How Do I "Wow" an Offline Customer so They Hire Me?

37 replies

I'd REALLY like to get hired by this offline Company to do their SEO & internet marketing.

I don't understand Offline Marketing enough so I could use some advice.

This company does business all over the world, has a website and has a few (2-3) page 1 rankings in Google for some keywords that don't get very many searches.

Obviously, they want more website traffic and business (income), both in the US & all over the world.

They're not local to me so we've been emailing each other. They don't know what keywords to target that will help them get more traffic & business.

I found some keywords with the Adwords Keyword Tool that I think will help them. The competing pages are all with the KW in quotes:

1- 6,700 global searches a day - 3.56 Million competing pages
2- 5,500 global searches a day - 905,000 competing pages
3- 5,500 global searches a day - 1.68 Million competing pages
4- 5,500 global searches a day - 562,000 competing pages
5- 4,500 global searches a day - 1.44 Million competing pages

I already sent them my IM bio & proof that I can get a site ranked on page 1 in Google and Yahoo.

I realize that this isn't very much information to go on but what would you offline marketers say to this company to become their SEO & IM person.
#customer #hire #offline #wow
  • Profile picture of the author Liquidgraph
    Why don't you give me their email, and I will convince them my self .
    Inorder to convince them most, you should:
    - Run an analysis for the top competitors, and analyze their weaknesses, and send the company a detailed plan on how you will beat those.
    - Also references will always be helpful to make you get the job, but being convincing is the main part.
    Good Luck!!

    Change it up! Pitch me a get-rich-slow scheme.

    Annuity | Annuity Rates | Annuity Calculator | Fixed Annuity

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  • Profile picture of the author SteelDanno
    Agree with bizman.

    Asking as many relevant questions as need be is the mark of a true professional.
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    • Profile picture of the author dave147
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      • Profile picture of the author daddyoh
        I want to sincerely thank the following Warriors that I haven't already thanked who wrote such helpful info for me and others reading this:

        1) Mike Cowles
        2) Loren Woirhaye
        3) Doug Barger
        4) Quentin
        5) Mr. Schutz
        6) SteelDanno
        7) JMarketer
        8) RobertNelsonInc
        9) dave147
        10) Midas Man
        11) Rezbi
        12) TinkerAndPo
        13) TyBrown
        14) TimCastleman

        Here's my update:

        I had a phone call with my original client and she wants to move forward with me doing some backlinking and getting her homepage ranked in the search engines...but, she said she doesn't have any money right now. So I'm going to offer her a less expensive package of backlinks.

        However, she put me in touch with her webmaster who has a great site of his own and he's already sent me a PayPal payment for a backlinks package to one of his models' pages. He has a site with around 160 models and he wants them all ranking on page 1 in Google. This looks very promising!

        Now all I have to do is get the first model ranked for her name on page 1 in Google and things will be looking really nice!

        Actually, we're going for more than plain old rankings. The goal is traffic that converts to sign-ups to his monthly membership site.

        Top Google rankings that doesn't produce traffic AND income is pretty much useless in this case.

        I'll update this thread when I get the first page ranked in Google and when I have another question.
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        • Profile picture of the author midasman09
          I didn't see any mention of using "TWITTER" in any of the above comments.

          Learn everything you can about TWITTER. It's the BIG...HOT ONE now.

          Show that YOU can be their "TWITTER-GUY" and you will become INvaluable to them.

          Midas Man
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        • Profile picture of the author Rezbi
          Originally Posted by daddyoh View Post

          I want to sincerely thank the following Warriors that I haven't already thanked who wrote such helpful info for me and others reading this:

          1) Mike Cowles
          2) Loren Woirhaye
          3) Doug Barger
          4) Quentin
          5) Mr. Schutz
          6) SteelDanno
          7) JMarketer
          8) RobertNelsonInc
          9) dave147

          Here's my update:

          I had a phone call with my original client and she wants to move forward with me doing some backlinking and getting her homepage ranked in the search engines...but, she said she doesn't have any money right now. So I'm going to offer her a less expensive package of backlinks.

