Andrew Cavanagh's post bounced around in my brain all night
I went back to sleep after reading and posting in a thread titled "Where's the product."
A post in the same thread made by Andrew Cavanagh didn't impact me until I went back to sleep and dreamed about it off and on.
A few minutes ago I started typing another post in that thread and by the time I got to the end of my post I realized I should take it to a new thread as I really got off topic by the end. So here it is as I spoke to Andrew after his comments.
What you said below is so true. What I highlighted in red is profoundly true. If we could tear ourselves away from the PC long enough we would find that to be the case.
I "sold" (not literally sold, no money changed hands, but, convinced) a young man who works for a corporation that sells both online and offline nationwide to start an article writing/marketing campaign. (until now their Internet Marketing efforts were limited to telling their phone-in customers about their website where orders could be placed)
I didn't want to take on a large article writing assignment so I took about 3 hours and explained to the young man about article marketing.
His company is now in the process of hiring college students to work in-house at $10 an hour to crank out articles.
The company heads don't even know I exist and the young man I taught is a hero to them...
The young man I told about article marketing and how to do it, presented it to upper management. He was immediately given a raise and an Internet marketing department was created in the company. He was put in charge of the whole operation. The hiring, supervising students and article submission.
Listening to him talk I get the impression that the heads of this company did not have a clue about anything having to do with Internet marketing other than putting up a website and telling everyone they talked and shipped to about it.
He made statements to me like "I was an instant hero." "Man George you could have made a lot of money from my company," and "They think I'm a genius."
They already reached the front page of Google and are only two or three links below their nearest competitor who has been doing Internet Marketing for a few years.
Another thing, I visited a company who paid $100,000 for a website and 6 months fees for consulting. At the time I felt so inadequate that I wouldn't think of charging that much. It's been over a year and I've read a lot about outsourcing projects so even if I never do a project like that I know it's possible by using outsourcing. Looking at the $100,000 website I know I could have had it built for $10,000. No I could never build a site like it but I could have outsourced it.
That is still another idea. Teach companies how to have in-house departments to outsource to places like elance and guru.com.
The amounts of money many of us quibble about to get jobs done for us is absolutely nothing for offline businesses.
We are on the outlook for $3 articles. Offline Corporations who we could show the benefits of article marketing would buy $30 articles by the hundreds if they could see bottom line results. Sometimes the "bottom line" is not money at all. Being on the front page of Google is a ego boost even to large company owners.
I've seen with my own eyes that big money is waiting for all of us in the bank accounts that belong to small businesses, medium businesses and large corporations, not necessarily from fellow Internet Marketers.
Then again there is nothing wrong with it if we buy each others information. I've learned something from every WSO I've ever purchased not to mention the tons of stuff I've purchased elsewhere.
In the mean time I guess it's easier to set behind the ol PC and repackage what we know. And on occasion when we do actually discover a great new method and share it at least we can make a dollar or two doing something we enjoy.
What I don't understand is the frustration some express regarding marketers marketing to marketers. As long as you know more than me and I know more than others our knowledge has a dollar value.
The fact that you can find it free on Google shouldn't make anyone bitter.
I can find the most delicious and juicy strawberries growing wild about 20 miles from my house. Due to time constraints and a lack of desire to drive 20 miles and pick strawberries I make a personal choice to buy them picked, washed and packaged from a store a block from my house.
Just because I can get the same product for free elsewhere, the store is not evil for buying large boxes of strawberries and repackaging them and making it easy for me to buy and I'm not stupid for going to the store to buy my strawberries. Although my neighbor who picks his own considers the store greedy for charging so much for the product he gets "free."
George Wright
The real power is in taking internet marketing strategies and applying them to other niches and other fields. Over the years I've used internet marketing to sell health information products online and offline (including appearing for over 2 years on a show that fed to 40 commercial radio stations across Australia. I got onto that show be sending an email to someone. That's...a form of internet marketing!) I've also helped many brick and mortar businesses not even vaguely related to internet marketing to make huge sales using internet marketing strategies. And I made my living doing that for many years. If you think the money in internet marketing is in selling reports and ebooks online you are really missing the boat. There are a whole world of businesses out there you can help cash in with the internet marketing knowledge you have. Kindest regards, Andrew Cavanagh |
I'm tired of my signature... Deleted.