11 replies
Hi guys. I am a little bit confused in choosing niche.
I like Forex and investing niche but the competition is high and the cpc is high what is good.
Lets say niche like gardening or fishing... competition low and cpc also low.

What would you choose? I am interested in finance niche myself but...

Thank you.
  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Vodini
    if you just starting with IM do not over-complicate the things going into difficult subject, by the way i'd recommend you to get into a niche you are passionate about, you said finance? try that one, but not before done your own research about it
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  • Profile picture of the author Houlian
    Out of those choices you listed, I would definitely do something in the finance niche. From experience, I've found people in the gardening niche don't like to spend a lot of money.
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  • Profile picture of the author incoe
    I would go with finance cause you like it, you would be able to give it 100% and if it's a blog then you will be able to simplify things for people and monetise it, if it's a product then you will be able to sell it etc ...

    good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author CPABeyondNetwork
    You can go with finance out of those 4, it has the biggest potential.

    Best regards,

    CPA Beyond

    AM at CPA Beyond - #1 Private Network - Daily Payments (No Fees)

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  • Profile picture of the author wesleywinter
    I agree with everyone above. Finance is a big niche and it is very competitive, but once you learn a decent method to drive traffic you can do well with it!
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  • Profile picture of the author kdrinky12
    I think finance, if that's something you are passionate about.
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  • Profile picture of the author Miguelito203
    Originally Posted by askamnet View Post

    Hi guys. I am a little bit confused in choosing niche.
    I like Forex and investing niche but the competition is high and the cpc is high what is good.
    Lets say niche like gardening or fishing... competition low and cpc also low.

    What would you choose? I am interested in finance niche myself but...

    Thank you.
    I agree with others who have said finance. When you starting out, its easier to go into a niche that you are in yourself and already know something about (easier to connect with your audience and promote products). It can also save you money because you can start out promoting something that you already own. Just make sure it's being searched for.

    Also, while gardening and fishing are profitable niches, they are smaller (fewer opportunities to make money). I could be wrong, but gardening seems like a niche where people don't spend much money (seems like other people do it more), and I think fishing is seasonal.

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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    From experience, I've found people in the gardening niche don't like to spend a lot of money.
    So far this Spring I have spent around $400 for gardening related products online.

    Tip: Hydroponics!
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author Greg_Mason
    Cpa is best try cpalead or sell bitcoin
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert999
    Originally Posted by askamnet View Post

    Hi guys. I am a little bit confused in choosing niche.
    I like Forex and investing niche but the competition is high and the cpc is high what is good.
    Lets say niche like gardening or fishing... competition low and cpc also low.

    What would you choose? I am interested in finance niche myself but...

    Thank you.
    Select the main topic that interests you like Finance/Earning Money Online. visit wordtracker . com and use their free keywords research tool. Search different variations of your main topic and prepare a list of 100 or more longtail keywords. Then create content around those keywords.

    Monetize your website using Adsense or Clickbank. See my link below to get step by step guide.
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  • Hello askamnet

    If a finance topic that you most passionate about and what you know most things, then it starts with finance, of course you do before due investigation.
    Once you learn a process, if you want it, you can replicate.

    Moderators Note: Affiliate links are not allowed as signatures.

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