          However, she put me in touch with her webmaster who has a great site of his own and he's already sent me a PayPal payment for a backlinks package to one of his models' pages. He has a site with around 160 models and he wants them all ranking on page 1 in Google. This looks very promising!

          Now all I have to do is get the first model ranked for her name on page 1 in Google and things will be looking really nice!

          Actually, we're going for more than plain old rankings. The goal is traffic that converts to sign-ups to his monthly membership site.

          Top Google rankings that doesn't produce traffic AND income is pretty much useless in this case.

          I'll update this thread when I get the first page ranked in Google and when I have another question.
          You forgot to thank me... that baby idea is fantastic.

          I can guarantee you it'll wow them.

          Might not get you the business, but it'll wow them.
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  • Profile picture of the author willz605
    asking way.....

    You need proof that what your offering is going to make the client more $$$.
    Give them a guarantee! Don't even bill them until you get up trust!
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    • Profile picture of the author daddyoh
      Man, willz, that's a radical comment! I've done some studying of getting offline clients and none of the writers say not to bill them 'till you get results.

      It could take 2-3 months to get a page to the top of Google.
      You'd wait that long to receive payment?

      Originally Posted by willz605 View Post

      asking way.....

      You need proof that what your offering is going to make the client more $$$.
      Give them a guarantee! Don't even bill them until you get up trust!
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      • Profile picture of the author landing-page-dude
        Find out what the ceo or hiring decision maker likes, and send them something. People hire people they like. If you send them something nice that has revelence to them, they will be more interested to hear you out.

        Don't make it all "me me me" make it about "you you you". thats what people want to hear.

        Pick up a copy of "how to win friends and influence people" by dale carnagie. I believe he gives a few examples of how people were able to do nice things for people and get hired.

        Good Luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Quentin
    Personally I would not even use the words like SEO or Keywords with my clients as they are starting to get wrong associations with them. There is a lot of bad press around showing that companies are paying lots of money for SEO and yet not getting the results promised.

    In a face to face situation you can see their eyes glaze over if you use these words.

    What businesses understand more is lead generation, conversions and sales and the way you achieve this in the back end is through using SEO and keywords.

    So I would suggest that you start using the business terminology they understand.

    Also with a big company like this they work through a tiered system where any contracts etc get processed through a board or chain of command so you need to put together a presentation. It needs to be presented professionally.

    After all it could represent thousands of dollars spend for them.

    So I would do some homework on them and do a report showing that you understand how their business works, their competition and then what you can bring to the table.

    Offer something small first to prove your worth then graduate from there.

    Bigger businesses usually already have various content and you can then utilize this to do a small marketing campaign for them to show you know what you are doing.

    For example earlier this year we did a small video for a large international business which ranked quite well and bought them in some nice sales. Earlier this month we were given their whole online marketing campaign.

    Quite often by showing what you can achieve with a small project will bring in the big bucks later on and lets you build relationship which gets you in the door.

    Its the same as the online marketing funnel.

    Give something free or low cost then add more to the package to build credibility.

    These companies get bombarded with offers all the time so make sure you are offering something of value that will make you stand out from the others.

    Another thing we do quite often is set up a blog for the company as most have no idea of the power of blogging.

    By posting relevant content and driving traffic this can be a great way to generate new leads and provide another source of traffic to their main site. Quite often these blogs outperform their main site and again you get the full contract in the end for all their online work.

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  • Profile picture of the author DougBarger
    Step 1:Show them their competitor's site ranking #1 on the first page for...
    their most profitable keywords and search phrases.


    Step 2:Then ask them if they'd be interested in seeing their site there instead.

    Money in the bank. (Just a quirk in human nature). After all, Don't you deserve to be #1?

    Of course you do.

    => Stay tuned...

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  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    Getting in can be a multi-step process. You really need to
    train yourself in consultative selling. The book "Socratic
    Selling" is okay and fairly easy to grasp.

    The more time decision makers invest in speaking with you
    about their internet marketing problems, the more likely
    they'll be willing to "give it a try" when you get to the point
    where you understand their needs, they believe that you
    understand their needs (which is more important) and it's
    something they want to do something about, then you have
    a very good chance of getting the job.

    Get the decisionmaker in your marketing funnel and put out
    a lot of good email/blog content to show the person you
    are committed to knowing this stuff and implementing it.

