been wondering most people use PC more or smartphone now days?

24 replies
I noticed under adsense in fact you can get more earnings from smart phone , tablets users..

instead from desktop user.

irony I also noticed most desktop users are surfing online

hmm guess during week days ?

people tend to use smartphone or tablets surf net?

whereas at night come back home use PC.
#days #people #smartphone #wondering
  • Profile picture of the author Franklin Hatchett
    I use my mac more than mobile etc
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  • Profile picture of the author ED1190
    A lot of people use their mobile devices to go on the internet nowadays, but people still access the internet via their PC/MAC/etc.. Using the internet on your smartphone or tablet still isn't the same as using it on your PC/MAC.

    I don't think internet PC/Mac will go away anytime soon.
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    • Profile picture of the author Sid Hale
      Hey Coach,

      Originally Posted by icoachu View Post

      Ad networks are simply following the trend.

      Mobile Now Exceeds PC: The Biggest Shift Since the Internet Began | SEW

      Looks like we're past the tipping point.
      I can't dispute the accuracy of the numbers in that article, but I find the author's representation of those facts, and the conclusions drawn - to be highly suspect.

      It's no big surprise, as I wouldn't really expect a journalist to be able to digest statistical information and then report on it - especially when presenting statistics 1) that are from multiple sources, and 2) that are survey based.

      She has simply aggregated the findings of multiple marketing research firms - each of which had their own reasons for collecting the data, their own source of information, and their own methods for collecting the data.

      she presumed to be able to interpret those separate findings.

      Just take a look at comscore chart she published at the beginning of the article. Notice that it is mobile App usage that has surpassed desktop usage. Mobile browser usage is still shown to be fairly negligible.

      I think it is also significant that the chart represents "time spent with the internet, by device".

      Other than the fact that they have separated app usage from browser usage, there is nothing to indicate for what purpose mobile devices are being used.

      Personally, I use the Google maps app for navigation to unknown locations, a white pages app for finding phone numbers, and a weather app for checking the local weekly forecast. I'm sure those accesses add up, but individually they would likely be counted as a "bounce" compared to the amount of time I spend on a given web page from my desktop.

      As for browser usage, well... I check my own domains to verify mobile friendliness - LOL

      Personally, I think that mobile browser usage is the segment that should be watched by most marketers,
      unless/until they have their own mobile app with sufficient users (subscription), and either good monetization of that app and/or good integration with their domain (to draw the app visitor over to their site).

      Some would argue that this all indicates an urgent need to create your own app and get it published to the apple/google app stores. I think it is already an over-crowded space, and a highly competitive arena in which to try to get your app downloaded. Getting an app downloaded requires a truly useful app - not just a free ebook incentive.

      I agree that there is a trend toward increased usage of mobile devices, but that doesn't mean that there is a migration from desktop to mobile. I think the growth in mobile usage primarily represents an overall growth in internet usage (it's "extra") - rather than a shift from one method of access to another.

      Sid Hale
      Coming Soon... Rapid Action Profits (Pro)

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      • Profile picture of the author icoachu
        Originally Posted by Sid Hale View Post

        I can't dispute the accuracy of the numbers in that article, but I find the author's representation of those facts, and the conclusions drawn - to be highly suspect.
        Sadly, facts are facts.

        ADAPT or die.

        No amount of spin, justification, or shoulda/coulda/woulda 'explanations' will reverse this trend.

        It is what it is.

        Either you drive the EIGHT BALL or you run (in vain) in front of it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
      Originally Posted by icoachu View Post

      Ad networks are simply following the trend.

      Mobile Now Exceeds PC: The Biggest Shift Since the Internet Began | SEW

      Looks like we're past the tipping point.
      If not mistaken

      now even google adsense give more earning for those visitors surf from their smartphone or tablets.

      I still remember one chap here show just one click from tablet from the visitors
      is = t0 many clicks from PC.
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by Devilfish168 View Post

    I noticed under adsense in fact you can get more earnings from smart phone , tablets users..

    instead from desktop user.

    irony I also noticed most desktop users are surfing online

    hmm guess during week days ?

    people tend to use smartphone or tablets surf net?

    whereas at night come back home use PC.
    I do a lot of both. Just got from Mcd's and my Morning Tea run. Was surfing for about 45 minutes on my smart phone.

    - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author derekwong28
    I highly doubt that your earn more per click from mobile traffic because advertisers are unwilling to pay as much for clicks. The problem is that mobile traffic does not convert as much as desktop traffic since most people prefer to use a larger screen for purchasing. There is little difference between desktop and tablet traffic though.

    Do not get between a wombat and a chocolate biscuit; you will regret it dearly!

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  • Profile picture of the author winnermarketing
    The use of internet mobile increased in the last few years.
    Is good practice include mobile in your target.
    Of course PC still remain the main device to research information and
    to "make shopping" online

    Free Guide to Make Money Online [Now!]
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  • Profile picture of the author F360
    I've noticed weekday doesn't matter. However Smartphone usage in increasing very steadily and I believe will overtake desktop within 5 years.

    Private Message me to get Early Access to my Free Course "Launching a Profitable Blog in 7 Days".

