Made My First 1000$ A Day

120 replies

It's not at all hard if you know what you are doing! I finally reached 1000$+ a day! If you find something giving you 5$ a day profit you can scale to any amount. Its all about trust and hard work. I used facebook ads and clickbank to achieve this. I started from 0$ a day like every one in internet marketing. Took long time to reach this milestone though. Its that I never give up anything easy.
#day #made
  • Profile picture of the author MeelisM
    Originally Posted by vamsikrish4 View Post


    It's not at all hard if you know what you are doing! I finally reached 1000$+ a day! If you find something giving you 5$ a day profit you can scale to any amount. Its all about trust and hard work. I used facebook ads and clickbank to achieve this. I started from 0$ a day like every one in internet marketing. Took long time to reach this milestone though. Its that I never give up anything easy.


    How much was profit of this $1000?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10048254].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      The challenge is doing it day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year . . . no lulls, no dry spells, no mulligans.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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      • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
        Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

        no mulligans.

        I'm never golfing with you.
        Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
        All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10048278].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ATAC
          Hey I would to play with you guys when you go ?

          I was a professional for many years but I haven't played in a while !

          Where are you guy's located at ?

          I am located at the Jersey shore and I am not worried to travel a little bit if need so !

          Let me know if it works ?
          This all-in-one marketing platform saves me over $7,000 per year. See how:
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10049576].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Write Now
        Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

        The challenge is doing it day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year . . . no lulls, no dry spells, no mulligans.

        I like the use of the word "mulligans".
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  • Profile picture of the author nicolasmd2112
    Originally Posted by vamsikrish4 View Post


    It's not at all hard if you know what you are doing! I finally reached 1000$+ a day! If you find something giving you 5$ a day profit you can scale to any amount. Its all about trust and hard work. I used facebook ads and clickbank to achieve this. I started from 0$ a day like every one in internet marketing. Took long time to reach this milestone though. Its that I never give up anything easy.
    Congrats! Mind sharing how long it took you to achieve this?

    Keep killin' it man.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10048264].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Its that I never give up anything easy.
    That's the key component that so many people lack.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10048274].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dls360
    Congrats! What's your next daily goal?
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  • Profile picture of the author w3a5t4
    Congratulations my friend... Thats ONLY THE BEGINNING if you do it right... I'm making just under $30,000 a week haha people laugh but only because they think im lying... I started in a business that started a year ago and iits now 124,000 members strong and GROWING... have multiple streams of income my friend and $4,000+ a day isnt too far away...
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    • Profile picture of the author sellonlinee
      Originally Posted by w3a5t4 View Post

      Congratulations my friend... Thats ONLY THE BEGINNING if you do it right... I'm making just under $30,000 a week haha people laugh but only because they think im lying... I started in a business that started a year ago and iits now 124,000 members strong and GROWING... have multiple streams of income my friend and $4,000+ a day isnt too far away...
      Mind telling us at least one of your multiple income streams
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    • Profile picture of the author Hikaru7
      wow.. how you get traffic to your affiliate site ?
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    • Profile picture of the author AffiliatePrograms
      Originally Posted by yordanov View Post

      Great, man. Now proove your income with facts!
      That definitely made me laugh.
      ♦ - 100% free super high paying programs. Make up to $10,000+ per deal & lifetime revenue share.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10048705].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SMworkcafe
    Originally Posted by vamsikrish4 View Post


    It's not at all hard if you know what you are doing! I finally reached 1000$+ a day! If you find something giving you 5$ a day profit you can scale to any amount. Its all about trust and hard work. I used facebook ads and clickbank to achieve this. I started from 0$ a day like every one in internet marketing. Took long time to reach this milestone though. Its that I never give up anything easy.
    $1000 a day??

    Mind sharing how long did it take you to achieve this daily revenue and how much do you invest back? I'd like to know your market.

    Also, what's your purpose to share this story on here?


    - Sana.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10048305].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author w3a5t4
      My guess his purpose is to enspire others... it should have that affect on the newbies and the like
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      • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
        Originally Posted by w3a5t4 View Post

        My guess his purpose is to enspire others... it should have that affect on the newbies and the like
        Unfortunately, it rarely does and when it actually does it has an effect for a day or two and they go back to being their normal selves. Such is the human condition.

        Additionally, these "I'm making this much money" posts are generally bogus, so no one actually pays much attention to them. Nothing against you, it's just that we've heard it all before, hundreds of times. lol People making real money rarely, if ever, come here to brag about it. They're too busy making money.

        Cheers. - Frank
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10048360].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
          Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

          Unfortunately, it rarely does and when it actually does it has an effect for a day or two and they go back to being their normal selves. Such is the human condition.
          I agree. However it may also have an influence greater than that. So (in my opinion) it's worth posting them.

          Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

          Additionally, these "I'm making this much money" posts are generally bogus, so no one actually pays much attention to them.

          Some are definitely "bogus" however I think most of them are legit.

          Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

          Nothing against you, it's just that we've heard it all before, hundreds of times. lol
          Personally I enjoy reading these success stories and I'm sure other people do too. They're a good reminder that we can succeed online and accomplish our Entrepreneurial dreams. In fact, the Forum wouldn't be the same without them and I hope people keep posting them. : )

          Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

          People making real money rarely, if ever, come here to brag about it. They're too busy making money.
          That's true of some of them. (Not all of them, however.)
          "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10051079].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
            Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

            I agree. However it may also have an influence greater than that. So (in my opinion) it's worth posting them.

            Some are definitely "bogus" however I think most of them are legit.

            Personally I enjoy reading these success stories and I'm sure other people do too. They're a good reminder that we can succeed online and accomplish our Entrepreneurial dreams. In fact, the Forum wouldn't be the same without them and I hope people keep posting them. : )

            That's true of some of them. (Not all of them, however.)
            You, just like myself, are certainly entitled to your beliefs, :-)

            Cheers. - Frank
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10051089].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author The Fridge
          Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

          Unfortunately, it rarely does and when it actually does it has an effect for a day or two and they go back to being their normal selves. Such is the human condition.

          Additionally, these "I'm making this much money" posts are generally bogus, so no one actually pays much attention to them. Nothing against you, it's just that we've heard it all before, hundreds of times. lol People making real money rarely, if ever, come here to brag about it. They're too busy making money.

          Cheers. - Frank
          Not trying to derail the thread, but saw the Rangers logo and wanted to say...What a great game 6!!!

          Looking forward to game 7.

          I think the "king" can do it!!!

          Done with the derailing now...Sorry everyone...It's a hockey thing.

          As for the Quote above, I agree. Most of the claims of profit are sometime confused with revenue or as stated, "bogus".
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    • Profile picture of the author twranks
      Originally Posted by SMworkcafe View Post

      $1000 a day??

