How I lost nearly $200 in ClickBank commissions

by khtm
57 replies
I recently learned that my ClickBank commissions were slowly drained out of my account last year.

I know, I know ... I'm an idiot for not staying on top of things, but it's pretty easy to forget about an affiliate account when there's so many other things to worry about

If I had set the payment threshold to $10 rather than $200, I would have been paid.

But instead, according to ClickBank support:
"Dormant accounts are subject to a charge of $1 per pay period after 90 days of no earnings, $5 per pay period after 180 days of no earnings, and $50 per pay period after 365 days of no earnings."
A word of warning so this doesn't happen to you
#$200 #clickbank #commissions #lost
  • Profile picture of the author Blue Scribe Copy
    This happened to me several years ago, and I was checking my account every day.

    I was new to IM and promoting one product. My threshold was the lowest possible amount, but I lost all my commissions from four sales. First Clickbank claimed that I needed customers to use different payment methods before I could get paid. (The first two orders were via Paypal.) Then I had four orders, yet I still didn't get paid. I wrote to CB asking for clarification, but I never got a response. Then I noticed my account was dwindling every month due to fees for not having any new sales for that month. Within a few months, my account balance was zero. Yes, I wrote and complained, but nothing happened.

    Needless to say, I have never used Clickbank again.

    If I had been paid my commissions that would have motivated me to promote the product more.

    I know that many have success selling CB products, but for me, it seemed as though CB kept changing the rules.

    I made my first money in IM when I purchased master resell rights to a product. Now I am creating my own products so I can have more control over my income.
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    • Profile picture of the author ibrahimhamza
      Originally Posted by Blue Scribe Copy View Post

      This happened to me several years ago, and I was checking my account every day.

      I was new to IM and promoting one product. My threshold was the lowest possible amount, but I lost all my commissions from four sales. First Clickbank claimed that I needed customers to use different payment methods before I could get paid. (The first two orders were via Paypal.) Then I had four orders, yet I still didn't get paid. I wrote to CB asking for clarification, but I never got a response. Then I noticed my account was dwindling every month due to fees for not having any new sales for that month. Within a few months, my account balance was zero. Yes, I wrote and complained, but nothing happened.

      Needless to say, I have never used Clickbank again.

      If I had been paid my commissions that would have motivated me to promote the product more.

      I know that many have success selling CB products, but for me, it seemed as though CB kept changing the rules.

      I made my first money in IM when I purchased master resell rights to a product. Now I am creating my own products so I can have more control over my income.
      @Dessie Miller,Your tips will be very helpful for CB newbie marketer who start promoting any CB product.But if you tell us which marketplace is more better then CB marketplace,that is more helpful for newbie marketer.Again ,dear Dessie Miller thank you for your and @khtm post
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  • Profile picture of the author Jackson Tan
    Cash out as soon as possible once you have hit their payment release criteria! Of course, I can understand why CB is doing this, they want you to keep on promoting their products.. Which will then be a win-win situation for both you and CB.

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  • Profile picture of the author fpforum
    Yup - This happened to me as well. Probably one of the worst things an affiliate company could do is take away earnings made by their publishers. I even wrote a blog post about it trashing Clickbank and recommending all affiliates stay away.

    I don't care what anyone says, NO affiliate company should ever try and take earnings away from their hard working affiliates. Sadly, that's exactly what clickbank does (and I hope one day they pay a big price for it)...
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    I had no idea. There is no excuse. Madness!

    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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  • Profile picture of the author derekwong28
    Clickbank is the only network that does this which is very unfriendly to newbies. This happened to me years ago as well. As a result, I stopped promoting Clickbank for several years until I was confident of getting consistent sales.

    Do not get between a wombat and a chocolate biscuit; you will regret it dearly!

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  • Profile picture of the author StephenGB
    Originally Posted by khtm View Post

    I recently learned that my ClickBank commissions were slowly drained out of my account last year.

    I know, I know ... I'm an idiot for not staying on top of things, but it's pretty easy to forget about an affiliate account when there's so many other things to worry about

    If I had set the payment threshold to $10 rather than $200, I would have been paid.

