My First ClickBank Sale! +47$ profit.

by Berku
48 replies
I jumping around like monkey and looking to my computer screen, it took me almost year to figure out..
Its funny because i just need to buy fb ads and direct to landing page to people more than 40 years old

Hey warrior, how you make first clickbank sale?
#47$ #clickbank #profit #sale
  • Profile picture of the author peteJ
    Congratulations on your first sale! Now turn that into 100 more!

    My first sale came from a simple video I put together that was a psuedo review of a clickbank item. I actually got the idea from a post on this very forum!
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by Berku View Post

    I jumping around like monkey and looking to my computer screen, it took me almost year to figure out..
    Its funny because i just need to buy fb ads and direct to landing page to people more than 40 years old

    Hey warrior, how you make first clickbank sale?
    Just be careful about linking directly to product over at FB. I see where they are tightening up on this and you may have to have own landing page pretty soon there

    - Robert Andrew
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  • Congratulations.

    My first sale came from a solo ad campaign I ran. I now love solo ads, great traffic source

    [CENTER][B]==> Do you want to make money online? [/B]
    Free video: How regular people are making 6-figures per month on the internet! [URL=""][B]Watch this free video now![/B][/URL] <==[/CENTER]

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  • Profile picture of the author Curtis2011
    He's just earned his first $47 and yet his signature is selling the secrets to making millions.

    This is a perfect example of what is wrong with the IM industry.

    That being said, good job on your success.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10000199].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author microscopes
      Originally Posted by Curtis2011 View Post

      He's just earned his first $47 and yet his signature is selling the secrets to making millions.

      This is a perfect example of what is wrong with the IM industry.

      That being said, good job on your success.
      This ^

      It's just sad.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10001988].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author expressg
      Originally Posted by Curtis2011 View Post

      He's just earned his first $47 and yet his signature is selling the secrets to making millions.

      This is a perfect example of what is wrong with the IM industry.

      That being said, good job on your success.
      This x2 lol. But good luck on scaling that up. Take what you found works and grow it!
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    • Profile picture of the author salegurus
      Originally Posted by Curtis2011 View Post

      He's just earned his first $47 and yet his signature is selling the secrets to making millions.

      This is a perfect example of what is wrong with the IM industry.
      Thats the IM industry for you, it's fake it till you make it, lie until you get caught and exaggerate the heck out of everything...
      Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

      ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    My first sale on Clickbank was in 2007 or so. This was after 5 years of failing online.

    I just sent targeted traffic to my website, and a few people bought some of the offers that I had there. I had like 10-15 different offers on my website.

    The key really is getting traffic to your site everyday from paid ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author nizamkhan
    Congrats on your first sale and best wishes for more

    - Nizam
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  • Profile picture of the author lissylou
    Originally Posted by Berku View Post

    I jumping around like monkey and looking to my computer screen, it took me almost year to figure out..
    Its funny because i just need to buy fb ads and direct to landing page to people more than 40 years old

    Hey warrior, how you make first clickbank sale?
    You say in your title $47+ profit, but have you taken into account the money you spent on advertising to get this sale?

    But congratulations non the less - keep going!
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  • Profile picture of the author Oliver13
    "His signature"... *facepalm*
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    • Profile picture of the author missmystery
      Originally Posted by Oliver13 View Post

      "His signature"... *facepalm*
      Give the guy a break. We all have to start somewhere.
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  • Profile picture of the author alexchen23
    Congratulations on your first sale.

    Now you have a working system. Just repeat it over and over again.
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  • Profile picture of the author josechukkiri
    Congratulations on your achievement. I was struggling from years to struck my luck.
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    • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
      Originally Posted by josechukkiri View Post

      Congratulations on your achievement. I was struggling from years to struck my luck.
      I know one product from click bank " might help you earn "

      My break through is from this product.

      PM me if you interested.

      well I can't confirm you can earn I also like you and surprising my first sales come is from this product which I promote many months back.
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  • Profile picture of the author pertinax
    You got your first sale now wait for your first refund.....just kidding....
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  • Profile picture of the author cherrytom
    Well done! That ClickBank sale will be the first of many, I hope! Before venturing much further I'd like to suggest you engage a mentor. There are mentors in every niche. They all charge fees for their coaching but what you pay will be a tiny amount compared to the money you make by following their advice.
    Keep smiling!

