by Emp
2 replies
Hi guys

I'm pretty familiar with Adwords, Adsense, wordpress, etc. but I'm totally new to affiliate marketing. I mean, I know the concept, but not sure what type of products work, what don't. Or what converts well, vs what's competitive, vs what gives high % comm

I need some advice.

If I start an affiliate site, and don't build content and don't depend on organic traffic. Instead I use Adwords and other ppc platforms to drive traffic to my site. Is that practical? End of the day, the cpc I pay should be less than an affiliate conversion.

Over time I'll optimize base on conversion and build an audience, attribution model to lower the cpc further

Are there such products / niches? If so what are some of them?

#affiliate #sem
  • Profile picture of the author Emp
    Anyone for advice?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10084722].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author @tjr
    Will it works? It depends. That's where the whole testing part of business comes into play. I (or anyone else) could give you an answer from personal experience (or blowing smoke from our rear ends) but it means nothing to you specifically.

    No one can do it for you, or take the risk away. Get to work.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10084726].message }}

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