    But instead, according to ClickBank support:

    A word of warning so this doesn't happen to you
    This is horrible. So if you open CB and don't get any sales after 90 days you go in debt to them?
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    • Profile picture of the author agmccall
      Originally Posted by StephenGB View Post

      This is horrible. So if you open CB and don't get any sales after 90 days you go in debt to them?
      No, the fees only start accruing after you have made sales.


      "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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    • Profile picture of the author khtm
      Originally Posted by StephenGB View Post

      This is horrible. So if you open CB and don't get any sales after 90 days you go in debt to them?
      I don't think so, I think they'll only slowly steal your money if you have some in your account, because ours stopped when it hit $0
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      • Profile picture of the author StephenGB
        Originally Posted by khtm View Post

        I don't think so, I think they'll only slowly steal your money if you have some in your account, because ours stopped when it hit $0
        Well then it isn't a fee. It is theft.
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  • Profile picture of the author VoodooChild
    This is shocking! Thank you for the information!
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  • Profile picture of the author Liza233
    It happened to me before..
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  • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
    I remember freaking out about this when I first started on Clickbank.

    Didn't even realize you could change the payment threshold

    Some lessons you just don't forget.
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  • Profile picture of the author GelidMind
    I didn't know that. I've never had any issues with Clickbank. Thanks for the advice though.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nisip
    I am not sure how can it even be legal for ClickBank to practically confiscate from you,
    your hard earned commissions, at the rate of $ 50 per week,... as it does after just 1 year
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    • Profile picture of the author Amonmag
      Thats very sad to hear.
      Actually now a days alot of online marketer are spamming in to the community and fair users are having trouble. not only in clickbank but in google adsense people havent recieve their payment for month of april for around 500+ dollars. It is a glitch or something we cant really say.

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    • Profile picture of the author khtm
      Originally Posted by Nisip View Post

      I am not sure how can it even be legal for ClickBank to practically confiscate from you,
      your hard earned commissions, at the rate of $ 50 per week,... as it does after just 1 year
      Agreed! I tried reasoning with them, but their support is all about "You agreed to our policies". What a great business!
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  • Profile picture of the author concerro
    I guess I better check my account. This is good to know.
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  • Profile picture of the author concerro
    In case anyone needs to see the relevant quote from CB:

    "Accounts with a positive balance but no earnings for an extended period of time are considered dormant. Dormant accounts are subject to a charge of $1 per pay period after 90 days of no earnings, $5 per pay period after 180 days of no earnings, and $50 per pay period after 365 days of no earnings."
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  • Profile picture of the author winnermarketing
    They do this because they want you to keep on promoting their products, but they are asshole!
    In this way they will lost many affiliate.
    However tru to Cash out every time as soon as possible

    Free Guide to Make Money Online [Now!]
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    If you were to get new sales all the time, this would have never happened. I guess that CB wants you to continue promoting products and getting brand new sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author elvenza
    Nope this is not fair . I am a marketer so I must be get paid as long as I promote their product. I think CB will change its policy soon.
    E lvenza
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  • Profile picture of the author ED1190
    Wow, I never knew this...

    I want to get into affiliate marketing and list building, and am planning to use Clickbank to promote products. Basically, if you have some money made from sales, but you don't get any more sales after 90 days, they can take away your money if it's still in your account??
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    • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
      Originally Posted by ED1190 View Post

      Wow, I never knew this...

      I want to get into affiliate marketing and list building, and am planning to use Clickbank to promote products. Basically, if you have some money made from sales, but you don't get any more sales after 90 days, they can take away your money if it's still in your account??
      Ed you can change that by simply setting the payment threshold to $10 (I think the default is $100).

      It's under Settings ==> Payment Information.

      Then you won't have to worry about payments collecting dust there.

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      • Profile picture of the author StephenGB
        Originally Posted by jamescanz View Post

        Ed you can change that by simply setting the payment threshold to $10.

