Any tips to increase my affiliate sales?

by G3
43 replies
I've started blogging about WordPress themes in Jan 2015 and its been 4 months. I'm using affiliate links for all the themes I listed there but I just made one sale so far and it's worth $3.50. I'm really depressed with the outcome. So, can anyone please suggest me better tips to make affiliate sales. My blog is IO Themes - Best Free and Premium WordPress Themes
#affiliate #increase #sales #tips
  • Profile picture of the author Olavski
    first thing: I was almost leaving, then your pop-up email opt-in form came up and the button on it... "okay. don't spam me" you should change it.
    Second thing: don't be just another marketer, think about that
    Third thing: Try PPC to increase your traffic and make more sales or see if you can advertise on for example wordpress forums.

    Good luck!

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    • Profile picture of the author G3
      @Olavski I thought Don't Spam Me would be creative but I am wrong ! Okay,I'll change it.
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      • Profile picture of the author Olavski
        Originally Posted by G3 View Post

        @Olavski I thought Don't Spam Me would be creative but I am wrong ! Okay,I'll change it.
        Don't spam me" <----- It still sounds like you are going to spam them and if you're going to send promotional emails, well, your leads will more be likely to see that as spam. send me the this that kind of thing can look better in the form. But still i have to say, your website looks pretty awesome, and i bookmarked it, so i can take a look if i need a good wp theme! Keep up the good work!
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        • Profile picture of the author G3
          Originally Posted by Olavski View Post

          Don't spam me" <----- It still sounds like you are going to spam them and if you're going to send promotional emails, well, your leads will more be likely to see that as spam. send me the this that kind of thing can look better in the form. But still i have to say, your website looks pretty awesome, and i bookmarked it, so i can take a look if i need a good wp theme! Keep up the good work!
          Thank you very much. I'll consider your advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by G3 View Post

    I've started blogging about WordPress themes in Jan 2015 and its been 4 months. I'm using affiliate links for all the themes I listed there but I just made one sale so far and it's worth $3.50. I'm really depressed with the outcome. So, can anyone please suggest me better tips to make affiliate sales. My blog is IO Themes - Best Free and Premium WordPress Themes
    Scrap the aff. links on your Site and set up an optin and start sending out emails to build some rapport

    And then you can put some links within those emails

    - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author aprilaraceli
    I have been using many ways to increase my site traffic. I depend on the SEO. Most of the time I use the Forum posting, Article submission, Blog commenting, Book marking & so on. You can use these way to increase your site traffic. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
    Do reviews of the products you promote...

    And if the vendor allows it, add bonuses that come with the purchase.
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  • Profile picture of the author Luke Dennison
    Guest post on other wordpress websites that review themes.

    You will get a lot of free targeted traffic which will convert into sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author tyronne78
    There are 3 ways to increase sales:

    Get more customers - get more leads,get better at converting your leads to customers
    Get more money per transaction - simply promote affiliate products that have better payouts (common sense)
    Get more customers to buy again - add more products and services to your funnel.
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  • Profile picture of the author lainsworth
    You need to be seen as a reliable source of information and add massive value to your target audience. Essentially nurture a relationship and get them ready to buy from you.

    You could try setting up a free community like a Facebook Group dedicated solely to understanding how to use wordpress themes (video tutorials on some of the themes you promote, how to use them, which is better for a particular niche, invite other wordpress experts to do quick interviews, recommend plugins etc).

    Once you start to add value that comes at no cost, people will see you as a trusted resource and will be more inclined to purchase from you in the future.

    Hope this helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    You have been blogging for four months but how much 'targeted' traffic are you generating?
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    • Profile picture of the author G3
      Originally Posted by Rory Singh View Post

      You have been blogging for four months but how much 'targeted' traffic are you generating?
      Not too much. It's around 2k-2.5k a month.
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  • Profile picture of the author MrJoeRed
    Most of your blogs include 20+ themes. Try to do a top 10 or less so you don't overwhelm the viewer.
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  • Profile picture of the author wgrogers
    Originally Posted by G3 View Post

    I've started blogging about WordPress themes in Jan 2015 and its been 4 months. I'm using affiliate links for all the themes I listed there but I just made one sale so far and it's worth $3.50. I'm really depressed with the outcome. So, can anyone please suggest me better tips to make affiliate sales. My blog is IO Themes - Best Free and Premium WordPress Themes
    I advise you sell something with a much higher payout, around 47$ per sales. Lets be realistic, it would take 30 sales per day to earn you a consistent 100$ daily income. I would rather make 2 sales each day at $47. Much more achievable.
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  • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
    Originally Posted by G3 View Post

    I've started blogging about WordPress themes in Jan 2015 and its been 4 months. I'm using affiliate links for all the themes I listed there but I just made one sale so far and it's worth $3.50. I'm really depressed with the outcome. So, can anyone please suggest me better tips to make affiliate sales. My blog is IO Themes - Best Free and Premium WordPress Themes
    Depend your niche.

    There are so many programs etc out there.