    People buy not just what you can promise, but your obvious
    commitment to excellence in your field. They look for proof
    of commitment - so allow them to see it. if you have to
    boast you lose. Show them what you can do by the value
    and lucidity of what you teach for free to your list.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikecowles

    For offline marketing, there are three things you'll need for them to pick you over anyone else. They need to like you, trust you and respect you. That may sound over simplified, but hear me out.

    If they don't like you (rude, mean, inconsiderate, etc.) they won't do biz with you, period. So listen to their concerns, their goals and their questions.

    If they don't trust you, your offer can be the best one, but they will reluctantly decline. To build trust, be honest and give referals. Honest comments like, "I really don't know the answer to that, but I'll find out." or "If you look around you'll probably find someone that would offer my services for less, but I stand behind everything I do..." will help convey that you're an honest person.

    Respect is not about being a good person, but about being an expert. This comes from giving examples of results you've achieved as*an*answer*to*their*questions. (read that again a few times).

    Picture this. Client asks, 'how can you guarantee me a page one ranking?' you answer, 'that's a great question. If you go to www.yourresults... you'll see that there are X number of competing sites for X term and we're number 3 on page one.'

    Now that they like, trust and respect you, you can name your price because it's not about an expense anymore, it's about an investment with results that are highly probable.

    Hope that helps!

    ~Mike Cowles. <><
    FREE Countdown Software for warriors here. (No Opt-in Needed)
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  • Profile picture of the author Rezbi
    Offer to have their baby.

    That should wow them.
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  • Profile picture of the author L.James
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    • Profile picture of the author BrashImpact

      Some ideas for you to really ponder. You have gotten some great info here from other warriors on the forum.

      1-Determine what type of color personality yoru dealing with, so you pitch them correctly. If the dude is a Green for example- They are very detail oriented, and needs lots of facts, figures and graphs and Details. If you pitch that person without data, they wont buy period.

      However if that same person was a red like myself, they want to know 2 things. How much does it cost, what is the benefit with ROI. Roi=Return on investment. Hitting this type with a bunch of facts and details will bore them and again they dont buy.

      2- Ask tons and tons of probing questions.
      How long you been in business
      What is the target goal of the company over the next 1 to 3 years
      What are you currently doing to improve customer and client relations

      The list goes on and on, some days, i may ask as many as 75 different probing questions. Make sure and place value on your time, it will create respect.

      Lastly, Search my Name if you like i have put up many many posts on this subject.

      If you want you can PM me, i will send you some information links that are freebies.

      Be consistent and persistent....and create ASS KICKING FOLLOW UP. The fortune definately lies in the follow up.

      Robert Nelson
      "The Maverick Motivator"

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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    My advice:

    Do not get overwhelmed with the details and suffer analysis paralysis.

    Go in confident in your abilities and knowledge and be yourself. Talk to them not as a businessman, but as a small business owner talking to another small business owner.
    Sign up to be notified when Success on Demand goes live, and receive a FREE mindmap that you can follow to create and launch your OWN IM PRODUCTS!
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  • Profile picture of the author TyBrown
    How about having someone interview you about SEO, record it, and send it to them either in downloadable format or a CD. It could be your audio business card or edumercial as Adam Urbanski calls it.
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    • Profile picture of the author daddyoh
      Originally Posted by TyBrown View Post

      How about having someone interview you about SEO, record it, and send it to them either in downloadable format or a CD. It could be your audio business card or edumercial as Adam Urbanski calls it.
      Good one, Ty! I'm working on something like this. It's a basic PDF report about my services and the benefits to their business + a FAQ section.
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      • Profile picture of the author TimCastleman
        I'd REALLY like to get hired by this offline Company to do their SEO & internet marketing.

        I don't understand Offline Marketing enough so I could use some advice.
        Here are some issues.

        1. You REALLY want to work for them. That is the wrong position to have. You need to go into any deal not caring if you get it or not. I know what I have to offer works and if you take me up on it it is going to work. If you don't - sucks to be you. You have to go in not wanting the work, if they reject your offer they are not rejecting you and there are a million more companies out there.

