A way to find small business with no website

4 replies
Is there a way to find decent number of small business that have no website? I am trying to google it, but couldn't find any advice.

Hope someone here would like to give me an idea on how to do it!

Thanks in advance
#business #find #small #website
  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    You might need to put on your walking shoes and do some 'personal' selling to local businesses. If your business idea offers real solutions to people, then this 'leg' work will be worth it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ron C Farrow
      Try free ad papers and mags that are delivered locally. Usually these publications have a website with the latest copy online. Just make a list of the ads with no website address published. Double check by doing a Google search of the business name and district.

      I suggest a snail mail letter as an intro as cold calling by phone is likely to get you off to a bad start with a busy potential customer. Your letter needs to be persuasive without revealing exactly what you are offering in detail.
      Personally I state that I will only be working with one of each trade or profession in their area and that they are getting first refusal.
      Give your prospect the option of emailing you "no thanks" and only then follow up with a call asking for an appointment.

      Be ready to deal with some knock backs and keep positive. The accepted hit rate across all sectors is 10 calls to one sale or client landed. You may well do better than this if you do your homework with regards to your prospective clients/customers.

      I hope this helps.

      Making it with Online Arbitrage

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  • Profile picture of the author BrentSkillHD
    Companies that use "traditional" forms of advertising without mentioning a website, is a start.

    Billboards, Yellowpages, Snail Mail, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave37
    The best way I can think of is to use the Yellow pages related to the country where those potential businesses are. Usually if a business doesn't have a website, it will not be shown in its YP profile.

    Craigslist could also be an alternative, but not as effective as YP.
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