what will be first step to start my affiliate marketing?

20 replies
I completed my market research and chose my niche. So what will be my first step to start it. I am a beginner.
#affiliate #marketing #start #step
  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Buy, Domain and Hosting
    Start building your blog/website
    Start planning your email marketing strategy


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author John Westbrook
    Originally Posted by shahariar View Post

    I completed my market research and chose my niche. So what will be my first step to start it. I am a beginner.
    After you select your niche, build your audience! I just did a little write up on this for my members, but here's the jist of it:

    "One of the coolest things you can do for your own business, for yourself, is to begin by first building your audience.

    Here's what that looks like:

    Say you want to do an info product in the dog training niche, like I refer to throughout the course. You've done your research, planned everything, know what you want to do for a product, etc.

    Before building your product to be sold, why not begin by building your audience?

    It can really be done either way...product or audience first...especially if you have a solid handle on your audience and know exactly how the product should be developed to best suit them. BUT, it can be really to your benefit in many ways if you first start creating a following.

    What you do next is simply nurture a building relationship with the audience WHILE creating your product/service.


    Depending on your niche and many other factors, but one example would be to start a Facebook Group and work at getting members and getting word out about your group. Provide free fun stuff on that group that engages folks and makes them want to check it every day or every week. Get them engaged to post also.

    Then as you are developing your product you are also seeing the very audience and hearing them and understanding better what they like or dislike. It's almost like cheating!

    Then when your product is ready for launch, let's say you have 160 members in your group or following...you have an instant audience to begin selling to.

    And it's best if they know along the way what you're up to. In other words, that they know you are working on this product or service and will be sharing it with them soon.

    The building of the relationship is in the dealing with them daily, either on a platform like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Email, even Google+ or other similar platforms. Whatever your approach to finding your audience is, be working it ahead of time to build your audience, your following and getting them primed for your product.

    And remember, be human about it. Don't imagine a corporate approach. Imagine a neighborhood approach...or a new family doctor in town...imagine that trusted, home grown, friendly and kind demeanor. Almost like, "hey, here's some cool stuff and I'm working on more cool stuff too but haven't finished it yet, but this is free and you might like it!" and the idea is to then engage people to ask about your other stuff, the stuff you haven't made yet or are making, and start anticipating it's completion."


    Hope this helps! Bottom line, relationship building and creating a following.

    Unless you don't want long term results

    John Westbrook ~ Poet/Author & Consultant

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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    Not to state the obvious, but I see we've yet to mention offer. A monetization strategy comes next.


    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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  • Profile picture of the author Pratikk
    What niche did you pick?

    First basic steps are buy domain and hosting service. Get your website going and start blogging.

    Give lots of value and free quality information to get traffic.

    Make sure to have a optin page for email marketing. (very important)

    Work on free or paid traffic strategies to make sales.

    Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author Apra Barua
      Set up an opt in page to gather email address in return for a free gift. Then get yourself an autoresponder service to send your automated emails to market to your subscribers. Focus on bringing traffic to your opt in page.
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    • Profile picture of the author Barry Cross
      1) Start to build a list immediately
      2) Build a great relationship with your list giving value
      3) Find great products that give value & convert well
      4) Use both free & paid traffic
      5) Master 2 traffic methods before moving onto a 3rd.
      6) Don't get distracted & work your business daily
      7) Reinvest a % of your profits back into paid traffic/advertising

      If you are tight on time to learn, then choose a successful mentor who can cut your learning time by months, even years.

      Learn how to use the Warrior Forum without getting distracted as there are some amazing marketers on here giving away free information that will help you
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      • Profile picture of the author Cleberl1
        Originally Posted by Barry Cross View Post

        1) Start to build a list immediately
        2) Build a great relationship with your list giving value
        3) Find great products that give value & convert well
        4) Use both free & paid traffic
        5) Master 2 traffic methods before moving onto a 3rd.
        6) Don't get distracted & work your business daily
        7) Reinvest a % of your profits back into paid traffic/advertising

        If you are tight on time to learn, then choose a successful mentor who can cut your learning time by months, even years.

        Learn how to use the Warrior Forum without getting distracted as there are some amazing marketers on here giving away free information that will help you
        Follow all the steps above and sooner or later you'll start making some cash.
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  • Profile picture of the author heruma
    Well, actually, you already finish your first step.

    Congratulation for successfully picking up your niche.