      Also, what's your purpose to share this story on here?
      Well, for starters, it's nice to see that people are making money off their hardwork and its motivation for others who wish to get to this position. My guess is that you see this as bragging. But even then... What's wrong with that??
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10051728].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author quin1906
    Hi everyone

    my name is Ryan, i am new to this online marketing and just want to learn everything i can
    Congrats on making that amount my friend

    good look to you in the future
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Mazza
    Great to hear! How long did it take you to go from your first $5 to the $1000 day?
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Blades
    I agree with Big Frank, I've seen many threads like this, where the O.P post's something like this, and never return to the thread.
    " I knew that if I failed, I wouldn't regret that.
    But I knew the one thing I might regret is not ever having tried. "

    ~ Jeff Bezos

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  • Profile picture of the author marketermatt
    Awesome man! Congrats


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  • Profile picture of the author AffiliatePrograms
    Would you mind telling us what program you used to do that? I don't need to know your site(s), but am only interested in the "how."

    Originally Posted by vamsikrish4 View Post


    It's not at all hard if you know what you are doing! I finally reached 1000$+ a day!
    ♦ - 100% free super high paying programs. Make up to $10,000+ per deal & lifetime revenue share.
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  • Profile picture of the author Systrix
    Great start! congratulations
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  • Profile picture of the author vamsikrish4
    Guys I can post proofs for few of you but that doesn't make any thing! There are hell lot of huge markets and internet marketing is pretty much alive! I really don't wanna come back and reply but I really wanna inspire newbies to not to lose hope because I am making money.Any market you are in, you can scale it up because I thought my niche or traffic source I am working on is good for 100$ a day, after increasing my budget and and targetting I made the profit 1000$.Thanks for all for congratulating me! Keep trying! Any market you are in, you can scale it up!
    P.S : Sorry, for not giving out any info about my earning stuff and for not sharing for the community. I worked all my own. But I could say I used clickbank top converting niches.


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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Congrats on your Success.

      But if decide to start a Thread like this, which we see all the time, you should expound a little more

      More detail. Not necessarily give out your specific Niche but details of how you started, when did you start, things you learned along the way, obstacles you faced, people you aligned yourself with etc..etc..

      That is what we hope to accomplish here at WF. To talk openly and freely instead of just saying I made this amount and I made that amount and that's it

      - Robert Andrew

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by vamsikrish4 View Post

      Guys I can post proofs for few of you but that doesn't make any thing!
      Correct. We have all seen Photoshopped earnings staements. Some folks actually fall for them.

      Cheers. - Frank
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10049266].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author SMworkcafe
      Originally Posted by vamsikrish4 View Post

      Guys I can post proofs for few of you but that doesn't make any thing! There are hell lot of huge markets and internet marketing is pretty much alive! I really don't wanna come back and reply but I really wanna inspire newbies to not to lose hope because I am making money.Any market you are in, you can scale it up because I thought my niche or traffic source I am working on is good for 100$ a day, after increasing my budget and and targetting I made the profit 1000$.Thanks for all for congratulating me! Keep trying! Any market you are in, you can scale it up!
      P.S : Sorry, for not giving out any info about my earning stuff and for not sharing for the community. I worked all my own. But I could say I used clickbank top converting niches.
      Now this is some success - congratulations Vamsikrish4!

      I just saw your response which I was not expecting since there were too many OPs in the past who claimed something similar like this and vanished in thin air!

      I respect the fact that you are not providing your daily income screenshots.

      Anyways, you are right. Once you realize that you have selected the right product within a profitable niche and when the income comes, put it back to scale it up. I follow this strategy (along with 3-4 more) to generate consistent income. However, I don't agree that 'every' market is profitable. The market in demand will give you instant profits << this is for the newbies.

      I am currently brainstorming on a niche which is not entirely in demand and I know it will not scale immediately. I am experimenting and I want to 'create' a market for that niche. You have worked on your own and you deserve more than $1000 a day in future.

      No one has to be smarty pants to generate consistent income. If you know how to Google, enrolled into a coaching program, worked till you smelled like sh**, bought a smooth social media handling software, know who is linking to you (real time) even without paid traffic, you can generate a good financial income online.

      I have reached the stage where I buy traffic to see if my funnel or product proposition is converting or not. I strive and work my *** off to get natural traffic as much as possible. I know that if I decide to sell my websites in future, the investor should be happy to pay good bucks for the natural traffic I have worked on to bring in conversions.

      IM is easy but requires, oh my god, way too much patience and stamina to stay in the game. AND since I don't get to leave my house too much, I like the wait


      - Sana.

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  • Profile picture of the author avigau111
    Earning $1000 a day is also my dream... Please tell me the way so i can also do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Slade556
    You make $1,000 a day with clickbank? Your post is inspiring, but without any specific details, it's hard to believe you earn $30,000 a month. I'm not sayng it's not possible, it just sounds too good to be true.
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    • Profile picture of the author millionairesandie
      Originally Posted by Slade556 View Post

      You make $1,000 a day with clickbank? Your post is inspiring, but without any specific details, it's hard to believe you earn $30,000 a month. I'm not sayng it's not possible, it just sounds too good to be true.
      The OP said that he had his FIRST $1K day not that he makes $1K EVERYDAY.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10049544].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
        Originally Posted by millionairesandie View Post

        The OP said that he had his FIRST $1K day not that he makes $1K EVERYDAY.
        Read it again: "I'm making just under $30,000 a week haha people laugh but only because they think im lying..."

        Cheers. - Frank

        P.S. That's $1.56M per year. You can believe him if you choose to. lol
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10049549].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author derekwong28
          Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

          Read it again: "I'm making just under $30,000 a week haha people laugh but only because they think im lying..."

          Cheers. - Frank

          P.S. That's $1.56M per year. You can believe him if you choose to. lol
          You are talking about another person who participated in the thread, not the OP.

          Do not get between a wombat and a chocolate biscuit; you will regret it dearly!

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10049567].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
            Originally Posted by derekwong28 View Post

            You are talking about another person who participated in the thread, not the OP.
            Correct. My mistake. I was overcome by the BS fumes.

            Cheers. - Frank
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10049703].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author magiclouie
    Wow, way to go. That is very impressive. You have reached another milestone in your journey of excellence.

    Congratulations I commend you for that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
    Originally Posted by vamsikrish4 View Post


    It's not at all hard if you know what you are doing! I finally reached 1000$+ a day! If you find something giving you 5$ a day profit you can scale to any amount. Its all about trust and hard work. I used facebook ads and clickbank to achieve this. I started from 0$ a day like every one in internet marketing. Took long time to reach this milestone though. Its that I never give up anything easy.
    Nice , but you are selling your own products?

    or affiliate it?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10049153].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Omarkenawy

    But I think that it`s better to show some real proofs of making $1000 a day.

