Media buy screen shot to prove traffic

13 replies
Hey fellow warriors I have a question. Has anybody on here ever have to show a screen shot of a media buy to ever get into a cpa network to prove traffic? Is it me or does this seem new?
#buy #media #prove #screen #shot #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author FreedomBlogger
    I got approved by some CPA sites before and never had to show any type of proof for traffic.

    I recently got approved at maxbounty but all they did was call me and ask me a few questions. That's all.

    It might be a new thing - not sure.
    At the beginning, I thought making money online with a blog was super super hard. Not anymore. Learn the art of making money online blogging - step by step - HERE.
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  • Profile picture of the author letsmakeit
    Yea I have never heard of this before.
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  • Profile picture of the author flyingskill
    Most of the top rated networks would like to know your approach to promote offers.

    If you have well devised plan, they will approve you in no time. They make sure they are hiring some one who is clear in approach not a beta-tester.

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    • Profile picture of the author JosefRmdn

      Keep going.
      My best wishes (y)
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  • Hi letsmakeit

    It could be a new thing in the past I have had approvals CPA and I have never asked for anything. Boh.

    Moderators Note: Affiliate links are not allowed as signatures.

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  • Profile picture of the author letsmakeit
    I guess they have a different criteria for different people.
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  • I always get in without showing any proof (ever!)

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  • Profile picture of the author letsmakeit
    Had anybody else had this problem?
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  • Profile picture of the author letsmakeit
    Anybody else hear of this?
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    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Screen shots? I can give you any supporting images you need in 2 minutes.

      Here is my Paypal account. lol

      Cheers. - Frank
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    • Profile picture of the author JC Web
      Originally Posted by letsmakeit View Post

      Anybody else hear of this?
      It's been over a month since you first asked this. It should not still be an issue for you. Either provide what they want or move on. Although I've never been asked for this, I can see why they would ask some people to prove they can drive traffic.

      There have been a ton of CPA WSOs lately by people who should not be teaching anyone anything telling people scripts of how to get into networks. I'm sure the affiliate managers are looking out for people who's application details and associated properties provoke suspicion.

      If you feel you are qualified for the network and have told them the truth then show them what they want. If you can't show them because you lied then no one else to blame here. If you don't want to show them because you are ticked off by them asking then go drive your traffic to someone else's network. Simple.
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  • Profile picture of the author EldonArredondo
    Nope, you don't need screenshot or blog to get in, if they asked you for it then they just didn't trust you enough..
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