to open up this awesome, fun income stream, and so you can help the folks you're selling to as well

      Hey, you're doing great! Just zero in on 1 niche, you enjoy, and that energy will inspire you through up times, through down times,

      Onward and upward!

      Tweeting from Bali.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dhairaz
    Originally Posted by SFNY View Post

    Hi Everyone,

    Fellow entrepreneur here...I work a full-time job but have a lot of flexibility - home by 2pm. I'm in a very unique position. I'm a young guy and was fortunate enough to get a "pensionable" gig. I'm looking to build something to set me up when I retire in a few years. I don't plan on retiring from work but rather leaving my job, collecting my pension and starting a new path. I don't mind working 5 hours a day on a new project either.

    I've always been passionate about business. I guess I just love the hustle! Getting home early allows me to do projects and get a taste of entrepreneurship. I was in the nightlife business for a few years coordinating events and putting together creative marketing campaigns. Than I got into a relationship and had to shut that down lol. My last company I launched was in the sports nutrition niche but I shut that down early this year. It was an ecommerce subscription box business and we had problems getting product. I built my list to about 1400 people over 4 months and broke even. These were some of businesses I got into.

    Anyway, I am looking to start something new. I would like to at least start the business from home. I have always liked the idea of focusing on 1 particular long term business vs jumping all over at different concepts to earn a buck like a lot of IMs do. I looked around at getting into IM but I'm not sure if it is right for me. It seems like most people build out PBNs to rank or have to run a 100+ niche sites to make a decent living. Maybe I am wrong but thats why I'm here. I have also read the big blogs out there (every article) - smart passive income, cloud living, income diary, niche pursuits, ect. I learned a little bit but I'm still undecided.

    Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. I am a fan of ecommerce and was thinking about possibly building an authority site. I have a few grand I would invest if I can gain a little traction. What do you guys think?
    FOCUS is the keypoint. To achieve the goal sometimes we had fail many sometimes.... keep going and don't give up. Do research on your new project???
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  • Profile picture of the author Xochitl Shat
    My suggestion is online marketing. When you build an opt-in list, you're creating one of the most valuable assets of your online business. Your customers and subscribers have given you permission to send them e-mail. That means:You're giving them something they've asked for. You're developing lifetime relationships with them. And there's no better tool than e-mail for following up with those leads.
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  • Profile picture of the author RonBartling
    I personally would try to find something that I am passionate about and build a business around that. Running a real business is work, as you know from running the nightclubs. Don't make it more difficult but just doing something for the money that you don't really like. It's just too hard to keep yourself motivated when things inevitably go wrong and you have a mess to clean up.

    Did you enjoy the sports nutrition business? Your problem getting product may have been more a factor of the particular way you chose to deliver your product than the product itself. There are plenty of places to source nutritional products but there can be some legal "gotchas" in that niche per my understanding. (I haven't been in that niche myself.)
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    • Profile picture of the author SFNY
      Thanks Ron.

      I agree. I should follow my passions but I'm finding that it's hard to find a passion as you get older. I mean we all love to travel, have fun, and live nice lives. Finding a passion isn't easy. I work out to look and feel better but I'm not really passionate about it. I'm not really sure what my passions are haha.

      When I was younger, I got into nightlife because I was totally discouraged about not getting into a club one night - It really pissed me off! I also couldn't afford to party at the time so I figured if I can get paid for having a good time and not be told NO, why not? I started to send messages (myspace was big back then) and met a few promoters. Then I studied them and built a better business.

      Sports nutrition for me was a failure but I did learn a lot. It was my fault for not doing my own due diligence more thoroughly. SN is super competitive and risky as well. One of the things that bothered me most was people putting supplements into their body that could have been potentially dangerous.

      I'm in a different place now. I want to start an online business and work on it when I get home at 2pm everyday. Some kind of products or service business that can allow me to earn a second income and set me up when I retire from my state job and collect my pension...Which is in a few years. I'll get there, I just have to pick a direction that's right and dive in.

      Thanks Ron for your help. Appreciate it.

      Originally Posted by RonBartling View Post

      I personally would try to find something that I am passionate about and build a business around that. Running a real business is work, as you know from running the nightclubs. Don't make it more difficult but just doing something for the money that you don't really like. It's just too hard to keep yourself motivated when things inevitably go wrong and you have a mess to clean up.

      Did you enjoy the sports nutrition business? Your problem getting product may have been more a factor of the particular way you chose to deliver your product than the product itself. There are plenty of places to source nutritional products but there can be some legal "gotchas" in that niche per my understanding. (I haven't been in that niche myself.)
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  • Profile picture of the author maxsi
    Stick to a niche (what are your passions?) and start a business on it. Create a targeted list and make money
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  • Profile picture of the author Fun to Write

    You need to dig down deep into your gut to find a niche you can get into and feel good about spending lots of time with. Your nightlife business was created after you ran into a problem and decided to come up with a solution...a better solution. So, that's what you should do now.

    Find a niche that you feel you can offer people a solution. Maybe you could use Survey Monkey to send your current list of 1400 people a survey with questions about health and nutrition. Or, just send them an email asking what is their biggest problem related to staying healthy and fit. Use the responses to zone in on a problem to solve. This problem should be in a niche that has lots of potential buyers.

    You can also visit niche sites, blogs and forums and read comments and articles to see what products people are most likely to buy, and why they buy those products. You can have fun creating a website that promotes products in a fun or unique way (ask your "crazy" wife for her ideas).

    Your second job right now is to come home, jump on the computer and spend a few hours doing online market research - looking for a niche that grabs you. And, once you have it, research products that fit with the niche. After that, figure out a way to promote. After that, get busy making it all happen, etc.

    I agree with others who think creating an authority site that sells physical products is a solid route for today's online marketer. You don't have to create your own products either, because you can become an affiliate to promote any type of product on Amazon (you must live in a state where they still allow affiliates), there's also Commission Junction, Shareasale and Linkshare, which all provide plenty of products to promote. You become a preseller and get people warmed up to buy, businesses deliver the product, and you get paid through the third-party affiliate site.

    Whether you do FBA or the affiliate model, you can use your list building skills to make money.

    Whatever you do, don't allow yourself to be stopped by the desire to have the perfect plan. Analysis of paralysis is a real thing that prevents many from moving forward. I advise you to jump right into the doing business online waters and get your feet wet. You can always make tweaks and improvements along the way (trust me, you will be doing this, so forget about getting it all "right" in the beginning.)

    Focus+Smart Work+Persistence=Success

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