    You have said that you use Facebook and Clickbank to achieve this point. So why don`t you put some snapshots of your earnings from your clickbank dashboard.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10049317].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by Omarkenawy View Post


      But I think that it`s better to show some real proofs of making $1000 a day.

      You have said that you use Facebook and Clickbank to achieve this point. So why don`t you put some snapshots of your earnings from your clickbank dashboard.

      Apparently you missed my previous post. That will prove nothing as I can create any image showing any income amount in Photoshop in 5 minutes. This is precisely why people are so easily deceived and victimized.

      Cheers. - Frank
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10049320].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        But if decide to start a Thread like this, which we see all the time, you should expound a little more
        Yes, but - there are people here making money and it's good to see someone post about it without "mentioning" his "great new program" or having an MMO or anything in his signature.

        This forum now is full of "need money" - "need $20 a day" - need $100 in 48 hrs" - that kind of crap. In those ridiculous threads people are opining all over the place about "how you can earn".

        The moment someone (and not a NEW member, either) says they have's all about "prove it" or "how did you do it". And yet if some brand-newbie making $0 posts about "wanting $50k a month" - those same people will jump in to say "it's possible".

        If often takes many months or a couple years to reach a place where you can count on IM money - do people really expect someone who is earning to post their "step by step" here any time they say "hey, this stuff can work"?

        You note the claim is not "$1000 a day" it's - My FIRST $1000$ a Day.

        Several years ago I had a $600 day with Clickbank - and I seldom did any promotions of CB products. Just found a good product and hit a sweet spot.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
        what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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  • Profile picture of the author wesleywinter
    Awesome man, Keep doing what you're doing if you really earned that $1000!
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
      Good post. Without going into details, I think it is safe to say you have a system in place to promote and profit. Most people never get that far.
      Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
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  • Profile picture of the author billalbdtest
    Congratulation & best of luck. Carry on, your earning will be increased more. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author JHandy
    Awesome job my brother. It's definitely possible when you have the right system in place. Also, if you're not afraid of failing a few times when everything doesn't go your way.

    That is the key to having huge success in anything. Understand that you'll miss it, but DON"T QUIT.

    Failure is a step in the right direction. All it does is show you what doesn't work.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10049778].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Houlian
    Very inspiring -- another post hit the nail on the head -- the real challenge is doing it consistently over a period of time -- but isn't that true for everything in life when trying to accomplish a major goal? Example -- weight lifting! These days, I'm lucky if I see any muscle gains every other month, and most of the gains are in strength; it takes even longer to actually see VISIBLE changes in your body.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
    On a related note, I have achieved my goal of sleeping with 5 different supermodels per week.

    How I accomplished it isn't really important. Just trust me, you can do it too if you work hard.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10049989].message }}
    • Originally Posted by Jack Gordon View Post

      On a related note, I have achieved my goal of sleeping with 5 different supermodels per week.

      How I accomplished it isn't really important. Just trust me, you can do it too if you work hard.

      This is where asking for proof starts to feel a bit awkward

      My blog takes a look at the world on Internet Marketing and you can join my journey to making a full time income online - subscribe now to be part of the journey!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10052663].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
        Originally Posted by From Rads To Riches View Post

        This is where asking for proof starts to feel a bit awkward
        Are you kidding me? I PM'd him offering to pay for his 'secret.'

        Cheers. - Frank
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10052671].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
          Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

          Are you kidding me? I PM'd him offering to pay for his 'secret.'

          Cheers. - Frank
          No worries... the WSO will be launched soon.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10052723].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Kay King
            But he's wrong, of course
            If he's earning money - he's not wrong for HIM. He's not responsible for everyone else here nit-picking a simple thread.

            If it's working for the OP - good for him. It doesn't affect me one way way or the other...except I'm sick of reading 'poor me' stories here so it's a nice change.

            Unlike some others posting "success" he isn't detailing a program he used or a method he developed (which couls be found in the signature, by the way). He just made a comment...he's not a new member who joined to make that comment.

            It doesn't harm anyone - it might motivate a few - so what is the big deal?

            Instead, I wish posts like this would be written with a large disclaimer for newbies:

            "My experience is not typical for most people starting online businesses. Past performance is no guarantee of future results."
            Save the disclaimers for the WSO section where they ARE needed. This OP is not trying to sell you something so he doesn't have to meet some fictitious standards for 'disclaimers'.

            After this thread I guess we go back the current spate of threads about failure and no money and easy/fast and similar crappola. Wouldn't want anyone to post about succeeding or making money....that's just not done here any more.
            Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
            One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
            what it is instead of what you think it should be.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10052766].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Kay King
              Like others, I feel there were ulterior motives behind this post.
              Based on what??? What others posted?

              There is no mention of "really wanting to help other people" - you just have one person saying "hey, I worked hard for a long time and I just had a great and profitable day".

              If this is an example of the welcome people get if they dare to claim they earn money....better change the name of this forum from 'warrior' to 'wannabe'.

              I understand being skeptical - especially in view of some recent threads that lasted a while here. This thread goes beyond that into guesses, "feelings" and pure meanness.
              Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
              One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
              what it is instead of what you think it should be.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10052784].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

                There is no mention of "really wanting to help other people" - you just have one person saying "hey, I worked hard for a long time and I just had a great and profitable day"..

                Exactly. And that should be celebrated. (IMO.)
                "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author srini30
    Hi, First of all congrats on your first $1000.... But I still feel that imparting and sharing knowledge doesn't hurt. I had seen few request asking you about the "how" and not the exact websites or the biz you are using.

    Am very sorry to mention that though you have mentioned that you are using traffic to get the desired result in your niche, you haven't answered the "how" asked by few of our warrior friends.

    Please don't get me wrong, but this forum is meant to help fellow workers and friends and also guide them. I am not going to ask you for proof as it would mean taking away something from your post... and am sure you would have achieved the magical mark of $1000 till now, but only request is to tell the forum members the "tricks" and the "methods"

    This would definitely help and encourage lot of newbies who are looking to make a career in IM and as you mentioned the IM is vast so sharing a little bit of ideas would not hurt anyone.

    Please take it in the right spirit and really proud of you on your achievement and hope you achieve greater heights in IM.

    Kind reg

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  • Profile picture of the author Ivelin2008
    I'm okey with making a $1000 every other day doesn't need to be perfectly consistent I'd still be happy lol. Anyway congatulations dude. You've obviously cracked the code. Keep growing even more.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10050598].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Please don't get me wrong, but this forum is meant to help fellow workers and friends and also guide them. I am not going to ask you for proof as it would mean taking away something from your post... and am sure you would have achieved the magical mark of $1000 till now, but only request is to tell the forum members the "tricks" and the "methods"
      And that is why people DON'T post about successes here any more. Because the only acceptable threads now are "I need money", "help", "where is the money".