        It's under Settings ==> Payment Information

        But where is the justification, this does not compute.

        If it is a bonafide fee it should be charged regardless of the amount in your account. If you don't have enough money you are in debt.

        What you seem to be saying, is if you don't take YOUR OWN MONEY they will take it. By what legal right can they do that? It seems only if you did not object.
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      • Profile picture of the author ED1190
        Originally Posted by jamescanz View Post

        Ed you can change that by simply setting the payment threshold to $10 (I think the default is $100).

        It's under Settings ==> Payment Information.

        Then you won't have to worry about payments collecting dust there.

        Thanks, James!

        I just changed it to $10.00 and getting paid via direct deposit every week.

        Still, Clickbank shouldn't be allowed to do that. Whatever and whenever you earned something, you keep for good.

        Does JVZoo do this?
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        • Profile picture of the author khtm
          Originally Posted by ED1190 View Post

          Still, Clickbank shouldn't be allowed to do that. Whatever and whenever you earned something, you keep for good.

          Does JVZoo do this?
          Agreed! I've ran my own affiliate programs and would never think of having "dormant account" fees. As if our money sitting in ClickBank's account is SUCH a burden on them lol. Shady shady shady.

          IMO it really just boils down to greed and bad business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ladylavender
    Originally Posted by khtm View Post

    I recently learned that my ClickBank commissions were slowly drained out of my account last year.

    I know, I know ... I'm an idiot for not staying on top of things, but it's pretty easy to forget about an affiliate account when there's so many other things to worry about

    If I had set the payment threshold to $10 rather than $200, I would have been paid.

    But instead, according to ClickBank support:

    A word of warning so this doesn't happen to you

    Thank you for the heads up
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  • Profile picture of the author DWaters
    This is not just clickbank but most programs that will pay you money will have a theshold at which you will get paid. It is often SOP for a company to do this. As a rule should always set the payment theshold at the minimum. You will get paid sooner this way.

    You want your money. You do not want them to hold on to your money for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author CloudSmoke
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    • Profile picture of the author StephenGB
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  • Profile picture of the author go2girl
    Wow, That stinks. I just lost what little respect I had for click bank. I had a hard time selling there products anyway. Moved on to a more newbie friendly network. Maybe should close my account just in case they start charging me.
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  • Profile picture of the author RevenueGal
    I was not aware of this either. Thanks so much for sharing this info.

    It doesn't really seem like a great policy for affiliates... newbies or not.

    ~ Rhonda White
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  • Profile picture of the author hardworker2013
    Yes they came up with a policy a few years ago where they charge your account a certain percentage for inactivity or for no sales. That is why there was a mass exodus of affiliates to other network like JVZOO. I have stopped promoting clickbank products a long while now. Worst yet there refund rates are very high for digital downloads.
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  • Profile picture of the author BradGB
    Hahaha that's amazing. You can't even pack up and take your ball and go home: they keep the ball as well!

    But just to play devil's advocate for a sec, although it's a dick move (and it most certainly is) seems like a pretty good way to either keep people promoting (which makes the vendors happy) or keep away the non-serious (if you were in CB's shoes, would you rather have a platform that attract serious affiliates, or newbs?)
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    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      Lol there have been a few warriors who have made this mistake. Just be glad you're not the guy who set his minimum to something like $2000. When he was an affiliate for a big launch he made like $1850 or something and slowly watched his account rot

      Just set that minimum early so even when you have slow months you still get paid.
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  • I think many affiliates or vendors with multiple accounts might have experienced this and have been guilty of "not staying on top of things" at one time or another.

    Many years ago, due to an oversight with a product that we stopped nurturing in order to keep the account in the green, this resulted eventually in deductions into the hundreds of dollars, and eventually they closed that account.

    (Same policy reasons)

    Which brings me to some of the responses in this thread:

    "was not aware" "Shady" "shouldn't be allowed" "Never knew this"

    "It is theft" "this is not fair" "steal your money" "can it even be legal"

    You know,

    You did sign up and "agree" to this one way or the other!


