I still cannot find a good health produce from click bank prefer with affiliate banner.

4 replies
I search through , almost all never provide their affiliate banner.

hmm....anyone happen to come by one provide their own affiliate banner ad?

prefer just paste the code on my site , visitor click the banner will go to their product site.
#affiliate #bank #banner #click #find #good #health #prefer #produce
  • Profile picture of the author Jason Freeman
    Devilfish168, when your searching for Clickbank products in the marketplace go to advance search and click on Vendor has affiliate tools page available under Affiliate Tools Page. I was able to find many with banners.

    Another thing you can do is to have banners created by someone on Fiverr or Elance. You have them base it on the product. Then you just add your link when you add the picture to your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlexDoerian
    You may also find banners under promotional page, that is sometimes written on the description of the affiliate product.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
    I know exactly what your talking about. I've spent alot of time on CB trying to find ads and it is sad that most programs don't have crap, even if you can find their affiliate page. Sure don't understand how they expect people to sell their products without good promotional tools. Should be affiliate marketing rule #1.

    Of course another option is to make your own. I've done that many times over the years.

    That are try contacting the seller(s)?
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  • Profile picture of the author camohit
    Its not from Clickbank but I find Banners to promote (exactly what you mentioned). That also has 45% commission sharing so who cares if I sell product from Clickbank or anywhere else as I am getting the money and getting the trainings and tools to get success in my business. My pointis it all depends on the person who's products you are promoting as an affiliate. The more easy the person makes for their affiliates by providing the tools and techniques the more successful they will be. Beause an affiliate is always looking for easy ways to promote the products to their list or subscribers etc. Its the value addition, the quality of service which makes a person successful and stand out from the crowd.
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