article writing question with keyword research

5 replies
I have a question about article related keyword research.

Is it a good idea to research the proper keyword with low competition before you start writing on article related to the keyword?

What I discovered is that a keyword that was pre written for me, e.g. Allergies due to the weather and when I use keyword planner by adwords and put in the keywords allegies and weather, most results come out medium to high competitive. So I am thining of modifying the article subject matter to a keyword that is high in search volume but low in competition.

What do you think? Otherwise looking for just weather / allergy related will never populate a good outcome.

Also even if I had to choose one or the other, if someone is searching for weather related things they may not want to read about allergies and vice versa.....

Thanks for your feedback..
#article #keyword #question #research #writing
  • Profile picture of the author ArticlePrince
    Always always always do your keyword research before writing (if possible). Write for your readers first and SEO second. Also, keep in mind that most keyword tools are showing PPC competition, which is not always the same as SEO competition.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ghoster
    People here will tell you that keywords are very important. But really, the best thing you can do for yourself in the long-term is write with human readers in mind.

    You'll get the keyword in there enough, and people will actually read what you're writing. Don't be afraid to use synonyms for your keyword. This will make your content more readable—and shareable.

    This frees you up to write what you think your audience actually cares about.

    It's your job to know what your audience wants, and what problem you can solve for them.

    On the whole, you get what you pay for.

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    • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
      Both of the above answers are right.

      You should find a low competition keyword and write your article about that. Other than making sure its in a 500 word article 2 times don't worry about it.

      Write for your readers and use descriptive words that talk about your subject. These will nearly always end up being LSI keywords and will end up getting you a goodly portion of your traffic.

      Both above are right. Combine them and you should have great results.

      But yes, do your KW research 1st. Find an easy KW and then write for your readers.

      Thank you, Patrick
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  • Profile picture of the author Romeo90
    Originally Posted by TAHERSYED34 View Post

    I have a question about article related keyword research.

    Is it a good idea to research the proper keyword with low competition before you start writing on article related to the keyword?

    What I discovered is that a keyword that was pre written for me, e.g. Allergies due to the weather and when I use keyword planner by adwords and put in the keywords allegies and weather, most results come out medium to high competitive. So I am thining of modifying the article subject matter to a keyword that is high in search volume but low in competition.

    What do you think? Otherwise looking for just weather / allergy related will never populate a good outcome.

    Also even if I had to choose one or the other, if someone is searching for weather related things they may not want to read about allergies and vice versa.....

    Thanks for your feedback..
    You do know that the competition column in GKP is to do with competiton within paid search results, and nothing to do with organic content don't you?

    Low competition simply means there aren't many paid advertisers paying for their keywords to go into the Ad spots you sometimes see in Google results.
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  • Profile picture of the author svsets10
    The competition is based on adwords and bidding. To get a real idea of competition it is best to use mozbar and look at the actual SERPS
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