    It's interesting how some of you take for granted the fact that you get to use a service such as Clickbank for free, which allows you to grab a link, promote it, and then you get money in your bank without you having to deal with all the technical complications and expenses that such a company has to deal with in order to make that happen.

    So I would say it's a fair deal that you get your money deducted (which you agreed to) so they can cover their overhead costs of maintaining your dormant account.

    Depending on your email settings, they do send out notifications regarding your account. So I'd say that the only "unfair" thing would be to use words such as theft and stealing, as you don't seem to mind when things swing the other way, and you are getting paid!

    Arnold Stolting - Stolting Media Group
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    • Profile picture of the author StephenGB
      Originally Posted by stoltingmediagroup View Post

      I think many affiliates or vendors with multiple accounts might have experienced this and have been guilty of "not staying on top of things" at one time or another.

      Many years ago, due to an oversight with a product that we stopped nurturing in order to keep the account in the green, this resulted eventually in deductions into the hundreds of dollars, and eventually they closed that account.

      (Same policy reasons)

      Which brings me to some of the responses in this thread:

      "was not aware" "Shady" "shouldn't be allowed" "Never knew this"

      "It is theft" "this is not fair" "steal your money" "can it even be legal"

      You know,

      You did sign up and "agree" to this one way or the other!


      It's interesting how some of you take for granted the fact that you get to use a service such as Clickbank for free, which allows you to grab a link, promote it, and then you get money in your bank without you having to deal with all the technical complications and expenses that such a company has to deal with in order to make that happen.

      So I would say it's a fair deal that you get your money deducted (which you agreed to) so they can cover their overhead costs of maintaining your dormant account.

      Depending on your email settings, they do send out notifications regarding your account. So I'd say that the only "unfair" thing would be to use words such as theft and stealing, as you don't seem to mind when things swing the other way, and you are getting paid!

      You don't get it for free you get it because they will make from you. I don't think draining down someone's account like that is fair trading, it is extortion. Also they should be happy that the money sits in the account as they get interest on it.
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    • Originally Posted by stoltingmediagroup View Post

      You know,
      You did sign up and "agree" to this one way or the other!
      The terms are buried deep in their accounting policy page. We as affiliates are required by the FTC to disclose affiliate links in a transparent manner (read: someone doesn't have to go wading through our disclaimer to find out it was an affiliate link they clicked). So what if they put the following notice right below the affiliate sign up link:

      ClickBank will withhold payment of any balance until an account shows a minimum of 5 sales using at least two payment methods. In addition, accounts with a positive balance but no earnings for an extended period of time are considered dormant. Dormant accounts are subject to a charge of $1 per pay period after 90 days of no earnings, $5 per pay period after 180 days of no earnings, and $50 per pay period after 365 days of no earnings. It is your responsibility to manage your account to prevent dormant fees. ClickBank will not notify you when your account is dormant.
      That would make it ethically transparent what they do on the backend, but they know it would affect their conversion rate for affiliate signups, so they just do the bare minimum necessary. It's a shitty policy, that's why forum threads like this see the light of day.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnnyfd
    What Arnold just said has a lot of harsh reality and truth in it.

    The fact is Clickbank is free to join as an affiliate and they are paying you for being a good affiliate and bringing them customers.

    If you can't even bring $200 worth of customers in 3 months you are wasting their time and resources. My products on CB pay the affiliate $130 every time they make a sale, so as long as they sell 2, they are golden.

    If you can't even sell 2 of my products in 90 days...that's less than 1 a month which is understandable why clickbank doesn't want to spend any resources on you.

    Focus on being a better affiliate, and selling more products. It's really not that hard to make $200 a day if you put your focus and effort into it.
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  • Profile picture of the author vnvj
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    • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168

      thanks for the information Thread starter.

      in fact by default I remember is 150??

      because I know is hard to earn that amount as newbie that time ...