      The "trick" is you have to find something YOU CAN DO WELL - and then YOU have to do it until it works!!!

      The idea that no one can post about any level of success without a full coaching about how they "did it" is ridiculous. In these threads - it doesn't matter how much information the OP gives you, it's never enough.

      No wonder so many people fail.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10050798].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        And that is why people DON'T post about successes here any more. Because the only acceptable threads now are "I need money", "help", "where is the money".

        The "trick" is you have to find something YOU CAN DO WELL - and then YOU have to do it until it works!!!

        The idea that no one can post about any level of success without a full coaching about how they "did it" is ridiculous. In these threads - it doesn't matter how much information the OP gives you, it's never enough.

        No wonder so many people fail.
        I think there is a reasonable middle ground here.

        I can't help but feel that the OP has some ulterior motive. Either he is planning a WSO, or he is trying to boost his cred to compensate for a very low post count, without actually posting anything of value to earn it.

        This isn't a "giving back" type thread. He hasn't dropped an ounce of value to anyone who looks at his income claim and asks any of a hundred legitimate questions about it.

        I am always critical of "rah rah" threads that are written by people who clearly don't know what they are talking about. This doesn't even rise to that level.

        I don't even know how to classify this one. I make $1k a day and you can too. Why should anyone care? What has he given anyone that they didn't have before? Certainly not any tools to understand his so-called success. Maybe a little envy, but that just leads people to keep barreling ahead without any more hope of succeeding than they had before.

        I know that you are a positive person and want to encourage certain types of positive posts. I just don't see why this one rises to the level that deserves such generosity.

        What are you seeing that I am not?

        P.S. I am most certainly not attacking the premise of earning $1k a day. That is not inherently unbelievable, and frankly it is not really that difficult. But if I ever decide to make such a claim here about myself, you can be assured I will provide enough information about the hows to make it well worth reading.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10050874].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    scale up the thing we do, that's the way to do it.. to be more detail, not all stuff can be scaled up to $1k a day, but you need to test things up...

    To be more optimistic, not all stuff can be easily scaled up to $1k a day, but all things should be tried.

    Congrats dude

    For best hostel in malang & mold inspectors orlando : https://waterdamagerestorationorland...d-inspections/

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10050804].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author anynewsbd
    Congratulation ! hope you will do much better from now.
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    • Profile picture of the author Moto
      Just read this thread .......60 seconds of my life I will never get back
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  • Profile picture of the author anwiii
    people are actually asking for proof? wth! i don't know where people live but i live where people are innocent until proven guilty. then people are criticizing him because he didn't expland on something?

    if he wants to post a milestone, that should be ok and enough said. i've stated mine before from my first dollar to my first $100 day.

    what i can't believe is why people are giving this guy a hard time. this guy isn't even promoting anything....not even in a sig.

    other people coming in here to see the critisisms are gonna think twice about posting about their milestones now. either be supportive of your fellow warriors or don't say anything at all.

    i remember when i started dreaming big and working hard online, i banned everyone out of my life who wasn't supportive because i knew if i had to hear the criticisms and advice that wasn't for me, i wouldn't succeed.

    this guy shared his milestone through his blood sweat and tears. he doesn't owe anyone anything.

    the non support makes me want to throw up.....
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10050869].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by anwiii View Post

      this guy shared his milestone through his blood sweat and tears. he doesn't owe anyone anything.
      Boasting of financial success without offering anything of merit that might actually help someone that is struggling and losing hope, may do nothing more than make them feel even worse about their plight and decide to give up, immediately and completely.

      You're right, he doesn't owe anyone anything, but to post self-aggrandizing claptrap that does no one any good except to make the OP feel superior to others, does not garner any sense of 'contributing' from me.

      the non support makes me want to throw up.....
      Yeah - I know the feeling. Your post did the same exact thing for me.

      Cheers. - Frank
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10050883].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author anwiii
        how do you figure posting about a milestone is boasting? he didn't post about what he's making per day or per week or per month. he posted that he made $1000 in a day. his only agenda i saw was to post about this rare milestone that 99% of internt marketers haven't achieved because they give up to soon and he wanted to express to people that they can do it to as long as they can make a buck and scale. he said he sold click bank products through facebook advertising. he told people exactly how he did it

        now you need to really clarify what boasting or bragging is. for instance. if he were to have posted that he made $1 in a day. would that be boasting to you too?

        you also need to clarify some of your words. are you saying he shouldn't have posted anything because some people will read what he said and will completely give up on themselves? i think i may be taking it wrong(i hope i am).

        you go on further to say that him posting what he did allowed him to feel superior to others? by who's standards? he certainly didn't make me feel inferior. did he make you feel inferior? if so, how so? what if i were to tell you that your name "big frank" makes people feel inferior. will you change your name? probably not right? why would it be ok for you and not for someone else?

        don't even bother responding. you obviously hate what was posted by the op. hate some of the responses where people didn't feel the same way you did, you obviously don't see anything of value here and you're not adding anything of value. i think your time is better spent elsewhere than to troll a thread like this one.

        huh? what was that? nothing better to do? ok well, have at it big frank. me, i've said my piece in support of the op in which he deserved. you wont see me around. it's 11:11 now and i have to start my day in a productive way and listening to you wont allow me that......

        Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

        Boasting of financial success without offering anything of merit that might actually help someone that is struggling and losing hope, may do nothing more than make them feel even worse about their plight and decide to give up, immediately and completely.

        You're right, he doesn't owe anyone anything, but to post self-aggrandizing claptrap that does no one any good except to make the OP feel superior to others, does not garner any sense of 'contributing' from me.

        Yeah - I know the feeling. Your post did the same exact thing for me.

        Cheers. - Frank
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10051071].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
          Originally Posted by anwiii View Post

          it's 11:11 now and i have to start my day in a productive way and listening to you wont allow me that......
          Sorry that you must work on a Sunday. lol

          Cheers. - Frank
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10051088].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Cali16
          Originally Posted by anwiii View Post

          his only agenda i saw was to post about this rare milestone that 99% of internt marketers haven't achieved because they give up to soon and he wanted to express to people that they can do it to as long as they can make a buck and scale.
          That's the only "agenda" I saw as well.

          This thread is a very sad example of how much the WF has deteriorated. Anyone who posts about their success is viewed primarily with cynicism and assumed to have some ulterior motive. Why can't people just be happy for and encouraged by the OP's success?
          If you don't face your fears, the only thing you'll ever see is what's in your comfort zone. ~Anne McClain, astronaut
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10051674].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author discrat
            Originally Posted by Cali16 View Post

            That's the only "agenda" I saw as well.

