aiming for 40% opt in rate with Youtube Ads
After putting in a solid month of working with adwords video campaign, I'm starting to see some light.
Following the saying that 1 subscriber is worth 1 dollar for most niches, I've been trying to get my opt in rate high enough so that when I invest 1 dollar, I at least get 1.2 leads back.
My stats look like this:
CPC: $0.29 for my best keyword
View rate: 30% (I believe this is very good - since I know my targeting well for this niche.
Current Opt in Rate: 20%
So according the the 1 sub = 1 dollar theory Im in the negative.
I'd break even at 30%
And start to make profits at anywhere 30%. With that said, 40% opt ins from my Youtube ads are my goal. Considering that I have my keyword targeting tight, does anyone think 40% conversions from youtube ads are possible?
It took me a month of tests to hit the first 20% by narrowing in on keywords.
I suppose it would take some more time to increase it further, but if any other marketer out there have gotten higher opt in rates from adwords video campaigns, Id like to hear your experiences.
rory singh TIKTOK
The best thing you can do is put yourself out there.