      I lower to 10

      so I doing right now?
      Payment Threshold: $10.00
      Payment Method: Direct Deposit
      Payment Frequency: Weekly
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Clickbank is the only, that I can think of, affiliate network that allows people to purchase through their own links. So, how many people do you think make accounts for just that reason. If you were allowed to keep those funds on account for ever then maintenance costs could get pretty high for clickbank. I think that is the reasoning behind the dormant account fees. Once they get you to Zero then they can purge your account.

    I think a better policy would be to not allow purchases through your own affiliate link.


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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    • Profile picture of the author Harvey Segal
      Originally Posted by hardworker2013 View Post

      Yes they came up with a policy a few years ago where they charge your account a certain percentage for inactivity or for no sales. That is why there was a mass exodus of affiliates to other network like JVZOO.
      The policy has always been in place and it is not true that they 'charge your account a certain percentage for inactivity'. And hence no mass exodus for that reason

      Originally Posted by johnnyfd View Post

      If you can't even bring $200 worth of customers in 3 months you are wasting their time and resources. My products on CB pay the affiliate $130 every time they make a sale, so as long as they sell 2, they are golden.
      They don't need to sell 2 for $130 commission each.

      They just need to purchase through their own affiliate link one item - a $3 product (the minimum price) will do

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  • Profile picture of the author LaunchPurveyor
    This is colossally bad - wow, I have to really rethink whether I want to work with CB again. Thanks for the post.
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  • Profile picture of the author AhmedFouad96
    Could someone tell me what does the "Threshold" mean? And as a newbie, what should i do to avoid this problem? (my payment method: check.)
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  • Profile picture of the author Sid Hale

    I can't believe this is news to anyone... well, on second thought - I guess I can, but...

    As Harvey said, this is NOT new. It's been policy since day one, and it has been disclosed/common knowledge since then, as well.

    I haven't been an active affiliate with CB for a long time, but only because I have/market my own sales platform - not because of this policy. It's really not that big a deal if
    1. you are actively promoting products from the marketplace, and/or
    2. you withdraw funds as soon as possible (i.e. set a low payment threshhold)

    Instead of getting your panties in a wad, you should instead adopt the practice of reading/understanding the terms and conditions of any site BEFORE signing up.

    Sid Hale
    Coming Soon... Rapid Action Profits (Pro)

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  • Who ever invented this for clickbank has made them extra millions of dollars! Probably got a nice commission check for this idea! (free money for them!).

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  • Profile picture of the author TexasSteve
    WOW. That's pretty cheap of them...thanks a million for the heads up.
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    I hate clickbank Payment policy. This is really ridiculous and doesn't make any sense. I quit clickbank and move to shareasale and Amazon. Great experience so far.
    Signature Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnnyFanta
    Clickbank are very money hungry and sure that's their prerogative, the're in it to make money but I think taking people's money without even sending an email saying there doing it is wrong.

    I think it would be better practice if they paid people more efficiently and that would encourage people to promote more.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ilse
    Better stop being an affiliate marketer if you can’t make a sale every 3 month.
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    • Profile picture of the author Devilfish168
      Originally Posted by Ilse View Post

      Better stop being an affiliate marketer if you can't make a sale every 3 month.
      I doubt it , click bank still the best among the rest.

      just set min 10 dollar and weekly payment.
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    • Profile picture of the author khtm
      That's how I got into this predicament I stopped marketing other people's products and created my own.

      Originally Posted by Ilse View Post

      Better stop being an affiliate marketer if you can't make a sale every 3 month.
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  • Profile picture of the author waken

    haha.. had the same experience too...

    But if I remember correctly, the $ 10 threshold was not there at that time. The min was $ 100.
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  • Profile picture of the author Freebiequeen1999
    That is really sad, I have nothing to do with clickbank, it was always weird, much better programs out there

    I can't imagine buying any of the crazy junk they sell there either..
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  • Profile picture of the author essmeier
    Keep in mind that there is also a cost associated with setting your payment threshold to $10. Clickbank charges a $2.50 fee every time they pay you.

    A smaller threshold may result in more frequent payouts, but then you might be paying more in fees.

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