            This thread is a very sad example of how much the WF has deteriorated. Anyone who posts about their success is viewed primarily with cynicism and assumed to have some ulterior motive. Why can't people just be happy for and encouraged by the OP's success?
            because many humans are a bunch of selfish, cynical b@stards.

            I know I personally said that a little more detail in sharing would be nice earlier in this Thread. But as far as ulterior motives etc..etc.. NO ! This person wanted to share success and now that I think about it there is nothing wrong with that.

            Most people who yell ulterior motive are the ones that if they can't do it they do not want to believe others can or they want to just deny that it can be done and put down others to make themselves feel better about their half ass pathetic lives.

            Human beings can be a real disgusting bunch

            - Robert Andrew

            Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10053137].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author srini30
      I think the members in the forum are misunderstanding the the query. Anwii, no one has asked him proof or does he need to prove a point to anyone, I agree he's put in his sweat and has got results which are really good and we all are proud of him.

      The only thing people in forum wanted is some kind of guidance/ insight into the biz or the method, that's all. I don't think so we should take it in a different light or manner.

      Agree some people would be comfortable sharing their methods and how they made it big whereas some wouldn't be.

      There's nothing else and no one is criticizing his hard work nor taking anything away any of his credit. All would be proud and grateful to learn a trick or two from this forum. I think most of us meant that and never had any tone of criticism nor taking away any of his achievements.



      Originally Posted by anwiii View Post

      people are actually asking for proof? wth! i don't know where people live but i live where people are innocent until proven guilty. then people are criticizing him because he didn't expland on something?

      if he wants to post a milestone, that should be ok and enough said. i've stated mine before from my first dollar to my first $100 day.

      what i can't believe is why people are giving this guy a hard time. this guy isn't even promoting anything....not even in a sig.

      other people coming in here to see the critisisms are gonna think twice about posting about their milestones now. either be supportive of your fellow warriors or don't say anything at all.

      i remember when i started dreaming big and working hard online, i banned everyone out of my life who wasn't supportive because i knew if i had to hear the criticisms and advice that wasn't for me, i wouldn't succeed.

      this guy shared his milestone through his blood sweat and tears. he doesn't owe anyone anything.

      the non support makes me want to throw up.....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10050921].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Michael J Anthony
    I think the OP's main point was that, #1) its possible to make money online and #2) if you can make $100, then you can scale up and make $1000 doing the same thing you did to reach $100.

    But basically, his method or "system" was that he used top converting Clickbank niches to make his first $1000 and he brought traffic to them by using Facebook PPC. Nothing fancy there, and I have made a few hundred dollars in a day by doing this very same thing. Don't know why some are looking for the "magic secret" here. I thought it was pretty clear how he did it.

    It's as if some people read what the OP did and then say, "C' did you REALLY do it"? LOL.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10050875].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author OmerFaruk
      Great, Congratulation. Carry on your earning

      Hostgator is the world best hosting company. If you want to buy hostgator 1 cent hosting Package? Use Hostgator 1 Cent Coupon to save Dollar.

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  • Profile picture of the author MyGolden
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  • Profile picture of the author ben500
    Still no proof

    In before OP posts a link selling his advice
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  • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
    Good on you, keep it going.

    Before I get to my first thousand dollar day, I'll tell you about my first $1,000.00 week, see it took a few days...

    back in 1997.

    I used a free website (angelfire, still use it and pay 2.95 a month for a site which has brought in tens of thousands of dollars)

    I only had a promotion on the site, selling someone else' product, which they collected the money for, delivered the product and paid me a sales commission. In 1997 there were very FEW affiliate programs.

    The commission was over 300 dollars and my four sales brought in about 1300 dollars, love affiliate marketing, probably the easiest way to get started.

    I didn't hit the 1000 bux a day online (offline, I had set up two businesses which both had 1000 dollar days, a singing telegram business and a resume biz)...

    but online, getting to a steady 1000 in a day was more difficult, but in 2002, via a forum and a LIST, I sold a product which I had created and updated, and had several 1000 dollar days during launch.

    Back in the early days of the www, many of us from the world of direct reponse marketing, those with copywriting experience especially, found a gold mine which is even easier for you as long as you don't get off track and blinded by shiny objects or discouraged by the cold water and hot air coming from the mouths of many.

    100 a day or a thousand a day requires your time and attention to details and goals and learning how to accept the joy of other's success and avoid or ignore the cold criticisms of the polar bears.


    Originally Posted by vamsikrish4 View Post


    It's not at all hard if you know what you are doing! I finally reached 1000$+ a day! If you find something giving you 5$ a day profit you can scale to any amount. Its all about trust and hard work. I used facebook ads and clickbank to achieve this. I started from 0$ a day like every one in internet marketing. Took long time to reach this milestone though. Its that I never give up anything easy.
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  • Profile picture of the author trell19832002
    so just picking a converting clickbank product and buying facebook ads really work?.. that simple?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10051096].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author derekwong28
    It is the same with PPC-affiliate marketing where there are lots of huge income claims but little reproducibility by others. It has taken over 10 years for me to do reasonably well at it.

    Do not get between a wombat and a chocolate biscuit; you will regret it dearly!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10051144].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Originally Posted by derekwong28 View Post

      It has taken over 10 years for me to do reasonably well at it.

      That doesn't mean other people have to spend that long mastering it. That's the beauty of (good/solid) info-products and Mentors.
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10051154].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Fatflynn
    Nothing is easy in the world.Today online business is the most suitable and profitable business if you give much time and dedication. So make $1000 is not a factor for you.I also living on online business.

    I am living on Smart Passive Income...Let's see what works.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10051194].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Millionaire777
    Congratulations, there are a lot of competition in Clickbank you must have a unique method to make 1k a day, Good Luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Vodini
    Originally Posted by vamsikrish4 View Post


    It's not at all hard if you know what you are doing! I finally reached 1000$+ a day! If you find something giving you 5$ a day profit you can scale to any amount. Its all about trust and hard work. I used facebook ads and clickbank to achieve this. I started from 0$ a day like every one in internet marketing. Took long time to reach this milestone though. Its that I never give up anything easy.
    congratulation...i always feel exctited when i read these kind of story.i really hope to achieve your same success!
    keep going and never give up on your self
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10051397].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      In the past it was common for people who had started out on this forum to come back after a while and post if they were successful. Not so much any more - because instead of "good job" - they get snarkiness from established members.

      That's one thing - but in this thread and others you have new members making the same rude comments to the OP. They don't know what they are talking about but think the smart### remarks are the acceptable form to use here.

      With very few exceptions - I'd guess most people posting the "prove it" and "WSO" remarks here have never earned $1000 online themselves in any time frame.

