Reach beyond the typical business models...

5 replies
After a few years in the IM industry I am starting to see great success now with SEM Compass.

This has come from a mindset shift. Typically places like warrior forum cultivate closed thinking when it comes to the style of solutions you find to a problem - Ebooks, niche sites, affiliate marketing etc.

However moving away from "Internet Marketing" and towards creating a "startup" gave me the creative freedom to build my current business.

Don't get too sucked it to sub par business models that are extremely competitive. Make something fresh, something new, and think outside the box. It's way more fun, profitable and exciting!
#business #models #reach #typical
  • Profile picture of the author art72
    Congrats on finding yourself... as far as being closed minded, I suppose that would be in direct relation to people who post specifically to get their signature files clicked on our 'close-minded' forum perhaps?
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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    • Profile picture of the author Ryan Kempe
      I'm not posting to get my sig clicked.
      I'm also not saying everyone is closed minded here.

      What I am saying is Warrior Forum has alot of conversation around a few business models when there is so much more out there.

      There is so much opportunity for a fresh take on things.

      Take a look at and his work with RemoteOk and NomadList.
      Or content curation sites like or
      Or great blog content strategy by GrooveHQ or WPcurve (with transparency around their business's success).

      Let's open it up. What sites and business models excite you?
      (that deviate from the norm)

      Personal Blog:

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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    I agree there are new budding developments that do allow for people to take advantage of creating remote opportunities, no doubt. My wife, is currently looking into working for a company offering customer service to fortune 500 companies from home. So, my apologies in my initial assumption, just rubbed me wrong reading the second line of your initial post.

    Although, you bring up a very valid point regarding the limitless opportunities being created, I personally want to be more focused on mobile marketing, app creation, lead generation, and list management for small businesses.

    Meanwhile, I still fall in-line with the typical affiliate marketing crowd, simple product creation, and article based marketing strategies.
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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  • Profile picture of the author icoachu
    I agree with you, Ryan.

    You're also based in the right place. I currently have Pinoy workers (just like you) and they help me turn my business ideas into reality. I'm focused on building digital assets. However, I am working towards building an SAAS network.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael J Anthony
    Originally Posted by Ryan Kempe View Post

    Typically places like warrior forum cultivate closed thinking when it comes to the style of solutions you find to a problem - Ebooks, niche sites, affiliate marketing etc.
    I fully agreed when I first read this as I think most usually "recommend" the same stuff over and over again - niche sites, affiliate marketing, building a list, etc - and you rarely see anything fresh. But I know thats because these methods are tried and true and I do still love affiliate marketing.

    Also, I primarily post to help people, and secondarily, to absolutely get clicks to my sig! I have no shame in admitting it. They are there for that very purpose. If it will help, then I'm happy they clicked!
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