    Is this the easiest way to make money online?

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  • Profile picture of the author maxsi
    Congratulations! ;-)
    We are getting many sales from clickbank, but they are not our core business (we use them to pay the bills) ;-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Shankar Rao
    Congrats on your first sale. Now you know how to make money
    Scaling from here is the key

    My first from amazon affiliate review on physical product 4 years ago and it took me 4 months to get it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    This is your day when all cards are Unfold

    I still haven't figured out which country's currency this is. Does anyone know?

    how you make first clickbank sale?
    I don't really remember how but I think it was a registry cleaner.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author jul1
    Hi Berku,

    You find a way to generate sales with Facebook ads. Congratulations !

    Learn all resources you can on this traffic source to master it.

    Once you master it, you can learn other method to grow your business. Possibilities are endless.

    How do you deal with direct linking ? Do Facebook allow ads to go to clickbank offers ?
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    • Profile picture of the author Berku
      Use your landing page then after optin redirect to offer landing page.
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      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Berku, you sure must have made some serious coin in the last 24 hours.

        Because now I notice you have Millionaire secrets in your Sig.

        - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author Berku
    Are the're people who have websites with niche targeted visitors that are interested in earning online?
    I can buy ads everytime.
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  • Profile picture of the author extrememan
    Congrats I made my first sales like you. With a free traffic method to a capture page and gained a sale from my subscribers.
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    • Profile picture of the author dhiraj192
      Congratulations on your first sale
      I'm using solo ads right now. Facebook is a bit of a minefield in IM niche. Asking for opt in before access to free gifts is also getting accounts disabled. Anyway, good luck with scaling up however you get traffic.
      Moderator's Notes: Please be reminded that affiliate links in signatures is not allowed.
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  • Profile picture of the author GelidMind
    Congrats. Nothing like getting your first sale. Especially with Clickbank. I love it!!! Good job. Keep it up. Try to send that same traffic to a squeeze page next time. Capture the lead first and then promote the product. I will give you an opportunity to make another sale to the same customer at another time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Life Naturally
    Congrats! I have been attempting to sell Clickbank products for a year or so and haven't had much luck. I'm interested to hear more details on how people actually get conversions with Clickbank. I have links placed on a few niche sites that are not working very well.
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    • Profile picture of the author chooseyourself
      Originally Posted by Life Naturally View Post

      Congrats! I have been attempting to sell Clickbank products for a year or so and haven't had much luck. I'm interested to hear more details on how people actually get conversions with Clickbank. I have links placed on a few niche sites that are not working very well.
      Hey Life Naturally, I feel ya bro.

      Just wondering, have you only been trying one method of promoting your products?

      I think that a little bit of a different approach would be video marketing. If you download Vid IQ (a google chrome extension) you can see what tags other successful videos (of Clickbank products) are using and copy them.

      Additionally, you can see how many FB like, +1s and Retweets they're getting (this is on the free version, there's more social analytics on the pro version).

      Take the same video and upload it to other video sites (nothing is close to YouTube, but it doesn't hurt to put the vid on Vimeo and other sites).

      Oh, and have you tried solo ads?

      You can join Udimi (it's free, but you will have to top, the minimum is $25) and find you a vendor with some good feedback, but make sure you look at the feedback people left.

      Another thing you can do is check out Facebook dark posts, google or YouTube them. These can really help you narrow down your audience.

      I hope this helps, have a great one
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael J Anthony
    Congrats. My first sale came from sending traffic through safelists and articles to my offer.
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    • Profile picture of the author Berku
      Originally Posted by Michael J Anthony View Post

      Congrats. My first sale came from sending traffic through safelists and articles to my offer.
      I've used safelists too and i think it have less opportunity to convert, because safelists subscribers are interest to make more followers, but looking from different angle you can promote products, "how to get more leads" so it wise too.

      I think your first sale is from article, how you?
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  • Profile picture of the author lusekelo
    Congraturations on your first sale,i remember when i got mine i smilled like idiot for the whole day.