      And THIS is why posts like this have the potential to do more harm than good.
      I don't agree, Jack. If you are naive enough to believe you just "do this and you have money" - you might as well learn now it's not that easy. How much more can we dumb down threads here?
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10051453].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Michael Ellis
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        In the past it was common for people who had started out on this forum to come back after a while and post if they were successful. Not so much any more - because instead of "good job" - they get snarkiness from established members.

        It's been a while since I checked in... are there any established members still here? Everyone seems so new from the "regulars" just a couple years ago?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10054268].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          Yes, there are some old timers still here but due to the tenor of many of the threads now, we post less and less. Many who used to run frequent WSOs have moved on - if you look at questions beings asked in that section, you'll see why.

          Progress, I guess.
          Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
          One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
          what it is instead of what you think it should be.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10054486].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    There should be more posts like this.

    OP should be commended instead of criticized.

    Hard fact: If YOU are failing, you have no one else to blame except yourself.

    Why rain on the parade of those who are MAKING IT HAPPEN for themselves.

    In this world: you can either become BITTER or you GET BETTER.

    Congrats, OP! Keep up the great work!

    Personally speaking, my best day is a $52,000 multi-site development order. I had to pull in a team to take care of that project.

    To all those struggling, THIS is your thread. Get inspired. I love these types of threads!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Couple of points:

    1. What's interesting is that there have been a couple recent cases where the OP said they made big money and I am 99.99999% sure it is an absolute lie.

    One guy, within a month, supposedly sold 200+ Kindle books the same day he listed it and then a week later sent one email to a list of 100 people and sold $2500 worth of services (to several people not one big sale). This coming from posts about what to do to get out of the hole he's in a week or two earlier. I signed up to one of his magic email lists using a separate tagged address just to see what all the hoopla was and how he was getting such conversion rates. I didn't get ONE email - nothing.

    Yet people went out of their way to praise him and his amounts were much more than $1000.

    Why the difference?

    2. What if his motive IS to presell or to do a type of survey or whatever? It's not just giving back out of the generosity of his good heart. Isn't that what they are TOLD to do here? Do a survey in your target market. Join a forum and start building a relationship. Start building credibility as someone that can get things done and is successful.

    So when they do it why is it wrong? Or is it okay ONLY if it's done in a weight loss forum or a dating forum?

    3. One guy on this thread was asking for help lately and said outright - don't include your affiliate link because I won't buy from you but please help me. What a spoiled, childish, response! Begging for help but then not willing to give back in the least. Of course affiliate links aren't allowed in posts but that isn't the point. The point is the clear cut message that the OP in that thread wanted help but he wasn't willing to give anything in return.

    The post quality and common sense flowing through this forum just is unbelievable.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10051754].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Justin012
    It's so easy to post a thread about your $1000 a day earnings and give very little detail about it. This is a community forum so please share your experiences, not necessarily the methods you used to make that amount of money. Who knows, he may not be telling the truth.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10051764].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Yet people went out of their way to praise him and his amounts were much more than $1000.
      Because they wrote it out like a story - they didn't really say "how" they did it but they "seemed" to be explaining their 'methods'. They almost always have a link in their signature (usually to a signup page). They also have a big story about their life, their previous problems, blah de blah. People lap that stuff up....but the ones you mention are threads any experienced IMer could look at and go "yeah, right". I remember reporting one of them and gave mods a link to the site where that "story" was copy/pasted from...

      The post quality and common sense flowing through this forum just is unbelievable. you mean the "lack thereof"??
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10051789].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post
 you mean the "lack thereof"??
        I learned a long time ago from a seminar to use "unbelievable" to avoid being too negative or too positive. A lot of times when people ask me how my day is going I'll say "unbelievable" but won't elaborate on whether it's unbelievably good or unbelievably bad.

        In this case then

        The post quality and common sense flowing through this forum just is unbelievable.
        which of the unbelievable meanings do you think I meant?

        I could have played the sig whore card or the idiot card or the "can't believe your mama raised you this way" card or the loser card or any number of negative cards but in this one instance I chose to just leave it at "unbelievable."

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10052329].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          Mark -

          Sort of like the Southern "Bless your heart". Such a useful phrase with so many meanings...
          Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
          One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
          what it is instead of what you think it should be.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10052574].message }}
  • Holy crap guys. OP posted: "Made My First 1000$ A Day"

    Keyword "FIRST".

    Not: "Each and every day," etc...
    And then, (since some of you are bitching about why he didn't tell you how he did it),

    Well actually he did say:

    If you find something giving you 5$ a day profit you can scale to any amount.
    If half of you in this thread would even grasp this concept and act on it,
    then his post wouldn't be as big of a deal since you might be able to do the same.

    And then he even posted:

    I used facebook ads and clickbank to achieve this.
    Well that certainly sounds to me like an "in case you're wondering how I did it, here's how"

    doesn't it?

    He didn't have to post any of that info, but yet he did!

    And what's more....

    Not to sound cocky about it all, he even added:

    Took long time to reach this milestone though.
    And that tells me he's been toiling long days and nights trying to figure it all out.

    And then he did!

    And he wanted you to know that he didn't just get lucky, BUT IT TOOK TIME to figure it all out and get it right.

    He is not obligated to post anything else. Is he?

    What..., he has to give you a "hold you by the hand step by step" blueprint?

    Many of you bitching probably wouldn't do anything with it anyways.

    Especially when you realize posting ads on Facebook is not "free".

    Arnold Stolting - Stolting Media Group
    "I LOVE The Song! The Vibe Is Positive And Firm!" - Kymani Marley. (Son of Bob Marley).

    "Very High Quality!" Jeremy Harding - Manager / Producer. Sean Paul.
    "They Are FANTASTIC!" - Willie Crawford.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10051809].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author beiter
    Willing to share the profit on this 1,000?
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  • Profile picture of the author rful526
    Wow, That is great dear, I want to earn like you, Please suggest me how can i start of internet marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author WarGun
    Nice dude!

    There is always haters out there to pee on the parade. Keep crushing it!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10052628].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by WarGun View Post

      Nice dude!

      There is always haters out there to pee on the parade. Keep crushing it!
      Yes, and there will always be those that accept any claim at face value. So much for 'reasoned-thinking.' lol

      Cheers. - Frank
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10052645].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kilgore
    I'm of two minds on this discussion.

    First, if OP doesn't give any information about how he did it, then what's the point of the post? Ostensibly these posts are meant to inspire, but I agree with Joe Gordon in that I think this type of "inspiration" does more harm than good. As Kay King rightly pointed out "It often takes many months or a couple years to reach a place where you can count on IM money" -- but these types of posts almost always give the impression that succeeding in online business is easy.

    Indeed the OP states that "If you find something giving you 5$ a day profit you can scale to any amount. Its all about trust and hard work."

