Newbie Here ISO Opinions & Guidance

3 replies
Hi All! Not sure if this is the right place to be asking this but here goes... I've looked at so many network marketing ideas and attempted several but have yet to make any money. I've attempted blogging/affiliate marketing as well. I love the concept of internet marketing but have never been able to put the pieces together. I'm looking at a couple of what seem to be new opportunities but don't want to spend any more money unless they offer the right training and guidance...

Has anyone heard of or have experience with one they're calling a "self-monetizing" social network



Have any experience with Kannaway | The Hemp Lifestyle Company hemp products?

Any others that you can suggest?

Any input would be really appreciated!
#advice for newbies #guidance #iso #network marketing #newbie #opinions
  • Profile picture of the author Dave Kash
    Hi there
    In the begining when I started learning how to make money online I ran it into company after and product after product. I did run into Igrow in another referred from another internet marketing forum and here is what I can say about most of these companies. In my opinion most of these so called make money online companies sell people a watered down model that overhypes stuff. And people then get disappointed when they say little to no results.

    I haven't heard much about these products and companies, and I suggest you investigate them carefully before committing to anything. The best way to be successful online is to first find someone who has done something similar to what you want to achieve and emulate that person.

    That is why I am so big on getting a mentor, a mentor will help you avoid the common pitfall and errors other marketers make. If it was not for my mentor in the beginning then I wouldn''t have made it to where I am today. So my advice to you is to

    1. Find a business model which has worked for a lot of people

    2. Invest in your education and know as much as possible about the model

    3. Find a mentor who will guide you and walk you by the hand

    4. Take action

    That is all there is to it. Find someone who has what you want and copy what they did to get it.
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  • Profile picture of the author asset engineer
    Hi Evil: I made a post earlier today to a newbie but my response to them could just have well been to you. Here is what has worked for me:

    Take a known, easy way to make money ( I happen to like affiliate marketing because it is pretty easy), build a business plan for it (including budget), focus solely on that plan until you achieve the results that you want.

    As for "the results that you want", that is determined in your business plan.

    I will make the same offer to you that I made to a different inquiry yesterday. I have written a book about Internet marketing using several real life examples of plans that worked and some that didn't. The book is for sale but I have reserved a few for scholarships to people that are struggling to get a foothold in the I/M market.

    If you would like a free copy, under no obligation on your part, simply PM me with your email address and I will be happy to send a copy to you.

    Hope it works out for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author icoachu
    The whole idea of a self-monetizing social network is not exactly new.

    There have been implementations in the past.

    Of course, there are some minor variations among them, but eventually they all hit a plateau, or they never took off in the first place.

    If you are trying to get away from blogging[/.B] or other content-based forms of marketing, there are more viable ways to make money online.

    The only limit really is your imagination.

    If you plug in to some sort of self-monetizing network or some sort of multilevel referral system, you might get discouraged.

    You have to understand that while you can make money with those systems, if you are the typical newbie you have your work cut out for you.

    I would rather cut my teeth on doing things the traditional way.

    This part is where you pay your dues.

    Once you get the skills, you can then level up and try many different things until you find something that works.

    Once you identify an actual viable money-making option, you can then scale it up.

    You need to stay away from gimmicks. or all sorts of auto pilot money-making systems.

    Nine times out of ten, they would just leave you with less money and disappointed.
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