    BRAND NEW: How Newbies Are Banking In $384+ A Day

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  • Profile picture of the author articlearbiter
    Congratz mate! You nailed it..
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Congratulations! An exciting feeling indeed. It was back in the day when Google Groups was active. I believe it was with shed building plans if I remember correctly. Either that or making pellets for a pellet stove. ;-)
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author hometutor
    Originally Posted by Berku View Post

    I jumping around like monkey and looking to my computer screen, it took me almost year to figure out..
    Its funny because i just need to buy fb ads and direct to landing page to people more than 40 years old

    Hey warrior, how you make first clickbank sale?
    Congrats kid,

    As a 56 year old self-employed computer tutor and virus removal specialist I can tell you many people my age and older are on Facebook including my own parents. You have the right social media for end users.

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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Thats the IM industry for you, it's fake it till you make it, lie until you get caught and exaggerate the heck out of everything...
      Yup - and 4 days later he's reported for copy/pasting 'posts' and link spam. oops.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
    Originally Posted by Berku View Post

    Hey warrior, how you make first clickbank sale?
    Helping people directly on a muscle building forum.

    I used to ask them if they wanted to be on my mailing list...

    And would manually add them to MailChimp at the time.

    All because I didn't know how to put up a squeeze page haha
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  • Profile picture of the author ryan2008
    Great job now that you have a converting offer make a e-mail list and ramp up your efforts.
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  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    Congrats!! The first one is always the most exciting. Don't stop now, use that energy and extra motivation to continue to make more sales.

    My first clickbank sale was done with bum marketing/article marketing with a combination of video marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Peter Striker
    Clickbank product sale using video marketing on YT remember it like it was yesterday, similar response at the time but it took me about 2 minutes to realise that I had actually made the sale. For the next three months I scaled up and up and up. made three sales over that three month period which only spurred me on and on at the time.

    Oh, great news by the way and well done!

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  • Profile picture of the author wikiklix
    Well done mate!

    I ranked a review website that brings in occasional money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Originally Posted by Berku View Post

    I jumping around like monkey and looking to my computer screen, it took me almost year to figure out..
    Its funny because i just need to buy fb ads and direct to landing page to people more than 40 years old

    Hey warrior, how you make first clickbank sale?
    That's cool! Congrats on your first sale - $47 at that. That's pretty bad. Just don't give up if sales dont trickle in immediately after a few weeks. But stick with what you're doing (and also improve) for the next 5 years. You'll be a new person. Congrats!
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  • Profile picture of the author Dhairaz
    Originally Posted by Berku View Post

    I jumping around like monkey and looking to my computer screen, it took me almost year to figure out..
    Its funny because i just need to buy fb ads and direct to landing page to people more than 40 years old

    Hey warrior, how you make first clickbank sale?
    Congratulation. I do JV with IM guru to make my first clickbank sale.
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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    My first sale came from a "Bum Marketing" strategy, whereby I used a free blogger account, a hub page, and wrote a few 'keyword' targeted articles and simple reviews for a CB product...I'm still occasionally making a sale from those articles I wrote over 4 years ago.

    Congrats on your 1st sale. I agree with others tho, you really should be a bit more transparent (or real for lack of a better term) when it comes to what you post as your sig. People here don't miss a beat, lol.

    Also, I agree with discrat - Robert Andrew above... FB is tightening up direct linking to affiliate offers, you can still use some cheats like ClickMeter to mask affiliate links and get ads approved, but might ought to consider creating a landing or sandwich page first, then link out to the affiliate offer.
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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  • Profile picture of the author chooseyourself
    Originally Posted by Berku View Post

    I jumping around like monkey and looking to my computer screen, it took me almost year to figure out..
    Its funny because i just need to buy fb ads and direct to landing page to people more than 40 years old

    Hey warrior, how you make first clickbank sale?
    Hey Berku, that's awesome!

    Its such a great feeling isn't it?

    My first sale on Clickbank was from a crappy little review video I made on YouTube. I used Screencast-o-matic to shoot it and it was really long lol, but hey, it got me my first sale!

    I'm going to try out some Facebook dark posts myself, let's see how that goes.

    Good luck, keep at it!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Nexstair
    Great job and good luck for more ..............
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