    Guess maybe you want to try another affiliate.
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  • Profile picture of the author shaunybb
    Originally Posted by G3 View Post

    I've started blogging about WordPress themes in Jan 2015 and its been 4 months. I'm using affiliate links for all the themes I listed there but I just made one sale so far and it's worth $3.50. I'm really depressed with the outcome. So, can anyone please suggest me better tips to make affiliate sales. My blog is IO Themes - Best Free and Premium WordPress Themes

    hey there,

    The site looks ok but like a few other people have suggested get rid of the affiliate links. Also make your email capture pop up more attractive, yes definitely remove that spam message. You must have came across some enticing email capture pop up text before so adapt that don't copy but get some ideas

    Don't be depressed or negative be positive and keep plugging away at this!!! Have a positive mindset and do whatever it takes. If one thing is not working change it?

    Lastly get more targeted traffic to your blog
    ====>READY To Be Successful Online? FIND OUT more!?<====
    You FAIL online because you have the WRONG information.....
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  • Profile picture of the author gluckspilz
    Hey G3.

    First, I want to say congratulations and well done on your website. Believe it or not, I can almost guarantee you that you have worked 1,000,000 times harder than most people looking for an easy way out. Again, well done mate.

    Second, just like most advice given from other members... You need to focus on list building. A plugin I highly recommend you grab is Thrive Leads. It's pretty newbie friendly and makes life so much easier.

    I can see that your exit intent pop is about getting free themes. Is this what visitor really want? Free themes? Have you tested your lead magnet?

    Keep in mind that sometimes a lead magnet that aims to solve their ultimate goal is lot more valuable to your visitors. I can only assume that any visitor on your website already has a website so some lead magnets you can test are...

    "6-Steps To Optimizing Your Website For Higher Conversions"
    "1 Simple Trick To Increase Your Website's Load Time & Make More Sales"

    Etc Etc...

    I'm don't really know much about the wordpress theme industry but MAYBE, you can outsource and create your own theme and sell that as well...

    Again, I just want to say well done and keep up the hard work.
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    • Profile picture of the author G3
      @gluckspliz Yes, you are right about the popup, it shouldn't be about free themes. I'll definitely consider your advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    How many themes would you anticipate the average business owner will buy?

    Most of your visitors are going to be looking for ONE theme, not a new theme every few months. They want one to accomplish their specific goals TODAY.

    Get more focused on the premium themes and less focused on free.

    Also, you may want to consider switching your capture pop-up to offer them advice on Tips and Techniques, not coupons and discounts. Since most of them are in the market for one theme, not one theme per month.

    Last...Start hitting some posts on best place to host your Wordpress site, best autoresponder service to integrate with Wordpress, etc...That gives you more affiliate sales opportunities.
    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author RevConnect
    the best way for you to scale it big, is to start building a targeted list. Also you can try advertising the offers using facebook or 7search
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  • Profile picture of the author Jimbrown123
    You can share it on your social media channels. Tag the merchants, brands or retailers you’re promoting when you share your links on Twitter. Reddit is also a good platform, you should check it out.
    PR-6 Web Links Directory - Submit Your Links/Articles Free
    Pufi Games - Games For Girls | Play Thousand of Games Online
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  • Profile picture of the author Leonhart
    First of all, your site looks great.

    But here are some things that can be slightly improved:

    - The content on your site talks a lot about the best 25 templates, or the 30 greatest magazine templates, 15 mouth watering photography templates .. I don't think you're connecting with your audience on your blog at all.

    Yes, people who visit your blog are probably interested to know the best templates they can use for their site but if they don't know who they're listening to, why they're listening to this guy, I don't think they're gonna make a buying decision.

    I see you're being too much focused on actually getting your visitors to click on the 'affiliate links' on your blog rather than make them entertained. Below every image on your blog there is a "see demo - or purchase" links which both lead to an affiliate site.

    Instead of being so pushy, why don't you relax, tell them which templates go well with different niches, how it's gonna help them in their business and stuff like that - and let them make the decision whether they will buy the template or not.

    Often times we're just chasing the money and trying to make a quick buck, but it always works against our favor.

    If I was you, here's what I would do.

    Write more engaging content, again this doesn't have to be your content, it can be outsourced. On the right side of your blog, just above the popular links, I'd add a banner that says something like this: "See how I grew my blog traffic by 200% and lowered my bounce rate below 30% using this secret wordpress template". Obviously the example shown is pretty unrealistic, but it serves as a nice example of how to actually get people to click on that banner.

    After they click on that, you can send them to a presell page for that template that you're promoting as an affiliate. I believe this would give you higher change to convert your visitors into buyers.

    Anyway, this is my opinion and I would suggest you always test new things to see how your conversion rate can be improved.

    Don't be afraid to test and try new and different things, even if they flop, you're still going to learn something along the way.

    Thanks for reading and hopefully this post will help you one way or another,

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    • Profile picture of the author G3
      OMG! This is something new I never thought about, thank you Leon. I loved your advice, I'll think about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author extrememan
    Have you ever consider building a list to market your products/services? Just an idea..
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Sell via an email newsletter. I dont know where the heck to start on your homepage. There's links to blog posts everywhere. Are you trying to copy your competitors? You *kinda* compensated for it with the hover ad... but you need more than that - and so do your website visitors.
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  • Start building a list.