    But he's wrong, of course. Not every $5/day profit can scale to "any amount" (for instance all businesses are in some way limited by the size of the market they serve, their competition and what they do -- it's not to say that these are immutable factors, but the fact is that some businesses are far more scalable than others.)

    Nor is it all about "trust and hard work" (though those are certainly important, if all you have going for you is trust and hard work you're going to go nowhere fast).

    I also think that these types of posts encourage people to get their motivation extrinsically rather than intrinsically. People look at the big (or small) payday and start dreaming about all the money they're going to make. And I guess that's OK to some extent, but what it also does is treat online business like a fairy tale and not like the longshot that it really is.

    The vast majority of entrepreneurs fail -- whether online or offline -- and even those that succeed often struggle for weeks, months or years before they get their business models right. So if you're a budding entrepreneur and your motivation is coming from the successes of other people, I just don't think you're going to last long when adversity hits (and it will) or you don't get the results you want right off the bat (and you won't).

    All that said...

    I'm not saying these posts don't have any value. Working alone or distributed teams (as most people here probably do) certainly has its advantages, but it can also be lonely -- and not just when times are bad. Not having anyone (or at least anyone who really understand your business) to share the good times with can be just as hard. It might feel like you've won the Boston Marathon, but there was nobody at the finish line cheering. And so for the people posting these messages, being congratulated can indeed be motivating.

    So if part of the reason for the WF is to provide support and encouragement to its members, these posts actually can be helpful -- at least to the people posting them. But at the same time, let's not kid ourselves that these types of threads are anything but an ego stroke for them. It may be a useful, necessary or well-deserved ego stroke, but that's what it is.

    What these posts are not, however, is motivating or otherwise helpful for others -- but as I said above, I think that's OK. Personally, I find most of these "I made my first $XXXXX" posts tiresome and unrevealing. I make what I make today and I'll make more than I make tomorrow. And that has nothing whatsoever to do with what anyone else says they make on the WF. But I don't have to read these posts, and so usually I don't.

    If these posts are motivating for the people posting them, if it gives them a little boost to brag a little (nothing wrong with a little bragging!) and to be congratulated as they set off to meet their next set of goals, I won't begrudge them that. But I do wish these posts would stopped being couched in trite aphorisms like "If I can do it so can you!" or "All you gotta do is scale up" or "This proves you should never give up!" or "I just wanted to post about my success to give back to the community!" Because all of that is crap. It's just not true.

    Instead, I wish posts like this would be written with a large disclaimer for newbies:

    "My experience is not typical for most people starting online businesses. Past performance is no guarantee of future results."
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10052651].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by kilgore View Post

      But I do wish these posts would stopped being couched in trite aphorisms like "If I can do it so can you!" or "All you gotta do is scale up" or "This proves you should never give up!" or "I just wanted to post about my success to give back to the community!" Because all of that is crap. It's just not true.
      Gee, when I point that out, I'm perceived as the devil. BTW - you forgot, 'Build a list." lol

      Cheers. - Frank
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10052666].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author 6figure101
    First, I am skeptical of his claim, 2nd, there was not much value in his post, if anything, as someone else mentioned, it may even be misleading to others how easy it appears.

    Anyone who has made any significant amount of money using his strategy (Clickbank/FB ads) knows it is far more complex. Without time, money and testing, you won't see similar results.

    Like others, I feel there were ulterior motives behind this post.

    If you genuinely want to help others, or you are trying to become an overnight authority figure, you should share more details, vague posts only leave the newbies more lost and confused.

    - mytwocents
    I am currently looking to add 3 driven members to my new (FREE) Mastermind group - Are you interested?
    - Join my MasterMind Group -
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  • Profile picture of the author NourElyakin
    how can i get job in the net ? i'm a designer :/ anyone can help me here please ?
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  • This post, or I should say many of the "replies" to it,
    is the reason why I brought up separating the "main internet discussion forum" into:
    "beginner", "intermediate", and "advanced" In another thread a while back.

    This would avoid some of this negativity, and those on a higher income level could discuss how to ramp this up for the OP, together with the OP, as opposed to treating this post like a $1000 day is a big frickin "fantasy".

    Ok, I understand that a large % of you in this thread have never even had a $100 day,
    because if you did, that $1000 might be closer to something you could achieve in time.

    Ok, I know that many of you (from threads started elsewhere) just want to make an extra $5 a day, presumably to pay for your school lunches, but there are other realities out there you know?

    People do earn $100, $500 and yes $1000+ each and every day online. It's just not posted about all the time because it's become somewhat of a well.... daily income?

    But yeah, I guess "thou shalt not hit a new milestone and post about it in the WF",
    because apparently all hell breaks loose and you get very little support.

    What you are doing is just creating negative energy for yourself by seeing $x amount as "unattainable, must be a lie," etc, and that's just sabotaging your own path and success.
    Arnold Stolting - Stolting Media Group
    "I LOVE The Song! The Vibe Is Positive And Firm!" - Kymani Marley. (Son of Bob Marley).

    "Very High Quality!" Jeremy Harding - Manager / Producer. Sean Paul.
    "They Are FANTASTIC!" - Willie Crawford.

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  • Profile picture of the author reln
    Why would someone start a thread like this and not be active in the discussions?!
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    • Originally Posted by reln View Post

      Why would someone start a thread like this and not be active in the discussions?!
      1. Because he got bashed on early on, when all he did was post a milestone,
      possibly expecting less immaturity.

      2. Because he's busy making money, while you guys hang out here bitching about
      not making money and asking for handouts.
      Arnold Stolting - Stolting Media Group
      "I LOVE The Song! The Vibe Is Positive And Firm!" - Kymani Marley. (Son of Bob Marley).

      "Very High Quality!" Jeremy Harding - Manager / Producer. Sean Paul.
      "They Are FANTASTIC!" - Willie Crawford.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10053176].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author reln
        Originally Posted by stoltingmediagroup View Post

        1. Because he got bashed on early on, when all he did was post a milestone,
        possibly expecting less immaturity.

        2. Because he's busy making money, while you guys hang out here bitching about
        not making money and asking for handouts.

        3. This person started a bogus thread
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10053181].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
          Originally Posted by reln View Post


          3. This person started a bogus thread

          To be fair, he did respond until all the "negative" posts.
          "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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          • Profile picture of the author Kay King
            1. Because he got bashed on early on, when all he did was post a milestone, possibly expecting less immaturity.

            2. Because he's busy making money, while you guys hang out here bitching about not making money and asking for handouts.
            Actually #3 is because there are few in this thread worth discussing anything with.

            Funny - some are so busy trying to find witty put downs for the OP they don't realize their posts tell a lot about THEM as people and as marketers. That's not a compliment, by the way.
            Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
            One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
            what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Gordon
    I am willing to accept that I *probably* have been more cynical than was called for under the circumstances.

