what will you do when you can have cheap USA clicks at 1 to 4 cent from FB ads?

by Mr Lim
16 replies
This question is bugging me for awhile.

FB doesn't allow making money, affiliate, etc.

What will you do when you can generate massive cheap traffic from U.S.A. for just penny from FaceBook?
#ads #cent #cheap #clicks #usa
  • Profile picture of the author icoachu
    It depends on the niche.

    Also, it depends on what kind of traffic.

    Is this proxy traffic?
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Mr Lim View Post

    This question is bugging me for awhile.

    FB doesn't allow making money, affiliate, etc.

    What will you do when you can generate massive cheap traffic from U.S.A. for just penny from FaceBook?
    Is this targeted? Or untargeted ?
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  • Profile picture of the author Marked09
    Find a way to monetize it, the truth is it doesn't really matter how much your click is as long as your getting ROI.

    Some people can afford to pay $1 - $10 per click and to finance niche I know some even pay $40 per click. On the other hand you might be getting cheap clicks but not getting any sales then it useless.

    One, very good example of traffic is adfly, they offer thousands of cheap clicks on your website but those click are useless and don't convert very well.

    The bottom line here is not how cheap your clicks but how much money you can get from those clicks. Run your numbers and offers.
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  • Profile picture of the author GodOfCPA
    Originally Posted by Mr Lim View Post

    FB doesn't allow making money, affiliate, etc.
    Facebook is designed as a performance marketing platform, they have no problem with affiliates or even MMO as a rule. They just don't like people running predatory offers using their targeting to scam grannies and desperate poor people, and they don't like marketing messages that makes their users feel bad about themselves or like they are being manipulated.

    Essentially, if you wouldn't publicly pitch your offer / message to a friend of a friend at a dinner party, then Facebook doesn't want it run on their platform. But there are plenty of legit affiliate offers that work well on FB. But finding the offer + targeting is key, not how much you pay for clicks.
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  • Profile picture of the author focusedlife
    @GodOfCPA - Nice analogy.

    That makes it relatable and I'll be keeping that one in the back of my mind.

    Makes total sense.



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  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    How are you getting clicks from USA traffic for as cheap as 1 to 4 cents?

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  • Profile picture of the author Robert999
    Originally Posted by Mr Lim View Post

    This question is bugging me for awhile.

    FB doesn't allow making money, affiliate, etc.

    What will you do when you can generate massive cheap traffic from U.S.A. for just penny from FaceBook?
    Yes you cannot get traffic from facebook directly to your affiliate links. But you can send the traffic to your:

    affiliate website - to earn clickbank/Amazon commissions
    to your optin page - to collect leads and email addresses and build email list
    to your teespring page - to sell T-shirts and earn money from teespring.com
    to your page that redirects all traffic to your affiliate product directly.

    There may be other options too. But traffic should be targeted to get results.
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  • Profile picture of the author bob33229
    1-4 cents clicks from US? Are you kidding here?

    Even 25-50 cents clicks are FAKE and btw what can you expect from Fakebook??

    Originally Posted by Mr Lim View Post

    This question is bugging me for awhile.

    FB doesn't allow making money, affiliate, etc.

    What will you do when you can generate massive cheap traffic from U.S.A. for just penny from FaceBook?

    List of FREE and Legit Survey Sites

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  • Profile picture of the author maxsi
    We tried facebook ads with the help of an expert, zero conversions!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author LarryHaywood
    Originally Posted by Mr Lim View Post

    This question is bugging me for awhile.

    FB doesn't allow making money, affiliate, etc.

    What will you do when you can generate massive cheap traffic from U.S.A. for just penny from FaceBook?
    Nice try. FB doesn't allow MMO? Lmao. Have you been living under a rock or ?

    Doing what everyone else is doing? You'll get the same results... 97% fail. Are you a sheep or a wolf? My team and I are changing the game. It's not as hard to make it online as you might think. Let's connect and see if we can help you.

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Maybe some Ebay items or something. I see dudes promoting their offline and online marketing "free reports" on facebook all the time.... i'm talking like - RIGHT NOW i'm looking at it on Facebook.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    We advertise a physical product on Facebook every week. I have never paid more than 4 cents per click and my audience demo is as targeted as targeting gets. Our CTR is excellent and our ROI exceeds 650%.

    Anyone paying fifty cents or a dollar or more for targeted FB clicks just plain doesn't understand how the platform works.
    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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  • Profile picture of the author globalexperts
    Facebook actually allows campaigns associated with making money products and affiliate products. They just don't allow direct linking to your affiliate links and as well as making false claims (e.g. make $10,000 in a day, etc.). I'm promoting a work from home campaign on Facebook and it's going pretty well. I also checked Facebook's terms for prohibited contents/campaigns and I didn't see anything that states that it's not allowed to promote "making money" campaigns. Here's Facebook's advertising policies for your reference: https://www.facebook.com/policies/ads/
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