Should I go for 'anxiety' in general or 'social anxiety'?

8 replies
Hey fellow warriors,

I'm thinking of creating a product and starting a website about anxiety. I have a lot of experience with this topic and believe I can help many people overcome their fears.

Now I was wondering if I should create a website+products about anxiety in general or about social anxiety only. Most of my experience is with social anxiety, but many people who have anxiety don't realize their anxiety comes from social situations and go out searching for anxiety in general. So should I make it really specific or keep it more generalized?

What would you choose?

Looking forwards to your wise insights.

#anxiety #general #niche #ocial
  • Profile picture of the author Larj
    I would go 100% for social i think it hits right
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    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      Social Anxiety. You'll not only increase your chances of getting ranked in the search engines. But the people who are ready to take action (not just research it) will recognize you easier.

      Trust me, (but you probably already know) there's enough people with social anxiety (who know it- and want to conquer it) to keep you busy for 3 lifetimes.
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  • Profile picture of the author nmwf
    I'd focus on social anxiety as others have suggested. However, I'd also provide a small (i.e. tiny) section/page for people who don't know the difference. Perhaps a quiz of some sort...
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    The more targeted, the better.

    Better to market.

    Better to produce content for.

    Plus, it is easier to scale up.
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  • Originally Posted by StevieT View Post

    Now I was wondering if I should create a website+products about anxiety in general or about social anxiety only. Most of my experience is with social anxiety, but many people who have anxiety don't realize their anxiety comes from social situations and go out searching for anxiety in general.
    Many people go out searching for anxiety in general, or better yet, go to their doctor, because they may not be dealing with social anxiety.

    There are other types of situations where a person can be diagnosed with anxiety that has nothing to do with social situations.

    Chemical imbalances come to mind.

    While some may tell you to go with social anxiety, and apparently that is where you have the most experience with, I would be also be including information for general anxiety.

    Why you ask? Well read your own statement that I put in bold.
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  • Profile picture of the author grandstar
    Sad to say I suffer from social anxiety. Really nasty ailment.

    This is just to wish you the best.
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    • Profile picture of the author uktrader
      I'd go with social anxiety now, but choose a brand name that could possibly be extended to other kinds of anxiety in the future if you're successful and want to expand horizontally.
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  • Profile picture of the author ContentPro22
    "Social Anxiety" seems like the better option (more targeted = easier to produce content = better value = higher conversions).
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