    Then sell products/services/themes/everything using email marketing

    [CENTER][B]==> Do you want to make money online? [/B]
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  • I am new to the forum, but have been building since the beginning of Geocities and Tripod. I just lost all the kids in the room, lol!.. Anyway, I agree with everything that the contributors have graciously added so far, and it is all very sound advice. I have been having some conversion issues as of late myself.

    The advice that I would add would be don't leave out a little research into top-tier products in your given niche. In other-words for WP templates an example would be Themify, and they have a generous affiliate program of 30%. The theme pack is 79.00 and the builder module is 39.00, so for a drag and drop WYS/WYG builder that takes all of the hassle out of WordPress it is worth it to the client and well worth the cost considering that for the 79.00 theme pack you get all of there themes (templates) and EVERY NEW ONE THEY WILL EVER MAKE!

    You could also expand into membership scripts and templated software needed for WordPress as add-ons. One that comes to mind is Optimize Press 2.0 and it is a steal at 297.00. There is an additional 197.00 (Wishlist Member) for the Membership Module. That is around $500.00 worth of software with a good chunk in your pocket when you make a sale. I just purchased these through a vendor's site similar to yours and they got a nice commission.

    I decided when I started out on the "Forum" that the one thing I would do differently that I had seen in the past is lead people away from the money that they were afraid they might miss themselves. Well, In that spirit, I am giving you my best advice, your design looks fantastic! Don't sweat it out all day plastering reviews of $14 WordPress templates! If your only going to make three sales that month, make them big ones! Then as your business grows you may become the leader in your top-tier high dollar niche. People like me spend money on those items, and they might as well come to you!

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  • Profile picture of the author kazim
    I suggest you to read this article. It will help you to improve your sales.
    3 Tips To Improve Your Affiliate Marketing Sales
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    • Profile picture of the author mashton166
      3 Tips To Improve Your Affiliate Marketing Sales - Great Article! Thanks for posting...
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  • Profile picture of the author sixohs
    Cant say much, because I don't know much.
    But I can say that I like your sites design!
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    • Profile picture of the author G3
      @sixohs I'm glad you liked it.
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  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    you made a sale, isnt that enough motivation to continue?

    if ur in a hurry, why not pay for traffic and track what ppl do?

    if not, then continue what you are doing.
    >> 2018 Money Making Method Video Guides [NO OPTIN] <<
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  • Profile picture of the author globalexperts
    Build a list! That's the best tip I can give you.
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  • Profile picture of the author yogibeezy
    Offer something for free and capture emails.
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  • Profile picture of the author extrememan
    How about adding a subscriber form at the top-right of your blog. Collect names and email addresses to drive repeat customers to your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author hyperexpert07
    As you can see here and many other places there are landing pages that send a free gift when you submit your email address on those pages. Of course you know about the aim of landing page owner. S/He wants to know your email address to send some promotional emails in future. Usually you'll receive emails related to the free gift. For example if you opted-in for a free wordpress security tips, then the landing page owner sends some offers about wordpress security plugin.
    HERE IS THE TRICK: Register your email address on landing pages that have products similar to your product. You'll receive emails similar to your product in few days. Now, it's time to reply these emails and tell the affiliate marketer about your product.

    For example you reply to these messages something like this:
    Hi [IMer Name];
    Thank you for useful pdf about wordpress security tips. I've launched a new product about wp security few days ago. I appreciate you if have a look at my product and tellm e your opinion about it. Also we have affiliate program too. If you find it useful, you can start promoting it. I wait for your feedback.
    Best regards

    Please don't press the Thank you button if this post isn't helpful.

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  • Profile picture of the author hyperexpert07
    Please check this one too:
    This is one of the best articles about attracting affiliates to promote your product.

    It's a wonderful article from one of war room members.

    Please don't press the Thank you button if this post isn't helpful.

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  • Profile picture of the author Azlan.MY
    Perhaps your problem is your niche and the product that you are promoting, If highly recommend that you try promoting product from Clickbank. Check out this thread:
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  • Profile picture of the author namehero
    Originally Posted by G3 View Post

    I've started blogging about WordPress themes in Jan 2015 and its been 4 months. I'm using affiliate links for all the themes I listed there but I just made one sale so far and it's worth $3.50. I'm really depressed with the outcome. So, can anyone please suggest me better tips to make affiliate sales. My blog is IO Themes - Best Free and Premium WordPress Themes
    You have no social media presence on your site (1 Facebook like). Get more active on Facebook / LinkedIN / Twitter to help drive more traffic which will also add quality backlinks for your SEO.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    Gee whiz, I've never been an affiliate marketer but why would anyone promote products that pay $3.50 commissions when they could make 10-100x more promoting other products for the same amount of work?

    Unless you're extremely passionate about it (and would do it for free as a hobby) or maybe if the product sold itself without any work. Honest question, it just doesn't make sense to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author TexasSteve
    You need to do testing. You can't improve anything if you're not keeping track of results and comparing them to what you've done.

    Test by changing every relevant variable, keeping what works and trashing the rest.
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