    But, in my perfect world, I would love to see this be an environment that did a better job of discouraging (and banning) fakers and frauds. Then the membership that actually cares could stand down a bit and have an easier time celebrating those small victories, without feeling like we are about to be made to look gullible.

    This would particularly benefit those, like the OP, that don't have any kind of a reputation yet but still (presumably) want to become an active part of the community.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    It's interesting to see the people with sigs selling how to make money products that don't believe that $1,000 on one day after a long effort is possible.

    Likewise it's interesting all the people that don't believe $1,000 one time on one day is possible even after long struggle.

    What does this say about the sellers of these systems, the systems themselves, and their customers?

    Does this mean that none of these systems work? That it's all a lie?

    Does this mean that if you do make money online that there is no hope for making more than a few dollars a day - basically having an uncertain job? I mean if the title was $100 people may not have been so cynical. But $100 after long struggle is a little more than minimum wage.

    Does this mean that the people here that are cynical that also post in other "how do I make $x threads are truly just doing it for the signature exposure there? I mean they don't believe that $1000 on one day is possible on this thread so how can they truly help someone on another thread?

    Does this thread mean success is not what the WF is about anymore but it's all about failure or low achievement? The $5 a day or the power is getting cut off threads get lots of positive attention but if someone has a small breakthrough all heck breaks lose.

    Does all the snark about an upcoming WSO mean that WSOs are looked at as frauds or dishonesty or worthless by those that bring this up? What about those that are selling products in their own sig? Did they post just to get the sig exposure? If not why did they post?

    Lots to think about. None of it good or uplifting and none of it complimentary of what this forum has become.

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  • Profile picture of the author ScottXG
    What venture is this?
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  • Profile picture of the author melchidex88
    Congrats man, persistance is key and you're a great example for those struggling to achieve their goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author CPABeyondNetwork
    Congratulations, it's an awesome achievement! Try to scale that to few k $ a day. Invest that money back into business.

    Wish you luck with your future work.

    Best regards,

    CPA Beyond

    AM at CPA Beyond - #1 Private Network - Daily Payments (No Fees)

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  • Profile picture of the author Silentcloud
    That's incredible to hear. Congratulations!
    Swift Sharks creates compelling websites with exceptional results using expertise in web design, development, and digital strategy. We help our clients achieve sustainable success by strategically bringing their ideas to life in an ever-changing online world. How can we help you?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10055288].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author joekoffi
    How much profit did you get from that?
    Affiliate Marketing For Bloggers, Revealing unknown killer Affiliate Marketing tricks for Bloggers. Special Discount: WF17
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  • Profile picture of the author KinneyJ2014
    Originally Posted by vamsikrish4 View Post


    It's not at all hard if you know what you are doing! I finally reached 1000$+ a day! If you find something giving you 5$ a day profit you can scale to any amount. Its all about trust and hard work. I used facebook ads and clickbank to achieve this. I started from 0$ a day like every one in internet marketing. Took long time to reach this milestone though. Its that I never give up anything easy.
    question I have for you. How much did you spend on facebook ads before you saw a profit
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  • Profile picture of the author markbyrne
    My two cents...

    If this were real life, and there were a group of people stood in a group who make money online daily, and this guy comes along and said "I made my first grand today!", we'd just say a hearty "well done". Now, let's say that group is made up of half money earners and half people who are struggling to even make a dollar. If the guy says the same thing, he KNOWS half the group will ask "how???".

    What I'm saying is, either don't say anything, or at least point them in the right direction. Example, say "check out Joe Bloggs' ppc guide on wso forum" or, in the very least, offer to help in some way.

    Imho, think about the response before posting.
    Want a stable business in the craft niche? Get started with our MYLAR stencils! UK seller, and made in the UK!

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  • Profile picture of the author KinneyJ2014
    how many followers did have on your fan page
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  • Profile picture of the author Cali16
    Originally Posted by markbyrne View Post

    What I'm saying is, either don't say anything, or at least point them in the right direction. Example, say "check out Joe Bloggs' ppc guide on wso forum" or, in the very least, offer to help in some way.

    Imho, think about the response before posting.
    With all due respect, Mark, why can't someone just share his or her success? Not to mention, he did "point people in the right direction" - he said he used Facebook ads and Clickbank. I'm sure there are plenty of WSOs and other guides available that can help those interested in this approach. However, they will still have to put in the hard work and be patient with regards to getting the kind of results the OP has achieved.

    People should be able to post a success story without having to turn their thread into a personal coaching session and answer everyone's questions as to how they did it. That mentality no doubt deters a lot of people from even bothering to start a similar thread, and that's really unfortunate.

    Personally, I thought the OP's humble post was a breath of fresh air. He doesn't owe a detailed explanation (or any explanation for that matter) as to how he did it, and I think lecturing or criticizing him because he didn't do so is, frankly, out of line.
    If you don't face your fears, the only thing you'll ever see is what's in your comfort zone. ~Anne McClain, astronaut
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    • Profile picture of the author Ladylavender
      Originally Posted by Cali16 View Post

      With all due respect, Mark, why can't someone just share his or her success? Not to mention, he did "point people in the right direction" - he said he used Facebook ads and Clickbank. I'm sure there are plenty of WSOs and other guides available that can help those interested in this approach. However, they will still have to put in the hard work and be patient with regards to getting the kind of results the OP has achieved.

      People should be able to post a success story without having to turn their thread into a personal coaching session and answer everyone's questions as to how they did it. That mentality no doubt deters a lot of people from even bothering to start a similar thread, and that's really unfortunate.

      Personally, I thought the OP's humble post was a breath of fresh air. He doesn't owe a detailed explanation (or any explanation for that matter) as to how he did it, and I think lecturing or criticizing him because he didn't do so is, frankly, out of line.

      I was thinking the same thing.....well said
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  • Profile picture of the author himanuzo
    Whatever products you promote include ClickBank, don't forget to build your own list after you get traffic from Facebook.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10056115].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author n3o
    good for you .. does facebook allow direct linking ?
    India Casino Affiliate - Best Casino Affiliate Programs in India
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10075773].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author advent
    Congrats Man, Hope you din't use any FB Viral script. lol
    Advent Designs a Web Design and Web Development Company, Can Help Your Business Development effective by Web Development Service. As a SEO Company in Chennai, offer you a Complete SEO Services in Chennai
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  • Profile picture of the author Ladylavender
    Originally Posted by vamsikrish4 View Post


    It's not at all hard if you know what you are doing! I finally reached 1000$+ a day! If you find something giving you 5$ a day profit you can scale to any amount. Its all about trust and hard work. I used facebook ads and clickbank to achieve this. I started from 0$ a day like every one in internet marketing. Took long time to reach this milestone though. Its that I never give up anything easy.

    Hard work always pays off
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