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    • Profile picture of the author Tony Action
      I find myself using my smartphone to browse content over the web more often than my PC. However, one of the main issues that I have experience with viewing content on my smartphone is that some of the websites out there have not been optimized to be viewed on a smartphone device. One would think given the mobility and popularity of smart phone devices that it would be good for business to ensure that the content on these websites are user-friendly for mobile users.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    The question mark around mobile traffic is whether they buy/convert. Sure you can get alot of good mobile traffic everyday... but if they aren't buying anything, what's the point? To look pretty? And lose money while doing it?

    If you want to go the smartphone route... don't stake all the cash into the pot. Test small for yourself. Ask yourself.... who's going to buy NOW while they're on a cramped train at 5:32am trying not to be late for work?
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  • Profile picture of the author ED1190
    I think when people are at home, a lot still use their PC or a laptop to browse the internet. It's only when they're outside that they obviously use the internet on their phones or tablet.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicolasmd2112
    Id have to say it's pretty split. The average internet browser definitely uses mobile more, especially in tier-1 countries, but a lot of people still use desktop only because the browsing experience is so much better, there are also people who game on PC bs business personal who heavily still use desktop
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    • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
      hmm what I bring out this question because I have been seeming most people now a days using mobile phones to check out website.

      I happen to saw few times , yes I peek a bit to see what they see
      they are in fact browsing online store to see clothes ..usually girls I noticed but also guys too but rare.

      but one common place they will go Facebook .
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  • Profile picture of the author zeyfah
    no matter how good smartphones and tablets are today, they still can't replace desktop browsing experience.

    there will be the time, but not anytime soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Van Dam
    I'd say more so that people are using smartphones. Look all around you outside. It's like a zombie nation. Everyone with their heads down looking at a phone or tablet.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ben West
    Figure I would just mention that Moz wrote an article about a study, and mentioned that desktop computers still hold the highest conversion rate. There is a lot of mobile traffic these days, but seems people prefer actually spending money when on their computer.
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    • Profile picture of the author StephenGB
      I here all the talk of mobile and tablets being the most popular. I have PC, Macbook, Galaxy Note and I Phone 5S.

      The best for browsing and general internet function is the Macbook by a long way.

      Tablets are better than I Phone but still very cumbersome in how they operate online and with a screen that is just a bit too small.

      Using the internet on the i phone is horrible. The i phone is ok for reading email, social media and news sites BRIEFLY on the go. The best function for me on I phone is the camera which has amazing quality.

      The PC is great for working on docs etc but ties you to one location. The PC is also not as good online as the Macbook. The PC hangs gets virus and is generally a lot slower than the macbook.

      Buy a Macbook, if you are in market for laptop.

      I stick with PC for desktop as that is mainly a machine or producing stuff like docs or power point. Though if cash was not problem I would buy a I mac as well as a decent PC.

      Don't buy all in one PC they are crap, buy a separate tower. You get much more for your money and it is expandable and you can upgrade parts.
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    • Profile picture of the author StephenGB
      Originally Posted by Ben West View Post

      Figure I would just mention that Moz wrote an article about a study, and mentioned that desktop computers still hold the highest conversion rate. There is a lot of mobile traffic these days, but seems people prefer actually spending money when on their computer.
      I agree I would never push any buy button on the smart phone. I just don't trust it and you can't compare things so easily.
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  • Hello Devilfish168

    To navigate on social are used smartphones and tablets, while to shop or watch something more challenging using even more pc at home in comfort.

    Moderators Note: Affiliate links are not allowed as signatures.

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  • Profile picture of the author maxweb
    Desktop computers are far better than smartphones. Unfortunately you can't bring desktop computers out so you're kinda forced to use tablets or smartphones. I guess most of the people prefers to use computers in order to buy stuff online and I feel safer myself, to tell the truth.
    Find out how to earn money online !!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Sid Hale
      Just a quick additional thought...

      not directed at maxweb (and probably a little off topic) - apologies in advance.
      Originally Posted by maxweb View Post

      Unfortunately you can't bring desktop computers out so you're kinda forced to use tablets or smartphones.
      You left out laptops.

      I got my first laptop over 20 years ago and haven't even owned a desktop in almost 15 years now.
      No need.

      With the laptop, I have been able to take my home office with me and never have to "sync" my travel machine with my office machine (or vice versa). They are the same machine.

      I got a tablet for Christmas. It gets to travel with me, too - but it stays in the computer bag. Other than initially booting it up 6 months ago, to see what it could/would do... it hasn't been powered on since.

      I don't feel the need to conduct online business in a cab, or while using public transportation. My wife, on the other hand, doesn't conduct business at all. She doesn't use her tablet either and our computer bags (hers is red) are the last things we pack before heading out the door on a trip. In fact, I've taken trips without a change of underwear - but the laptop still goes with me.

      Bigger than a breadbox, but smaller than a desktop

      Sid Hale
      Coming Soon... Rapid Action Profits (Pro)

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  • Profile picture of the author Javisito
    As far as I noticed more and more traffic to my websites comes from smartphones. Still most PCs and MAC though.
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