need help how to create a website !!

18 replies
Hallo everyone , I am new in this forum, I find it very interesting Btw, I actually have an idea to create a WebSite, but I don't know from where to start! I will be grateful if you help me
#create #website
  • Profile picture of the author winnermarketing
    Go on Wordpress, choose a theme and dowload it!

    After you customized that theme you must choose a URL (go on godaddy) and buy an hosting space (wp engine is great)!

    I hope to helped !

    Free Guide to Make Money Online [Now!]
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  • Profile picture of the author webcosmo
    All websites development lessons begin with HTML, then css, javascript etc.

    If you are upto design, photoshop skills sure would help.

    Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author 512 Designs
      Without having any details about the site you want to build, you could go to and build your site there.

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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    Really need to get yourself a guide. A domain name, hosting. There are tons of options for the actual website itself. I use wordpress and optimize press on everything I do for both SEO and my landing pages.
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    If you do not know how to create a basic website, I'd suggest starting here:

    That will help you get up and running on WordPress to build a site. You can find thousands of great videos on YouTube to step you through the process, too.

    You should buy a domain name and get your own hosting, also. Most good hosting companies have video lessons showing how to install Wordpress.

    If you have any specific questions, feel free to send me a PM.
    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author simoben
    thank you guys for answers, i appreciate it Btw how much can i buy domain name and hosting?
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    • Profile picture of the author Tyler Pratt
      Save yourself about a year of frustration learning different tools and head over to clickfunnels dot com.

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    • Profile picture of the author aureusb
      Originally Posted by simoben View Post

      thank you guys for answers, i appreciate it Btw how much can i buy domain name and hosting?
      You seem to be very new to this. If you want to know how to create a website from scratch, i suggest you check out the following articles:

      How I Created a $1,500 Website in One Day | Equinet Academy

      How to Make a Website - Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners
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    • Profile picture of the author Czelly
      Originally Posted by simoben View Post

      thank you guys for answers, i appreciate it Btw how much can i buy domain name and hosting?

      it really depends on what you need! You can buy a hosting plan for $1 per month or you can buy a hosting plan for $60 per month! A .com domain will cost about $6 to $13 per year, depends on provider.

      What do you need? A company website? Are you planning to create a community? How many visitors do you think you will get once the website is done? Are you planning a commercial website or just a hobby site?

      Those are all really important questions.
      Of course you can google for "how to set up a website" or "how to install wordpress" and you will find good tutorials but if you are really new to building websites and if you have no idea about coding than this might be the wrong way.

      There are thousands of website creating companies out there. Do you really want to learn everything from scratch or do you just need a website done?
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  • Profile picture of the author Silverhoop
    Great links from aurausb

    What hosting would you recommend?
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  • Profile picture of the author diogoim
    Originally Posted by simoben View Post

    Hallo everyone , I am new in this forum, I find it very interesting Btw, I actually have an idea to create a WebSite, but I don't know from where to start! I will be grateful if you help me

    Go for wordpress as already mentioned, you will find it really user-friendly, even for newbies.
    Learn the basics, a simple search on google will give you this.

    Wordpress is a CMS software (content management system) that allows you to publish / create almost any type of page within.


    Diogo de Castro
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  • Profile picture of the author MarkoTomas
    Verry helpfule site for this is Internet Marketing Expert. Hope IT helpt!
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  • Profile picture of the author fernelis2009
    If you want a website for your business these are the steps you must take.


    First you will need a domain name, I do recommend domains that ends on .com, that´s the best option for business.

    The best place according to the experts is
    You can find a domain name for $9 dollars

    But go to this website Godaddy Promo Code, Coupons, Coupon Codes 2015
    There you can find coupon code so you can save 35%


    Once you have your own domain name, you´ll need a hosting account, and the best place for that has always been

    You have the several options to choose from.
    Once you´re there I do recommend to choose the baby plan, that allows you to have ulimited website, if you want to have another website you only have to purchase another domain and link that domain on your hostgattor account, you can have as many websites as you want.


    Once you have the domain and the hosting the only thing you have to do is install wordpress and you will have your website setted up! it´s just a matter of few minutes...

    In order to install wordpress on your website you have to login into your hostgattors account, and look for the app Fastastico Deluxe, also you can contact custumer service and they can help you with that, it´s easy!

    Hope this help.

    Will Design your Info Product Business for you


    Text me.

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    • Profile picture of the author OmerFaruk
      You can use to create your own website.

      First you create a wordpress blog, then you upload a custom template and customize it.
      Secondly you Buy a domain to your niche keyword related. I suggest to buy domain
      Thirdly you buy hosting, its depends your site traffic load. Its you can buy or .


      Hostgator is the world best hosting company. If you want to buy hostgator 1 cent hosting Package? Use Hostgator 1 Cent Coupon to save Dollar.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Originally Posted by simoben View Post

    Hallo everyone , I am new in this forum, I find it very interesting Btw, I actually have an idea to create a WebSite, but I don't know from where to start! I will be grateful if you help me
    Have you looked on Youtube?

    Free instructions for just about everything are on Youtube. Yesterday I was trying to figure out how to open the canister of a vacuum cleaner my wife got from her mom, and it was Youtube to the rescue.

    Got to Youtube, search for "how to build a website for beginners", and pick someone you like listening to.
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  • Profile picture of the author Silverhoop
    There is a really good thread about this, here at WF:

    Or go to main page and go into the Articles section.
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  • Profile picture of the author iangh
    Hi Simoben,

    When you choose your domain name try use your keywords in the domain and try keep it to 2 words starting with the same letter 3 at the most. If you use 2 words starting with the same letter people will remember the name of your website easier.

    If you use keywords this will help in the search engines. For example if your site is related to video use the word video in your domain name.

    If you are using WordPress YouTube is a great place for tutorials my friend. A very popular WordPress expert is Tyler Moore so if you are interested in using WordPress type his name into YouTube or how to build a WordPress blog or website and you will find all the help you need.

    Good Luck & Good Health

    Ian G Howarth.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rodgers15
    Originally Posted by simoben View Post

    Hallo everyone , I am new in this forum, I find it very interesting Btw, I actually have an idea to create a WebSite, but I don't know from where to start! I will be grateful if you help me
    I found these articles very useful:
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