    The next question you want to ask yourself is, which road are you going to go?
    Paid Traffic (Require More Money than Time)
    "FREE" Traffic (Require More Time than Money).
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  • Profile picture of the author Pinkysoll
    Hi there,

    good for you that you have chosen your niche, now you have to choose a domain name and get hosting and start writing content to build and populate your site.

    This is if you are looking at going the website or blog route.

    You can also use video marketing and social media marketing to generate sales.

    So you have finished your fist site, there's still a lot to do.

    Take it easy though and don't be in a hurry.

    Domain name research is a pretty big deal because you don't want to get a domain name that has very high competition, and also you want the domain name you eventually choose to be available.

    Hosting is important too, you can use your domain registrar for hosting or you can use hostgator.

    Further keyword research is necessary for content creation.

    Then you have to find a product to promote or you have to create your own product, or use PLR products or build a list...etc.

    Like I said, take it one step at a time and don't hurry.

    Avoid buying to many get rich quick products, the simple things work, you just need to be consistent.

    Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author affilorama-portal
    The next would be:

    1. Research for keywords
    2. Buy a domain name (it would help if you can choose a domain name based from your target keywords)
    3. Buy a hosting
    4. Build your website and create your content
    5. Optimize your pages
    6. Start your marketing campaign

    Of course the above is only a rundown. You can get free lessons on affiliate marketing online. Learning everything step by step will help you understand things further.
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  • Profile picture of the author Xochitl Shat
    Actually you finish your first step. Then your second step is look for good paying merchants and high converting products .Make a list of good paying and high converting affiliate programs for your chosen niche and create a website. In choosing the products, you must also consider the support they are giving – Marketing materials may include articles, text links, banner ads, classified ads, reports, etc.
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    • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
      collect list who also like Affiliate , Internet Marketing.

      Check my profile

      I using that two to get my list.

      than after than promote to them.

      Best get email auto responder.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hemanth Malli
    I recommend following steps for a beginner:
    1. Research Affiliate programs
    2. Join an Affiliate program
    3. Promote a Affiliate program through a Website
    4. Make your Website content relevant
    5. Use some strategies that will drive traffic to your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author cherrytom
    Well done on taking your first step.
    Where to go from here?
    How about looking for a mentor?
    There are mentors in all niches. They charge fees for their coaching, but what you pay is peanuts compared to what you could make through following their advice.
    I wish I had done this when I first started. I could see how "easy" it was to make money online, and I thought I could do it myself. But I struggled for too many years, and spent far more than I could afford, before I finally realized i wasn't going to get anywhere without a mentor --- someone to tell me what to do, and show me how to do it. Good luck in all your online ventures.
    Keep smiling!

    Is this the easiest way to make money online?



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  • Profile picture of the author Eagle07
    Originally Posted by shahariar View Post

    I completed my market research and chose my niche. So what will be my first step to start it. I am a beginner.
    Congratulations! You have actually made the first step. So the next thing would be to learn everything you need to know about the product you are promoting.

    The best thing you can do is to buy the product yourself and then create a review of the product then post it in a website or blog. If you do not want to buy the product due to whatever reasons you have, try to search for other people's reviews and construct your review out of it.

    Make sure you post your affiliate links in the review paragraphs. Drive targeted visitors to your site and you can make sales commissions when your referred visitors will click on your affiliate links, go to the vendor's salespage and purchase the product you recommended in your review.
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  • Profile picture of the author daniyal100
    Originally Posted by shahariar View Post

    I completed my market research and chose my niche. So what will be my first step to start it. I am a beginner.
    LOG OUT....
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  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Originally Posted by shahariar View Post

    I completed my market research and chose my niche. So what will be my first step to start it. I am a beginner.
    You should get a domain name and hosting. After you site starts getting some traffic, start building an e-mail list. You should also find some products that you want to promote and some ideas for articles. Since your blog is new, it would probably be easiest to write reviews on some products that you already own and that you know people are still looking for, so you can have some content on your blog and start generating some traffic.

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  • Profile picture of the author jordantyj
    A lot of these posts are good. In my opinion, choosing the perfect mentor is key. One that apparently has success, good advice, and a consistent mindset.

    With a good mentor, it will lead you to how to even get started with your internet marketing journey and they will teach you different traffic methods.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    First step is to always find out who your end user is.

    Second step is to figure out how to find them and tap into them.

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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by shahariar View Post

    I completed my market research and chose my niche. So what will be my first step to start it. I am a beginner.
    What's your traffic source? How are you planning on converting traffic into conversions?
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