        2. You don't know about offline marketing but you want to sell the services? Look I don't know how to put up a website but I know about marketing and sales. You need product knowledge.

        3. They have no money. If they have no money you are wasting your time. Move on to the next one.

        Abundance mindset, not scarcity. Plenty of fat fish in the sea, throw away the sardines.
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        • Profile picture of the author daddyoh
          Originally Posted by TimCastleman View Post

          Here are some issues.

          1. You REALLY want to work for them. That is the wrong position to have. You need to go into any deal not caring if you get it or not. I know what I have to offer works and if you take me up on it it is going to work. If you don't - sucks to be you. You have to go in not wanting the work, if they reject your offer they are not rejecting you and there are a million more companies out there.

          2. You don't know about offline marketing but you want to sell the services? Look I don't know how to put up a website but I know about marketing and sales. You need product knowledge.

          3. They have no money. If they have no money you are wasting your time. Move on to the next one.

          Abundance mindset, not scarcity. Plenty of fat fish in the sea, throw away the sardines.
          Tim, that's an excellent attitude! I love it!
          Well, I have been reading up on doing offline mktg. but have not actually worked with an offline business.
          I guess I do have the wrong mindset.
          Where do I learn more about this "abundance mindset" and how do I acquire it? I can learn anything I put my mind to.
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  • Profile picture of the author articlemaddness
    Hey daddyoh,
    Maybe I missed this but the key question I would ask them is:
    What is their ideal customer?
    Age / sex / income / family / education / other question relating to that?

    Now you are addressing what they want. (customers)
    Now you know what areas to suggest for clients and related keywords
    best of luck
    articlemaddness (Mike)
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    • Profile picture of the author rstanley

      Here is a non-SEO idea that will extend your contract past the life of the back-linking lifespan.

      I always try to become the "outsourced" marketing department for my clients. Standard SEO services and such can lose their luster for business owners after a while.

      One method I use with my offline clients is to ask about their list (email or paper). If they have a list then you need to survey the list and start carving out their demographic data.

      1. Sit down with the business owner and write the survey questions together. Try writing two or three before you arrive.Bring those to the meeting and tell them that the goal is to create 5-10. Make the meeting colaborative. You will learn a lot about the business owner and how much they know about their target clients.
      2. Create a database and mail or email the questionpro URL to the customers. In my experience you will get about a 5% response but that depends on how passionate the clients are.
      3. Analyze the data and modify all print ads, google ads, etc to fit your newly targeted audience.
      4. Take the data and start marketing on facebook or myspace (they both provide excellent demographic data).
      If they DONT have a list...well... you have even more work to do. At this point its a good time to email them your aweber affiliate link and start building that list. Classic to-do items include:

      1. Selecting your autoresponder software. I use aweber, so I usually push it but I also have clients using infusion soft.
      2. Create optin and "ethical bribe" or give away items. As an example, For real estate, A neighborhood home buyers guide works great. Stuff it with information about schools, parks and home prices.
      3. Work with them to create the autoresponse series and help them understand the value...of bringing value. He wants to create a hot list of passionate clients.
      Hope this helps.... either way, both options should give you an additional 3-4 months of "marketing projects" and ultimately it will benefit your client. Thats what it is all about and thats where the super awesome referrals come from.

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  • Profile picture of the author netwide
    I agree with willz605 above - in an entry level position like this, you need to build up trust with your potential client. Invest some time into building up your credibility and trust with the client. In cases like this I've built some pages for clients (that I host - not them) that gets their brand/keyword/etc. some great rankings and then gone to show them that with the pitch of "Here's what I just did for you to show you that I am serious about marketing for you, and I can duplicate that for you when hired". 9/10 times they want to hear more. You've just created credibility for yourself and shown them some real results instead of "just another guy that says he knows SEO".
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  • Profile picture of the author clawHAMMER
    Pick up Andrew Cavanaugh's [sp] Offline Gold ebook. VERY good and he lays it out in black and white for you to implement pretty easily if you have the fortitude.

    Hello to beautiful Oregon!


    ~"We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails."
    ~"Never say never cause you never know!"
    ~"Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run there is still time to change the road you're on." - Led Zep

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